Blood Ties

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Blood Ties Page 16

by Shaun Sinclair

  Cross Creek Mall was packed as usual on a Saturday, making it difficult for them to stay together. Keisha wasn’t making their excursion any better, demanding that Leader buy her a pair of low-rise jeans.

  “For the last time, Keisha, no!”

  Keisha pursed her lips defiantly. Leader hated to see his precious daughter pout, so he stuck his hand in his pocket and fished out some bills. “I swear, you gon’ get me a charge,” he grumbled. “Bad enough them li’l hot-blooded boys already chasing you around.”

  Before Leader could pass Keisha the money, Glenda stopped her. They argued for a while with Glenda winning in the end. As soon as Glenda turned her head, Leader slid Keisha a hundred dollars on the low for consolation. He was helping her pick out a more suitable outfit when his phone rang.

  “Mr. Moore, please help me!” The voice on the other end cried. “Please come get Justus! He’s hitting me!” Nikki screamed.

  In the background Leader heard Justus ranting and raving at the top of his lungs. Justus’s voice became clearer then suddenly the phone went dead.

  Leader dialed her back. Justus answered the phone and assured his father that things were okay. Leader hung up and shrugged his shoulders. He was from the old school. What went on between a man and his woman was between that man and that woman.

  * * *

  World War III raged inside Justus’s home. He had caught the first flight from Miami, rushed home, and put his foot in Nikki’s ass.

  “Justus, please don’t hit me no more. I’M SORRY!”

  Justus’s nostrils were flared. The appropriate wife-beater he wore was tattered to shreds. His right hand held the leather belt he was using to whip Nikki into submission.

  “Oh, you sorry now, huh? A mu’fucka treat you like somebody and this the thanks I get?!” Justus whacked Nikki with the belt across her back. “I bust my goddamn ASS to provide for you and you creep on me with the nigga who treated you like shit!”

  “Justus, please don’t hit me no more. I said I’m sorry!”

  “Nah, you don’t care. You want a nigga to beat yo’ ass!”

  “No, I don’t,” Nikki cried, shielding herself from yet another blow.

  “Well, why you creeping wit’ the nigga that beat yo’ ass? Huh? Tell me Nikki!” Justus eased up from the assault to actually give Nikki time to answer this rhetorical question. Unfortunately, Nikki couldn’t muster a response. “I gotta beat yo’ ass for you to love me?”

  “Justus, I do love you,” Nikki pleaded, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

  Justus dropped his hands in a huff. “I’m done wit’ it. You want that nigga, go be wit’ him.” Justus grabbed Nikki by her bruised arm, and started dragging her toward the front door, oblivious to the fact that Nikki was clad in her bra and panties. Nikki kicked and screamed the whole way, to no avail. Justus opened the front door and dragged Nikki toward it. She latched on to one of the brass pillars by the door and held on to it for dear life.

  Suddenly, tears wailed from the opposite direction. Supreme and Power both crawled into the room, crying hysterically. Justus stopped dragging Nikki. He saw the fear on his sons’ stunned faces. Was this the example he wanted to set for his seeds?

  Justus dropped the belt and scooped his sons into his arms. He walked off, leaving Nikki on the floor sobbing.

  “Justus, I do love you,” Nikki cried out. “I would’ve never went to see him if you wasn’t out with your WHORE!” Justus tensed up for just a brief second but Nikki caught it. “That’s right nigga, I know about your whore! You going outta town on business? Yeah right. You were out with your whore!”

  Justus never denied it. He prided himself on never lying to Nikki. He just didn’t tell her the whole truth about things. He kept silent while Nikki, sensing that her blow stung, continued the onslaught:

  “What, my pussy ain’t tight enough? You had to go get some young tramp? What? Answer me, dammit!” Nikki went on and on until she finally said the unthinkable.

  “Well since you don’t want this pussy, I know who do.”

  Justus calmly placed the twins on the floor and turned to Nikki, were she lay on the ground. With no remorse, he kicked her over and over again in her side. Luckily, for Nikki, the buzzer to the front gate rang, and Justus saw Leader enter on the monitor attached to the wall.

  “This ain’t over, bitch. I’ma teach yo’ ass a lesson,” Justus promised, wiping spittle from the corners of his mouth, as he went to greet his father.

  The second Justus opened the door, Leader knew all was not well. His son’s eyes were clouded with the look of death. No words needed to be spoken. Justus led his father to his game room, his head laden with pressure and disappointment.

  Leader racked the pool balls then passed Justus a cue. “Let’s shoot a game,” Leader suggested. “It’s relaxing to the mind.”

  While Justus ran a few balls, Leader extracted a joint from his pocket. He took a deep drag, then passed it to Justus. Justus hesitated a second then took the joint. Leader allowed their buzz to set in before he spoke, offering Justus to sip from his cup of thoughts.

  “Home is your sanctuary,” he began. “When all the world is gone to hell, home should be your heaven, where you relax, release, relate. Home is everything. Home. Is. Everything. Understand?”

  Justus nodded.

  “Now home can’t be your sanctuary if you neglecting it. You MUST take care of home, Justus,” Leader emphasized. “You probably got some young trim somewhere, but don’t get it confused: Nikki and those kids are where your home is. I know you young and full of cum, but you a man now. You got responsibilities. More importantly, you have to remember what you do for a living.” Leader tapped his skull with his index finger. “Every big thing starts small first. What if you get ran in for a domestic violence charge? Now you a felon. Now you on their radar. No passports. Extra scrutiny. It doesn’t make sense.”

  Justus dropped his head in shame. “I know Dad, but I just got these violent tendencies now. Maybe the job is getting to me.”

  Leader nodded. “It happens to all of us at some time or another, but you have to control the beast. That’s the perpetual challenge of the job. It’s all mental, son. Dreams? You see some of the jobs in your dreams?”

  “Sometimes,” Justus admitted.

  “That too shall pass. It’s the nature of the business. We can never go back to just being regular. You cannot unsee the things we have seen. So we have to find ways to cope. Me, I do yoga. You need to find you a coping mechanism, some type of hobby.”

  “Nine ball in the side pocket,” Justus called.

  “Son, beating a woman won’t make her stay. If anything, it’ll make her leave quicker. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now Nikki’s upset. I’ll talk to her, smooth things out. Let her know you made a mistake. You gonna go out and buy her something nice, some forgive-me trinkets, before we leave. When we return, you’re going to treat her like she’s the queen of Sheba. Not because I said so; because it’s the right thing to do. Remember, on this level, it’s family over everything.”

  Justus repeated. “Family over everything.”

  If only it were that simple.

  * * *

  When Justus and Leader returned home from dispatching yet another victim, Justus took Leader’s advice, showering Nikki with ice, watches, chains, bangles—anything that could drip, he flooded it. In return, Nikki threw herself into their family. She also began filling out the financial aid paperwork necessary for her to attend medical school. Her ultimate goal was to become a pediatrician as she had expressed to Justus on numerous occasions. She had begun classes at Fayetteville Technical College to complete her nursing degree. Once finished, she had plans to transfer to Fayetteville State to complete more courses in preparation for her ultimate goal. Justus supported Nikki 100% by looking after the kids when needed. Things were going well.

  Justus also kept his promise to Panee, putting her in a brand-new fully furnished condo. In turn, P
anee quit showing her pretty ass at the strip club and began classes at Fayetteville Tech also. (She was unable to attend Fayetteville State immediately, due to a course she dropped while at Spelman.) On a few occasions Panee ran right into Nikki, and though she was certain Nikki knew who she was, Panee never looked in her direction. Justus had given her marching orders, and they were simple: Nikki was his wife, she was his “other wife.” Under no circumstances were she to look, speak, touch, or even breathe in Nikki’s direction. Of course, Panee wasn’t thrilled about the arrangement, but the pros definitely outweighed the cons, since Justus lavished gifts upon her like every day was her birthday. She also accompanied him on trips O.T. with Pug and Saigon.

  Pug had started creeping with Saigon around the same time Justus began creeping with Panee. The two of them used each other as alibis. However, Jackie was not as naïve as Nikki. She just didn’t give a fuck. She knew Pug ran around on her, but as long as he kept her laced, she had no reason to trip.

  Pug had easily become one of Fayetteville’s largest heroin suppliers. Riches, coupled with the threat of extreme violence for transgressions, made Pug an eight-hundred-pound Gorilla in the streets. With his newfound wealth, he built a 7000-square-foot home near Justus, and upgraded his modest fleet of cars to a more prominent fleet befitting his new stature. His new collection included the requisite Cadillac sedan and truck, as well as the pink hummer Jackie had been nagging him about. To launder some of his money, he became a partner in a fledgling barbershop chain, and started a pit-bull kennel. Of course, the dogs specialized in fighting so they sold for top dollar. The dogfighting also became Pug and Justus’s new pastime. The bloodshed appeased Justus’s rapidly developing lust for carnage. He became Pug’s best customer as they traveled all throughout the southeast, fighting dogs for tens of thousands of dollars. For all of Justus’s worldwide taste and experience, he was still just a hood nigga at heart.

  Leader continued to school Justus every chance he got, but between reconciling the guilt from his own affair, and getting contracts, he was emotionally swamped himself. He had not spoken with Carmen since leaving Mexico, but his buckets of wisdom warned him that Mexico was not the end. Therefore, he concentrated on fortifying his foundation, so it could weather the inevitable storm.

  Trouble was just around the corner.

  Chapter 24

  It was an unseasonably cool summer night. Pug was riding shotgun in Saigon’s brand-new Bentley coupe. Saigon pulled into the McDonald’s on Skibo Road to grab a bite to eat before heading to Columbia, S.C for a concert. When they returned from inside, Pug decided to drive. He wanted to see how the European ride handled. He had almost purchased one himself, but didn’t want the attention that was sure to come with such an exquisite automobile.

  Pug exited Mickey D’s, heading straight to Owen Drive to test the limits of the W-12 engine. He was already enraptured by the plush honey leather and rich wood that encapsulated them.

  Turning onto Owen Drive, Pug gunned the engine to the tune of a lusty growl. When they turned onto U.S. 301 headed out of town, Saigon reached over, unbuckled Pug’s thousand-dollar jeans, and whipped his manhood out. She stroked him a couple of times then dived headfirst onto his hard dick. The initial sensation of Saigon’s warm lips caused Pug to swerve, but he quickly regrouped, and allowed Saigon to find her rhythm.

  Pug was feeling on top of the world. A broad that niggas the world over lusted after was giving him brain while he pushed her six-figure ride to unsafe levels! He pushed Saigon’s head deep into his lap and prepared to shoot his load all down her throat. Just as he was reaching his climax, a car bumped them from behind, causing the Bentley to skid out of control. Saigon’s teeth clenched down on Pug’s hard dick.

  “Goddamn!” Pug swore as he maneuvered the car to a stop.

  “Sorry, Daddy,” Saigon apologized, wiping her mouth and pulling her curly hair away from her face. She didn’t seem the least bit fazed about her car, only that she had earned her thug’s displeasure.

  Pug, on the other hand, was heated. Whoever had interrupted his freak session was about to pay. And they crashed the Bentley? Pug palmed his Glock .45, and popped out the door with a vengeance.

  The first bullet tore into his shoulder. Pug screamed, clutching his shoulder where he took the first shot. The next shot exploded into his chest. The sheer pain almost made him drop his weapon, but he maintained long enough to return a few shots of his own before being pinned to the open door by another volley of shots. He raised his weapon to fire again, and his shots flew erratically.

  Saigon saw Pug absorbing round after round. She saw that he was in grave danger and sprang into action. She pulled Pug into the Bentley and climbed over him into the driver’s seat. She pinned the pedal to the floor and the Bentley torpedoed forward. A couple of shots shattered the back window as they made their escape, but she held on, and escaped unharmed.

  As Saigon piloted the Bentley, Pug lay slumped between the front and rear seats bleeding profusely. Blood leaked from his open wounds like a broken faucet. Unfortunately, Saigon couldn’t tend to Pug. She had to ensure she lost any would-be pursuers. Once out of harm’s way, Saigon headed straight to Cape Fear Valley.

  As Pug drifted in and out of consciousness, two things kept him alive. One, was the prospect of revenge. The other was Jackie. She was under the impression he was out of town with Justus. If she found out the truth, she was going to kill him

  * * *

  Justus lay across the plush bed he had purchased for Panee watching the flat-screen plasma T.V. Videos were on, and ironically enough, Saigon’s new video was debuting. Justus chuckled at the thought of his cousin laying pipe to the beautiful mix of Vietnamese and Black at that very moment. Looking at Saigon’s long pretty legs, and fat print in her leopard bikini, Justus permitted himself a quick thought about how good the sex must be. Crumbs from his potato chips frosted the sheets as he laughed at his own thoughts.

  This was Justus’s idea of relaxing. No stress. No nagging and a bird’s eye view of one of the most beautiful asses to ever grace God’s green earth. Panee made sure to keep her presence felt by walking around in a midriff baring wife-beater and purple lace boy-shorts. Her hair and nails were tweaked to perfection as always. Her three-inch heels made her tight butt stick out even more. Panee wasn’t as thick as Nikki, but her ass was more round. Whereas Nikki’s ass made a perfect S shape, Panee’s ass exploded from her back like PLOW! Justus was in awe as Panee pranced around, teasing him in a sensuous manner. Apparently, she had learned a trick or two from her previous place of employment. Now it was paying off as Justus openly stroked himself through his boxer-briefs.

  “C’mere, girl,” Justus growled, lunging at Panee as she strutted by.

  “Justus stop! You said you wanted peace and quiet.”

  “Unh-unh, I said give me a piece and I’ll be quiet,” he clarified.

  “You crazy!” Panee chastised. She didn’t resist Justus’s advances this time. She welcomed his embrace lovingly, and stroked his chiseled torso. Justus loved when she did that. Panee always knew the right things to do to turn him on.

  Justus teased Panee with his fingers until she became putty in his hands. His phone rang. Of course, they ignored it. When it rang the second and third time, Justus glanced at the caller I.D. and saw Pug’s number all three times. He answered the phone, and his worst fears were confirmed as Saigon relayed to him the night’s events.

  Justus bailed from the house so fast he forgot all his personal effects. He even had to come back for his left shoe.

  * * *

  Things went from bad to worse when Justus arrived at the hospital. The first person he ran into was Nikki. She was obviously upset from the tears streaking her face. She gave Justus a look cold enough to chill water. He was supposed to be out of town with Pug yet here he was an hour after the incident occurred? Justus tried to get a situation report from Nikki, but she stormed away in the opposite direction. He started after her, but was bombarded on
both sides by Aunt Gloria and Jackie. They each grabbed a shoulder and soaked it with tears.

  While Jackie and Gloria wept, Justus looked around the hospital and spotted Saigon surrounded by a platoon of bodyguards. She was visibly shaken as she gave her statement to investigators. Justus freed himself of the wailers, and stepped to Saigon, who was now standing by the elevator with her hired muscle.

  “ ’Sup, Sai,” Justus greeted, softly.

  “Hey, Jus,” Saigon returned, suddenly.

  “Listen, I know this isn’t the time, but I need to know what happened. Who did this?”

  Saigon sniffed, “I don’t know.”

  She then proceeded to recount the night’s events to Justus, omitting nothing. When she finished, Justus thanked her then returned to his people, which now included his mother, father, and a steadily growing mob of Pug’s henchman. The mob grew louder and louder, until a wiry doctor emerged from the O.R. The angry mob quieted down to learn of Pug’s status. Unfortunately, the results weren’t favorable.

  Pug died on the operating table.

  The doctor went on to explain how loss of blood and trauma, and yada yada yada, contributed to Pug’s death, but Pug’s people only heard one thing.

  Pug was dead.

  Jackie went numb, as did Gloria. Glenda supported Gloria as best she could since she was grieving herself. Justus supported both of them as much as he could. The mood in the lobby turned somber as the impact suddenly hit home. Pug was dead.

  Justus, who had killed over a dozen people mercilessly, finally felt the pains of grief that he had caused so many others. He couldn’t grasp exactly what he felt. He had become desensitized to death . . . but this was Pug.

  Leader observed the whole thing with the same detached-ness he used when he was the reaper. He had long conquered the depth of death. He had long mastered his emotions. Sure, he hated to see Pug gone, but such was life. His primary concern was the effect this would have on his son and partner. He recalled vividly how losing the most important person in his life took him over the edge, made him the person he was. Leader had been unable to do anything about his grandfather’s death at the time. In Justus’s case, he could definitely do something about it! Leader was sure that Justus was reviewing scenarios of retribution at that exact moment. Leader wouldn’t be surprised, nor could he blame him, but Justus had to be smart.


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