The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series) Page 8

by Brie Paisley

  “This is the assembly room,” Malik says, interrupting my thoughts of the past. Looking around the room, he adds, “This is where we’ll meet with the others, and then, I’ll show you around the rest of the den.”

  Smirking, when I notice a huge, dark, oak chair, sitting at the end of the table, I instantly know that’s where Malik sits. It’s fit for a king, and I sense his pride, flowing through him, as he catches onto my thoughts.

  “Every king needs a queen,” he seductively claims, and I don’t even bother to try and stop the delicious tingles from racing throughout my entire body.

  As Reid pushes past me, Malik growls low in warning, but it seems he doesn’t care. “Ignore him. He’s pissed, because his wolf likes me,” Sameria offers, and I grin, knowing what she’s talking about.

  Honestly, if it weren’t for her distracting Reid’s wolf, when she had, I probably would’ve killed him, too.

  No one, and I mean no one, will stand in my way again, especially if it comes to my mate. So, that includes Reid as well.

  Shaking away those dark thoughts, I realize just how many wolves are present. There are a lot of them, standing off to the side, and I stay close to Malik, as a few approach us. “It’s good to see you again, Malik.” One states, with a grin.

  “It’s good to be back.” As Malik pulls me closer, he proudly says, “This is Melena, my mate.”

  The wolf holds out his hand, and then smiles widely, as he states, “I’m Nick, the pack’s healer.”

  I nod once, because I don’t really know what to say. I’m still wary of all of these strangers around me, but with Malik’s comfort running through me, it helps me relax. In a way, I’m glad he can sense, when I need it, because this is so out of character for me. I’ve been stuck in The Facility for so long, and it’s like I’ve forgotten how to be … well, not normal, but it’s close to what normal would feel like for me.

  As the other wolves approach us, they each take their turn, welcoming me to the pack. There’s so many, so I don’t even try to remember all of their names just yet. Although, there’s two wolves that stand out more than the others. Axel and Jace. These two, at first glance, seem just like the others, but the longer I stare at them both, the more I see that there’s a lot more going on with them.

  Before I get a chance to think about them, I move through the throng of wolves, as I sense a presence that I never thought was actually real. But then, I know what I saw at The Facility was real, as I gaze at the witch in question. Walking closer, she smiles widely, like she’s known me for her entire life.

  “Hi, Melena,” she sweetly says, and all I can do is stare at her. “I know this is a lot for you, but I promise, this is where you’re destined to be.”

  “I’ve seen you before,” I softly utter, hoping she can shed some light on how that’s possible.

  As she nods, I notice a wolf, standing beside her. With the way he’s touching her, and standing so close, makes me think that he’s her mate. “I’m The Foreseer.”

  “Luna?” I ask, needing confirmation.

  Thankfully, Malik got me up to speed on everything, including what happened, when he first met Luna, while we made our way here, and I’m so glad that he did. I feel as though I’m still behind on all that’s happened, since I was captured.

  Once she nods, I suck in a deep breath, and then sense Malik behind me. Not thinking anything of it, I reach forward, and then hug her tightly. “Thank you,” I whisper in her ear.

  She holds me just as tight, because she knows how close I was to losing myself. Even though I can feel everyone’s eyes on us, I still hold her close, because this witch literally saved my life in more ways than one.

  After a few more moments, I let her go, knowing that her and I are going to have a lot to talk about later. I owe her so much, so she needs to know that I’m indebted to her. As she introduces me to her mate, Ryker, Malik places his arm around me, and I try to ignore the fire inside of me rapidly growing. Feeling his need mixing with mine, it’s making things, like talking, hard to do.

  Turning my gaze to him, I narrow my eyes, because I realize that he’s doing this on purpose. “Wicked wolf.”

  “Devious witch,” he counters, and I can’t seem to hide my grin.

  “Can you two communicate using telepathy?”

  I duck my head, knowing that Luna has caught onto us, but Malik only chuckles, and then claims, “We can, and I find that I rather enjoy it more than I thought I would.”

  Luna glances towards her mate, and then back to us, as she states, “I didn’t think it was actually possible.”

  She’s right about that. There’s been so many things passed down about mates, and some mates having special abilities, once they fully bond. Now that I’m not distracted anymore by the wicked wolf, I realize that Luna and Ryker share something special, too.

  As if Luna can read my mind, she says, “Ryker gives me a boost with my visions, and in return, he can feel everything that I do, when I’m having a vision.”

  “Sounds like a blessing and a curse,” I state somberly, but the magic swirling between them is very strong.

  Before she gets the chance to say anything back, the doors to the room suddenly open, and in walks a group of wolves. Frowning, as they come closer, I realize that they seem much older than the others. It’s in the way they carry themselves, and not to mention, the look in their eyes speaks volumes of their own pain and demons.

  “The Elders,” Malik whispers in my mind, and I nod, knowing what they are to the pack.

  On our journey here, Malik also told me much about them, and what their purpose is. They’re only here to guide and offer advice to him, while also keeping the peace between the other smaller packs. Apparently, it was The Elder’s idea to have the packs split into smaller groups. That way, if anyone were to attack them, they wouldn’t be wiped out completely. It makes sense, but then again, it doesn’t.

  If the pack were attacked, then that would mean they’re all alone with their fight, instead of having the numbers to take down the enemy. Malik also claims that he’s trying to rid that rule, but one Elder in particular is fighting him on his decision.

  “So, this must be the one that’s going to save us all,” the wolf, leading the others states, and as I stare at him, I begin to feel a dull pain, starting to rise in my mind.

  “Alrick,” Malik says in a low voice, like he’s warning him.

  The longer I stare at The Elder, the more my head pounds, and then aches at the same time. I don’t understand why I’m experiencing pain, when I look at him, but I realize I have to find out why.

  “Melena, what’s wrong?” Malik asks, and I know it’s because he’s finally sensed my distress.

  “It’s my head,” I claim, as I use my hands to rub my temples.

  That’s the moment Alrick gazes right into my eyes, and then, I let out a cry in agony.

  “What the hell is going on?” Malik shouts to no one in particular. It’s clear he’s worried, and so am I, because I don’t understand why this Elder is making my head pound so hard. “What are you doing to her, Alrick?”

  “Nothing! You know that I have no other powers to do something like this.”

  As I hold onto Malik for dear life, I push past the pain, flowing through me, and then, I lock gazes with Alrick once more. Something inside of me is telling me to hold on, and that this pain has a purpose. Trusting my instincts, I do just that.

  So, when the memory is finally free, I suck in a deep breath, as it crashes through me.

  I see it so clearly now that the pain is gone, and then, I realize what it is that I’m remembering. It’s a story my mother told me, although, I can’t remember her face. In the memory, she showed me the moment that Katherine, one of the first original witches, created the wolves.

  My mother claimed that I needed to see it for myself, as most of the other powerful witches before me have.

  I watch the memory replay, like I’m seeing it for the first time, and in a way, I gues
s that I am. In my mind, I see Katherine, and although I can’t see her face, I know it’s her. It’s no secret that she’s the reason why wolves were created, so I pay close attention to this memory unfolding. She quietly speaks to five humans, three men and two women, and then she asks them to open themselves up to their wolves. At first, the humans seem skeptical, but there’s one man that instantly agrees.

  It’s Alrick.

  He was the very first wolf ever created.

  Snapping out of the memory, I heave in a deep breath, as Malik checks me over. “What the hell was that?”

  Swallowing hard, I glance up to him, and then ask, “You saw it, too?” He nods, and I claim, “I’m assuming we can do more than just use telepathy, then.”

  “What’s going on? What is she talking about, Malik?”

  As Malik helps me keep my balance, I snap my gaze back to Alrick, and then state, “I remember you.” The entire room goes silent, and I ignore their worried gazes, as I add, “My mother showed me what Katherine did to create the wolves, and you were the first one to actually accept her gift.”

  “What of it?” He asks, but everyone around him, looks at him, like he’s something more.

  “They didn’t know?”

  “No, he refuses to speak of that time,” Malik answers, and I frown, not understanding why.

  “Why would you hide that? Being the first wolf makes you more powerful than most, so why do you choose to hide behind being an Elder?”

  “I don’t have to explain myself to you, witch,” he proclaims through clenched teeth. Malik growls at him in warning, but I place my hand on his chest to keep him calm. “Enough of this.” Alrick states, and then adds, “We have much to discuss.”

  “Later,” Malik growls out, and I smirk, sensing his need to hit The Elder. I can see why anyone would, because this wolf is such a dick. “Come, Melena. We both need to rest, and then we’ll talk.”

  Nodding, I sigh, feeling the events of the day coming over me. Holding Malik’s hand, I use the other to wave goodbye to everyone, and then walk beside him, as he leads me down a long hallway.

  The moment we reach a room, I suddenly feel the air become thick with sexual tension. As I walk farther inside, I realize this must be Malik’s room. Glancing around the area, I take in everything around me. This room definitely seems like him with its colors and dark, wood furniture.

  There’s a huge bed in front of me, while there’s a small kitchen to my right. Seeing a door on the other side of the room, I assume it’s the bathroom. Turning around, I take in his bookshelves, full of books and other things that I’m sure that he’s collected in his long life.

  Looking up at him, he shuts the door, and then makes sure to lock it. The second that lock clicks, I get hit with a wave of lust and desire, flowing from him. Licking my lips, I stay exactly where I am, waiting to see what he’s going to do next.

  When his green eyes meet mine, he uses our telepathy to huskily state, “I need you, regina meis.”


  Pushing out a breath, I finally understand what those two words mean.

  My queen.

  Now that we’re partially bonded, I see and feel how much that means to him. When he speaks those two words, I can clearly sense the meaning behind them. To him, it means honor, loyalty, and above all else, power.

  That’s how he sees me.

  To Malik, I’m not some damaged witch that just so happened to break free of my captors. I’m powerful, beautiful, and his desire for me takes my breath away.

  As we stand still, just gazing at one another, the need I have for him continues to grow, until it’s to the point of unbearable. That’s the very moment he shows me what he wants to do to me.

  Letting out a moan, as the images race through my mind, I do the exact same to him. I smirk, when he groans, and then, he uses a hand to hold himself up on a nearby wall. It’s only fair that I play this game too, so I use it to my advantage.

  However, our little game is quickly turning into so much more than just teasing. My entire body feels as if it’s burning from the inside out, and the need he’s making me feel grows so quickly, that it’s becoming almost too much. I realize just how badly I need him, and then, I understand why I have such a deep sense of desire, flowing through me.

  It’s the mating bond, working its magic.

  Malik is my soulmate, and the one that will take me to places that I’ve only ever dreamed about. He’s suddenly the only reason why I’m alive, and the only reason for my existence.

  After a few more moments, it seems he’s reached his limit, as he claims, “I’m going to take my time, claiming you over and over again, regina meis.”

  I don’t even have a chance to respond, before he’s stalking towards me.

  When he reaches me, one of his hands slowly slides into my hair, as the other one cups my cheek. As I run mine up his strong and muscular arms, he tilts my head just how he wants, and then, his mouth is on mine.

  At first, his kiss is soft and gentle, but then, it quickly turns into hard and rough. Holding onto him tightly, so that I don’t fall, I let him control every single thing about our kiss, wanting and needing so much more from him. However, it seems he’s taking his time, making me burn even hotter with the lust he’s bringing out of me.

  As much as I’m enjoying his passionate kisses, I quickly realize that I need him to quench this hunger he’s bringing out of me. Pulling back, I smirk, when his lustful and hungry eyes gaze at me. I feel his confusion, because he’s wondering if he’s moving too fast for me. Raising my hand, I snap my fingers, and then, my clothes instantly disappear. For a long moment, all Malik can do is stare at my naked body, and I have to suck in a deep breath, when I sense how much he loves what he sees.

  “That’s one nifty trick you have there, devious witch,” he roughly claims, as he takes a step back, and then, I bite my lip, knowing how on edge he is, too.

  “Want to see another one, wicked wolf?” I sweetly ask.

  “Fuck, yes,” he growls in my mind, and hearing it, brings out a moan from me.

  Repeating the same action as before, I lick my lips, when his clothes suddenly disappear. He quickly glances down, and then, he smirks, as his hungry gaze finds mine once more.

  I don’t even get a chance to think my next thought, before he’s suddenly embracing me, while pushing me back against a small bookshelf. Hitting it, I instantly open my legs, giving him all of the room he needs. At the same time, one of his hands slowly moves up, and only stops, once he’s caressing my face.

  “You’re mine now, regina meis,” he roughly groans out, and I have to take a deep breath, hearing how much lust and need is laced behind his words.

  Not only that, but I feel every single thing that he is in this moment. It only heightens my own desires, making me moan, hoping that he’ll give me exactly what we both want.

  Rotating my hips, I lean in, begging him to kiss me. He’s quick to deliver, and he wastes no time at all, bringing his other hand up, and then wraps it around my neck. Willingly submitting, he controls every single thing about our kiss. He devours me, while filling me with so much need to have him, that it’s starting to become unbearable.

  “Please, Malik,” I plead, knowing he feels how much I need some sort of release.

  With a low growl, he begins to leave a trail of hot and wet kisses down my neck, and then to my chest. Every kiss is followed by a caress of his hand that’s around my throat, and all I can do is let him have his fill.

  However, I almost fly right off of the shelf, when his mouth is suddenly on my clit. So lost in lust, I hadn’t even realized where he was going, but I should’ve known he would want a taste. His wolf is the one urging him to follow through, but I also sense that Malik is more than willing to heed the command.

  As his arms wrap under my thighs, he uses his hands to spread me even wider. When he begins to suck and lick my clit, I hit the wall behind me with my hand, as pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, co
mes crashing through me.

  Malik is literally setting my entire body on fire, and I honestly don’t know if I can survive the flames.

  Calling out incoherent words, as he slowly slides a finger inside of me, he growls against me, making my orgasm come closer to the surface. At the same time, he starts to show me all of the ways he’s going to fuck me, once he’s had his fill of my essence. The images make me moan, and then, I cry out, as instant ecstasy rushes through my veins.

  Just the thought of his hard, thick cock sliding inside of me is all that I need to send me over the edge. Not to mention, his finger keeps the same pace, as well, once he’s thrusting deep inside of me, so it feels like it’s already happening.

  As he lets me ride out my waves of pleasure, I realize that the walls around us begin to rumble. It causes Malik to pull away, and then I sit up, wondering what the hell is going on. But then, the rumbles turn into full blown shakes, and I know it’s an earthquake. It only takes me seconds to realize that it’s my power that caused this, so I quickly place a protection spell around us.

  As soon as it’s in place, Reid suddenly barrels through the door, yelling, “Malik, we’re under attack!”

  It doesn’t take him long at all to notice what’s really going on.

  “Get the fuck out, Reid,” Malik commands, as he shields me from Reid’s prying eyes, and he doesn’t waste another second, following his Alpha’s order.

  Once the door shuts, I’m actually surprised the damn thing still works. I do, however, send a flow of magic towards it this time, just in case anyone else decides to interrupt us. When I’m finished, Malik and I share a glance, before we burst out in laughter. As he steps closer, I wrap my arms around his neck, as we continue to laugh.

  “I can’t believe that just happened,” I state, utterly embarrassed that Reid saw me naked.

  Malik smirks, and then claims, “It’s an ego boost more than anything.” With my frown, he adds, “I gave you an earth-shattering orgasm. Literally.”


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