Carried Off

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Carried Off Page 17

by Raven Willow

  “I believe our pups aided you. Wolf offspring are strong, even before they are born. They sensed their mother’s distress and helped her sway the shift.” He finished Riona’s bath and slowly tucked her back into bed with him, right where she belonged.

  “They will be here before we know it, and all will be well,” Alistair reassured his mate. She snuggled down, inching her way into his arms.

  “But... what if the next shift is worse? And I do hurt them or you or someone else?”

  “Why do you always fear the worst?” He leaned on his elbow while he toyed with her hair.

  “I- I don’t...” She avoided his eye contact.

  “Maybe not always, love, but when you do, the negative thoughts tend to rear their ugly heads, where they have no business clouding the judgment of my beautiful woman.” She wouldn’t be able to deny the truth. Alistair just knew too much about his female.

  With the life Riona had lived, it was no wonder she learned not to get her hopes up. His voice echoed in their bond.

  “Who took your joy away? When did your view of the world darken?”

  Riona looked up to the ceiling, seeming to ponder in her thoughts, but deep down Alistair knew the answer as well as she did.

  “The day the goddess came for Mama was the day my happiness left. Sure, I had Papa, even if he was never kind to me. But he was still my papa. Then he left this world and I was all alone, taken in by the midwives to learn their trade. They treated me well enough, providing room and board and food. But it was never home. I took up work in the tavern to earn my keep, but those were never happy times, I admit. The occasional leer and grope from a drunken blacksmith, or a proposition to go to the back of the tavern to do things that ladies do not speak of were common.

  “I was eventually able to move back to my childhood home, but it was never the same. Thoughts of Mama still lingered, and it was run down and no place for a family like I wanted. I imagined the village elders would call upon me one day, advising me to find a suitable husband, unless I relinquished that responsibility to them. A large mine worker perhaps, or one of the butchers. The men of the village were... certainly not someone I could dream of marrying and being taken to bed by. But I am a woman after all, and I had learned not to be too outspoken and not to fight the choices made for me if it came to that.”

  Alistair listened to her story, but tried his hardest not to become enraged. Heartbreak after heartbreak his mate needed to endure and all for a life of what? Eventually being married off to some village boy who didn’t know his cock from his ass? The guilt of not being able to find her sooner still consumed him.

  Riona looked down at her belly, rubbing the home for their children while she hummed peacefully.

  Alistair tapped her forehead.

  “Deep in thought, princess?” he teased, tracing his finger down the bridge of her nose.

  “Just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “How I got to this point. Love, children, a beautiful home, family all around... it’s just that...”

  “What, dove? Anything you want, name it and I will give it to you.” He frowned, but Riona took his chin and kissed him.

  “No, it’s not that, mate.”

  Gods, he loved hearing her call him that.

  “It’s happiness, overwhelming wonderful happiness. More than I know what to do with. I never thought I could have this life. I keep wondering if it’s all just a dream. That I will wake up in my own bed wearing my ratty tavern apron, and with an empty womb.” She rubbed her tummy protectively. Alistair wished he could take her unhappy memories away. If he possessed such abilities he would have seen to it that she never knew pain. That she never knew suffering.

  “Never again, my sweet, never again.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Alistair readied himself for his journey; he would be gone three days at most gathering more supplies while on his hunt. He desperately wished his mate could accompany him, but the illness overtook her again, keeping her in bed weak and fatigued.

  “Must you leave?” Riona sat up in bed slowly, careful not to move too suddenly. She held out her hands, beckoning him to come to her.

  “We need food and weapons. If I believed you could handle the journey I would hoist you over my shoulder now and carry you out of here.” Alistair sat beside her, giving her a cup of water. She touched it with her delicate pink lips. Making them red and kiss-swollen upon his return would be a joyous welcome.

  “I have arranged Elspeth, Ailith, and Ceardach to sit with you and watch over you. But only will the females be allowed to assist in dressing you. No man looks upon your naked flesh.” He cupped her chin and kissed her lips, not quite ready to leave her.

  “You don’t have to worry; it will be a miracle if I can get out of this bed.”

  Alistair wanted more than anything to stay by her side. With the threat of Cinead long passed, he would have his mate by his side in an instant. But risking labor on the road was too dangerous. Elspeth would not be able to reach them in time to assist, even via the bond. Alistair was skilled at many things, but labor and childbirth was not one of them. That was something suited for the females of the pack to assist in. But they were lucky for Elspeth. She had trained with the most skilled midwives in her long years, and he would trust no one more than his dear friend.

  “Elspeth will call to me should something go wrong. If an early labor begins she will know what to do, but you mustn’t panic. She will guide you, and I promise I will be there as soon as I can. With the mother’s grace, the children will be carried to term.”

  Riona opened her mouth to protest, likely wanting to imagine the worst. She remembered herself, calmly placing her hands in her lap and relaxing her shoulders as Alistair had taught her to do when her mind began to drift toward those thoughts. The less tense she was, the easier the many more months would be.

  The sun was beginning to fall, signaling he had to be on foot. Moving about at night was easier with no chance of being spotted by hunters.

  “I have to go, darling. Three days, I promise.” He peppered her face with kisses once more, trying to fight how she attempted to lower him on top of her. Little minx would love to have him again, he thought.

  “Just once more, one more time!” She slipped a hand in his shirt.

  “You truly are insatiable. It agrees with you.” He winked and pulled her hand away. “But I can’t. I do have to go.” He kissed her fingers, inhaling her honeysuckle one last time while his mate playfully pouted.

  “I love you.”

  “And we love you.”

  He looked to her stomach, which he kissed once more. A small movement rewarded him and he smiled.

  “Your papa loves you.”

  * * *

  Alistair ran through the forest, relishing the feel of the crisp winter air and the snow on his paws. They made a pleasing crunching sound as he raced through the trees and leaping over fallen brush.

  My mate should be here with me, running by my side.

  He growled, aching to let his wolf take her again. He would promise him before putting him back in his internal cage that soon again he would be able to feel his mate’s hot slick little pussy clamped around his knot. Alistair stopped and howled again, standing fully upright and beating on his chest.

  He could run through this land forever with his mate and his children. Alistair loved the night, where he felt safest and could be free to allow the wolf to roam. His family would be safe to hunt and forage by his side without fear of man or rogues. One day. The pack would settle down upon new land and put down new roots. The children would all know peace and one day the future alphas that grew within Riona would lead them.

  The snow that fell melted against his fur while his body burned hot with need. It almost burned too hot now. He skidded to a stop when he realized the burning was focused in his side. Something was wet and warm against his fur. He brought a paw to the area that screamed in pain upon being touched. The wolf whimpered
and grunted and fell to one knee when the smell of blood permeated his nose. His blood.

  What the hell...

  He lifted his paw to see the arrow pierced in his thick hide. The pain was beginning to radiate through his breast.


  The ground vibrated beneath his feet signaling footsteps. A panic shot deep in his stomach. Those weren’t wolf movements. Alistair clawed his rib, attempting to reach the arrow and pull it out. He risked bleeding out if he did. He estimated the arrow hit about five inches deep. The voices of men reached his ears with the words ‘prize’ and ‘skinned’ he could make out. Hunters. The clanging of their metal instruments gave it away. They always wanted to let themselves be known, never bothering with stealth.

  Alistair began to wheeze and sputter as he tried once more to rip out the weapon. He was successful, but the wound would not heal in time when he would be cornered. He needed help. His beta, Elspeth, Murdock, anyone. He shut his eyes tight, beckoning via the bond for assistance. But the connection seemed weak, like a static that would blink back into his mind for a mere second before losing it again. But he had to try.

  Pack... help me... hunters... wounded... prote—

  He was cut off by the sound of laughter. A group of haggard-looking men who reeked of wine and filth sauntered over to him, wounded and bleeding on the ground. The wolf would not be able to shift in this condition. He could feel his human side fight for control, but the wolf could not muster up the energy to give it over.

  “Look at this one, that redheaded lad was right. He is a big one.” A fat bearded man grinned.

  “And here I thought all the wolves had died out.” A skinny comrade passed him a canteen.

  “There’s more where this one came from, the lad said. A whole lot of them just west of here, a whole pack of the females and the little ones.” A rumble of crude laughter followed.

  No... It can’t be... Riona.

  “What do you reckon we do with the rest of them after we do this one in?” The skinny one looked to the fat one.

  “Kill him. Burn the rest. The redhead said they would all be there. Every man, woman, and babe you see. We can’t leave any behind, not even one. They built houses, the little wretches. Thought they could live like us normal people. Get this filth off our land!”

  Alistair writhed in pain. It only got worse as he listened to the men go back and forth about what to do with their fresh prey.

  “He said this one was the alpha. Doesn’t look like much of an alpha to me, wriggling about.” Fat one spat on him.

  Red-hot rage bubbled inside Alistair, and with each passing second he was closer to losing his resolve. They kept mentioning a red-haired man, who seemed to have all the information.

  Only one man with red hair he knew who would know all of that information.

  It took seconds for the fury to reach its peak, baring his teeth and slowly standing upright. His wound burned as he straightened up, but the wolf ignored it. The man would deal with it.

  “You will not touch my family.”

  The men’s smirks washed away as they backed up, holding up their weapons. Spears, an axe, one man even held up a pitiful dagger. He scoffed. This would be easy.

  “I told you, brother, this was a bad idea!” The skinny man’s legs visibly shook. The fat boy couldn’t move, only stare in awe. Alistair puffed his chest, breathing in deep then letting out a deafening roar that sent the men sprinting away.

  “A chase. Finally.”

  Alistair picked off each man one by one, coming in from behind or to the sides of them, grabbing onto their jugulars and ripping them apart. Their scattered screams only led him to his next victim. His frenzied bloodlust intensified the kill. One man he ripped apart with his own sword while another he ran right into the ravine, bashing his head in with a rock until the water ran red. There were a handful of them left when a female voice echoed in his mind. He recognized it as Elspeth’s.

  Come back... ambush... danger...

  The bastards had sent another party to his home. They would die and meet their gods in even more gruesome ways for daring to set foot in their clearing.

  Unluckily for them, they ran together in a group instead of separately. Not very smart when running from a wolf like Alistair. The wolf grinned and blocked them one way, following them wherever they turned until he had them well and truly cornered and huddled together in a circle. One man even got on his knees and began to pray while another soiled himself.

  “Please... please don’t!” the fat one pleaded. Alistair’s wolf preened at the begging. This would be satisfying indeed.

  “When you meet your maker, tell him the wolves will never die.”

  * * *

  The smell of blood and rot followed Alistair while he raced back to the pack. His wound was healing slowly with the rush of new kill coursing through his veins. He prayed internally to whoever was listening.

  Please let Riona be safe. Please, please let her be unharmed.

  Elspeth’s message swirled around his head. All the possible horrific scenarios haunted him. It would be hours before he would reach them even at his fastest speed. The redhead... why? Why would Ceardach do this to them... how could he? He had practically been a father to the young beta growing up.

  What could possess him to betray them?

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The sun had risen by the time he was able to see the signs he was close to home. But the usual smells Alistair couldn’t detect. He could only smell smoke and destruction. His heart dropped. They were true to their word and had burned their homes.

  He prayed that Ailith or Elspeth was able to huddle the little ones away. Alistair would never forgive himself if another generation of young ones was lost again. And Riona... where was she? He couldn’t smell her. When he finally reached the clearing, the alpha was met with the remnants of small flames and smoke that Elspeth and other wolves were desperately trying to smother with blankets and clothing.

  “What happened! Where are they!”

  The question didn’t need answering. The bodies of men he would have taken to be comrades of the group that attacked him were currently stacked up in a pile on the stone table. Funny how they all looked alike; dirty and covered with grime.

  “We had no warning... they just... stampeded,” Elspeth wheezed and braced her hands on her knees.

  She had sustained some minor injuries from what he could see: a cut above her eyebrow and a bloody nose. Internal injuries possibly; she held her side and grimaced while she popped her shoulder back into place. She had been coming down from mid-shift when Alistair returned.

  Looking around, almost everyone was either helping the injured or hurt themselves. Murdock held a bloody cloth to his head while he rounded up his female and children. They huddled together in a large embrace of relieved sighs and crying.

  “I’ll kill him. I swear on the gods, I will kill him!” Murdock’s threat didn’t go unnoticed by the alpha.

  He picked up Isla and squeezed the trembling little redhead. She cried in her papa’s chest. Alistair could see the big blue of her eyes red with tears and a running nose. The poor thing must have been terrified.

  Alistair’s flashing eyes caught all the other children slowly emerging from the trees. Some had climbed high up, likely perching on branches, others taking cover deep in the shrubbery. All were in varying stages of distress as they held out their arms for their parents. One little boy searched for his father, only to stumble upon the body of what was once his father. He was gone too.

  The poor boy sobbed over his papa while his mother cradled him. She tried to whisper in his ear that he was with the gods now. But it would do nothing to sway the child’s dejection. That boy would grow up bitter; angry at the world. Hating the humans, hating life, even the gods themselves. Much like Alistair himself when his own father was lost to him.

  Alistair felt a small tug on his breeches. It was Ailith and Murdock’s little one, Darach. His green eyes welled up with tear
s as he looked up at the alpha, mortally petrified.

  “Why, Alpha Alistair? Why did they do this to us? We didn’t do anything wrong...”

  They didn’t deserve this. None of them deserved this.

  Alistair bent down and touched the small boy’s head, wishing he could take away the fear.

  “Who did we lose?” Alistair dreaded this.

  “About a dozen.” Elspeth fought back tears. Any loss was a great loss. That many were a tragedy.

  “The young ones?”

  “All accounted for. Ailith led them away into the trees. None were injured. Not physically... at least.” She looked on to a handful of sobbing children.

  He was responsible for making the world a safe place for them, and he failed.

  “Where is my mate?”

  Elspeth closed her eyes.

  No, no... no, they couldn’t have.

  “We cannot find her, Alistair. Or Ceardach. They disappeared in the battle...” She rubbed her temples as she sat on the ground.

  “I’ve tried to reach out to the bond but it’s closed off. I cannot even smell her.”

  The bastard...

  Alistair raced into their home, ignoring the body parts strewn across the ground in puddles of blood. He threw the door open calling for his mate, but was only met with silence. He got on his hands and knees, sniffing for any signs. Anything at all. But everything was in just the exact condition he had left it in with his mate.

  The kitchen area was clean, no evidence of washing away a crime. No blood. None of his knives were missing. Riona would have grabbed one to defend herself in the event she was in trouble. He took a deep breath and burst into their bedroom, but was met with nothing. Just the bed he had left her in safe and warm. A pang of guilt struck his heart.

  Why didn’t I give her another kiss? Just one more hug or a kiss?

  No sign of blood or early labor. The lantern was just where it was sat before and the bed sheets were only slightly pulled back. He threw himself on top of them, pressing his face against the furs. If any man found her sleeping soundly in the bed, a lone female vulnerable with child in bed...


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