upasampadā (1) acquisition; (2) higher ordination (i.e., admission into the monastic order)
upādāna clinging
upādāya (1) derived from; (2) clinging to
upādisesa residue (of clinging)
upāyāsa despair
upāsaka male lay follower
upāsikā female lay follower
upekkhā equanimity
uppāda arising
ussoḷhi enthusiasm
ekaggatā one-pointedness
ekāyana one-way
ekodibhāva unification (of mind)
eja stirring
esanā search
ehipassika inviting to come and see
okkanti descent, entering upon
ogadha grounded upon (suffix)
ogha flood
ottappa fear of wrongdoing
opanayika applicable
opapātika spontaneously reborn
oḷārika gross
ovāda exhortation
kaṅkhā perplexity
kappa aeon
kabaliṅkāra edible food
kamma (1) untranslated: morally determinate action; (2) action, deed
kammanta action
karuṇā compassion
kalyāṇa good
kalla pliant, pliancy
kāma (1) sensual pleasure, sensuality; (2) desire; (3) sense-sphere (existence)
kāmaguṇa cord of sensual pleasure
kāmasukhallika sensual happiness
kāmesu micchācāra sexual misconduct
kāya (1) body, bodily; (2) class (of items)
kāruñña compassion
kukkucca remorse
kulaputta clansman
kusīta lazy
kevalī consummate one
kodha anger
kovida skilled
khattiya untranslated: a member of the warrior- administrative class (among the four social classes of Indian society)
khanti (1) patience; (2) acquiescence, acceptance (of a view)
khandha aggregate, mass
khaya destruction
khila barrenness
khema security
gati destination
gantha knot (of mind)
gandha odour
gandhabba untranslated: a type of deity dwelling in trees and plants
gilānapaccay abhesajja-parikkhāra medicinal requisites
gocara range
ghāna nose
cakka wheel
cakkavattī wheel-turning (monarch)
cakkhu eye, vision
caṇḍāla untranslated: an outcast
caraṇa conduct, esp. good conduct
cāga (1) giving up; (2) generosity
citta mind
cintā reflection
cīvara robe
cuti passing away
cetanā volition
cetasika mental
cetiya shrine
ceteti to intend
cetovimutti liberation of mind
chanda desire
chambhitatta trepidation
jambudīpa untranslated: “Rose-Apple Land,” the Indian subcontinent
jarā aging
jāgariya wakefulness
jāti birth
jivhā tongue
jīva soul
jīvita life
jhāna untranslated: a state of deep meditative concentration
jhāyī a meditator
ñāṇa knowledge
ñāya method
ṭhiti maintenance, stability, continuation
taṇhā craving
tatha actual
tathatā actuality
tathāgata untranslated: an epithet of the Buddha or more generally of any arahant) meaning “thus come one” or “thus gone one”
tapa austerity
tapassī ascetic
tasiṇā thirst
tiracchānayoni animal realm
tuccha hollow
tuṇhībhāva silence
tejo heat
thīna sloth
thera elder (bhikkhu)
dama taming, self-control
dara anguish
dassana vision, sight
dāna (1) act of giving; (2) gift
diṭṭha seen
diṭṭhadhammika pertaining to the present life
diṭṭhi view
diṭṭhe ’va dhamme in this very life
dukkha (1) suffering; (2) pain, painful (feeling)
duggata miserable, unfortunate
duggati bad destination
duccarita misconduct
deva untranslated: a deity, celestial being
devatā untranslated: synonymous with deva
devaputta a young deva
desanā teaching (of the Dhamma)
domanassa displeasure
dosa hatred
dvaya dyad
dhamma (1) untranslated: the Buddha’s teaching; (2) things, phenomena; (3) mental phenomena, (mental) states; (4) quali ties; (5) principle, law; (6) as suffix: subject to, having the nature of
dhammānusārī Dhamma-follower
dhammika righteous
dhātu element
dhuva stable
nati inclination
natthikavāda nihilism
nandī delight
nāga untranslated: (1) a dragon; (2) a bull elephant; (3) metaphoric term for an arahant
nānatta diversity
nānākaraṇa difference
nāma name (both literally and as a collective
term for the basic cognitive functions)
nāmarūpa name-and-form
nikāya order (of beings)
nikkama endeavour
nigha trouble
nicca permanent
nijjarā wearing away
nijjhāna pondering
nidāna source
ninna slanting towards (suffix)
nibbāna untranslated: the extinction of all defilements and emancipation from the round of rebirths
nibbidā revulsion
nibbuta quenched
nibbedha penetration
nibbedhika penetrative
nimitta (1) sign; (2) basis
niyata fixed in destiny
niyāma fixed order
niraya hell
nirāmisa spiritual (lit. noncarnal)
nirutti language
nirodha cessation
nissaraṇa escape
nissita based upon (suffix)
nīvaraṇa hindrance
nekkhamma renunciation
nepakka discretion
n’evasaññānā- saññāyatana base of neither-perception-nornonperception
paṃsukūla rag-robe
pakappeti to plan
paccattaṃ personally
paccaya condition
paccānubhoti to experience
paccuppanna present (time)
paccekabuddha untranslated: “privately enlightened one,” who awakens to the Four Noble Truths but does not communicate them to others
pajahati to abandon
pajā generation (i.e., the total order of living beings)
pajānāti to understand
paññatti description
paññā wisdom
paññāpana (1) describing; (2) manifestation
paññāvimutta liberated by wisdom
paññāvimutti liberation by wisdom
paṭikkūla repulsive
nibbuta quenched
nibbedha penetration
nibbedhika penetrative
nimitta (1) sign; (2) basis
niyata fixed in destiny
niyāma fixed order
niraya hell
nirāmisa spiritual (lit. noncarnal)
nirutti language
nirodha cessation
nissaraṇa escape
nissita based upon (suffix)
nīvaraṇa hindrance
nekkhamma renunciation
nepakka discretion
evasaññānā- saññāyatana base of neither-perception-nornonperception
paṃsukūla rag-robe
pakappeti to plan
paccattaṃ personally
paccaya condition
paccānubhoti to experience
paccuppanna present (time)
paccekabuddha untranslated: “privately enlightened one,” who awakens to the Four Noble Truths but does not communicate them to others
pajahati to abandon
pajā generation (i.e., the total order of living beings)
pajānāti to understand
paññatti description
paññā wisdom
paññāpana (1) describing; (2) manifestation
paññāvimutta liberated by wisdom
paññāvimutti liberation by wisdom
paṭikkūla repulsive
paṭigha (1) (sensory) impingement; (2) aversion
paṭicca-samuppanna dependently arisen
paṭicca-samuppāda dependent origination
paṭinissagga relinquishment
paṭipatti practice
paṭipadā way (of practice)
paṭipanna practising
paṭibhāna ingenuity
paṭivedha penetration
paṭisaṃvedeti to experience
paṭisallāna seclusion
paṇidhi wish
paṇīta sublime, superior
paṇḍita wise person
patiṭṭhā support
patiṭṭhita established
patti attainment
patthanā longing
pathavī earth
pada (1) term, sentence, passage, stanza; (2) step, footprint, track; (3) state
padhāna striving
papañca proliferation (as act)
papañcita proliferation (as product)
pabbajita one who has gone forth into homelessness
pabbajjā “going forth” into homelessness, the Buddhist novice ordination
pabbhāra inclining (suffix)
pabhāsa luminosity
pamāda negligence
parakkama exertion
parāmāsa grasping
parāyana destination
parikkhāra requisite, accessory
parijānāti to fully understand
pariññā full understanding
pariṇāmī maturing in (suffix)
paritassati to be agitated
paritassanā agitation
parideva lamentation
parinibbāna final Nibbāna
parinibbāyati to attain (final) Nibbāna
parinibbuta attained final Nibbāna, quenched
paribbājaka (non-Buddhist) wanderer
pariyādāna exhaustion
pariyādāya obsessing
pariyāya exposition, method (of exposition)
pariyesanā quest
pariyosāna goal, final goal
pariḷāha fever, passion
parivitakka reflection
parisā assembly
parihāna decline
paloka disintegration
palokita disintegrating
paviveka solitude
pasāda confidence
passaddhi tranquillity, tranquillization
pahāna abandoning, abandonment
pahitatta resolute
pāṇa living being
pāṇātipāta destruction of life
pātimokkha untranslated: the code of monastic rules
pātubhāva manifestation
pāmojja gladness
pāra the far shore, the beyond
pāripūri fulfilment
pārisuddhi purification
piṇḍapāta almsfood
pipāsa thirst
pisuṇavācā divisive speech
pīti rapture
puggala individual, person
puñña merit, meritorious
puthujjana worldling
punabbhava renewed existence
pubbaṅgama forerunner
pubbanimitta precursor
pubbenivāsa past abode (i.e., previous life)
purisa person
pettivisaya domain of ghosts
pema affection, devotion
poṇa sloping towards (suffix)
pharusavācā harsh speech
phala fruit
phassa contact
phāsuvihāra dwelling in comfort
phoṭṭhabba tactile object
bandha bond
bandhana bondage
bala power
bahiddhā external, externally
bahujana multitude (of people)
bahulīkaroti to cultivate
bahussuta learned
bāla fool, foolish
bāhira (1) external (sense bases); (2) outsider
buddha (1) untranslated: honorific for Gotama; (2) an Enlightened One, enlightened
bodha enlightenment
bodhisatta untranslated: an aspirant for Buddhahood
byañjana phrase
byantikaroti to put an end to
byasana disaster
byāpajjati to be repelled by
byāpāda ill will
byābādha affliction
brahmacariya holy life
brahmā untranslated: a sublime deity of the brahmā world
bhagavā the Blessed One
bhaya fear
bhava existence
bhāvanā development
bhāveti to develop
bhikkhu untranslated: fully ordained Buddhist monk
bhikkhunī untranslated: fully ordained Buddhist nun
bhiyyobhāva increase
bhūmi plane
magga path
macchariya, macchera selfishness
majjhima middle, middling
maññanā conceiving (as act)
maññita conceiving (as product)
manasikāra attention
manāpa agreeable
manussa human being
mano mind, mental
manomaya mind-made
mamaṅkāra mine-making
maraṇa death
marīcikā mirage
mala stain
mahaggata exalted
mahābhūta great element
mātugāma womankind, a woman
māna conceit
māyā magic, magical illusion
micchatta wrongness
micchā wrong
middha torpor
muṭṭhasati unmindful
mutti freedom
muditā altruistic joy
musāvāda false speech
mūla root
mettā lovingkindness
moha delusion
yakkha untranslated: a spirit (usually malevolent)
yathābhūtaṃ as it really is
yasa fame, glory
yoga (1) exertion; (2) bond, bondage
yogakkhema security from bondage
yojana untranslated: a measure of distance (appx. ten kilometres)
yoni mode of generation
yoniso careful, carefully
rasa taste
rāga lust
rittaka void
ruci personal preference
rūpa (1) form (i.e., materiality); (2) form (i.e., visible object); (3) form-sphere (existence)
lābha gain
loka world
lokuttara supramundane
lomahaṃsa terror
vacī verbal
vaṭṭa round (of existence)
vaṇṇa (1) beauty; (2) praise
vata vow (as vowed observance)
vaya vanishing
vācā speech
vāda doctrine
vāyāma effort
vāyo air
vikkhitta distracted
vighāta vexation
vicaya discrimination
vicāra examination
vicikicchā doubt
vijānāti to cognize
vijjā true knowledge
a consciousness
viññāṇañcāyatana base of the infinity of consciousness
viññū wise person
vitakka thought
vidhā discrimination
vinaya (1) discipline; (2) removal
vinipāta nether world
vinibandha shackle
vinīta disciplined
vinodeti to dispel
vipaṭisāra regret
vipariṇāma change
vipassanā insight
vipāka result (of kamma)
vibhava extermination
vimati uncertainty
vimutti liberation
vimokkha deliverance
virāga (1) dispassion; (2) fading away
viriya energy
virūḷhi increase
vivaṭṭa world-expansion
viveka seclusion
visaya domain
visuddhi purification
visesa distinction
vihāra dwelling
vihiṃsā harmfulness
vīmaṃsā investigation
vuṭṭhāna emergence
vuddhi growth
vūpakaṭṭha withdrawn
vūpasama subsiding
vedanā feeling
vedayita feeling, what is felt
vepulla expansion
vera animosity
veramaṇī abstinence
vesārajja ground of self-confidence
vodāna cleansing
vossagga release
vy- = by-
saṃyama self-control
saṃyoga bondage
saṃyojana fetter
saṃvaṭṭa world-contraction
saṃvara restraint
saṃvega sense of urgency
saṃsāra untranslated: the beginningless round of rebirths
sakadāgāmī once-returner
sakkāya identity
sakkāra honour
sagārava reverential
sagga heaven, heavenly
saṅkappa intention
saṅkilesa defilement
saṅkhaya extinction
saṅkhā term, reckoning
saṅkhāra (1) volitional formation; (2) formation; (3) exertion
saṅkhitta contracted (of mind)
saṅgha untranslated: (1) as bhikkhusaṅgha, the Buddhist monastic order; (2) as sāvakasaṅgha, the community of noble disciples, i.e., those who have reached the four paths and fruits of awakening
sacchikiriya realization
sañcetanā volition
sañjānāti to perceive
saññā perception
sati mindfulness
satipaṭṭhāna establishment of mindfulness
satta a being
satthā teacher
sadda sound
saddhamma the true Dhamma
saddhā faith
saddhānusārī faith-follower
santuṭṭhi contentment
sandiṭṭhika directly visible
sappaṭissa deferential
sappurisa superior person
sabba all
samaṇa ascetic
samatikkama transcendence
samatha serenity
samanupassanā way of regarding
samādhi concentration
samāpatti attainment
samāhita concentrated
samugghāta uprooting
samudaya origin, origination, arising
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