Felon: The Hellions MC

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Felon: The Hellions MC Page 9

by Leah Wilde

  I squeezed his hand in mine and let the smile on my face spread.

  So this was what sex was all about, huh? We’d danced around it and danced around it until it was an unavoidable fact of our relationship, something we could no longer dance around. The intense physical connection we shared was a bond that couldn’t be broken. From the protective way he held me, I knew he felt it, too.

  I’d had my doubts for a time. It seemed like he had started avoiding me after the night at the bar, like maybe we’d gotten too close to this and he wasn’t ready for it with me. Once it happened, though, there was no going back. I knew that, and I could feel that he knew that.

  I understood now why so many people used sex as part of their relationships. There were so many barriers and walls it broke down almost effortlessly that it made sense to use it once the relationship reached a certain point.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked behind me.

  “This,” I said, squeezing his hand.

  “Is everything okay?” he continued.

  “I think so,” I told him. “I’m not sure. I’m trying to sort out what I feel.”

  “You don’t regret what we did, do you?” he asked, and I loved him for the way he was checking on me, the way he was so concerned for my feelings in that moment.

  “No, I don’t regret it at all,” I told him. “I kind of regret taking so long to do it. I should have just jumped you right there in the store that night.”

  “I don’t know.” He laughed. “I’m glad we waited. It made it better, made it meaningful, I think.”

  He was sharing his emotions with me! Rogue was definitely a keeper. He was the perfect man. He had the rough and tough biker exterior, and he knew what he wanted in bed, but he was also kind and gentle afterwards. He seemed to be successful. I never noticed that he cared much about his money. He just always seemed to have what he needed when he needed it. To me, that was the real definition of success.

  “You thought it was meaningful?” I asked him.

  “Yes, I did. Didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, of course I did. I just didn’t expect you to say something like that. I expected you to treat it more like it was just sex,” I replied.

  “Is that how you want me to see you? Do you want me to see you as just another girl to sleep with?” he asked. “That’s not how I see you. That’s not how I think of you at all. You’re amazing. You are a beautiful young woman, and you are a lot of fun to be around. I knew we could have slept together after our first date, but I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to wait and make sure I wasn’t going to hit the road as soon as we were finished. I wanted to make sure I could stick around afterwards,” he explained.

  “So you’re sticking around?” I asked, a hopeful tone in my voice.

  “If you’ll let me.”

  I wondered how I got so lucky. We lay in bed talking for a while, and that was what made it so special. We talked. We actually talked and laughed and told jokes almost constantly when we were together. Even after having sex for the first time, after building the moment up so much that it should have just exploded in our faces, we still didn’t have to force anything. It all came naturally to us. I didn’t want to lose that.

  I had heard so many stories of guys who came around and played like they really cared just to get a girl in bed. Then, once they got what they wanted from her, they disappeared. They walked out of her life forever. I wasn’t afraid of that happening with Rogue. Rogue had proven to me that he was better than that, despite what my brother tried to tell me about him.

  I was almost convinced that Rogue didn’t know anything about my brother other than what I had told him, but I wondered how my brother seemed to know so much about Rogue, unless he’d had him followed, which was a distinct possibility if he was running security detail now.

  I took a deep breath and let it out. I pulled Rogue’s hand up between my breasts and held him there against my chest. I closed my eyes and held his hand against me as my body relaxed and I waited for sleep to come to me.

  Chapter 12


  I went through with it. We finally slept together. She had begged me for it, and I gave myself to her. It had been a glorious moment in time. There was an undeniable connection between us now. We were together, but we couldn’t be. I knew we couldn’t be, and I felt like part of her knew it, too. She must have known it all along. It had to have been obvious to her that all someone like me could have wanted from her was a chance to deflower her.

  I couldn’t keep lying to myself about it, though. I wanted so much more from her than that. I wanted her, not just her ass. It was a pretty sweet piece of ass, but I wanted everything that was attached to it as well. The sex alone wasn’t going to be enough to satisfy me, and I wasn’t even thinking about the information I was supposed to get from her tonight.

  As we both lay in her bed afterwards, side by side, both of us still reeling, I played the scene back over in my head. It had been so much more intense than I had expected. She had been so tight and so delicate that I hadn’t expected to last long inside of her, and I couldn’t wait to have another chance. I wanted to feel her around me again, wrapped tight around my shaft. I wanted to feel her body quake beneath me as she reached another orgasm. I wanted to take her there over and over, again and again.

  I knew, however, that what I was about to have to do was probably going to cut out any future chances of sleeping with her again. What I was about to do was probably going to signal the end of our relationship, just as things were really getting started for us.

  I didn’t want to ask her any more questions about her brother. I didn’t want to know if she knew anything at all about his business. I wanted to go to sleep next to her beautiful naked body with our fingers intertwined between her soft, tender breasts. I wanted to hold her against me in the darkness of the night, in the silence of her bedroom with only the sound of our breathing to fill the emptiness.

  I could just go tell the guys that she didn’t know anything. They probably wouldn’t have believed me. They would have known I was lying to them to protect her, to protect Titus’s sister. Hell, she probably didn’t know anything anyway. I never really intended to get any information out of her even as I came over to the apartment as a surprise visit. I just wanted to get her in bed and leave her when it was all over, and I couldn’t even pull that off without getting involved.

  I was in too deep now. I had grown attached to her. We’d fucked, except it felt like she was making love to me while I was trying to take her virginity and wreck her tight little hole for anyone else. If anything, I’d prepared her for more sex with me. She was an eager little thing. She wanted to know that what she was doing was the right thing to do in bed. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner than that. I wondered if there was anything she wouldn’t do for me, and that was a dangerous train of thought, as I’d learned from previous relationships.

  I felt her beginning to drift off to sleep, and I knew I had to do something to get the information I needed, or to at least see if she knew anything.

  “Hey, Violet,” I said softly, nudging her in her sleep.

  “Yeah?” she said sleepily, still only half with me.

  “I have to ask you a question, baby. Are you awake?” I asked, keeping my voice low. I didn’t really want to wake her up enough to answer the question I was about to ask her. I didn’t know if I even wanted an answer to it.

  “Yeah, I’m awake,” she said, still mostly asleep.

  “Where does your brother work?” I asked her. “Where is his office?”

  “I don’t know, but sometimes he meets clients in an old warehouse in the old garment district,” she told me. “Why?” she yawned.

  “I’m thinking about going to see him up at his work,” I told her. It wasn’t a total lie. The MC was planning on going to see him on the job, so to speak. We were going to wreck a delivery that would hopefully screw his whole operation, but I couldn’t tell her that.

bsp; “Okay, just let me know before you do,” she said, and she rolled over to face me, burying her face in my chest.

  I kept my arm around her naked body. I stared at her soft, smooth, tender skin as she drifted off to sleep finally. I knew I needed to leave to deliver the information she’d given me to the MC so we could finish planning our ambush, but I didn’t want to leave her lying there like that. I didn’t want to get up from the delicate body lying next to me.

  If anything, I wanted to kiss her again, this time from head to toe. I wanted to slide myself back into her. I wanted to wake her and have sex with her again. I wanted to roll her onto her stomach and slide into her from behind. I wanted to do so many different things to her body.

  I didn’t want to fuck her over, and that had been the plan the whole time. I wished she hadn’t been able to answer my question. I wanted to be able to do it all over and not get an answer from her. I wanted to forget the answer she gave me.

  I lay in bed next to Violet Darren’s beautiful naked body, and I wrestled with my guilt over using her for business instead of just being honest and genuine with her, like she deserved. I was too attached to her to walk away, but I was in too deep with her brother and the conflict between our organizations to ignore the information she had given me.

  Part of me wanted to just go to sleep next to her and get up before her in the morning to leave her lying in bed alone while I hurried back to HQ to tell the guys where we could find Titus and his men on Saturday.

  Part of me knew that I wouldn’t be able to wake up early, so I had to leave now. I had to get up without waking her and leave. Whether I went home or went to headquarters didn’t matter, but if I fell asleep, I would be stuck next to her indefinitely.

  “What have you done, Rogue?” I asked myself quietly.

  I slowly pulled my arm from around her and slid off the bed, careful not to wake her with the shifting weight on the mattress. I stood up next to the bed and looked down at her breasts with her little pink nipples. I looked at the perfect curve of her ass just waiting for my hands to grab her again and spread her open one more time.

  I looked at her face, so sweet and innocent, so trusting. I had done just what I told Titus I was going to do. I had taken her virginity, and I was leaving her. When she woke up in the morning, she would be crushed. I knew that, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it now. There was no way to take back anything that had happened.

  I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should have left something beside the bed, like money or a note, but it wasn’t supposed to be that serious. I decided it was time to go before I did something stupid, like climb back in the bed with her. That would have been disastrous.

  I went into the living room and got dressed as quietly as I could. I took one look around her apartment. Titus was just trying to take care of his little sister by paying her bills and threatening guys like me who would have taken advantage of her. Too bad I had taken advantage of her, and I did it specifically to get back at him.

  I couldn’t blame him for taking care of her and looking out for her, though. I would have done the same if she were my sister. I couldn’t think about it anymore. I needed to leave.

  I quietly unlocked and opened her door. I slid out and closed it behind me. I hurried to the elevator and took it down to the first floor.

  When I got downstairs, I texted Brodie.

  Got the info.

  Good job, he texted back almost immediately.

  Are you at HQ? I asked him.

  Of course. Still working on plans for Saturday. Coming this way?

  On my way now, I messaged him back.

  Good deal. See you soon.

  I put the phone back in my pocket and hopped in the Cadillac. I pulled out of the parking lot and started toward HQ. I knew Brodie was going to want to have a meeting about the new info right way, but I needed a shower and a change of clothes first.

  I could still smell her on me. And while Violet Darren smelled delicious, and while her scent made me want her that much more, I couldn’t stand the guilt that came with her smell after using her the way I had.

  I was going soft. The simple fact of the matter was that I had planned to harm her even when I was still in prison. It wasn’t a new plan by any means, so I needed to suck it up and stick to the plan. I had done it for the MC, and my loyalty to The Hellions trumped everything else, especially superficial attachments to sexual partners. I was trying to hurt her brother, Titus Darren, who had framed me for murder and larceny, leading to my spending the last five years of my life behind bars.

  The only reason I was out on parole was because I’d kept my nose clean while on the inside. Now it was time to get dirty again. It was time to take my MC, which had started falling apart without me, and turn it back into the organization it had been.

  Violet was just collateral damage. I would deal with her in the morning. First, I needed to deal with myself and official MC business.

  It was time to get back to work. I was through with her, and it was time to get through with her brother once and for all.

  When I got back to the old firehouse, I parked and cut off the car. I sat in the darkness and listened to the silent night all around me. I could hear the distant traffic of the interstate. There was the occasional car passing by on our street, but for the most part, the city was quiet. I could remember a time when it wasn’t so quiet out there, even in the dead of night. The city had been an extremely violent place when I was growing up.

  When I joined The Hellions and worked my way up through the ranks, we had used our control of the city streets to get the violence out of our city. We had made some pretty tough decisions in those days, and it had earned us quite a reputation. It seemed to me that we were entering a time of hard decisions again. I had made one tonight so that I could get revenge and put an end to someone who was threatening to pollute our streets with drugs, weapons, and violence yet again.

  The Hellions controlled the flow of merchandise through our city streets, and by doing that, we also controlled the violence. Crime had been at an all-time low five years ago, and I was determined to get back to that point, but it was going to require some sacrifices on everyone’s part.

  I closed my eyes and listened to my breathing. I searched within myself for that hard hearted asshole I once was. I needed to bring that part of me back as a way to protect myself from what was coming, because it was going to be big. Tonight, I had simply taken the first step in getting rid of our biggest rival. He wasn’t going to go quietly. No one needed to expect that from him. What we should have expected was a lot of violence and a lot of death. There would be fighting and bloodshed, and both sides were probably going to lose a lot of good people.

  I opened the car door and stepped into the night. The air was still outside. The whole world was still and silent. It was eerie how quiet it was.

  It was merely the calm before the storm, and I knew I needed to take advantage of it to prepare the MC for what was coming.

  Chapter 13

  I entered HQ through the front door and found Brodie sitting around with the rest of our leadership members. I nodded toward the stairs to let them know I had some information we needed to discuss in private. They followed my lead.

  In the boardroom, we closed the door and sat around the table. We were all exhausted, but it didn’t look like anyone was ready to call it a night yet. Certainly we were going to have to sleep at some point between that night and the raid on the warehouse.

  “Thanks for meeting on such short notice,” I told everyone, kicking off the meeting.

  “We didn’t expect to see you back so soon,” Mason said. “I figured you’d still be in bed with Titus’s sweet little sister. Hell, I wouldn’t have gotten out of bed with her,” he added, laughing. The guys agreed, all laughing with him.

  “Well, what’s done is done, and I got the information I wanted from her, so I figured it was time to head back. I figured staying in bed with her would have been a sign of f
eeling. What I did to her tonight was just business, guys, and when she wakes up in the morning, it won’t take long for Titus to find out,” I explained. “When he does find out, we’re in trouble. You know that, right? So it’s time to use the information I got to give us a head start on him.”

  I looked around the table as the humor of Mason’s statements wore off in the face of what lay ahead of us. The coming confrontation was over five years in the making. We were going to serve the death warrant Titus had signed for himself the day he framed me for murder.

  “So, you went through with it?” Brodie asked, echoing the question that was on everyone’s mind.

  “Yes, I went through with it. I went over to Violet’s apartment and slept with her. I took Titus’s little sister’s virginity and left her lying in bed asleep. When she wakes up in the morning, she’ll be surprised to find that I am not there with her. She’ll realize what happened, and she’ll probably call her brother to let him know. Titus has already threatened to turn me in for violating my parole, but I’ve already made an investment to make sure that his words fall of deaf ears,” I explained. “Plus, I’m counting on him being too pissed off to be satisfied with just putting me back behind bars.”


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