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Page 59

by Iain Davis

  As we previously discussed, the Technate in China is the new sociopolitical model and it is no coincidence that they have been working upon their digital currency electronic payment (DCEP) since 2014. We live in a world of deceit and propaganda and so it should be no surprise that when the Trusted News cartel reported the launch of the digital yuan they wrote [38]:

  "China’s version of a digital currency is controlled by its central bank, which will issue the new electronic money. It is expected to give China’s government vast new tools to monitor both its economy and its people. China is embracing digitization in many forms, including money, in a bid to gain more centralized control"

  This is not how they reported the launch of the US CBDC pilot [39]:

  "CBDCs are the digital equivalent of banknotes and coins, giving holders a direct digital claim on the central bank.. the United States must drive a discussion on incorporating U.S. values such as privacy and freedom of commerce and speech into the development of CBDCs.. A digital dollar could also boost financial inclusion in the United States.. It's vital that the U.S. asserts leadership as it has in previous technological innovations."

  This was unadulterated propaganda. Like every aspect of the pseudopandemic response, the US "version" is identical to China's model. It affords the Fed exactly the same centralised control. The US are not leading on this technological innovation, China and Russia are among the many nations ahead of them. CBDC are not equivalent to banknotes and coins, they eliminate all of the individual social and economic freedoms that cash facilitates.

  Most importantly CBDC does not give you a claim on the central bank. It gives the central bank a claim on you. It is their deposit, their liability, their money. Not yours.

  The use of the term "financial inclusion" is replete in nearly every official statement and Trusted News cartel report on CBDC. Whenever we see the term we can be certain they are talking about selective financial inclusion and targeted financial exclusion.

  The suggestion that CBDC is intended to assist the poor is an appalling deceit. There is absolutely nothing economically liberalising about CBDC and we only need look at how the current IMFS has created poverty to understand how much the GPPP really care about us.

  The IMF have already explored the possibility of linking our browsing, search, and purchase history to form a new kind of individual credit rating [40]. CBDC will allow central banks to control our ability to purchase goods and services based upon our credit score which will be determined by their assessment of our behaviour. Those who obey and maintain their behavioural commitment to the public good, determined by UKHSA and other GPPP stakeholders, will be rewarded and those who don't will be punished.

  This same control will extend to all businesses who need credit to function. By going direct with CBDC the parasite class won't need to exploit debt monetisation to control the money supply and subsequent policy. They will directly control all investment. Stakeholders with a good enough ESG rating will receive the CBDC they need. Those with a poor ESG rating won't.

  Equally, If they don't approve of State franchise spending priorities, in a CBDC world, they can deny the transactions. As the parasite class seize the global commons, CBDC will guarantee that the only investments will be those that enable their resource grab.

  The pseudopandemic was orchestrated to introduce us to our new technocracy. It established the biosecurity surveillance state that will maintain centralised authoritarian control of our behaviour as me are transitioned. The economic response to the pseudopandemic has rendered the old IMFS redundant, allowing the GPPP to surge ahead with their carbon neutral global economy and the roll out of CBDC.

  A cyberattack that brings down the global financial system would certainly create the right choice environment to convince us all that a new global monetary system is essential. The World Economic Forum's CyberPolygon preparedness scenario's were designed by Russia's State franchise owned bank, Sberbank.

  Coincidentally, they just happen to be the first Russian bank to announce the launch their digital currency, Sbercoin [41]. Immediately following the launch announcement, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Digital Financial Assets (DFA) Bill into Russian law [42], effectively creating the legal payment framework for Russia's digital currency.

  The World Bank's rose tinted projections of 5.6% global growth in 2021 [43] did little to hide the reality:

  "Global growth is set to reach 5.6 percent in 2021 - its strongest post-recession pace in 80 years - .. By 2022, global output will remain about 2 percent below prepandemic projections.. the recovery is not assured: the possibility remains that additional COVID-19 waves, further vaccination delays, mounting debt levels, or rising inflationary pressures deliver setbacks.. The last decade saw the largest, fastest, and most broad-based increase in debt levels around the world. The pandemic.. spurred an unprecedented buildup in government debt in many economies.. The pandemic not only reversed gains in global poverty reduction.. but also deepened the challenges of food insecurity and rising food prices.. Expanding vaccine distribution and deployment, especially to developing countries, is a precondition to economic recovery.. "

  A precarious hope, based upon drug dealing, that the global productive economy will only be 2% smaller in 2022 than forecast in 2019 isn't anything worth celebrating. Meanwhile, in their race to capitalise the carbon bond market, the GPPP are engaged in frantic debt monetisation causing increasing inequality. The trade barriers they have erected and the economic destruction they have wrought has also shut off global trade routes leading to food scarcity.

  US inflation is at its highest rate since 2008 [44] as the trillions of dollars, and other fairy dust currencies, magicked into existence during the pseudopandemic take effect. The "centre won’t hold" and the global commitment to Net-Zero Banking [45] combined with CBDC will mean more centralisation of authority with fewer winners and many more losers.

  If we become reliant upon UBI, paid in CBDC, the parasite class will have absolute control over our lives. We will not protest, we will not voice any objections or otherwise dissent, we will take our vaccine, or whatever drugs we are told to take, and we will behave ourselves or our UBI - CBDC will be switched off.

  If we understand what is happening as a result of the pseudopandemic then clearly we would be crazy to accept global dictatorial authority. That is why we are deluged with perpetual propaganda and dezinformatsiya. The aim is to convince us that we must adopt the solutions forced upon us to stay safe and that doing so is the moral choice.

  Speaking at Berkley in 1962 the author Aldous Huxley, described the ultimate, final revolution. He said:

  "In the past we can say that all revolutions have essentially aimed at changing the environment in order to change the individual.. Today we are faced, I think, with the approach of what may be called the ultimate revolution, the final revolution, where man can act directly on the mind-body of his fellows.. If you are going to control any population for any length of time, you must have some measure of consent, it’s exceedingly difficult to see how pure terrorism can function indefinitely.. We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude. This is, it seems to me, the ultimate in malevolent revolutions."

  The WEF published their article There is no returning to normal after COVID-19. But there is a path forward [46] because that is what they desperately need us to believe. The future is not set, all they have are coercion, deception and a monopoly on the use of force. They have no real authority because authority is a construct of the mind. If we choose not to believe in their authority it vanishes in an instant.

  Their only resort then will be brute force. A few thousand oligarchs, no matter how many armies they think they command, have absolutely no chance against more than 5 billion adults who will not comply. Our unquestioning belief in their systems of authority is essential for their plan to succe
ed. Their institutions must have our trust. It is their only hope.

  No one can demand that you trust them. All they can do is earn your trust and only you can decide if they have it.

  We do not have to live in fear, we do not have to obey the claimed authority of liars and thieves and we do not have to believe anything we are told. We are sovereign human beings with free will. We have the ability the think critically and we can exercise our inalienable rights and freedoms.

  If enough of us do, if we seize control of the technology that is being misused to imprison us, there is no authority on Earth that can stop us. We can reset the world.


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  About The Author

  Iain Davis is a journalist, author and blogger who is a frequent contributor to news media organisations.

  You can read more of his work and sign up for Iain’s newsletter at

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