Conveniently Convicted

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Conveniently Convicted Page 10

by Ivy Asher

“Fine,” I say breezily as I push away from him and pick up my shirt and start to pull it back on. I make sure to let my girls bounce extra nicely and arch my back as I tug the fabric over my head.

  “Wait,” he rushes to say, and my movements pause.

  I look over at him past the sleeves. “Yes?”

  He grinds his pretty white teeth. “What sort of sex games?”

  I suppress my grin as I pull the shirt back on all the way. I leave my pants and panties on the floor, though, so my shirt hits me mid-thigh.

  His eyes scan the length of me. “Fuck, you look like every inmate fantasy I’ve ever had, but better.”

  I beam at him and grab the pipe from the floor. “Look at you, already earning a point!” I say excitedly before walking over to the wall and scraping the pipe down it. With a loud screech, I scratch a tick mark onto it to keep track of his points. “You’re doing so good already.”

  Eyes still lit up with hunger, he brings a hand down to his cock and strokes himself once. Twice. Three times. “Yeah? Just how good, Sunrise?”

  I swallow hard, my eyes flicking back up to his face from the erotic show that’s going on down south. “Don’t try to distract me.”

  He just smirks.

  “Can I borrow your watch?”

  Taking his hand off his stiff member, he undoes the clasp on his wrist and tosses it over to me. I catch it and press the buttons, setting the timer. “Okay, Minute to Dick It. You have sixty seconds to put a chip on the end of your dick and shoot the chip into your mouth.”

  Rook stares at me openmouthed. “What? I’m not doing that.” When I don’t reply, he huffs. “What the fuck is the point of that?”

  “Lots of reasons,” I reply, holding up my fingers to tick them off. “Shows me you have good eye-dick coordination. It also shows off how hard your dick is. And it’ll also make your cock salty, which is good for me if I end up licking it some more.”

  He chokes on my words and then snatches up the bag, grumbling under his breath. “Fucking crazy ass cockatrice chick.”

  “Tick tock, your timer starts now.”

  Digging into the bag, he puts a chip on the end of his dick, a finger on the head, and then ping! He flicks it down, and his cock springs up, making the chip fly.

  Unfortunately, it hits him in the chest.

  “Bummer, man. Try again.”

  He does. Again and again and again, until I’m laughing so hard that tears are threatening to run down my cheeks.

  “Stop laughing!” he says, flustered.

  “Sorry, sorry,” I quickly say, biting on my lips to keep my giggles from slipping out. “You just need to adjust your projectile angle. You’re doing great though. It hit your cheek that time. You’re so close.”

  “This is ridiculous. I can’t stay hard for this shit.”

  “No chip dick, no licky-lick.”

  His cock bobs. I smile. “Looks like you’re staying hard just fine.”

  “I am going to fuck you raw for this.”

  Please, yes.

  “Then you better stop screwing up. Ten seconds left!”

  With another string of curses, he digs into the bag. “Shit, I only have one chip left!” he exclaims, all flustered.

  “Make it count, boo.”

  He scowls. “God, this is humiliating.”

  “Don’t worry, you look hot. And savory,” I chortle.

  His mouth curls, and despite his best efforts not to enjoy himself, he totally is.

  With the last chip on his dick, he concentrates. Five...four...three...two...


  Mouth gaping, cock springing, neck tilting, the chip goes flying straight onto his tongue.

  “Score!” I yell, clapping as I jump up and down in excitement.

  He raises his arms in the air, ready to take a victory lap as the timer beeps.

  “Well done, Glow Worm.”

  He cocks a brow and drops his arms. “Glow Worm?”

  “Yeah,” I say, nodding at his hair that’s still glowing. “That nickname is sticking.”

  “Hmm,” he grunts. “Well? Do I get a reward for winning?” he challenges.

  I run my gaze over his six pack, his strong thighs, the way the shadows wrap around every muscle and indent. Damn, he’s perfect.

  “You do,” I say, drawing another tick on the wall before dropping the pipe and stepping toward him. He watches me as I come forward, ready to make out with him and taste that salty cock catapult of his, but I stop myself just in time. “No, no, no,” I chastise and push away from him, shaking my head at myself for almost buckling and ending the game early.

  My vagina threatens to mutiny, but she should know better than anybody how important these tests really are.

  “You’ve only passed one test. There’s more.”

  “More?” he asks, his voice radiating exasperation. “How much more are we talking about?”

  “Well, I would typically make you do a hundred pushups in a minute to test your endurance, but you’ve been hard this whole time, so I think the question of endurance has already been answered,” I tell him, ticking off a finger. “I could blindfold you and see if you can track me, but with the cell being so small, I think that’d be too easy. So really all that’s left is…” I run through the various tests I’ve administered in the past and try to figure out what would work best in this case. “Ah, got it,” I announce with the snap of my fingers. Then I whip off my shirt and reach for his dark blue uniform shirt which has been abandoned in the corner.

  “Wait, why are you getting dressed in my clothes?”

  “Because mine would have been way too easy. Yours have buttons, clasps, and zippers, which is just what I need.

  Rook huffs and runs a hand through his colorful hair. “Why do I feel like you’re trying really hard to not fuck me?” he asks, shaking his head and watching me as I grab his pants from the floor and put them on next.

  I give him a look that says, oh please. “Why do I get the impression that you’re not trying hard enough to fuck me?” I fire back. “Did you think I’d be easy just because I’m a naughty little convict and you’re a big strong guard?”

  I lace my voice with desire and run a finger down the buttons of his shirt while my eyes bank with heat. Rook licks his lips, and his cock bounces with sudden excitement. If he had a chip on that thing, it would’ve launched high enough that I could have caught it in my mouth instead. We’ll have to play that game later.

  “Is this some kind of role play?” Rook asks hopefully.

  I giggle. “Nope. But if you can get all my clothes off, you can fuck me any way you want to, and I’ll be a good little cockatrice and do exactly as I’m told.”

  All traces of exasperation and irritation are gone, and his face turns carnal. “Finally,” Rook sighs before stepping toward me, his movements desperate and his eyes bleeding desire.

  When I hop back a step, he narrows his eyes at me.

  “Hold up, Glow Worm, you haven’t heard the rules yet,” I declare. “I need you to show your skill set to me. So you have to undress me...without using your hands.”

  He studies me for a beat. “And if I can…”

  “Then I’m yours.”

  The words spill out of my lips before I can stop them. Rook’s eyes flash with something I can’t identify, and then he’s closing the distance between us before I can elaborate and explain that I only meant that I’m his for a sex-sesh, not that I would be his...for, like...ever.

  He stops centimeters away from me, and his gaze bounces back and forth between my eyes. Determination sets his features, and he stares down at the buttons on his uniform shirt like he’s trying to solve a puzzle. The way he looks over every button and zipper and clasp on my’s intense. Calculating. I can feel the charge in the air from the sexual challenge I’ve given him. His inner beast likes it.

  A thrill works its way up my body, and I suddenly find myself wanting to say fuck the game and just tackle him instead. But then he bends o
ver and wraps his teeth around a button, and my brain stutters to a stop. Suddenly, all I can focus on is his face pressed against my sternum, his lips closing around the navy blue button, and how fucking good he smells.

  I wait a second for him to pull some crazy move and unbutton the shirt with his tongue. I can picture him tying cherry stems in his mouth for practice when he was younger or unwrapping Starbursts with only his tongue in preparation for a day like today. But instead of figuring out a way to finesse the situation, he grinds the threads securing the button to the fabric with his teeth and pulls back away from me until the button rips right off.

  Well, that’s one way to do it.

  I gasp as the shirt falls open ever so slightly at my chest, and he bends down and tears off the next button with his teeth. Fuck cherry stems and Starburst wrappers, this is how to get shit done!

  And damn, it’s hot.

  He snaps more threads, another button goes flying, and my pussy clenches with excited anticipation.

  See, told you this was a good idea, I tell my lady bits smugly. My clit just shrugs me off.

  A slight whimper escapes my lips as he pops off another button, and Rook looks up at me from under his ridiculously long lashes. His eyes say I know, and I’m tempted to silently communicate back you don’t know me, but the only problem with that is it seems like he does.

  With his hands folded behind his back, he looks like he’s ready to take an evening stroll instead of participating in sexcapades. His deliciously defined back muscles bunch as he goes to work biting the shirt open, and I just want to run my hands over every perfect inch of him. I’ve never been so attracted to a male before, which makes this situation all the more ridiculous.


  Another button loses its fight to stay attached, and the uniform shirt is now gaping to my navel. He rubs the scratchy skin of his cheeks against the exposed soft skin of my stomach, and all I can think about is what it will feel like to have those scratchy cheeks between my thighs.

  I try to focus on the here and now and not the useless thoughts that are running through my head, demanding that I figure out what all of this means or accept that this is ultimately doomed to go nowhere between us. It’s just sex, I tell myself. Rook is like a gift wrapped up in cockatrice feathers, so why shouldn’t I enjoy a little fun?

  If anyone finds out, we could get in a shit ton of trouble. But somehow...that only makes this hotter. Forbidden fucking with my prison guard? Yes, please!

  Two buttons to go. The fabric is hanging off my hardened nipples, just a breath away from being exposed. I feel like I’m one of those taut threads he keeps pulling, ready to snap. My breath is coming on quicker, my skin flush. This moment seems like it’s about to change something, which I don’t get. I’ve had meaningless hook-ups before, and I’ve never been all worried or overemotional about them. So why does this hook-up seem different? Seem like...more?

  One button left.

  I try not to squee with nerves as I watch him free the last button and spit it out onto the floor with a clack. The shirt and I both just sit there waiting to see what he’ll do next. He straightens up, his gaze molten as he stares at me for a moment.

  I swear, he eye-fucks me so hard I can practically feel it. I can read the heated promises in his eyes, and somehow it chases my nerves away. I suddenly don’t care if I’m an inmate and he’s a guard. I don’t care that this could never work outside of this cell. Here and now is more than fine by me. And I seriously want it right fucking now.

  I reach down and unclasp my pants, dropping the zipper down. The large pants drop right off me, and Rook looks at me, confused. “Did I lose?”

  “No, you fucking won.”

  I push his buttonless shirt off my shoulders and attack him like he’s the pool and I’m competing in a belly flop contest. It’s not pretty, but I couldn’t give a fuck. He grunts from the body tackle I just executed, but his arms reach out and support my weight as I wrap myself around him. His warm skin against mine is like the best feeling ever, and I moan as I claim his mouth.

  I tease his tongue with mine, and we’re both suddenly all hands and tightening arms like we’re hanging off a cliff and trying to find the best handhold to take us to the top. The train of colorful feathers on his tail shoots up, spreading and shaking as we eliminate any space between our bodies. I chuckle into his mouth at the sight and turn to look at the impressive display. Like a male peacock, his tail feathers fan out, the iridescent blue and green colors glinting proudly.

  “Nice,” I murmur.

  “Just ignore it,” Rook groans against my mouth as he nips at my lower lip.

  I smile and capture his tongue to suck on it after he flicks it out to tease my kiss-swollen lips. “My tail has a mind of its own too,” I explain, and I try not to giggle even harder when his tail feathers start to sway and writhe hypnotically.

  Fuck, that’s pretty.

  Fulfilling my promise, I drop down to my knees and lick him from base to tip, letting my tongue swirl over the head and suck up every hint of salty goodness. He grunts, my name spilling from his lips as I lap at him, giving him just a taste before I pop off, my tongue darting out to lick up the bead of precum gathering, and look up to gauge his reaction. “Yum,” I say.

  His eyes are hooded with lust. “Fuck. I want to taste you,” he tells me as he pulls me up. His hands are holding my ass to support me, and he spreads my cheeks slightly and leans in, sucking on my bottom lip.

  “Later,” I promise, because if I don’t get this dick inside me in less than two point five seconds, I’m going to spontaneously combust.

  Rook opens his mouth to say something, but whatever it was turns into a groan of pure ecstasy as I align the head of his cock with my soaked pussy and drop down on him slowly and smoothly. I throw my head back and close my eyes, so all of my senses can focus on the way he feels as he fills me up inch by inch.

  We couldn’t fit any more perfectly.

  The wet curls between my spread thighs meet the hair at his base, and I grind against him, leaving a stamp of desire before I lift up until he almost pops out. I drop down on him harder, my hands on his shoulders for leverage, and this time, I open my eyes so I can watch his face. His eyes are closed, and he sucks in air between clenched teeth, a deep moan escaping on his exhale while our tails twist around each other. Seeing him like this...tense with desire and going crazy with lust because of makes me feel powerful.

  Like Rook can feel my eyes on him, his lids slide open. Flaming desire smashes into me as our gazes connect. I feel completely consumed by his blazing hot look, and his grip on my ass tightens. He walks our connected bodies toward a wall and presses the feverish skin of my back against the iron barrier. I hiss at the shock of cold against my back, and then my hiss morphs into a gasp as Rook pins me in place and starts fucking me. Hard.

  Oh. My. God.

  He works in and out of me so roughly that I can’t even think. He feels so good. So beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before, that my whole body just up and decides that Rook is now classified as a god, and we will devotedly worship him for the rest of our days.

  I come so fucking hard and fast that I can’t even scream. It’s like the pleasure steals the air in my lungs as it shoots through me. I’m forced to shove my face against where his neck meets his shoulder and just do this really weird gurgle thing. I’d be embarrassed if I weren’t riding the best damn high my body has ever experienced. I didn’t even know it was possible to come that fast, and from nothing other than his cock. I always have to have other stimulation going on either with my boobs or clit in order to come, so this is completely new territory for me.

  “That’s right, Sunrise, ride it out. You feel so fucking good,” Rook says into my ear as he slows his pace slightly and grinds against me more with each thrust. The new rhythm does all kinds of things for me, and just when I expect my orgasm to slip away, he works to make it lap steadily against my insides instead.

  Holy shit,
that’s good.

  I giggle, completely lust-drunk, and he smiles and kisses me slowly. I can taste languid appreciation on his skilled tongue, and I can’t decide which I like better, the hard fucking or the sensual fucking that he’s doing right now.

  I feel his tail ripple at the same pace as his thrusts, and I’m so captivated by it all that it almost feels otherworldly. Who knew it could be like this? I’ve been getting subpar sex for years. He’s going to ruin me for all other males in the future, I just know it.

  I kiss Rook back with passion, memorizing the feel of his tongue, his teeth, his lips. I revel in the way he makes me feel. My orgasm finally tapers off, my pussy fluttering over his thick cock one last time. I twine my fingers in his glowing hair and own his mouth like he’s owning my pussy. You’d think I’d be all tired and rubbery after such an intense orgasm, but now that I know what he can do, I want more.

  Like Rook can read my body, his pace slowly picks back up. He thrusts his cock into me deeper, my body being smashed roughly between the wall and him. I break away from his mouth, needing to pant and moan and tell him all the ways that he’s incredible and how good he feels. I love being taken like this. I love that he’s dominant enough to do it, while still pliant enough to let me be the boss too, like with the games.

  I nip at his earlobe. “Again,” I say. He chuckles, and then he does exactly as he’s told.

  If I thought he was fast before, I’m now learning that was only Rook’s medium-fast sex setting. I call out his name over and over again, and it’s simultaneously a prayer, a plea, and a warning not to set my vagina on fire with the current speed and friction. This is clearly not his first rodeo, and I’m not even mad at that. Just give me all the orgasms, and I couldn’t care less about anything else.

  “Hold your knees and spread for me,” Rook orders, and for a moment, I question how the fuck that’s going to work, but then I remember that I now worship him as a sex god, so I do exactly as instructed.

  I unwrap my legs from around his waist and drop my hands from his neck to support under my knees instead. His one hand on my ass supports most of my weight, and his chest presses hard against mine, keeping me pinned to the wall.


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