The Prophecy

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The Prophecy Page 8

by Amanda DeShane

  “Thank you, my goddess, for fighting; you truly are a great shield maiden.” The merchant shook hands firmly with Deacon, coming to a deal. She bit her lip, unsure of how to react or what to say. These people obviously held her in very high regard. And what the heck was a shield maiden? She didn’t know what she had been like in her past lives, but it was clear that these people who were her people loved her. She had fought and died for them many times if what she was told was correct. Walking back over to their group, Deacon grinned wide and said.

  “Well, the tiger cub is yours.” Aurora positively beamed and opened the cage. Picking up the tiger, she cradled her close as it mewled and licked its tongue over her hand. Loki flew to her shoulder and looking at the tiger, cub said.

  “Remember, Loki is not food. Me, not food. Capisce!” Aurora tried not to laugh as she asked. “What did you do in a past life to make my tiger want to eat you?” Everyone in the group stopped to look at them with eyebrows raised. Teagan slapped his hands on his thighs and remarked. “Oh, this is probably going to be good.”

  “Well, I guess I stole her dinner a few times, might have molted on her a few times too. I helped her with grooming pulling out uneven hair. She wasn’t very appreciative.” Admitted Loki as he looked at his feet, beak down. They all laughed.

  “What did you have to pay him for her?” Asked Aurora as she turned back towards Deacon.

  “That’s the best part I didn’t have to. When I mentioned the palace, he looked over at you and asked who you were. When I explained you were Aurora the chosen one, he said you could have the tiger cub.” She understood she had lived many other lives, but it was difficult to comprehend that she would mean so much to people she knew nothing about. Aurora got up from the ground holding the tiger close.

  “Well, let’s go, then I’m exhausted and hungry. Please say there are food and a bed where we are going.” Stated Aurora. So, they started out again, walking down the long street towards a building that looked like a garage. Except there were no cars, just big black tinted glass spheres. Deacon, the leader of the group, walked up to a man and handed him a few coins. The man passed a small object into his hand and nodded respectably. Aurora walked around the giant spheres running her hands over the black tinted glass, wondering what they were. They looked to be almost what she imagined alien technology would look like. She couldn’t see a way into the sphere; no windows showed anything inside.

  “Okay, everyone, let’s get going. Aurora, this is our type of transportation here in Asgard. It’s called a knottr Fara, roughly translated ball of travel.” Stated Deacon as he took the long square thing, he told her was a key and inserted it into a hole in one of the spheres. A glass door magically opened, revealing a round bench spanning around the outer walls of the ball. You couldn’t see into the sphere, but once inside, you could clearly see out. Everyone walked into the big glass ball and took a seat. A panel on the side near the door was like a mini iPad, and it had some sort of controls on it. Deacon sat down next to it and programed the sphere for their journey. Lifting into the air, it zoomed out of the garage then up into the air. The motor or whatever made it fly was near-silent; the floor was clear glass so you could see everything down and around you. It was crazy amazing technology far more advanced then what was on earth.

  “I’ve programmed it to take us all the way up the mountain via the streets; that way, you can see the layout of your new home.” Said Deacon.

  “Thanks, it is really amazing here, it seems like something out of a dream it's so bright and colorful here.” Remarked Aurora as she looked through the roof of the sphere at the world tree branches, that light filtered through as they hung down from the sky. Looking below again, she could see stone white buildings all attached to each other in a spiral all the way up the mountain. Porches with double doors and stone railings dotted the buildings at intervals. Green vines with bright purple flowers, crawled up buildings here and there. Streets wound up and around in between the buildings; the whole town looked more like a giant castle than a city. The tiger cub on Aurora's lap mewled at her and licked her fingers, nudging her hand with its head affectionately. Realizing she knew nothing about raising a freakin’ tiger, she started to panic.

  “Umm... Guys, I know nothing about tigers anyone knows what they eat or anything about them?” Asked Aurora as she bit her lip and clenched her fingers together with the tiger cub curled up on her lap.

  “Your maid will know. Your current maid’s mother worked as your maid in your past life, and so she would have passed any information your maid in this life may need to know. Judging by your reaction to this tiny beast, she is probably your other familiar. In each life, you have had a tiger and raven familiar. Loki is your raven familiar, and he has never rebirthed that I am aware of. Some God thought it was a good idea to make the bird immortal. But your tiger finds you in each life as you both are drawn to each other like a moth to a flame.” Aurora’s shoulders hunched, and as she wrapped her arms around herself. She once again didn’t know what to say other than, “Oh, okay.” Exhausted, she leaned against Karis sitting next to her as she watched them float through the air down the streets until they reached their destination. The sphere lowered itself gently to the cobblestone street, then its doors opened. Deacon reprogrammed it to auto return to the garage and was the last one to get out of it. Once everyone was out, they started walking across the street.

  “I don’t see anything other than normal buildings here, how much longer is it?” Asked Aurora as she clutched the tiger cub in her arms, and Loki balanced on her left shoulder.

  “We are here.” Stated Deacon smiling. Aurora stared at him as if he was nuts. She couldn’t see anything other than normal buildings. They had said it would be a palace, weren’t palaces grander. She didn’t think she would fit in at a palace anyways. She had no delusions about fitting into some fancy posh upper-class society. She wore leather, swore a lot, hated dressing up, and preferred her hair loosely down around her shoulders. So, it was beyond her how these hunky guys seemed to think she belonged here.

  “Yup, now it's my turn to do some magic revealing.” Said Karis as he brought his hands up in front of him. Using his index finger, he traced shapes in the air and muttered what seemed like a spell under his breath. Blue light trailed up in swirls and danced in the air. Aurora, not knowing what to expect, standing on the cobblestone street now leaning up against Eli. Dead on her feet, she just wanted to sleep. Suddenly the buildings in front of her very eyes started to move and morph into a very different building. Where once a normal white building like all the rest she had seen had stood, there now was a white cream marble wall and pillars with giant double doors.

  “Welcome home, let’s get you inside.” Said Teagan as he put a comforting arm around her shoulders.

  “You look almost dead on your feet let me carry you up the stairs. Okay?” Asked Eli as he reached out to caress her hand. He wasn’t wrong; she wanted food and sleep and some space and time to digest everything.

  “Yeah, I don’t think my legs will do it, I’m exhausted and hungry.” Stated Aurora as she yawned deeply. They walked through the door to a giant marble hallway, with a chandelier hanging on the ceiling. It had light green gems hanging instead of crystals and Fae light spheres floating above it. As they walked down, it opened into a large foyer that had a large stairway that went up and around the massive room with stone railings engraved with designs. The walls had silver patterned wallpaper. They walked further into the room, and she noticed another chandelier sat on the high ceiling, even grander than the last. This one had light blue gems that hung in two circles, one within the other. It was so fancy. Way too fancy for Aurora's taste. Feeling totally out of place in her black leather pants, blue free spirit top, and combat boots. She wondered if she could really have come from this world and or even now fit in.

  Karis grabbed the tiger cub holding him in his big hands as it tried to attack his fingers playfully. Loki flew off her shoulder onto the stone baniste
r as Eli scooped her up. One arm under her legs and other behind her back as he held her close to his chest. Wrapping an arm around his neck, she rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. To overwhelmed to take in any more details, she let herself drift away as sleep claimed her.

  Aurora woke up upon opening her eyes she found herself staring up at great big wood cruck trusses that arched beautifully with carved Viking knotwork engraved into the big beams on the ceiling. She lay there as it all came flooding back. Everything that had happened, the fight in the hallway at school, the giant, being dropped off a freakin’ bridge, and Asgard. Sitting up, she was startled to realize she wore a nightshirt of some sort and nothing else. Her cheeks heated up as her imagination fantasized about what one of the hunky guys had undressed her. Pushing the blue wool blanket and fur cover back to the side, she threw her legs over the side of the massive bed. She looked around the room a bit curious about her surroundings. The bed she lay in was a massive circle bed that sat inside what looked like a Viking boat. It was big enough for five people who thought Aurora. It was a bed frame made from a boat haul, it’s wood polished and stained a dark brown. A fur rug lay on the marble floor, and a lit fire flickered within a stone fireplace to the right side of the bed.

  The cladding above and around the fireplace was artistically put together with rocks of different shapes and sizes to depict a raven and a Norse compass. On one wall across from the foot of the bed sat a very large sixty-inch mirror and a storage unit down below. A long window to the right of the foot of the bed accommodated a cozy window seat that held inviting cushions. The seat sat between bookshelves built into the walls on either side of the window. A side table sat on each side of the bed. Eager to look around, she got up, walking on bare feet and padded across the cold marble floor. On one side table sat a polished wooden stand with an iron armor helmet that had wings built into the sides. On the left side of the bed, a doorway opened up into a very big bathroom. A shiny toilet and sink with an oval mirror set on a dark wood cabinet. The scent of lilacs and lavender mingled in the air. Aurora smiled as those were her favorites. The focal point of the room was a bathtub the size of a mini pool with jets and marble steps that went down into the pool.

  Back in the bedroom, a painting of a wolf adorned the wall above one side table. A dark stained wood dresser with drawers and iron nobs sat against the left sidewall. Atop it sat a large mirror with a wood frame around it. The frame had more Viking knots engraved around it. Spying herself in the mirror, she noted her blue hair was a mess, and her eye had bags under them from the weeks of sleepless nights after Mia’s death. Her cheeks were redder than normal, but she felt warmer than usual lately. On the dresser, a carved jewelry holder in the shape of a tree sat. Pendants, amulets, silver arm rings, and neck rings hung among many more pieces of jewelry. A silver engraved neck ring with tigers and ravens engraved into it caught her attention as she ran her fingers over the beautiful design.

  “Oh, I see you're up now, my Goddess.” Stated a cheery maid. Aurora startled jumped and turned quickly to face the maid. A dark black-haired, brown-eyed woman wearing a light green traditional apron dress with a belt cinching it at the waist stood holding a tray.

  “My name is Amber, my mother served you, and I continue the honor, as will my daughter when I pass on. I hope you are hungry; I have brought you breakfast.” She looked to be not much older than Aurora herself.

  “Nice to meet you, Amber, you can call me Aurora I’m not much for the Goddess title yet. And I am really starving.” Said Aurora as her stomach growled loudly, making the maid smile slightly. Balancing the tray on one hand, she made it look so easy when she grabbed a breakfast tray table and set it up on the bed. Lowering the tray onto the table, she backed away. Aurora crawled back into the massive bed and sitting up against the haul headboard she pulled the breakfast table close. The food looked delightful, fresh grapes and cheese of some sort sat to the side of a pile of dried meat — Apple slices and a piece of buttered bread that smelled heavenly.

  “Thank you, Amber, it looks and smells lovely. I was wondering where my clothing might be and umm… How I may have come to be in this nightshirt?” Aurora couldn’t help but ask; otherwise, she wouldn’t know if she could look the guys in the face without becoming red-faced. Amber smiled, warmly at her, and said.

  “No worries, my goddess... Sorry I have been trained from a young age to call you goddess I will try to remember to call you Aurora. I was the one to help you get into the nightclothes.” Aurora smiled back at the girl warmly and replied. “Thank you; I’m a little relieved at that news.” Amber curtsied and scurried out of the room, hollering back. “I will be back in a few minutes with clothing.” I will have to have a talk with that girl about formality’s thought Aurora as she ate her breakfast, savoring every bite.

  Walking back into the room, Amber laid out clothing on the bed. Glancing at the clothes, Aurora winced and asked.

  “That’s not a dress, is it? I don’t do dresses; they normally end up ripped and tattered, and someone ends up guilting me over it.” Amber smiled, laughing slightly.

  “You and I will get along just fine. This is a battle dress; it’s not like a normal dress; it has slits down the sides, and you wear leather pants with it. My mother told me it was one of your favorite outfits. Try it on, and if you dislike it, let me know. I won’t take offense to you finding something more to your own taste.” Replied Amber warmly.

  “Once you're dressed, I will help you with your hair. I was told you don’t like it up, but it could use a brush and maybe a small over the forehead braid to keep hair out of your face.” Aurora nodded as she chewed a piece of dried meat before getting up. Lifting the nightshirt up and over her head, she set about getting dressed. The pants were easy to figure out how to put on instead of zippers; they tied up like a corset would. She lifted her arms high as Amber helped her slip the dress over her head. It was a blue and silver color with Viking knots embroidered around the v neck that ended at the rise of her breasts. Feeling awkward without a bra, Aurora asked.

  “I’m going to feel odd without a bra on where is the one I came with?” Amber smiled and replied.

  “Oh, you won’t be needing the bra; those earth contraptions are horrible. Over the top of this, we put your armored corset; it holds everything in place where it should be and protects you from any possible attacks.” Aurora was shocked, realizing suddenly that she was kind of royalty or whatever now. And would have to worry about people trying to kill her or attempting to kidnap her now. Amber moved over to the dresser and pulled a drawer open then closed it.

  Returning, she held out a black leather corset. Reaching out, Aurora ran her fingers over the thick leather that felt like it had steel inside it. It must be almost bulletproof, thought Aurora. Amber helped her get the corset over her head and into place. As she tightened the drawstrings at the back, Aurora stared at herself in the dresser mirror. The corset cupped her breasts, making them seem fuller than they ever were. And the dress she once had dreaded was easy to move in as the slits came to her hip on both sides.

  “Now for your hair, let me just grab the brush and some silver hair beads.” Said Amber as she pulled out a wooden stool that she sat in front of the dresser. Then proceeded to grab a brush and a few things from the jewelry stand. Taking the hint, Aurora sat on the stool and waited.

  “Where are my familiars Loki and the tiger? Have they been taken care of and fed?” Asked Aurora as she fiddled with her fingers in her lap. She wasn’t used to having anyone wait on her or help her with anything. She imagined most young girls had friends that did each other’s hair and whatnot, but that had never been Auroras normal. Amber nodded her head at her through the reflection in the mirror as she brushed out Aurora’s long blue hair.

  “Yes, your cute tiger was curled up at the foot of your bed for most of the evening and night. Eli came by and took her out into the palace grounds to stretch her legs and do her business. Then he brought her to the kitchens
for the cook to feed her some steaks and veggies cut up and mixed. Loki flew along with them and pestered the cook for more fish even though he had already had one big trout. When the stubborn cook said no, Loki bit him in the ass. And the cook dropped a fish he had been holding. Which, as you can imagine, Loki took full advantage of.” Aurora shook with laughter.

  “What am I going to do with that damn bird, he has the foulest mouth, and honestly I kind of like him for it.” Amber laughed along with her. “Yes, he is quite the character.” She decided she liked Amber; she was easy going and didn’t make her feel awkward and out of place. Ambers hands skillfully braided her blue hair into a braid that wrapped from one ear to the other across her head. Little silver engraved beads artfully weaved into her hair. To her surprise, the majority of her hair hung loose like she preferred it.

  “Did you know me in my past life Amber?” Asked Aurora. Amber smiled at her via the mirror they sat in front of.

  “Yes, you were great about letting my mother bring me with her. I played on the marble floors with your tiger cub in your last lifetime. Speaking of that, your tiger is going to grow abnormally fast soon. So, given the growth spurt soon to take place, I will get the cook to stalk up on meat and healthy veggies for her.” Stated Amber.

  “Oh! Here I thought she would be a tiger cub for a while at least. Guess nothing in Asgard is normal like I am used to on earth.” Said Aurora as she got up off the stool and went to stand at the window. “How is it that we can look out, but no one knows the palace is even here?” Asked Aurora.

  “In one of your past lifetimes, someone broke into the palace and killed you in your sleep. After that, your father ordered the witches coven to make the palace move from place to place every few months. It cycles to a new location every three months. That way, no one can breach its walls easily. They also placed spells on the palace borders if someone tries to breach the walls with magic or otherwise, they will burn to ash. And if anyone of us workers betrays you, they and their families pay the price.” Explained Amber as a matter of fact way. Aurora felt a mixture of feelings about everything she had just shared. She was glad that she was safe in the palace. And that no one could just walk in unannounced. But for her people to be forced to serve her and if they betrayed her, they paid the price. She felt like maybe that was going a little too far. Since it was nothing, she could undo she didn’t ask what the price was. Part of her didn’t want to know yet.


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