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by Iain Davis

  Perhaps this explains why Exercise Cygnus was kept secret [20], reportedly for reasons of "national security." When the report was released, after being exposed, it was heavily redacted and all the names of the senior officials involved were hidden. The official media source explanation for this is that it was just too terrifying for the public to withstand. We might ask, terrifying for whom? Terrorising the public was recommended by Spi-B (SAGE) after all.

  It is reasonable to assume that many of those redacted names would have been people working for Ferguson's ICL team and current members of SAGE. If so, this indicates that those involved in planning the response to the pseudopandemic not only understood what the risks were, they provided the justification for policies which they knew would increase them.

  One of the senior officials involved in Cygnus reportedly said:

  "These exercises are supposed to prepare government for something like this - but it appears they were aware of the problem but didn’t do much about it."

  Similar pandemic preparedness exercises were held by State franchises the world over in the lead up to the pseudopandemic. Yet, when it arrived, they all unanimously claimed they were not prepared for it. How can they possibly have been unprepared when they had been training for it for decades? What was the point of all this "war gaming" if not to ready themselves for the coming war?

  State franchises were ready. Not to fight a real pandemic but to wage a pseudopandemic hybrid information war.

  Following the failed 2009 attempt, in 2010 the Rockefeller foundation's Research Unit published Scenarios For The Future of Technology and International Development [21]. Their Global Business Network, who train future business and management leaders the world over [22] and specialise in "future think and scenario planning," were the chief architects.

  Explaining the purpose of the future think, in the introduction the lead scenario planner Peter Schwartz wrote:

  "We are at a moment in history that is full of opportunity. Technology is poised to transform the lives of millions of people throughout the world.. This report represents an initial step in that direction. It explores four very different—yet very possible—scenarios for the future of technology and development.. It will seed a new strategic conversation among the key public, private, and philanthropic stakeholders about technology and development at the policy, program, and human levels.. for spotting and making sense of important changes as they emerge.. This is only the start of an important conversation that will continue to shape the potential of technology and international development going forward."

  It is important to note that these modelled scenarios were presented as opportunities to develop technology with the aim of transforming the lives of millions. They were considered to be very possible with implications for future strategic planning among key stakeholders. The goal was to spot these opportunities as they emerged and capitalise upon them to shape international development.

  In their "Lockstep Scenario" the Rockefeller tax exempt foundation envisaged "A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback." This fictional Lockstep world was set in 2012 and surfaced due to a zoonotic bird flu that spread around the world rapidly.

  What is remarkable about the Lockstep scenario is that it not only predicted lockdowns, which was something entirely at odds with scientific understanding at the time, but accurately predicted where they would originate, how they would be applied and what the reaction would be. The scenario outlined the following:

  "The pandemic blanketed the planet.. in developed countries, containment was a challenge.. However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens.. saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier.. and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.. National leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.. At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty - and their privacy - in exchange for greater safety and stability.. biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests."

  The Rockefeller foundation predicted that Lockdown policies would originate in China and that they would recover quickly as a result. They apparently foresaw the imposition of other measures such as the ubiquitous use of face masks and conditional access to shared spaces. They accurately predicted the creation of essential and non essential businesses and noted that the controls put in place, including biometric identity, would initially be accepted by the citizens in exchange for safety.

  Most will consider that the Lockstep scenario was just a story based upon reasonable projections. However, Lockstep reveals an astounding set of coincidences that only the most incurious could accept without further scrutiny.

  Lockdowns do not work and prior to the pseudopandemic no one, other than teenagers engaged in school projects and politicians, ever seriously suggested they would. Schwartz and the Rockefeller researchers must have been aware of this scientific reality 2010. It was vaguely plausible that a future influenza pandemic may result in lockdown policies but it was not "very possible" as Schwartz claimed.

  To then accurately predict that an unlikely policy would originate in China, would be adopted globally and that China would recover quickly, both in terms of the disease and economically, seems remarkably prescient. With the Rockefeller led Trilateral Commission promoting the construction of the Technate in China, their prediction that technocratic control mechanisms, such as biometric ID's, would be needed was another notable coincidence.

  like Inglesby and his colleagues at JHCHS, the Rockefeller foundation also seem to possess the rarest of abilities. They too can envisage scenarios which are not based upon extant knowledge yet subsequently manifest in a future reality.

  Just as Inglesby was able to predict fake news reports about the anthrax attacks that were not based upon evidence, so Schwartz and his team could predict a policy response to a pandemic that was not based upon epidemiology or medical science. Even to the extent that they could accurately foresee where this fake policy would originate.

  You do not need to be a "conspiracy theorist" to understand that training exercises based upon such scenarios predetermine future events. That is the whole point of training. When something occurs what follows is predesignated. The scenarios set future policy responses should similar events subsequently transpire. This may seem an obvious point, but it is worth considering what this implies.

  If the institutions which design the scenarios and undertake the training are some of the most influential on Earth, then that policy response will have global implications. When this preparedness is itself part of a compartmentalised authoritarian system, a small group, able to exercise that authority, can indeed determine future global events. What appears to be coincidence is in fact planning.

  It was not a coincidence that the policy response to SARS-CoV-2 was reflected in the training scenarios and events that preceded the pseudopandemic. The pseudopandemic was neither the disease nor the virus. It was the product of the policies, regulations and legislation hard wired into the response years before they were triggered.

  The parasite class have a eugenicist, population control agenda. They also intend to establish global governance under their rule and seize control of the global commons. This agenda is clearly evident in numerous intergovernmental policy documents. It is stated in global development goals, has a traceable historical lineage, has been openly declared at the highest level by statesmen and women and is a recurrent
theme in thousands of publications and documents freely available in the public domain.

  Due to our refusal to consider what is in front of our eyes and our acceptance of and belief in the fictional construct of authority, we give the core conspirators, within the parasite class, the necessary authoritarian power to determine the future of humanity. They can and do manipulate events in pursuit of their ambitions and when we look at the global preparedness training for the pseudopandemic we can see one method by which they do so.

  We have already discussed false flag campaigns, such as Operation Gladio, but to shape our future the core conspirators did not need to create SARS-CoV-2. Having already instructed informed and deceived influencers how to respond to a global pandemic, they simply needed to set the planned actions in motion when the opportunity arose.

  If we understand how this system operates we can reverse engineer it. Through their policy think tank proposals, future training scenarios and exercises we can discern their intentions. We too can prepare.

  Another simulation model in the Rockefeller's Scenarios For The Future of Technology document was called Hack Attack. This was set in a world riven by a series of disasters. Unable to cope with the volume of crises, international trade and national governments started to break down. A rampant criminal class emerged making use of technology to run evermore sophisticated scams including the production of "bogus vaccines."

  Calling these sophisticated criminal networks "technology hackers" Schwartz and his team wrote:

  "Sophisticated hackers attempted to take down corporations, government systems, and banks via phishing scams and database information heists.. . Desperate to protect themselves and their intellectual property, the few multinationals still thriving enacted strong, increasingly complex defensive measures.. Verifying the authenticity of anything was increasingly difficult.. The positive effects of the mobile and internet revolutions were tempered.. scamming and viruses proliferated, preventing these networks from achieving the reliability required to be.. a source of trustworthy information for anybody.. Trust was afforded to those who guaranteed safety and survival.. By 2030, the distinction between 'developed' and 'developing' nations no longer seemed.. relevant."

  Cyber Polygon is a series of annual cyber attack preparedness training exercises run by the World Economic Forum [23]. In preparation for the 2020 Cyber Polygon exercise Klaus Schwab said [24]:

  "It is important to use the COVID-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cybersecurity.. We all know.. the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack."

  Schwab advised that we should:

  "Use the COVID19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons the cybersecurity community can draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber-pandemic."

  The Managing Director of the WEF, Jeremy Jurgens, describing what the cyber pandemic will be like, said:

  "I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant."

  Cyber Polygon 2020 was a global cybersecurity training exercise run by the WEF in collaboration with the Russian State franchise. Sberbank are among the founding members of the WEF Centre For Cybersecurity [25]. Bi.Zone, a subsidiary of Sberbank [26], were responsible for designing and running the Cyber Polygon scenarios. Sberbank are a majority state owned [27] Russian bank.

  Cyber Polygon 2020 was held on 8th July 2020 [28]. Alongside more than 120 Russian companies (primarily from the Russian financial and tech industries), the western based GPPP stakeholders training for the cyber pandemic were also mainly from the banking and financial sector with a sizeable contingent representing the tech and financial tech (fintech) industries.

  It appears the cyber pandemic is planned to affect the power grid and the financial sector. The scenario for Cyber Polygon 2020 was based upon "the prevention of a digital pandemic" which would emerge in the form of a "targeted attack, aimed at hacking company data and undermining its reputation."

  Coincidentally the Trusted News cartel reported an apparently never ending stream of cyber attacks against companies in 2020 [29]. SolarWinds, Twitter, the Marriott Hotel chain, MGM Resorts, Zoom, Magellan Health and Finastra were just some of the companies who saw their reputations undermined by targeted attacks in 2020.

  In February 2020 the new head of the European Central Bank and former IMF chief Christine Lagarde warned of a looming financial crisis [30] caused by a hack attack. This followed warnings from Japan's Central Bank and JP Morgan Chase (Russian Sberbank partners in the WEF Centre for Cybersecurity) that cyberattacks were the biggest threat to the US financial system [31]. In April 2020 the International Financial Stability Board (FSB) stated that [32] "cyber incidents pose a threat to the stability of the global financial system."

  The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) is one of the GPPP's most influential foreign policy thinks tanks. They are also founding members of the WEF Centre for Cybersecurity alongside the Russian state owned Sberbank. In 2020, in partnership with the WEF, the CEIP releases their report International Strategy To Better Protect The Financial System Against Cyber Threats [33].

  To clarify: the CEIP, huge US investments firms like BlackRock, tech giants like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft, UK State franchise agencies, financial, insurance, consultancy and tech multinationals from the UK, the EU, the Middle East and Asia are partners with similar multinational corporations and state owned enterprises from Russia and China in the WEF's Centre for Cyber Security.

  It is the Russian State franchise owned Sberbank subsidiary, Bi.Zone, who design the scenarios for the Cyber Polygon training exercises that these global stakeholder WEF partners engage in. They are working together, as one, to plan for the coming cyber pandemic.

  In their report the CEIP stated:

  "Malicious actors are taking advantage of this digital transformation and pose a growing threat to the global financial system.. Malign actors are using cyber capabilities to steal from, disrupt, or otherwise threaten financial institutions, investors and the public. These actors include not only increasingly daring criminals, but also states and state-sponsored attackers.. It is not a question of if a major incident will happen, but when"

  This is the Hack Attack scenario the Rockefeller Foundation modelled in 2010. Yet again they achieved that remarkable feat of predicting the global impact of a fiction. Being able to analyse trends and predict where real events may lead is one thing, but being able to predict fabricated events and the lies that will be told is something else.

  In April 2020 the US Biden administration imposed sanctions on Russia for their alleged part in the SolarWinds cyberattack [34]. This was just a Trusted News cartel story we were fed to keep us playing the GPPP's game. The western GPPP State franchise aren't being threatened by the Russian or Chinese State franchises. They are partners and are working together to plan for the cyber pandemic.

  This does not mean that there aren't tensions as they all vie for their place at the trough. However, the narratives we are given are designed to control our behaviour and do not reflect reality.

  Sberbank subsidiary Bi.Zone are currently finalising their preparations for Cyber Polygon 2021. In the spiel for the event Klaus Schwab revealed another motive for the pseudopandemic. He wrote:

  "Technology and cybersecurity are of crucial importance in this COVID era. One of the most striking and exciting transformations caused by the pandemic has been our transition to the digital everything.”

  Dmitry Samartsev [35], CEO of Bi.Zone, said:

  "Cybercrime is now more than just the money stolen: human lives and the environment could potentially be at ris
k. The probability of a global cyber crisis is growing everyday."

  The pseudopandemic moved us from the real world into an online virtual reality where every conversation can be recorded and monitored. It physically separated us, leaving us increasingly reliant upon the Internet. We are now being told that we can't rely in that either. Suddenly that too is susceptible to invisible threats. We must adopt the approved cyber behaviour to stay safe online and protect the Internet or our little virtual realm will be denied to us too.

  The current global model of the financial and monetary system is spent and the GPPP must impose a new one to maintain their authoritarian control and seize the global commons. This transition will be at our expense and it is likely that people will resist. Consequently the UK State franchise has already proposed legislation that will end our ability to protest in the physical world.

  The Police, Crime & Sentencing Courts Bill [36] intends to create legislation giving the authorities practically unlimited powers to restrict protest. Any protest which is "disruptive" including one that makes noise, can be shut down by the authorities. Any and all protests can be considered disruptive, that virtually defines them. The Bill introduces other restrictions and threatens up to a 10 year prison sentence [37] for causing "serious annoyance" or "serious inconvenience."

  If this becomes law the only way people will be able to speak out is by using the tightly monitored and controlled echo chamber of the Internet and social media. To further control this ability, the State franchise has proposed the Online Safety Bill [38] to "take down" anything which question the single version of the truth.

  The GPPP, and the parasite class that lead them, are preparing us for a global transformation of the international financial and monetary system (IMFS.) The IMFS is the source of their authority and just like pseudopandemic it is built upon a deception. Nonetheless, its imminent failure compelled the core conspirators to launch the pseudopandemic.


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