SBMC Miami Box set

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SBMC Miami Box set Page 28

by Erin Trejo

  “I can’t wait anymore Carnie. You see what the fuck you do to me?” I growl as I fist my cock in my hand.

  Carnie watches me breathlessly as I work myself up. When I can’t stand it anymore I reach up and remove the clamps. Carnie’s cries send heat through my body. I position my cock at her slick entrance and press inside of her. I lean down and her arms come around my neck. Her fingers tangle in my hair and she pulls my mouth down to meet hers. She’s a greedy little thing. Even shoves her tongue into my mouth to taste herself. I capture every moan and groan as I rock my hips into her. I start out going slowly until I can’t anymore. I pull her lips from mine and slide up until I’m sitting on my knees. I lift her ass in my hands and position her so that I can get in as deeply as possible. Each thrust sends me higher. Each plunge inside of her chokes me. She’s so goddamn tight. I knew she would be. I reposition myself and let her get a little more comfortable as I continue to dive inside of her.

  “Oh god. Please Viking. Please?” she cries.

  Fire races through my veins, sweat is dripping down my forehead and onto her sweet body as I loom over her. I can’t stop. I can’t get enough. The more of her I feel the more I need.

  Chapter 12


  His hips jerk rapidly. The movement of his muscles catches my eye. I watch him as he fucks me. Each thrust is deeper than the last. I’ve never felt so full in my life. The way he moves has me hypnotized. Sweat drips down his body as he takes what he can get and I gladly offer it up. I’ve never known sex to feel this good. The pain mingles with the pleasure and my heart picks up in beats. His long blonde hair sways with each thrust. I reach up and pull his lips back to mine. I need to feel them against me. His tongue dives into my mouth and matches the rhythm of his hips. His hair hangs around us and hides us from the outside world as his hips continue to rock into me. I grab his hair and tug hard. Viking bites into my bottom lip. Blood coats my tongue. He sucks my lip into his mouth and takes my blood with him. I groan and sounds escape me that I didn’t even realize I could make. My pussy clenches around him.

  Viking lets my lip pop out of his mouth as he sits back up. The harder he thrusts the lighter I feel. He fills me so full that I don’t how I’m taking it. My body aches for release. I feel his finger against my clit and lose all control. My body spasms. I’m jerking and bucking against him. Viking roars his release as I feel it hitting me inside deeply. I can feel him filling me with himself and it feels amazing. I’m panting for air attempting to catch my breath as wave after wave of pleasure jolts my body. Viking’s hips jerk into me as he finishes and my pussy squeezes what’s left of him into me. He looks down at me. Sweat is dripping from his gorgeous face. I reach up to wipe it away and he smirks.

  “You feel amazin’ darlin’. I don’t think one time is gonna be enough for me.”

  His words wrap around my heart and squeeze. Eric never said things like that to me.

  “Me either,” I say softly.

  The music is still pounding through the speakers when he pulls out of me. I nearly cry out at the loss of the connection we just shared. The bed dips as his body falls next to mine. He reaches for his shirt, which is lying close by, wiping his face and chest with it before he drops it back to the floor. He reaches over, grabs me by the back of the neck, and jerks me closer to him. I settle into the crook of his arm. We’re both still catching our breath.

  “We need to shower, but I like you smellin’ like me,” he says pressing his lips to the side of my head.

  I don’t reply. My mind is playing tricks on me. I’m overthinking. Should I have done this? I’m lying to Fin and that’s not something I like to do. We’ve never kept secrets and it’s going to be hard not to tell him about this.

  “Talk to me,” Viking interrupts my thoughts.

  “I don’t lie to Fin. I never have. He’s my family.”

  Guilt and anxiety are twisting inside my stomach. The more I think about him the more I don’t think I did the right thing here. I should stay away from Viking. That’s what he wanted to begin with. I shouldn’t have come out here this week.

  “So don’t. To hell with it Carnie. If we’re gonna do this then we might as well do it out in the open. I’m not gonna keep my ragin’ dick in check just because your brother is standin’ in the same room. Fuck we’ve got a whole week out here. Don’t think this was the only time I’m gonna fuck you.”

  I shove myself up the bed and feel his seed leaking out of me. Something about that feeling makes my pussy clench all over again. My insides are on fire. I wonder how many times this man could make me come in one night? The real problem here still lingers though.

  “No. We can’t. I can’t lie to him. Do you know how many times he’s told me that he better not catch me with one of the guys from the club?”

  Viking chuckles, but I don’t think this is funny. This is serious to me.

  “Stop it. I mean it. Fin tries to protect me Viking and I fucked that up.”

  The words leave my mouth before I can stop them. The anger that washes over his face guts me.

  “It was a fuck up? A mistake? That what you’re sayin’ here?”

  He shifts so that he’s sitting up on the bed looking over at me.

  “Yes. No. No. I just don’t want to hurt Fin.”

  “Yes? No? Which is it Carnie? Fuckin’ tell me.”

  “I can’t hurt him. He’s my family. You don’t understand Viking,” I scream a little louder.

  “But you can hurt me? That it?”

  Oh god. He didn’t just say that to me. He can’t possibly mean that. The music shifts and a slower song is playing over the speakers. Snuff by Slipknot taunts all of my sanity as we sit and look into each other’s eyes. Viking slowly nods his head and pulls back his emotions. He stands from the bed and grabs my clothes as he goes. When he turns around he throws them all at me.

  “This was a mistake to you? Get the fuck out of here. I respect Fin and you have every right to come into the clubhouse, but if you ever come near me…”

  He lets his sentence linger. Viking storms toward the bathroom and slams the door closed behind him. Sobs rips through my chest. What am I doing? What the hell did I get myself into? I look at the clothes in my hands and think about it all. Should I go? Should I stay?

  Part of me says to run and the other part says I should run to him. I’m safe with him. I’m calmer with him. My head is right when I’m with him. I toss the covers onto the floor and shove out of the bed. His come is still leaking down my thighs. I trudge to the bathroom, open the door, and I’m assaulted by the steam from the shower. I almost smile when I realize he likes his water almost as hot as I do.

  When I pull the shower curtain back I see that Viking is standing there with his head down as the water caresses his body perfectly. His long blonde hair hangs in wet tangles around his face. I reach over and brush it back until he turns his head to face me.

  “I get it Carnie. Don’t think about it. You can walk outta here and I won’t bother you again. With the age difference? Shit, I shouldn’t have touched you to begin with.”

  His words hold a sadness that I’ve never seen in him in all of the years that I’ve been around. Of course I’ve noticed him. How could I not? I’ve looked at him. I’ve thought about him. I also knew that he was off limits because of Fin. Now I’m questioning all of that.

  I step into the shower and slip under his arms. Viking stands up and gives me room to be there. I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest. His heart beat thunders under my ear as the water falls over us.

  “I don’t know how to tell him,” I whisper.

  “We don’t have to right now. When we get back we will. I will. For this week though, I just wanna be with you Carnie. I wanna take you out and show you a good time. Can I do that?”

  His voice is the softest I’ve ever heard it. I look up at him and see that he’s watching me with hope in his eyes.

  “What about when Fin’s around?”

  Viking sighs heavily. “We’re friends. Just like always, but you bet your sweet ass that when he’s not around? I’m fuckin’ you all over this city.”

  Chapter 13


  I didn’t let her leave my room the other night. Hell, she was lucky I let her out at all over the last few days. The only reason I did was so that Fin wouldn’t get suspicious. Not

  that I gave a shit, but Carnie does.

  I never thought I’d be the type that cared about what a woman wanted so much. Everything she says seems important to me. First thing on my agenda when we get back home is getting her enrolled in school. I know that it’s a dream of hers, and I plan on making it happen. Eric might have tried to snuff out her dreams, but I’m going to set those fuckers on fire. She deserves to go after her dreams. I’m not going to stand in her way like he did.

  Now I just have to figure out a way to tell Fin I’m fucking his little sister. I want something more out of her than I ever thought I’d want in my lifetime. Being older than her is kind of throwing me off. It isn’t such a big deal to me, but for her it is. She’s young, but mature. She knows what she wants out of life, but at the same time she needs to be able to be a twenty-two-year-old.

  She needs to be wild, have a good time, and go out with her friends. Hell I did all of that and then some.

  “Molly wants to head in and look at the shops. I was gonna see if Carnie wants to go. You in?” Fin asks me as I slip my beer.

  “Yeah I’ll go. Is Molly havin’ a good day?” I have to ask.

  Some days I don’t know how Fin can handle her. I hate watching her spiral out of control, but at the same time I get it. She lost a lot when she lost both of her boys.

  “Yeah. She’s not bad. That’s why she wants to go out I suppose. Figure while she’s okay we should do it. Hey, did you

  get the chance to talk to Carnie about her weight?” If only he knew.

  “Yeah brother. She’s just got a lot goin’ on with that asshole Eric. Think I talked her into leavin’ that son of a bitch. He’s not good for her. He was tellin’ her she needed to lose weight,” I tell him trying to keep the rage that’s eating at me at bay.

  “Fuck. I told her if she was happy then I was happy for her, but that’s a whole different story tellin’ her that shit,” Fin snaps. I watch the anger in his eyes until he looks up at me. “Thanks for lookin’ out for her prez. You know she’s all the family I’ve got.”

  Fuck me. Why does he have to say that? Why doesn’t he just shove the goddamn dagger through my heart? It would be less painful.

  “What are you guys doing?”

  Saved by the fucking bell. Carnie prances her little ass into the room in a dress that hangs from her thin form.

  “We’re gonna go to the shops. Was gonna see if you wanted to go?” Fin says smiling up from his seat up at her.

  “Who’s going?”

  “Molly, me, Viking, and maybe Whit.”

  Her eyes jump across the table to mine before she looks back to her brother.

  “Yeah, I wanna go.”

  “After you eat,” I add grabbing the pack of cigarettes from the table and shaking one out.

  Carnie eyes me for a second while I light up when Fin jumps in. “Yeah, we got shit to talk about later,” he says pointing at her. Carnie musters up a nasty look that she throws my way before she walks over to the fridge.

  “You got your hands full with that one,” I mumble as I blow out a ring of smoke.

  “Don’t I fuckin’ know it. I feel like a goddamn dad most days. Between her and Molly? Fuck man.”

  I watch the defeat in his eyes and I know what I’m about to tell him needs saying. “For what it’s worth I think you’re doin’ a good job Fin. Reaper put you in a shit situation with that girl, but he also knew you had the heart and patience to handle her. That says a lot about you.”

  When he looks up I think I see a tear in his eye. He quickly looks away and nods his head.

  “Maybe so, but either way I didn’t have a choice, yeah? Someone has to be there. I’m the lucky one I guess,” he chuckles and my eyes move to Carnie.

  She dances and sways her hips to the music that’s playing in the kitchen as she waits in front of the microwave. When the timer dings she grabs her plate and spins around. Our eyes meet for a second and she looks like she’s going to drop her plate, but she regains her composure and stalks toward us. I drop down into the chair next to Fin and nearly growl. I want her next to me, in my fucking lap, either way. It makes no difference to me. Fin reaches over and grabs a sausage off of her place and pops it into his mouth.

  “Hey. Didn’t you two cavemen tell me I had to eat?” she teases.

  I love watching the way Fin lights up when she’s around. It’s magical to see the way he transforms for her. It makes me wonder if I look the same way when I’m with her? I let that thought linger when Molly walks in. She looks a little better today. Maybe she didn’t use as much as normal today?

  “Ain’t you lookin’ sexy today?” I tease her a little trying to gauge her mood.

  “And you’re not.”

  She sticks her tongue out at me which makes us all laugh. Carnie’s cheeks redden and I know what she’s thinking. I watch her as she puts the end of the sausage stick into her mouth. Fuck. What would it feel like if that was my cock? She must be able to tell what I’m thinking. She quickly pulls the fork away from her mouth which makes me chuckle.

  “I’m gonna grab my shit. I’ll meet you outside. We takin’ the bikes?” I ask Fin. I shove out of the chair, stand up, and wait for his answer.

  “Hell yeah. I don’t wanna be cooped up in that truck,” he says with a nasty look on his face.

  “You’re ridin’ with me baby girl,” I say as I wink at Carnie.

  I purposely used the same nickname Fin calls her. She grins and nods her head before I leave the room. I need to get to the bedroom and adjust my goddamn cock.

  “Where you headin’?” Mason asks stopping me on my way.

  “To take a goddamn piss dad. You wanna hold my cock for me?” I ask him.

  He makes a face and shakes his head.

  “I’m takin’ the skis out. You in?”

  “Nope. I already told Fin I’d go into town with them. Girls wanna shop and I’m supervisin’.”

  I try to make it sound like I have no interest in being there.

  Truth be told, I need to be there with Carnie.

  “Heard that. Whit’s goin’ too. Make sure she doesn’t overdo it and try to fuck any chicks in the back alleys would ya?”

  I full out laugh at that one. Whitley has a way with women.

  That’s for sure.

  “I won’t let her get too crazy.”

  I walk into the bedroom shocked to see that Carnie beat me in here. She stands against the dresser with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “You waitin’ on someone?” I ask casually.

  “Not really.”

  Well, look at this little tease. I’d love to bend her over right here and now and spank her tight little ass raw.

  “That right?”

  I move closer and she drops her arms only to throw them around my neck. Her lips crash into mine as she takes what she wants. I let her have it too. I give her the control over this kiss, but she better not get used to it. Her tongue forces my lips apart and finds its way inside. The way the two of them tangle like a knot hardens my cock. I pull away and shove her back a step. She looks up at me shocked until I nod my head gesturing to the bulge in my pants.

  “That seems like a personal problem,” she giggles as she tries to walk away.

  I reach up and grab the back of her hair and yank until she stops walking. Carnie yelps, but when I spin her around she isn’t smiling.

  “Yeah. It’s gonna get real personal later.”

  Chapter 14


  We walk along the sidewalk where all of the shops are lined up. The guys are up ahead of us and judging by the look on the
ir faces when they

  glance at each other it must be club related. Molly and Whit hang out on either side of me. It’s nice to be able to have just a little bit of girl time.

  “So you and Viking? I didn’t think he’d actually do it. Fin doesn’t know right?” Molly asks.

  It surprises the hell out of me too. How does she even know about us? My stomach tangles in knots and she must be able to tell by the look on my face. Her hand comes up to rest on my arm.

  “I’m not saying anything. I just saw how you two kept looking at each other. God knows I have enough issues of my own to stay out of yours.”

  I smile over at her, but my stomach is still trembling. I don’t want to talk about Viking and myself.

  “How are you doing? If there is anything you need know that I’m always here Molly,” I tell her sweetly.

  She smiles, pulls her hand away, and looks off into the distance. I hate that she is dealing with so much.

  “What do you think Fin will say when he finds out? And is it officially off with Eric now?” Whitley is such a nosey bitch. Good thing for her I love her ass.

  “Fin will lose his mind. Hell I’m still trying to handle the idea myself. It’s just strange. Don’t you think?”

  Whit shrugs before stopping at a small jewelry store. We follow her inside as she browses through everything. She’s like a kid in a candy store. I love watching her face light up though. She looks perfect, content, and happy.

  “This is so cute,” she squeals drawing attention from half of the store.

  I have to stifle a giggle. I watch her in amusement when I feel a hand land on my shoulder. I instantly try to pull away, but I can’t. When I open my mouth to scream anther hand lands over my mouth and yanks me into the corner of the store.


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