The Prophecy

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The Prophecy Page 14

by Amanda DeShane

  Teagan appeared and borrowed her walking her over to a woman with long red curly hair and emerald green eyes. She wore a dress like the one Aurora had preferred to wear. It was green with a beaded design around the neck, and it had slits that came to the waist, and she wore black tights under it.

  “Mom, this is Aurora, our mate. Aurora, this is my mom Taran.” Taran reached out, taking Aurora's hand in her own. “I can speak for all of us moms when I say welcome to the family, sweetie. If you ever need an ear or one of these boys decides to act like a dick, know you can always come to talk with us women.” Aurora looked over and caught Teagan rolling his eyes, which made her laugh.

  “Teagan, stop with the eye roll.” Said Taran as she lightly swatted her son on his arm.

  “No need to worry mom; we will treat Aurora well; she is our Queen.” Said Teagan smiling as he leaned down and kissed Aurora's forehead. Suddenly appearing behind her, Karis putting his arm on her back, lead her towards another woman. Who was very tall and had long wavy brown hair and warm brown eyes. She wore a long blue dress that had stars of different sizes on it.

  “Mom, this is Aurora. Aurora, this is my mom Kamy.” Kamy smiled warmly and said.

  “Finally, I get to meet this woman who has snagged my son's heart. It is very nice to meet you, Aurora, welcome to the family.” Aurora smiled widely, and looking up at Karis, she hugged his arm. He was too tall to easily hug un awkwardly.

  “Nice to meet you, Kamy.” Said Aurora. Eli, Deacon, and Teagan appeared behind her, and they all led her towards a tall, muscular older man with a big bushy beard and long brown hair pulled back into a manly messy bun. He wore a dress top opened a bit at the top and jeans with ripped holes in the knees. It wasn’t exactly what you would expect the God Tyr to be wearing. It was so modern.

  Deacon spoke up as the group leader. “Dad, this is Aurora. Aurora, this is our Dad, the God Tyr.” Before he could finish speaking, Tyr reached down and enveloped her in a hug. Caught a little off guard, Aurora froze up, not knowing what to say or do.

  “Welcome to the family, Aurora. As far as we are concerned, you have always been family. This isn’t the first life you have shared with my boy’s sweetie. But I hope this is the life that ends the war so you all can enjoy some peace and a future. I like the blue hair.” Whispered Tyr in her ear before he let her go and backed up with a smile. Aurora stared at him a bit awestruck.

  “Welcome, daughter. I am glad my boys have found their mate,” said Tyr out loud for everyone’s benefit. Then he winked at her. The guys slightly frowned, and Tyr laughed.

  “Sons, you don’t have to worry about me, but you might have to worry about them.” Said Tyr as he pointed a thumb over his shoulders at four politicians that were gawking at Aurora’s back.

  “All your fault Karis.” Grumbled Eli through their telepathic link. Karis just elbowed Eli in the ribs in response than gawked when their father took Aurora and led her towards the politicians. “I’m regretting making that dress appear. Let’s face it. That dress only makes us and every other single man in this room want to see it off.” Grumbled Karis. Her silver heels clicked on the white marble floor as she walked with Tyr towards the politicians. Tyr introduced her.

  “This is the Goddess Aurora, who is mated to all my son’s.’ Said Tyr proudly as he pointed over his shoulders at his sons who now glared at the group.

  “Aurora, this is Gradey; he’s a Fairy from the fairy realm. And this is Linkyn he is from the Dragon shifter realm. This is Bradl; he is from the Dwarves realm. And this is Morgyn; he is from the Elves realm.” Said Tyr as he introduced them all. Morgyn spoke up.

  “Goddess Aurora, the Elves, would love to know how you plan to tackle the problem of Fenrir.” Tyr jumped in, saving her from having to answer. “Give her some time to get her bearings gentlemen, tonight is a family dinner, and you have been invited as guests. I am sure we will see great things from Aurora soon. After all, she does have blue hair this lifetime around, does that not send the message that she is dangerous and different? I’d like to think it does.” Said Tyr to the politicians as Aurora smiled graciously. A bell then rang, and someone yelled out.

  “Please, everyone, find your place at the table! Name tags can be found on the plates.”

  Everyone walked to the table and sat down as the food was laid out on platters before them. Everyone was just dishing food onto their plates when Aurora spotted her necklace glowing bright green.

  “DON’T EAT THE FOOD! IT HAS BEEN POISONED!!” Screamed Aurora. Morgyn grabbed his throat as he started turning purple and foaming at the mouth. His eyes were bulging wide as he doubled over as his body twitched on the floor.

  “Do something for him!” screamed Linkyn as he threw his chair back and kneeled beside Morgyn, the political ambassador for the Elves.

  “There is nothing that can be done; we don’t know what type of poison it is.” Said Tyr sadly as he stood abruptly, knocking his chair over that crashed to the ground.

  “Amber!” Shouted Aurora loudly. “My Goddess, how can I be of service?” Asked Amber as she ran into the room. “I want all the kitchen and servant staff here NOW! please don’t say what for. If you must tell them I wish to thank them for the meal they prepared before we eat. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t eat the food, it is poisoned!”

  Amber paled and nodded her head shocked. “As you wish, my lady.” She then scurried out of the room to the kitchen, rounding up all the staff and servants. A few minutes later, all Aurora’s palace staff and anyone else’s that came with the guests walked into the dining room. Amber returning moments later instructed everyone to line up in a long line in front of them. Suddenly Tigress Aurora’s familiar appeared at her side. Rubbing up against her legs, she walked around Aurora, then stopped and sat at her feet, nudging her thighs with her big feline head. Aurora reached down and patted her head. “How did you just appear out of nowhere?” Said Aurora in shock. Looking back at Karis, Aurora frowned.

  “Karis, can you make the guilty party spill the beans, so they speak against their will with magic?” Asked Aurora quietly.

  “Yes, that can be done.” Said Karis quietly his face downcast at the loss of his friend. Loki appeared from out of nowhere, began flying around the room. “What the fuck. Darn oversized feline got here before me!” Squawked Loki as he flew to the chandelier and sat on it, causing it to swing back and forth. Aurora watching him said. “Okay, I’m guessing they can just come and go as they see fit?” Asked Aurora as she focused back on the line of staff and servants before them. “Yeah, they are your familiars; they do what they want essentially.” Said Karis.

  Tyr came over to them. “Tyr, can you make it so no one can leave this palace and room?” whispered Aurora as she asked her new father in law.

  Tyr nodded his head. Then waved his hands as doors slammed closed. The sound banging of each door and window sealing shut could be heard echoing in the now silent room. Aurora walked across the white marble floors towards the staff and servants.

  “Someone here has tried to have everyone attending this dinner party murdered. In a moment, we will know who you are. One man, a political leader from the Elves realm, has been murdered. I think it only fair that we tie the guilty person up and send them as a present to the Elven realm to deal with as they see fit.” Said Aurora loudly, as most of their faces paled in shock. Karis pulled his wand out and raising it, whispered some words under his breath. Blue magic swirled on the air as it danced towards the first person in line and worked its way down the line swerving in and around everyone. Suddenly it snagged around a young man with dark hair and brown eyes, who was looking at the floor as it wrapped around his waist and arms like a lasso. Then pulled him towards Karis as it held him a foot above the ground immobilizing him. Another strand of the blue magic floated out from Karis towards the line of staff. Suddenly a girl with long blond hair ran towards Aurora with a jeweled knife raised in her hands. Tigress roared loudly and attacked, biting the girl’s arm until she
dropped the knife. Pouncing on the girl, they fell to the marble floor, where the tiger decided to sit on top of her. If the young woman had not just tried to have her killed, it would almost be comical this big cat sitting on a screaming girl as the cat tilted its head to one side and looked at Aurora for instruction. “Good Tigress, you deserve some treats tonight.” Said Aurora in shock as she stood with her hand clutching her necklaces around her neck. The second strand of blue magic wound itself around the girl who attempted to get free. “Okay, Tigress, you can move now; my magic has a hold on her too now.” Said Karis.

  The girl's eyes wide sneered at them, still trying to fight it as the magic levitated her in the air holding her tight. Another strand of blue magic continued its search. Everyone left at the table seemed to be holding their breath, wondering if there were more than two culprits present. The blue magic finished its search and floated back to Karis’s hands like a leash. He held the two remaining strands of blue magic as it kept the guilty parties bound a foot off the floor.

  “Who put the poison in the food served tonight?” Asked Aurora sternly. The boy and girl both looked like they were trying to keep their mouth from opening to answer, but the spell won out. “Me,” they both answered in unison.

  “Who hired you to poison us, and why?” Asked Aurora angerly.

  The boy spoke up while the girl struggled to fight the urge to spill it all. “Fenrir because he wants you and anyone that sides with you dead.” Said the boy reluctantly.

  The girl losing the battle said, “Fenrir, he recruited us and paid us handsomely to assassinate you all.” As she showed them her wrist, it appears to have what looked like a symbol of a rabid wolf head with red eyes holding a door knocker in its salivating mouth.

  “Karis, can you and Eli take Morgyn’s body to the Elves and deliver these despicable people to the Elves as an offering of peace with condolences for the death of Morgyn.” Asked Aurora.

  Karis, now stiff shouldered and pissed at the two in front of him, replied. “My pleasure.” Aurora turned to address her people, totally new to this, but she imagined it was expected of her since this was technically her palace.

  “Let it be known that I will not tolerate anyone who betrays my family and me. I am fair, and I will lead with love and respect. But if I am poked, my wrath will be no small thing to bare! I think everyone has lost their appetite. The remaining kitchen staff, please dispose of the poisoned food in a way that will not harm animals or anyone. Throw pots and pans and anything that came in contact with the poison out, replace them with new ones.” Said Aurora as Karis and Eli took the young man and girl roughly by the arms and teleported out.

  Once back in her room, Aurora felt horrible about what had happened. A man was dead. She hadn’t seen her necklace glowing green in time. He had eaten something before everyone else. Thank god her mate’s family members had not eaten anything before she had yelled out for everyone to stop and not eat the food and declared it poisonous. Teagan and Deacon walked into her room and hugged her tight. She pulled away and paced the room, her silver high heels clicking against the marble. Their hot muscular bodies were distracting, and it seemed like the most inappropriate time to want to jump their bones. But it could have been one of them. One of her men dead on the floor, never to speak, breath or make love to her again. Just the thought of that happening made her want to jump into their arms and make love to them both. Before life or another threat took that opportunity away from her.

  “I don’t want to talk about it. I wish it had never happened.” Said Aurora sadly as she walked in her silver heels to the bed and sat down, still wearing her stunning silver backless gown. Teagan walked to one side of her and sat massaging her tense shoulders, which made a small moan escape her lips. Deacon sat down on her other side and took her small feet into his lap and started massaging them, which produced another soft moan as he worked out the stress of the last few days or weeks, depending on how one looked at it. Aurora closed her eyes, just enjoying the feel of their hands, making her muscles mush. Deacon, done with her feet, moved to her calf’s and started working the knots out of her strong calf muscles. Teagan started massaging her neck and upper arms. Delicious tingles worked their way through her body. She found herself feeling aroused and wanting more than their hands where they currently were.

  “Let us help you forget today, my Love.” Whispered Teagan into her ear before he pulled her head back to kiss her as she leaned back into his muscular chest. Deacon was now massaging her upper thighs, making her moan with wanting as she wiggled. Deacon laughed lightly and moved up her body, straddling her for a moment to move in for a kiss too. He made love to her mouth, his tongue sweeping and tangling around hers, causing her to moan and shiver with wanting. Pulling back, he started to kiss his way down her body. Teagan untied her halter top of the dress, letting it fall revealing her strapless black bra, which he made short work of removing. The cold air hit her aroused nipples all hard and standing out. Deacon stopped at her breasts and licked trails around each one as Teagan claimed her mouth again. Aurora arched her back wanting far more. Deacon moving slowly further down licking little trails to her hips. Teagan kissed her neck leaving little love bites as he went. Then he reached his arms around her and started toying with her nipples. Teagan whispered in her ear. “My dragon wants you badly.”

  Deacon looked up at her catching her eye as he hovered at her hip line. “We want to make love to you, my firefly if you will let us. We had a romantic evening planned for you tonight.” Said Deacon softly.

  Huskily Aurora said.” Yes, I want you both.” She had decided that life was too short to waste time. She was falling madly for these men, and they were amazing, even if they were stubborn sometimes. And with this war and the threat of being killed... She wanted to use her time better because if she were to die early, she would want to know that she didn’t pass up the chance to be with her men. Teagan got up from behind her, and Deacon moved lower, causing Aurora to fall back and moan in pleasure as he licked his way down to that delicious spot that made her shiver in bliss and become slick. “Mm... Yes!” Moaned Aurora as Deacon thumbed her clit.

  The lights turned off suddenly to reveal red candles lit all over the room, and rose petals leading to the bathroom. Teagan appeared again with a bottle and only wearing boxers that bulged. Her eyes roamed up and down him as she thought of what she wanted to do. Deacon pulled her towards him as he kissed her deeply. Pulling back, he pulled his dress shirt off, letting the buttons pop off all over the place. Then reaching down, he pulled his pants and boxers down at the same time. His cock swung at attention in front of Aurora. On all fours on the bed, she reached one hand out and stroked it, causing Deacon to moan and close his eyes. She could feel Teagan behind her massaging her ass with oil. Wanting to please her men, she took Deacon's cock into her mouth, sucking and licking his cock as he groaned gripping her shoulders. Pulling away quickly, Deacon picked her up and laid down with her straddling him, which caused a frown on Aurora's stunning face.

  “Too much firefly, and I might cum too soon.” To this, she smiled as he pulled her into an all-fours position over him and kissed her hotly as his hand found her clit again. At the same time, Teagan massaging her butt entered one finger into her ass. “Oh! What are you doing?” She asked in surprise. Deacon rubbed her clit in circles causing her to wiggle against his hand. “It’s surprising, honey relax,” he said as he started moving that oiled finger in and out and squeezed more oil into her ass. Aurora moaned; her pussy felt drenched. Teagan placed another finger in her ass pushing them deeper. “Oh! Mmm…” Moaned Aurora as she started to relax more. It felt good in a different way. The feel of her clit being rubbed, and ass toyed with brought her close to the edge.

  Deacon entered a finger into her pussy and pumped her. “Oh! Yea mm… I like that.” Moaned Aurora. Pulling his finger out of her pussy, he lined his cock up and lowered her onto him as Teagan placed three fingers in her ass, pumping her. ‘Oh, my gosh! Oh, wow.” She said h
uskily catching her breath as Deacon pulled her face closer to kiss her and started pumping into her. Moaning, she orgasmed on his cock with Teagan pumping her ass. Her pussy and ass clenching tightly. Then he reached for her clit and started rubbing again and winding her up like a clock all over again. She moaned heavily as she felt Teagan remove his fingers and replace them with his length at her entrance. Gripping her ass, he pushed himself into her. ‘Oh my gosh! Oh, it’s so tight. She almost came all over again as she clenched her inner walls and moaned. They both started moving within her, causing little screams of pleasure to moan uncontrollably out of her mouth. She could feel her pussy dripping juices around his cock as Teagan pounded her ass, and Deacon pounded in and out from below her. Unable to hold herself up any longer, she collapsed on top of Deacon shaking. Deacon grabbed her and held her under her knees standing up with his cock still in her pussy. Teagan joined him on the other side and entered her ass. They stood and pumped her from each side sandwiching her in the air as she came undone orgasm after orgasm raking her body as they slammed into her. Thinking it couldn’t possibly get any better, she was wrong. As she breathed heavily, gasping moans. Teagan started rubbing her clit as they both pumped her harder. Throwing her head back onto Deacon’s shoulders, she lost it as she grasped Deacon's shoulders, almost digging her nails into his skin. Screaming in complete orgasmic pleasure, she squirted all over them both as her body twitched in pure pleasure, and they came in her.


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