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Pseudopandemic Page 37

by Iain Davis

  Far from being opposed to China, it wouldn't be the nation it is today were it not for the wholehearted financial and technological assistance provided to it by the people who now tell us to fear it. While we have been embroiled in the debate about meaningless political, cultural and national divisions, delineated by our propagandist media, the GPPP have not only constructed a Technate in China they are now using the pseudopandemic to export technocracy globally.

  Once again we have been duped. Imagining that technocracy is necessary to keep us safe from a low impact disease that does little to increase the population's mortality risk. Bombarded by propaganda and dezinformatsiya, in our bemused and suggestible psychological state, we are ripe for the imposition of the global Technate and the biosecurity based behaviour change it brings with it.


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  Chapter 18 - Pseudopandemic Motive

  Some people believe that SARS-CoV-2 was deliberately created by and released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology [1]. Others point out that the US National Institute of Health were among those funding the gain of function research [2] as part of an ongoing international biological R&D program in Wuhan. There is also evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was present in waste water samples long before it was reportedly discovered [3] in Wuhan.

  At this stage, debating the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 seems like a self defeating exercise. It simply keeps us distracted from addressing the far more pressing problem.

  The pseudopandemic was a global fraud committed by the core conspirators who are members of the parasite class. The priority now should be that we collectively refuse en masse to obey their diktats. Next we need to start making decisions for ourselves [4] and ignore the political puppets we are given, while we consider what form of society we want to create. Following that we need an investigation to identify the guilty and bring them to justice before they caus
e more havoc.

  We need to build decentralised systems of exchange [5] and the mutual support networks we will need to live outside of the digital gulag. Some degree of compliance is likely to be unavoidable but our objective should always be to minimise it. We either accept that our health and our lives will be manipulated and controlled by AI algorithms and technocrats or cooperate with each other now to develop our own independent and lawful systems that circumvent and, as far as possible, ignore the Technate.

  The G7 Rapid Response Mechanism [6] was announced in the UK, by then Prime Minister Theresa May, in June 2018. It was an agreement between the G7 State franchises (US, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Japan and the EU). It created the idea of "unified international response" to world events. The G7 committed to agree a narrative and promote it in unison. The evidence, supporting or questioning that narrative, wasn't important. All that mattered was that they all stuck to the same story.

  The UK's selected Prime Ministers are supported by a team of more than 2700 technocrats [7] in the Cabinet Office and its agency the Crown Commercial Service (CCS.) The CCS oversees all procurement, meaning it spends tax payer's money on the things it claims we need.

  In 2018 the CCS awarded an £800M [8] ($1.1 B) contract to the OMD Group's OmniGOV project for what it calls media buy ins. The CCS stated that the purpose of the media buy in was to:

  "Provide the best possible outcomes for communication campaigns.. The successful media buying agency.. will work in partnership with media buying agencies to deliver.. fully integrated campaigns for government."

  Following the WHO's declaration of the pseudopandemic OMD Group (a subsidiary of Omnicom Group) developed its Learn Fast Act Fast [9] strategy. This was intended to help its clients (including the UK state franchise) to "navigate the road to a new normal." OMD Group deepened their "rapid response capabilities" which enabled "more informed decisions while providing a single version of the truth."

  This ambitions of its parent company Omnicom [10] don't have anything to do with making money, despite making a profit of about $1 billion in 2020. Instead they say that they exist to care for people and communities. The four key areas they focus on, rather than profits, are "community, people, environment and governance." They even have their own human rights policy and say that they recognise their "responsibility to protect human rights."

  Their chairman and CEO Jon Wren said:

  "Building social value, investing in people, respecting the environment – all have assumed their rightful place, not only as key elements of corporate reputation, but as hallmarks of good management and long-term business growth.”

  Tax payers are forced by law to give their money to the GPPP's State franchises. In turn the franchises then award lucrative contracts to their GPPP corporate partners, transferring the wealth from the tax payer to them. In this particular example, Omnicom have used the siphoned tax revenue to run propaganda campaigns which aim to convince us to trust the State franchise, believe in the pseudopandemic and continue the wealth transfer process.

  OmniGOV were behind the "hard hitting" media campaigns designed to convince the public of the horror of the pseudopandemic. They were instrumental in the infamous look them in the eyes [11] offensive. Ignoring the fact that lockdown policies had no impact on the spread of disease and increased the mortality risk, OmniGOV accused those who questioned the pseudopandemic of killing their fellow citizens. It isn't really clear how this constituted "investing in people."

  The Cabinet Office has effective control over national security and the intelligence agencies. It oversees the civil service and partners with the Treasury to determine the national budget and spending priorities. It takes the lead on critical policy issues, It manages the UK’s cyber security and coordinates the government’s response to crises situations.

  It is a technocracy in waiting with responsibility for efficiency and reform and has publicly declared its intention to "reform" our constitution. No one in the UK elects the Cabinet Office and its leadership is appointed by the GPPP's State Franchise representatives. Regardless of who you vote for the Cabinet Office remains. It is the permanent "government."

  The Cabinet Office is the corporate headquarters of the UK GPPP State and is currently headed by Simon Case. [12] He is a former close aid of the British Royal family and previous head of strategy [13] for the intelligence agency GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters).

  While it seems that the parasite class lack many of the qualities we value such as compassion, empathy and humility, we shouldn't underestimate their attributes. They are adaptable, focused and most importantly determined. Their collective will to act is their strength and, due to their authoritarian power and disregard for human life, extremely dangerous.

  The WHO Director General's address to the Munich Security Conference [14], just four weeks before he officially announced the pseudopandemic, was telling. Especially given the audience.

  The Munich Security Conference (MSC) describes itself [15] as "the world's leading forum for debating international security policy." It assembles so called decision-makers and thought leaders from within the GPPP.

  Beyond a small group of invited politicians the overwhelming majority of the 450 delegates are not elected representatives of any of us. Yet they all gather in Munich, every year to discuss "pressing issues of international security policy."

  Among the UK attendees [16] of the 2020 Munich Security Conference was Sophie, Countess of Wessex (née Rhys-Jones) representing the British Royal Family. With a background in public relations and a close relationship with the Queen she was the trusted envoy for the Royal household (the House of Guelph [17]) She was joined by the Western European Director of MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service - SIS) Justin Hewitt and then Foreign and Commonwealth Office political director Richard Moore, who subsequently advanced to become the head of MI6 [18]. Another UK delegate was serving 77th Brigade Officer and MP Tobias Ellwood.

  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were represented by their Director Orin Levine and Senior Director of Communication Emily Floeck. The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) Research Director Patricia Lewis, George Soros (Open Society Foundation) and his son Alexander (a World Economic Forum young global leader) were also invited to attend. The World Economic Forum president Børge Brende joined the other delegates.

  The Council on Foreign Relations sent nine delegates from both their US and European branches, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund president Stephen B. Heintz was among those listening to the presentations. China dispatched two Technate officials, Google (YouTube & Alphabet) sent five representatives and Facebook sent two, including their head of global policy and former UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Glegg. The head of the Institute for Global Change policy think tank Tony Blair, was also eager to hear the core conspirators plans.

  Perhaps the most powerful UK delegate was the civil servant Mark Sedwill. Under his stewardship a single point of policy control was created uniting the Home Civil Service, the National Security Council (NSC) and the Cabinet Office (including the Crown Commercial Service.)

  The intelligence agencies came under the control of the NSC, the Cabinet office oversaw the Rapid Response Unit, 77th Brigade and other hybrid warfare units; collectively the NSC and the Cabinet Office managed the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) who, in turn, controlled the Counter Disinformation and Media Development program. With control over the CCS, Sedwill effectively centralised authoritarian control over the entire national security apparatus and the pseudopandemic hybrid war effort of the UK State Franchise.

  The oft mentioned revolving door between the GPPP and politics is plainly a reward mechanism for faithful political service. It also facilitates direct corporate control of the State franchise. For example, former UK Prime Minister David Cameron employed Australian financier Lex Greensill as a special advisor giving him his own office [19] in 10 Downing Street. In return Greensill gave Cameron a lucrative lobbying Job [20
] when he left politics.

  Similarly, Mark Sedwill, having centralised authority over the UK State franchise pseudopandemic operations, also benefited from the revolving door. In January 2021, shortly after leaving the civil service, he was appointed as a special advisor to Rothschild & Co [21]. This seemed a strange appointment as Sedwill has no experience of banking or financial asset management. The global financial empire stated that Sedwill would:

  "Assist in advising Rothschild & Co on its strategic ambitions.....across its Global Advisory, Wealth & Asset Management and Merchant Banking businesses."

  Public health obligations, controlling the behaviour of billions, is a key aspect of the new normal biosecurity technocracy. In order for the population to be frightened enough to accept or even demand this new dictatorship, we were terrorised and paid the GPPP, via OmniGOV, for the pleasure.

  For the terror campaign to work the GPPP could not allow any dissent. Neither evidence nor "facts," questioning the pseudopandemic, were permitted to leak into the single version of the truth. They could limit the public's face to face interaction using lockdowns and by closing public spaces and social venues, but shutting down the free exchange of information on the Internet offered additional challenges.

  Ghebreyesus speech at the Munich Security Conference was focused on these concerns. His priority was the infodemic, by which he meant the people who would challenge the pseudopandemic narrative by highlighting the evidence bringing it into question. He spoke directly to the Social media and big tech representatives present about their responsibility to work with the gathered hybrid warfare specialists to shut down any inconvenient truth or dissent.

  He also stressed the need for unity, clarity of purpose and roused his audience to condense their collective will into action. The pseudopandemic was the common cause to unite the entire GPPP. Covid 19 was mentioned in brief but was not seen as the main issue. The control of information was the priority.


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