Intimate Strangers (The Lisa Millar Series Book 1)

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Intimate Strangers (The Lisa Millar Series Book 1) Page 20

by Lasairiona McMaster

  Once she had checked in, she fell on to the bed and cried and cried until the tears wouldn’t come anymore and her throat hurt from the weight of her sobs. The last few weeks of pent-up emotions finally broke free. From not knowing if her fake-married boyfriend would ever wake up, to him waking up and not remembering her, albeit temporarily, to his mood swings and fractured memory, she’d been through a lot.

  And then HE dared show his face? That douche bag who assaulted me, and almost KILLED AJ, and they all just sat so quiet and calm?

  She was livid and completely overwhelmed by wave after wave of emotion. After all they’d been through, and he’d just let that asshole into his room? Just when things were starting to really improve? After what he did? To both of them.

  “FUUUUUUCK!” she screamed loudly. Why isn’t he angry? She wondered. Why aren’t ANY of them angry?!

  Am I being irrationally angry? Am I finally losing my mind? I don’t think so, I mean, the asshole assaulted me and AJ did almost die.

  Nope. Definitely justified anger.

  She cried and punched the pillows a few dozen times, and when she had worn herself out, she ordered a movie on the in-room TV, called down for room-service, and curled up on the bed in her dressing gown. She was hurt, and angry and no amount of Ben & Jerry’s would console her. She decided she should probably check her phone as she’d been gone for a couple hours.

  Twenty-four missed calls.

  Five voicemails and eight text messages.

  She listened to the voicemails first. One each from AJ, Brad, Jeremy, Ana and Chelsea. Each one a variation of, “Lisa, everyone’s worried sick about you. Where the hell are you? Let someone know you’re ok.” The texts were a similar shade of, “call me when you get this,” and “Where the hell are you?????”

  Sighing loudly, she pulled up Chelsea’s number.

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “Why yes, Chels. I’m fine, thanks for asking.”

  “Lis, so help me God. Where are you?”

  “I’m not telling you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’ll send Jeremy over to babysit me and make sure I’m ok. And I don’t want anyone over right now. I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Ok. You’re right. I’m not ok. I’m seriously pissed off and need some space. I know part of me is reacting irrationally, but AJ sided with him over me. What the actual fuck?” she fumed.

  “I already heard what happened. AJ didn’t side with him, he just wasn’t angry like you are. He wanted to let the guy say his piece. Remember, he has no real memory of what actually happened.”

  “You’re siding with him now, too?” Lisa accused hotly.

  “Lisa. Stop. That’s not what this is. You gotta calm down. Your whole perspective is being blurred by anger.”

  “What the hell do you think I’m doing here?”

  “Ok, Lis. Really. Sit the hell down and take some deep breaths. The last thing we need is for you to fall down again and no one have a clue where you are.”

  “Heard about that too, did you?” she asked quietly. She hadn’t told her best friend about her fainting.

  “I did. Only because they called me to try and find you – they assumed you’d told me. But yes, I heard. Jeez. Go sit down, your pacing is driving me nutty!”

  “How do you know I’m pacing?”

  “Lucky guess? I’m kidding. I’m not deaf, I can freakin’ hear you!”

  At that moment, someone knocked the door. Looking through the peephole, Lisa groaned loudly.

  “Aw crap.”

  “What? What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “They found me,” she groaned.

  Chapter 37

  “Who? Lis? Who found you?” Chelsea asked.

  “Marc’s at my door, with Mike.”

  “Open up. We’ll start stripping in the corridor if you don’t let us in.”

  “I’ve seen Marc naked, Lis,” Mike added. “It’s not a pretty picture.”

  With Chelsea giggling down the phone, Lisa banged her head on the back of the door.

  “Can’t you guys just leave me the hell alone? How did you even find me?”

  “No. We can’t.” Marc replied.

  Looking through the peep-hole, she saw he was on his phone.

  “MARC! Who the hell are you telling?”

  “The cavalry. Now let us in, Lis.”

  “The cavalry? Who the hell is the-” she paused as realization dawned and she repeated banging her head against the door. “You called Jeremy! Now he’s going to come over and pep-talk at me. Damnit, Marc!”

  “Seriously, Lis, if you don’t let us in, we’re going to climb up the balcony.”

  “As exciting as that sounds, I’d much rather be left alone, guys.”

  “That’s not an option,” Mike added. “It’s let us in through the front door, have us come up the balcony, or Marc is going to strip and cause a scene – your choice.”

  She said goodbye to Chelsea and unlocked the door, stepping back to let them in. She was still in her dressing gown and slippers, and had a towel wrapped around her damp hair like a turban. The empty tub of ice cream was sitting on the counter, along with a half-empty, huge bag of Doritos and a bag of popcorn. She was aware of the empty mini-bar bottles also sitting in view.

  “Having a party, Lis?” Marc joked.

  “Not exactly. How did you find me?” she replied, heading for the bathroom to get dressed.

  “That creepy find my friend thing, when you turned your phone on. We were checking at the hotel across the street when you appeared on the map. Lis,” he changed direction. “You need to understand, it’s a hockey player thing.” He spoke slowly, his voice deliberate.

  “Oh, I need to understand, do I? Please continue to soften the ground for Jeremy to come lecture me,” she called from the bathroom, slipping on a pair of jeans.

  “Well, not exactly, I’m just trying to-”



  “Don’t bother.”

  “Ok, but-”



  “No buts.”


  Mike grabbed Marc by the arm and tried to move him towards the door. “We should go,” he mumbled avoiding looking directly at Lisa.

  “But Jeremy isn’t here yet,” Marc replied.

  Lisa sighed heavily and flopped onto the sofa, tucking her legs up underneath her. “Well, since you guys would only find me again, I’m not going to go anywhere. I’ll wait here, listen to Jeremy’s lecture and surgically implant it up his-”

  “Well. That’s not very nice.” Jeremy grinned, appearing in the doorway.

  “I’m not in a very nice mood,” she grumped. “You still don’t know how to knock? At least these two knocked!” she pointed at the others with her thumb.

  “Did you two leave my door open for him? Or have you taken up magic as well, Jer? You got here awfully fast.”

  “Bye, Lis,” Mike said, looking guilty and making a quick exit.

  “Bye, Mike,”

  “Bye, Lis,”

  “Bye, Marc.”

  Feeling guilty at being so short-tempered with them, she tried to apologize.

  “I’m sorry guys, I’m just-”

  Mike interrupted her. “It’s ok, Lis. You’ve been through a lot.”

  AGH! Why do you have to be so kind?

  “That’s no excuse for being a bitch. I really am sorry, guys,” she mumbled on the verge of tears.

  Jeremy closed the door behind them. “So, you wanna tell me what the hell that was all about?” he asked as he picked up the bag of Doritos and joined her on the sofa. She turned away from him.

  The tears that had threatened were suddenly gone again, and Lisa was back to feeling angry, really angry. Angry that that jerk decided he was entitled to visit AJ. Angry that AJ had let that jerk into the room. Angry that he’d told her off in front of a room full of his friends, as
well as that jerk. Angry that Jeremy hadn’t flattened the guy as soon as he appeared. Angry that Jeremy didn’t seem to understand what she was feeling and why she was feeling it. And angry that they wouldn’t leave her the hell alone for a while. She was angry. So she sat in silence and fumed.

  “Lis?” he prodded, munching on some chips.

  “What?” she spat through gritted teeth.

  “These chips need dip. Do you have dip? You can’t eat Doritos without dip!”

  She shook her head. “No dip.”

  “Strange, strange Irish girl,” he said, half to himself, half aloud. “Well?” he continued. “You gonna talk to uncle Jer? I know you’re angry Lisa, I get it, he could have killed AJ, Lis?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then at least come back and talk to AJ. He’s pretty upset.”

  “HE is upset?” she said with a look of mock disgust. “Makes two of us,” she snapped bitterly.

  “Ok. Whoa. We need to fix this. Lis, listen to me. It’s a hock-”

  “Jeremy. You sure as hell better not be about to tell me it’s a hockey player thing.”

  He snapped his mouth closed.

  “Because let me tell you something. It’s not. Ok? It’s a crazy person thing. The odd rough check into the boards? That’s a hockey player thing. Having insanely odd and constant injuries? That’s a hockey player thing. Screaming puck bunnies? Hockey player thing. Guys from other teams sexually assaulting your girlfriend? That’s a breaking the law thing. Letting the guy who almost killed you, and there’s probably an argument for it being deliberate too, the guy who put your friends and family through utter hell, into your room and pretty much taking his side over your girlfriend? That’s a crazy person thing. And it’s just plain wrong, Jeremy.”

  “Lis, it’s hard to explain. There’s, like, a player code, or something.” He stopped, sighed, looked to be gathering his thoughts before trying again. “I really dunno if I can explain.”

  “Then don’t bother. Just leave me alone,” she said standing and turning away from him again.

  “No can do, I’m afraid. Chelsea isn’t here for you to talk to. You’re pissed at our boy, and that leaves me. So, either you come back to the hospital and talk to AJ, or you sit your ass back down and talk to me. Those are your choices. Pick one.”

  His face reflected a steely resolve she’d become accustomed to seeing in him lately.

  “Who’s with him?” she asked.

  “Mike and Marc are headed back there now and will sit with him until I get back.”

  She sighed heavily.

  “Fine. Let’s go,” she grumbled, grabbing her coat and bag.

  “I know this is hard for you,” he told her quietly.

  Seeing her obviously try to give her best, are you kidding me right now? look, he couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Ok, so I maybe I don’t quite know exactly how you feel,” he continued, “but I know you are finding it hard to understand, Lis. The guy came to apologize. He knows he was out of line and wanted to try and make things right. He could have been any of us. Many of us have been there. AJ could have died. Asshole, as you seem to have re-named him, could maybe even have been brought up on charges – he probably still could be if AJ were so inclined. I know that it was on purpose this time, or at least seemed like it. But many of us have been there by accident, and it’s a horrible place to be. That feeling, knowing you’ve gravely injured someone, it’s sickening. Waiting to hear if they wake up? Terrifying. It absolutely doesn’t forgive him for laying hands on you, and you can pursue that further if you’d like – none of us would judge you for it, we’d support you one hundred percent. However, when it comes to the game, we really are brothers in arms. They’ll never be friends. They’ll probably never speak to each other for as long as they live. They’ll probably actively avoid each other on the ice at every game from now on, assuming AJ plays again. But they need to make peace. For both of them. I know this doesn’t make things right. It doesn’t. And nothing he could possibly say to you or to AJ, or hell, even to me for that matter – could make the last week and a half of your life any better, or hurt any less. But it’s what players do when they’re wrong. They suck it up, say sorry and try to put out the fire regardless of screaming hockey girlfriends, or best friends throwing them up against a wall – it’s like, honor, or some crap I guess?” he finished, exasperated.

  “Uh. I said fine. Let’s go,” she told him.

  “Yeah. I know. But if I let you go back to the hospital like this,” he gestured in her direction, “AJ might need some protection from his crazy Irish girlfriend – and that’s not a fight I want to see. To be honest, you kinda scare me!”

  She laughed and threw her jacket at him.

  “Shut up, or I’ll give you a reason to be scared!” she told him as they headed down to the car. “Can we stop and get me some food somewhere on the way?” she asked.

  “You’re hungry again? Sheesh, dude. You have the appetite of a hocke-” he paused and looked at her, “You didn’t really eat earlier, did you? Just those snacks? Shit. Lis, you gotta eat!”

  “I don’t eat much when I’m stressed out, Jer. That pizza earlier would have come back up if I’d tried. But I’m feeling a bit better now and I’m actually hungry. Turns out a deep and fiery rage makes me hungry.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he joked as he did a deep bow.

  They went to a local Tex-Mex, and Jeremy threatened to tattle on her if she didn’t eat enough to appease him. He ate, too. Again. She shook her head and laughed.

  “Hockey boys and their food,” she said as she watched him shovel food into his mouth like he’d never been fed before.

  Chapter 38

  They took the elevator this time. Lisa was too full for the stairs. The nurses said hi as they stopped at the vending machine to get drinks. Jeremy entered the room first.

  “Is she here?” Mike asked at the same time AJ asked, “Is she ok?” as she walked into the room.

  “Later dudes,” Mike said to AJ and Jeremy. “Bye again Lis.”

  “Bye, Mike, and thank you,” she replied, noting that he couldn't get out the room fast enough.

  “I really am sorry,” she called to his back. Man, I clearly have some making up to do with his hockey friends.

  Jeremy walked over to the bed and hugged his friend, “Dude, hands where I can see them,” Lisa called jokingly.

  “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya Irish. I’ll get my lovin’ when he gets outta this place! Peace out, peeps!”

  “Later,” AJ replied, “and thanks!”

  “Sure,” Jeremy answered as he came to hug the stressed-out Irish girl. “Go easy on him,” he warned. “He’s delicate.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “He’s been in a coma for a week and had his head cracked open!”

  Lisa sighed, and laughingly dug his ribs with her fist.

  “’Cause I’ve not been here for that?”

  “I’m just saying!” Jeremy answered, rubbing the spot she’d hit him.

  “Skedaddle,” she instructed.

  “Eeeeesh. Bossy! Ok, ok, I’m goin’!” Turning back to AJ he asked if Mike had left his pads.

  Lisa chased him out and closed the door and hesitated for a moment or two before turning around to face AJ. He patted the bed beside him, indicating she should join him on the bed. She dropped her bag and coat on the chair and sat on the bed.

  “I-” he began.

  “Shhhhhhhh,” she placed her finger on his lips to quieten him, “it’s ok.”

  “But, I-”

  She shook her head, not lifting her finger. Their eyes met. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.

  “Why are you sorry, Pim? I’m the one who lost her temper and stormed out of here. I just, I couldn’t be here, not in the same room as him. I don’t understand why he was allowed to come here, to see you, to speak to you, when all I wanted was to punch him repeatedly for what he did to you...and to me.”

  “I know, I get it. It didn’t really occur to
me when I woke up that he’d call by and we’d need a chat about it, but everything was so blurry. Even after the doctor said it was a hockey accident it didn’t occur to me that I’d need to give it further thought, or that someone was to blame for it. I can’t imagine how worried and upset you’ve been, and you’ve spent so much time in close quarters with my friends and family with no stress-release. I know you probably think I took his side, but that’s not what it was. I know in the moment it probably felt like it though,” he trailed off. “Lis, you’re entirely justified to hate him. He assaulted you and he attacked me. The last few weeks wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for him. If I were you, I’d absolutely hate him too, but I wanted to hear what he had to say, and try to understand what happened, why the hell he hated me so much, rather than kicking him out like you wanted.”

  “It’s ok. I really am sorry for blowing up like that, it really wasn’t the time or place. I just couldn’t help it.”

  Understanding passed between them and she kissed him gently.

  “Did Three have anything noteworthy to say?”

  “Three?” AJ repeated, confused.

  “Sorry, yeah, the guy who hit you. I don’t actually know his name, nor do I care to really, so just call him by his number.”

  Smiling, AJ shook his head, “His name is Dwight, and he didn’t really have a lot to say for himself, Lis. He’s in his last year of college hockey. He wants a contract with one of the bigger leagues and it’s not looking likely. He wanted to get his team to the playoffs and be a hero. The two of us getting into it with each other repeatedly pushed him over the edge. He swears he didn’t mean for me to get so badly hurt, though, and apologized, a lot. He feels pretty bad about it all. I don’t think he wanted to bare his soul to me, but I got the impression there was maybe something else going on with him – not that that excuses anything.”

  She smiled at him and stroked his cheek, the wound on the side of his head was healing, but she could tell it still irked him. He kept trying to touch it and look at it sideways in the mirror. He was hurting elsewhere too; she could tell. His head hurt and movement down one side of his body was a little slower and more deliberate than the other. His grip was a little weaker, but she figured it would fix itself soon enough. She’d made a mental note to keep tabs on it but under his radar. Standing up, she kicked off her shoes so she could change into her pjs.


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