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Pseudopandemic Page 50

by Iain Davis

  The EU Commission first announced their plans for vaccine passport in a document published in May 2018 [52]. This led them to produce their "roadmap" to vaccine passports [53] in early 2019. With the goal of establishing a "common vaccination card/ passport for EU citizens" the pseudopandemic fitted perfectly into the planned timeline. The 2018 document advocated the need to:

  "Strengthen partnerships and collaboration with international actors and initiatives, such as the World Health Organisation.. and financing and research initiatives like GAVI the Vaccine Alliance, the Coalition for epidemic preparedness innovations (CEPI)."

  Starting in 2020 the plan was to "reinforce existing partnerships and research infrastructures." The stated aim was to increase investment for the Coalition For Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI) founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). This was practically the first thing [54] that European State franchises (including the UK) did in response to the pseudopandemic.

  The EU's certificate will permit people to move freely across national borders within the European Union. The plan is to homogenise all the various vaccine certificates into a global biosecurity grid as soon as possible. The UK Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said that the G7 and its partners were working to ensure a global vaccine certificate system [55].

  The pseudopandemic based vaccine certificate surveillance system is perfect for controlling where the Technate's citizens are permitted to travel. The UK State franchise travel task force [56] devised a traffic light system with nations categorised as green, amber or red, depending upon whatever criteria they wish to use. Currently these are all related to vaccines and testing (cases) but they could be any claimed public health security threat.

  They trialled their system by stranding British holidaymakers in Portugal, suddenly moving it from green to amber. With many forced to cut short or cancel holidays, the Trusted News cartel then reported the travel chaos [57]. At no stage did any of the pseudopandemic propagandists point out that restricting flights and closing borders to protect against a low mortality airborne virus was ridiculous. Instead they debated the deliberately disruptive system, promoting the importance of compliance and shaping the choice environment.

  Following the announcement of the NHSX vaccine passports (not the certificates) the UK dispatched its minister Michael Gove and deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van Tam to Israel on a fact finding mission [58] to investigate the benefits of the Israeli system.

  The visit appears to have made an impact on the State franchise minister which he presumably discussed with his wife. Shortly after his return the Trusted News cartel published Sarah Vine's article [59] in which she called anyone who questioned the vaccine selfish idiots.

  Instead of reporting the fact that there were no completed vaccine clinical trials or the high number of apparent vaccine related deaths, and ignoring the research that showed the people raising concerns were calling for more scientific rigour, she gave the public the impression that anyone who questioned vaccines was "weapons grade stupid." She wrote:

  "A killer virus.. has paralysed the world.. you don't want to have your free immunisation.. because Wayne in Minnesota, who lives in his parents' basement, has told you it's an evil plot by lizard people so they can harvest our organs?.. the vaccine is our only chance of getting back to some form of normality."

  Unfortunately, the vaccine patently is not the way back to any kind of normality and it certainly isn't free. On the same day that Vine's attack piece was published, the BBC broadcast a radio interview [60] with Prof. Neil Ferguson who stated that the Indian, subsequently renamed Delta, VoC may mean a delay in lifting lockdown and advocating a new system of localised or "tiered" lockdowns. The Prime Minister backed up Ferguson by stating that the Indian VoC could lead to a new system [61] of "very, very draconian action."

  The UK started trialling its internal biosecurity grid [62] by restricting access to some theatre and sports events based upon the citizen immunity status. People required either a proof of vaccine or a negative test result (vaccine passport) in order to be permitted to attend.

  Despite the vaccine roll out, by May 2021, with virtually no COVID 19 hospital admissions or any related mortality, thanks to claims about VoC's, UK State franchise ministers began warning of the need for the tiered lockdowns [63]. Having already trialled these in Leicester [64] and elsewhere during the summer of 2020, they proposed a system of more localised lockdowns based upon wherever they claimed to have identified an alleged "COVID 19 hotspot."

  At the time of writing (June 2021) it seems the initial plan to lift the UK nationwide lockdown has been postponed due to the newly re-branded Delta VoC. July the 19th is now the promised "Freedom Day." It makes little difference.

  Among the motives for the pseudopandemic was behaviour change to accustom the public to "very, very draconian" public health orders. The broad acceptance of a requirement to produce your biometric ID upon demand, which had hitherto been fiercely opposed, was accepted by the majority. In addition the public's acclimatisation to a reliance upon state subsidies, initially through furlough and eventually to be rolled out as UBI, was planned and achieved.

  The pseudopandemic has been largely successful so far. With the population wide acceptance of vaccines, unnecessary for the vast majority, the nascent biosecurity state has been established. The core conspirators and their informed influencers have constructed the systems they need for totalitarian technocratic control. Just as they had extensively planned and prepared to do.


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  Chapter 24 - Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

  Less than 2 months after they declared a global pandemic the WHO passed resolution 73.1 to create the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (IPPPR). The IPPPR aren't independent of either the WHO or, by extension, the GPPP. In their subsequent report called COVID 19: Make It The Last Pandemic [1] they described what they called the devastating reality of COVID 19:

  "COVID-19 has shown how an infectious disease can sweep the globe in weeks and... set back sustainable development by years."

  Based on the figures State franchises around the world had concocted using fraudulent tests, the IPPPR falsely claimed that millions had died from COVID 19. The true, much lower number has been memory holed.

  The IPPPR were particularly concerned that global population couldn't get hold of enough vaccines. They said that, despite the vaccines, COVID was endemic. This appeared to be tantamount to an admission that the vaccines are, as Doctors For Covid Ethics described, "unnecessary" and "ineffective."

  In many respects, like every pseudopandemic story, the vaccine narrative makes no sense. They don't elicit a full antibody response and don't stop the infection with or transmission of the virus, and yet are absolutely essential. Unless we take them we will remain in lockdowns, of some form or another while, at the same time, COVID 19 (or some future version) is here to stay.

  In order to combat this ongoing global crisis the IPPPR pretended that there was some evidence that lockdowns worked and recommended that these be applied rigorously whenever or wherever COVID variants of concern (VoC) emerged. In the UK these dangerous areas are currently being referred to as hotspots.

  They suggested this global behaviour change effort should be set into international law with a Pandemic Treaty. But most importantly, what really mattered to the independent IPPPR was that the United Nations General Assembly should create a Global Health Threats Council. This global governance system should have the authority to:

  "Maintain political commitment.. between emergencies and.. during emergencies; ensure maximum.. collective action across the international system at all levels; progress towards the goals and targets set by WHO and guide the allocation of resources."

  In another remarkable coincidence the completely independent IPPPR report dovetailed precisely with the demand of world leaders that a global Pandemic Treaty [2] be signed. In their Joint statement the leaders of 24 State franchises wrote [16]:

  "Nations should work together towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness.. It would be rooted in the constitution of the World Health Organisation.. The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all of government and all of society approach.. that connects the health of humans, animals and our planet... To achieve this, we will work with.. all stakeholders including civil society and the private sector.. Pandemic preparedness needs global leadership for a global health system."

  As the coincidences kept piling up, it seemed the pseudopandemic led to the creation of the system outlined in the WHO's 2005 document Connecting For Health [3]. This was the document in which the WHO stated that global health governance didn't need to be led by government's but rather their role would be to create the enabling environment to allow a system of global health governance to rule.

  This system was proposed in 2002 in the joint WHO and Centre for Global Change on Health (CGCH) research paper Global Health Governance [4]. Only two of the eight CGCH spheres of interests [5] were related to what we might traditionally consider to be matters of public health concern. These were communicable diseases and tobacco controls. The other six were climate change, economy, energy, security, communities and governance.

  Perhaps without realising how their research would be exploited, the CGCH academics described how public health governance could control practically every aspect of human society. This new world order, under the banner of protecting public health, would be true global governance. They wrote:

  "A range of health determinants are increasingly affected by factors outside of the health sector – trade and investment flows, collective violence and conflict, illicit and criminal activity, environmental change and communication technologies. There is an acute need to broaden the public health agenda to take account of these globalizing forces, and to ensure that the protection and promotion of human health is placed higher on other policy agendas."

  UKHSA is the UK State franchise's embodiment of this principle. Protecting public health provides the means to control behaviour across all policy areas.

  The CGCH recognised that government relies upon legal and formerly prescribed processes whereas governance only requires an agreed set of rules and shared interests. Governance is far more malleable than government, the rules can take the form of hard regulations or they can simply be collective goals. Global governance is the "international rules based system."

  Governance has another advantage. In a legal sense governments are restricted solely to using legislation and regulation to control activity within their national boundaries. While they often coordinate regulation and even laws, the government of one nation cannot pass laws in another. Governance on the other hand, by establishing broad agreement on the rules, can not only effect change in many nations at once if can reach inside those nations to the regional, local and even individual level.

  Nearly every aspect of the pseudopandemic was meticulously modelled and the policy and media response planned beforehand. This leads many to suspect that SARS-CoV-2 itself was purposefully designed. While this may have been the case, it was not necessary for the pseudopandemic to proceed. Just as in 2009, the pseudopandemic capitalised upon a low level threat by blowing the associated risk out of all proportion. It was more effective in 2020 because the players were better prepared.

  With the policy and media response primed, the core conspirato
rs merely needed to wait for the right opportunity to come along. New respiratory viruses are frequently discovered [6] it was just a matter of picking one that suited their purpose. If SARS-CoV-2 was created to cause a genuine global pandemic it was ineffective. There was no global pandemic and those who claim that the virus was designed to be an unusually deadly pathogen need to explain why it wasn't. This is not to deny that people died from COVID 19 nor that Pandemic II (COVID 21?) won’t be more lethal.

  This notion of a deliberately released engineered virus also plays into the existing geopolitical narrative. The "Wuhan Flu" can largely be blamed upon China. Equally a revelation that the deadly virus was man-made increases the bio-terror threat level. Creating further claimed justification for more global control. As we have discussed, the western based global financial order have assisted China's economic, industrial and even military development. They certainly have not been treating China as the enemy.

  The suspicion that the "Wuhan flu" was deliberately created is perhaps understandable given the proximity of Event 201 [7] to the outbreak. The tabletop exercise was attended by representatives of the Chinese CDC, the US CDC, the U.N, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), US National Intelligence, The World Economic Forum (WEF), CEPI and the pharmaceutical corporations among others.

  Event 201 was convened by Johns Hopkins University, the WEF and the BMGF. It ran on October 18th 2019. The first case of COVID 19 was allegedly detected on 17th November 2019 [8]. COVID 19 is said to be the disease caused by a zoonotic coronavirus that jumped from bats to humans. The Event 201 training exercise was based upon the following scenario [9]:

  "Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic."

  This was called the CAPS coronavirus in the training exercise. The only notable differences between the Event 201 simulation and the pseudopandemic is that the disease first emerged in Brazil, rather than China, and killed considerably more people. While this was a striking coincidence, there have been some explanations offered to rationalise it.


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