Final Collection

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Final Collection Page 8

by Jesse Goodrich


  Adam was scrambling to make sure everything was done for the day, that morning Allen had approached Adam to let him know they’d be doing full shifts again with a few other people but having most of the office take time off without pay. The work load was enormous and most of the day Adam had spent doing things he hardly knew, much less if they were done entirely correctly. Today he tried to focus on the essentials so if he were to leave, he wouldn’t force Allen and the remainder of the team to put in too much extra time; Adam wanted to meet Eva as planned. “Allen,” Adam shouted across the unusually empty office, “What do you need done next?” Allen looked up slightly exhausted and took a drink of his water as if he didn’t quite recognize what he was being asked. Adam chuckled then asked again, “What’s next?” A smile spread across Allen’s face making him look quite a few shades less stressed as he realized what time it was, “I’ll stay to finish up tonight, get out of here and have a good time.” Allen looked down to get back to work then raised his voice, “Just be back tomorrow.” his smile faded while attempting to find where he had been. Adam breathed running down a list in his mind trying to make sure nothing was missed, then checked his watch on the way to get his coat, “Plenty of time” he thought pulling out his phone.

  Time warp

  Eva knew Mark didn’t appreciate being told not to follow today but was satisfied he understood why. This was the first of two incredibly important and immersive meetings with Adam, if everything went as she expected, it would only take two, and the rest would fall into place. Adam came in looking cold but excited to see Eva waiting for him. “You weren’t here too long I hope?” Adam asked looking for any sign to her mood. “I think it was just the right amount of time.” Eva’s playful and honest smile brought Adam’s pulse down making him feel more at ease. Adam paid their entry and noticed Eva searching her purse. “You don’t have to…” Eva cut Adam off with a giggle of joy as she apparently found what she had been looking for, then grabbed Adam’s hand and pulled him toward the coin funnel just inside the museum. A few kids who were ahead looked back to Eva’s excitement then seeing her placing a penny into the start position rushed to watch it spiral hypnotically into the darkness below. She handed the rest of her coins out as the kids came up then pulled Adam further along. Adam was happy Eva was having fun, but wasn’t sure what she was up to. As they stopped at the opening of the first room of exhibits, Adam looked up the length of Eva’s arm as she held his hand still, it was obvious she expected to see something but was disappointed that it wasn’t in this room. “What are you looking for?” he inquired, as his excitement was growing. “Nothing here,” she blinked then looked so deeply into Adam’s eyes he started to feel nervous. “Calm down,” she said reaching with her other hand to push him playfully away, but still holding him by the hand so he couldn’t get away, not that he wanted to. Moving in front of everything and not stopping to enjoy anything more in this room Eva led the way through a hallway to the next room. Adam didn’t see anyone, so looked for something to examine more closely with Eva but before he could find anything, she stepped in front of his face, so closely he pulled his head back for a moment before realizing what was happening as Eva’s gaze once again drove his anxiety to unforgettable heights. Adam’s hands were starting to feel like they needed to escape but were forced still as Eva grabbed both of his hands and pulled them around her waist. Eva adjusted her body next to his and Adam, without taking his eyes from hers, captured everything around him in his mind. Eva raised herself up half an inch and leaned forward.

  Time lapse

  Eva wasn’t sure where Adam was taking them, but she knew it wasn’t his place, it was the wrong direction. She had seen him come and go from his building and the expression on his face each day, for several months, “Where are we going?” Eva tried to figure out. They weren’t holding hands anymore so Eva let him get a little ahead of her so she could examine the area without being noticed. Adam played the thought of what happened in his mind and smiled. Several kids had run into the room to see more exhibits, instead finding them, they gasped in awe of what they saw. He started to chuckle, replaying what one of the girls had said in a voice that wasn’t hushed but was trying to be she had explained to the boys, “They’re kissing!” excitement and embarrassment ending her explanation. Adam realized he was getting ahead of Eva even though he didn’t feel he was walking fast so turned and held out his hand, “We’re almost there.” He reassured her. “I tried to be thoughtful ahead of time, so for what it’s worth…” Adam didn’t finish but held the door to let Eva in ahead of him. A man about Adam’s age approached Eva immediately, “This way miss.” He said guiding her off to the right side of the larger than expected department store. Eva recognized they were headed to the shoe portion of the store, but didn’t think Adam would appreciate her knowing what he had been up to, so instead, looked back to Adam and made an uncomfortable but happy look thinking he’d enjoy the fact she remembered him above ‘whatever’ surprise lay ahead.

  Time lapse

  Eva was grinning, satisfied everything was moving as she’d hoped. “New shoes I see.” Mark’s voice came from behind her and she froze. “I told you not to come, what if I had seen you? What if he saw you?” Eva coldly replied turning to look at Mark. “I don’t think either of you were interested in seeing anything else.” Mark let the words strangle Eva before finishing, “I should have suspected you were looking to have a companion in ‘City,’ why didn’t you just say something? I could have helped you find someone, certainly more suitable than your target.” Eva cut Mark with her eyes, “It’s not like that” she started to lie but realized it wouldn’t go over, “There isn’t anyone suitable for me there and I thought you would close this collection if I said anything.” Satisfied with her statement she waited while Mark tried to read whether or not she was lying. He determined she wasn’t entirely telling the truth, but would be patient. “So it seems everything is working, when will you have him come for his first visit?” Eva ran her agenda once over, “I need to see him once more then he will come.” Mark walked away, leaving Eva to her thoughts. Any trace of pleasure from tonight had been erased from Eva. So she considered how to explain things to Adam, remembering how it didn’t make sense to her when she first heard about it from Mark. ‘City’ she imagined to be a place, a small community of people living off the grid or something, with dirt roads and log cabins. Mark had described it to be a network of people with the same understanding of a need for change. A variety of people from all walks of life with a non-threatening desire for the new, but not with changing structures or overthrowing governments, instead an overtaking of ideas, she remembered him crouching down then slowly spreading his arms as he rose, “Like a phoenix,” he had said “we are the rising and the ashes are where we have been waiting”. Mark explained that things would become irrelevant and it would be a new beginning for everyone because there was no fixed point of change, how eventually only they and their beliefs would exist. She thought he was fanatic and a lunatic, but was so afraid.

  Time warp

  Adam looked down at his end table by the front door, moved a few letters and put his phone on the charger then brought his head up, level to what seemed to be normal. He couldn’t focus in front of him, Adam’s eyes were chasing the evening in his mind. Eva was stealing him and it was so welcome, Adam thought. Taking a few steps toward the center of the room, Adam let his vision open in front of him taking in the room around him. All of it seemed unusual, as if he were in the wrong place, but he recognized the chair, the television, the table by the entrance to be his. Adam imagined he would feel this way again in his life, but wasn’t ready for it now, it was overwhelming. Feeling as if a hand were pushing him he moved toward his chair and put his hand on the top, gently squeezing the leather before feeling the imaginary hands pushing down on his shoulders to sit down. He sighed to the blanket of warmth covering him, he could sleep right here, now. Ada
m could hear the house phone ringing from far away, wishing it would stop he recognized he was exceptionally cold. Bolting up he checked the time on his watch as he went for the phone, apparently he had slept for a little over an hour. “Adam I’m glad you’re there, I’m almost to your place, can I come up?” Allen was clearly exhausted and wasn’t thrilled to be walking anywhere. “Sure, I’ll be right down.” Adam replied hanging up the phone then briskly walking down to let Allen in he rubbed his arms hoping to feel some warmth. Adam realized Allen was just now coming from the office as he opened the door. Allen stepped through, looking colder and more tired than Adam was. “We need to get an early start tomorrow; I thought I might stay here if that’s alright.” Adam examined the rest of Allen in an instant and led him upstairs, “Of course, my phone is by the door, call Mallory.” Allen was almost not thinking anymore, too stressed by the day, “Right, should have done that at the office.” Adam pulled out two glasses and poured the remainder of his Macallan while Allen was on the phone. “Don’t you have heat?” Allen was tired and growing exceptionally angry without focus. Adam handed Allen a glass then attempted to get Allen under control directing, “Let’s focus on what needs to be done in the morning, then you can relax.” Allen put half the contents of the glass down his throat in one smooth motion. “Again, right,” Allen said slightly hoarse from the scotch. Adam smiled taking a gentle sip from his own glass.


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