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Pseudopandemic Page 46

by Iain Davis

  "Our study demonstrates that the BNT162b2 vaccine effectively prevents both symptomatic and asymptomatic infection in working age adults; this cohort was vaccinated when the dominant variant in circulation was B1.1.7 and demonstrates effectiveness against this variant."

  The problem with this study is that they did not appear to monitor both groups using the same method. The 2683 unvaccinated subjects were monitored for a total of 710,587 cumulative days. That equates to approximately 265 days per subject. They monitored the 20,641 vaccinated subjects for a total of 108, 256 days. This equates to 5.25 days per subject.

  You could say that the unvaccinated were seemingly exposed to potential infection for 260 days more than the unvaccinated (using the SIREN method) or perhaps you could phrase it as the unvaccinated chance of infection was 50 times greater than the vaccinated. You might even compare like with like and assume that the vaccinated would have developed 250 incidents per 10,000 day, if the experimental conditions had been the same for both cohorts.

  It doesn't really matter because, however you look at it, these results were null. The SIREN scientists claim of vaccine reduced infection rates were unfounded.

  Full Fact used this pre-print nonsense as substantiation for their stated fact that "multiple, reliable forms of evidence show that vaccines greatly reduce a person’s chance of contracting or passing on a virus." This was definitely not a fact. It was the epitome of dezinformatsiya.

  The only difference between being vaccinated or unvaccinated is that vaccination supposedly reduces the risk of you becoming seriously ill. This risk reduction is tiny and needs to be balanced against the risk of being harmed by the vaccine, which may be higher. Unfortunately, the official statistics are so unreliable it is practically impossible to make this judgement.

  Without any completed clinical trials the COVID 19 vaccines were, by definition, experimental drugs. The people who received the BNT162B2 mRNA gene therapy for example, were unwitting subjects in a global clinical trial. The UK National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE), which sets UK healthcare standards, defines an experimental treatment as [34]:

  "A new treatment (for example, a new drug) that is being studied to see whether it has an effect on the course or outcome of a condition or disease."

  However, the UK factchecker Full Fact may suspect NICE are agents of dezinformatsiya as they categorically state [35]:

  "This claim that the Covid-19 vaccines are experimental is simply not true, and something we have corrected multiple times."

  The Nuremberg Code on human experimentation [36] stipulates that consent must be both expressly obtained and fully informed. Any use of "force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion" contravenes the Code.

  Once approved for public use, the UK State Franchise and its MSM propaganda partners did not inform the recipients of the COVID 19 vaccines that they were subjects in a medical trial (experiment). Neither did they inform them that there was no completed clinical trial data that would enable anyone to judge if the risks outweighed the benefits for any of the vaccines.

  The State franchise were willing to deny people the opportunity of informed consent, they deceived them into participating in medical experiments and showed no regard for the Nuremberg Code or public health. Simply trusting what we you were told by the GPPP was very high risk.

  We are currently being offered vaccines we don't need to free us from lockdowns restrictions that don't work which were instituted in response to a threat that was fabricated. COVID 19 was the problem, lockdowns were the reaction and vaccine passports are the solution.

  The practically meaningless system for declaring COVID 19 mortality was useful before the vaccine roll out because it massively inflated the pseudopandemic mortality statistics. However, because it recorded COVID 19 death regardless of the cause of death, once the vaccine had been deployed the same system would also record COVID 19 as the cause of death for those who had been vaccinated against it. Spi-M-O highlighted the PR and marketing problems this would create.

  While the WHO have consistently been wrong, they acted preemptively to mitigate the vaccine marketing problem. By the time Spi-M-O were ringing the alarm bell they had already reduced the cycle threshold (Ct) on the PCR tests to dial COVID 19 mortality down for the vaccines.

  However, for the GPPP State franchises reliant upon WHO statistical manipulation this still didn't solve the problem. It resulted in an equal reduction of all claimed pseudopandemic deaths. It didn't fix the relative percentage of vaccinated people who would still be recorded as COVID 19 victims.

  The Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) in the US proposed a novel solution [37]. They called COVID 19 deaths among the vaccinated "breakthrough cases." They suggested that breakthroughs could be blamed on variants. Official could subsequently claim that COVID 19 deaths among the vaccinated were due to the variant they were not vaccinated against. Therefore, while it appeared that the vaccine had not protected them against COVID 19 nor could it be said that the vaccine failed.

  They also came up with a clever way to reduce the number of "breakthrough cases." These would not include the asymptomatic and would only count those hospitalised. In addition, if someone tested positive or seemingly died of COVID 19 after vaccination their sample would be "confirmed" by testing it using no more than 28 PCR cycles [38] while testing everyone else using higher cycle thresholds. Thus creating an entirely false case comparison between the two groups.

  Creating a two tier system for attributing COVID 19 case numbers and mortality dependent upon vaccine status seemed to address the problem. It remains to be seen how other GPPP State franchises will deal with the vaccine marketing conundrum their own pseudopandemic mortality definition has boxed them into. The GPPP certainly aren't infallible.

  With vaccines crucial for biometric identity, speaking on BBC Newsnight in January 2021, Professor Devi Sridhar, who is a Rhodes Scholar and also member of the WEF Global Agenda Council, while acting in her role as Chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh and special advisor to the Scottish government, said:

  "2021 is the year of the variant in vaccines. The mRNA vaccine manufacturers have said that in weeks, they can change their vaccines. So then it becomes a race to see how quickly we can redesign the vaccines, roll them out and get them into people's arms faster than, as I say, a new variant could spread."

  As pointed out by Professor McCullough MD, among many others, this was pseudo-science. Not only was Sridhar suggesting some previously unknown form of viral mutation, she was presenting a very strong argument for not vaccinating anyone.

  In his testimony the Texas Senate Health Committee Dr McCullough stated:

  "People who develop COVID have complete and durable immunity. And (that’s) a very important principle: complete and durable. You can’t beat natural immunity. You can’t vaccinate on top of it and make it better."

  Ignoring medical science by assuming a medical necessity that didn't appear to exist, the pharmaceutical corporation stakeholders soon announced they had developed new adaptable vaccines that could be tweaked [39] to deal with variants. The Trusted News cartel took them at their word, investigated nothing and reported this as if it were an established fact. That they can be tweaked is true, that they need to be tweaked for variants is the dezinformatsiya.

  Moderna, mRNA vaccine manufacturers, were the first to announce their tweaking capability. This was in keeping with their previous statements [40]:

  "We set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs."

  BioNTech, co developers of the BNT162b2 mRNA "vaccine" with Pfizer, explain how this programming occurs [41]:

  "Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines are a novel technology.. These vaccines contain information from messenger RNA, including the 'blueprint' or code of a specific
virus trait (virus antigen).. The mRNA transfers the information.. to our cell machinery that makes proteins.. mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are designed to provide our bodies with the code.. In contrast to conventional vaccines.. mRNA vaccines.. contain.. only the information that our own cells need to produce a virus trait.. No virus is needed to make a batch of an RNA vaccine."

  Gene expression is the process by which the information encoded in a gene is used to direct the assembly of a protein. mRNA vaccines manipulate gene expression. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) offer the following definition of gene therapy [42]:

  "Human gene therapy seeks to modify or manipulate the expression of a gene."

  mRNA vaccines are indisputably gene therapy and not "vaccines" in any traditional sense. They can be defined as vaccines only in so far as they stimulate an immune response, but the mechanism by which they do so is novel technology. Human populations have never been exposed to this technology before. Not only are there no completed clinical trials, the intention is to release this technology upon the entire global population in less than a couple of years.

  Stimulating an immune response is not the only possible use of mRNA technology. Gene expression produces the proteins that control nearly every function of the body. Presently there is no evidence that any of the current crop of mRNA or other COVID 19 vaccines have been deliberately engineered to cause harm. There is plenty of evidence that they do, but not that it is intentional. Although we cannot rule out the possibility.

  The pseudopandemic vaccination was intended to habituate us to a continual process of vaccination. Once people accept the concept of their regular mRNA software updates the potential for future weaponised use of mRNA technology is clear. As previously mentioned, DARPA were deeply involved [43] in the development of Moderna's mRNA therapeutics platform.

  The parasite class are eugenics obsessives whose long stated ambition is population control. Latterly that ambition has moved towards our extinction as a species to be replaced with genetically engineered cyborgs. DARPA are already suggesting cybernetically enhancing troops [44]. mRNA technology lends itself to this transformation. It would be suicidal naivete to ignore this potential.

  Even if it is possible to develop vaccines on the hoof, it would be impossible to trial them for safety and efficacy if the VoC changed every three or four months. By the time one was developed it would be redundant. Moreover, why would you want to take a vaccine that protected you against a single spike protein mutation in one variant when natural immunity confers longer lasting, durable immunity against the whole viral genome?

  That the vaccines are based upon the production of a spike protein [45] is very concerning. The Journal of Hematology and Oncology [46] published a paper in September 2020 which showed that the spike protein in the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes the thrombosis and inflammatory response which can be fatal for vulnerable COVID 19 patients. Further research has shown that these spike proteins can bind to the walls of small blood vessels causing further thrombosis [47]. German scientists called this apparent problem Vaccine-Induced Covid-19 Mimicry Syndrome [48].

  The evidence suggests that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the culprit for much of the morbidity and mortality associated with genuine COVID 19. Yet the vaccines artificially induce the production of this spike protein or a portion of it. Tweaking vaccines, based upon this protein production, seems counterproductive. But only if the intention is to save life.

  Fortunately for the GPPP's pharmaceutical partners, they have no liability for the damage their vaccines may cause, nor do they need to bother trialling these tweaked vaccines for them to automatically receive regulatory approval. The MHRA are among regulators from around the world who, having already approved vaccines without them completing any clinical trials, will "fast track" future tweaked vaccines without requiring them [49] to undergo any trials at all.

  They have given the global pharmaceutical industry the liability free ability to give human beings drugs without any clinical assessment of their efficacy or safety. The MHRA state:

  "Time-consuming clinical studies that do not add to the regulatory understanding of a vaccines safety, quality or effectiveness would not be needed."

  This total disregard for public health epitomises the pseudopandemic. It doesn't matter if the vaccines work or if they are safe, all that matters is that the public take them because that enables the State franchise to roll out biometric vaccine passports and certificates.

  This is why GPPP stakeholders like Tony Blair are so desperate for us all be injected with COVID 19 vaccines. Concluding his speech on the platform given to him by the Trusted News cartel, he said:

  "The NHSX people have done a good job with the NHS app but we need to make that interoperable with other systems so that you can use this as proof of vaccination throughout the world.. The world will move to biometric ID. They'll do so because in the end it is better for people.. This is a completely sensible way to go.. it will facilitate the access to government services.. In every single field of our work, our leisure, the way we interact with each other, technology is going to change everything.. Biometric ID is just one part of a much bigger picture.. We are going to have to create a global infrastructure to deal with future pandemics.. what has happened to us is probably going to be part of normal life for the foreseeable future."

  The pseudopandemic was the spring board for the global roll out of COVID 19 vaccines. These provide the GPPP the foundation for constructing their new normal global biosecurity state. This will be a compartmentalised, authoritarian global Technate and our biometric identities will enable total control of every individual on Earth while we are cybernetically and genetically transformed into a new species.

  A significant minority understand this. They are resisting using lawful protest, non compliance and are trying to raise awareness through spreading information. The GPPP have already designated them extremists and have plans for them too.


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