The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series) Page 12

by Brie Paisley

  “Like hell you will,” I spit out, feeling my magic starting to surge inside of me. Not only that, but I notice how Reid is glancing back and forth between Sameria and Alrick. I can’t be for sure, but I think he’s deciding, which side he needs to be on.

  Just as I’m about to ask him, Sameria asks, “How could you do this, Reid? This is Malik, our Alpha, and you would stand beside an Elder instead?”

  Shaking my head, as he drops his, I should’ve known he was a fucking coward. Even in the face of his betrayal, he doesn’t even have the balls to stand up and say why he did it.

  “Enough of this. You will hand Malik over, so that we can deal with this.”

  “Over my dead body,” I declare through clenched teeth.

  The moment I utter those words, I realize all of The Enforcers have entered the room. Looking to them now, I claim, “Malik is still here, and I can promise you that he’s not Rogue. What this so-called Elder is doing is treason. His betrayal is out of fear of the unknown, so I ask you all now. Will you stand with him, or will you stand by your Alpha?”

  It’s no surprise at all, when every single one of The Enforcers instantly move to stand behind Malik and I. Smirking, I glance at Alrick, seeing his face turning red with anger. “Careful, Alrick. Your true self is starting to show.”

  Holding his gaze, I just hope this asshole tries to challenge me. I sense that he wants to just to prove that he can, but he must know he’ll lose. At the same time, I notice Reid slowly moving closer to Sameria, and before I can say anything about it, Luna suddenly gasps out loud. Ryker calls out to her, as she begins to fall, and then Sameria, Ryker, and I all reach forward to catch her, before she hits the ground.

  Right as Ryker catches his mate, I quickly realize that Sameria doesn’t have the potion anymore. As I scan the room for it, I instantly stop, when I notice who caught it, before it could hit the ground. The wolf growls low in warning, as I hold Reid’s gaze, and I know that if I can’t get through to him, he’ll destroy it.

  If he drops the potion, he’ll take away our only hope of getting Malik back.

  Holding out my hand, I keep my voice low and calm, as I utter, “Reid, give that to me.”

  His dark gaze locks with mine, as he asks, “What is it?”

  My eyes dart to Sameria, and I slightly shake my head, when I notice she’s about to answer him. “It’s to help Malik.”

  “Because he’s Rogue,” he adds, and I sigh, realizing I’m losing him.

  “No, he’s not, Reid. Malik is still in there with his wolf.” Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I try to get a handle over the anger rushing forward, and then mixing with my magic. It’s so hard to keep myself in check, because all of this is his fault. However, I have a feeling that if I were to say that, he would shatter the vial just out of spite.

  “Ask yourself this,” I begin, hoping that this will be proof enough for him. “Rogues are known to have no humanity left inside of them, and they’ll attack anyone for no reason whatsoever. Has Malik done that? He hasn’t showed anyone any signs of what a Rogue has before, and I still feel him.”

  “The witch will say anything to save her mate,” Alrick states in a low voice, and I clench my jaw so hard that it causes me pain. “Don’t let her trick you, Reid.”

  “Think about it, Reid. For once, stop listening to what everyone else is telling you, and listen to your own wolf. Listen to your instincts and let it guide you to the truth.”

  Watching him now, I hold onto the small amount of hope that I have that he’ll listen to me. He has to, because the other option isn’t acceptable. As he glances to Alrick, and then to his own mate, I honestly don’t know what else to say to convince him of the truth.

  So, when he drops his gaze down at the potion, my heart pounds in my chest, as the hope I have slowly dies. If he tries to destroy that potion, I’ll have no option but to kill him. While I don’t relish the idea of doing so, he’ll give me no choice. I can’t lose my mate no matter the cost.

  Just as I’m readying a deadly boost of magic, intending on using it on him, he slowly turns towards Sameria, and then he states, “Give it to him. If he’s not Rogue, then he’ll shift.”

  Letting out a rush of air, I let go of the magic, as Sameria takes the vial from him. When she looks at me for direction, I nod, and then she slowly approaches the wolf. Before she can open the vial, Alrick shouts, “Do not give him that!”

  “You’ll do well to shut the fuck up, and stay the hell out of the way,” I snap, as I look into his golden eyes, realizing how familiar his eyes seem, while daring him to try and stop Sameria.

  After a moment of intense tension, he shakes his head, accepting his defeat. Glancing back to Sam, I utter, “It’s okay. Give it to him.”

  With her nod, she drops down on her knees, and then opens the vial. The moment she brings it closer to the wolf, I send him reassurance that he’ll be okay. However, the wolf has other plans in mind.

  I quickly realize something isn’t right, when he barks, and then growls at Sameria. Reid instantly pulls her away from him, like he’s trying to protect her. Losing sight of the potion in the commotion, another wave of rage flows through me. At the same time, Alrick begins to laugh loudly, which makes my anger increase tenfold.

  “It seems your mate is a lot smarter than he looks.”

  “Fuck you, Alrick.” I spit, hoping he feels the utter disgust I have for him. Looking at the wolf, I use our telepathy to ask him why he refused to trust me.

  His response almost brings me to tears.

  It’s Malik speaking to me, not the wolf.

  “I don’t need it, regina meis.”

  “Why not? I don’t understand, Malik.”

  “He needs to feel safe again, Melena. That potion won’t work anyway, because there’s no effects of the other potion left inside of me.”

  Frowning, it takes me a moment to understand what he means. When I do, I simply nod, because this is what my mate wants. Now, I fully comprehend how the wolf and the man work within. They’re coexisting inside one another, and their relationship is built on trust and a bit of magic. Right now, the wolf doesn’t trust Malik anymore. The only way Malik can return is if the wolf finds a way to forgive Malik for what he had to do.

  Feeling eyes on me, I look up, and then realize every single wolf is gazing at me. Even Ryker, who’s holding his mate close to his chest, has his eyes on me, like they’re waiting for something. I don’t get the chance to ponder what all of this means, or to let them know that Malik is speaking to me clearly, because Alrick begins clapping and has a wide grin on his face.

  “Thank you for showing everyone just how unreliable our Alpha can be. This isn’t the first time he’s led the pack astray, but it will be the last.”

  Feeling the rush of anger from the wolf, it only fuels mine in return. Unable to hold back my burning rage, I completely lose it. Using my powers, I push my hand forward, and then, send a pulse of it towards Alrick. It instantly sends him flying across the room, but I don’t stop there.

  Advancing forward, I angrily state, “That is your Alpha. He’s given up everything to lead and protect you, and this is how you repay him? You dare defy him, betray him, and then think I’ll allow you to get away with it?”

  As he tries to get up off of the ground, I force him back down, using my magic. “You’ve crossed the line, Alrick, and now, I’m going to make you pay.”

  Forgetting all about who’s in the room with me, I take my anger out on Alrick, wishing he would try and fight back. It’s like he’s not even trying, as I force him down again and again. Needing him to fight harder, I use my hand to grip around his throat, thinking that he’ll at least show me he wants to live. With so much magic flowing through my veins, I’m able to pick him up off of the floor with ease.

  Holding him up, so that everyone can see his utter disappointment in a challenge, and most of all, his weakness, I claim, “Submit or die.” The wolf urges me on, because his need for The Elder to submit t
o his will is so strong. It adds to my own power, like the wolf is lending me his magic as well.

  “I’ll never submit to you,” Alrick barely manages to speak after a few moments, and I smile, knowing he’s pushing me to my breaking point. He must know that I’ll kill him, if it comes down to it.

  Tightening my hold, I ignore the mumbles of The Enforcers. “Submit or die,” I shout again, because deep down, I don’t want to kill him. However, I know that I might very well have to, since he’s giving me no other choice.

  While the darkness will enjoy it, I don’t want to become this person. If I take his life, it’ll only strengthen the darkness that lies in wait.

  Clenching my jaw, when his face begins to turn blue, I lower him down to his knees. Keeping my hold around his throat, I lean in close, as he states, “Do it. Do it, then they’ll see you for who you really are.”

  Before I get the chance to respond, I sense the wolf walking towards us. Glancing to him, I smirk, seeing his teeth bared. He only stops, once he’s inches away from Alrick’s face, and it’s clear he’s afraid. I can feel his fear, coming off of him in waves, and the sick part about it, is that I’m enjoying it.

  I know that I shouldn’t be feeling this way, but I know it’s only because the wolf is feeling it, too. Whatever the wolf feels, it only heightens my own emotions as well, and it’s clear the wolf is out for blood.

  As Alrick glances between the wolf, and then to me, I state one final time, “Submit or die.”

  For the longest time, I wonder if he’s going to make us choose for him. But then, he sags forward, and then, I let him go, once I hear him mumble, “I yield.”

  He flops down on the floor, looking so pathetic, as I quickly step back. Now that he’s submitted, I look at the others, standing nearby. I stare into their eyes, as the events of what I just did rush through me. I attacked an Elder in front of them, and then, I made him submit to me. I can’t be sure, but the longer I stare at them all, I sense their fear.

  It seems that I didn’t have to kill anyone to show them who I really am.

  No matter what I’ve done to save my own mate, they still gaze at me, like I’m the monster.

  Slowly backing away, as regret and my own fear of what I’m capable of flow through me, the wolf lets out a whine, trying to get my attention. The thing is I finally understand why the wolves were so against protecting witches anymore. I see it so clearly now, as I look at them with their frightened gazes. To them, I’m a monster, and I’m incapable of controlling myself, even though, I had full control over my powers.

  “They see who you are now,” Alrick claims, and I cut my gaze to him. “Deny it all you want, Melena, but you’re just like all of the other power hungry witches.”

  “You know nothing about me,” I sneer, wishing I could kill him. However, I hold back, because the last thing I want is to prove him right.

  He smirks, as if he knows something that I don’t, and then states, “They’ll never accept you, because of what you are.”

  All of the insecurities about what I am, hits me at full force, because in a way, he’s right. I’ve always felt like an outcast, because of how powerful I am, and now, Alrick is trying to use that against me. While I know and understand this, it still doesn’t stop my own mind from trying to make these thoughts even more present.

  Before I realize what the wolf is doing, he growls, and then crouches down low, readying for an attack. I see his anger and utter disgust for Alrick, and how badly he wants to make him pay for hurting me. He doesn’t care about what Alrick tried to do to him, because he’s focused on me and only me.

  Right as he’s going to rip out Alrick’s throat, I yell, “Malik, no!”

  Thankfully, he stops right before he has the chance to kill him, but it was close. The wolf’s teeth are inches away from Alrick’s skin, and if I hadn’t stopped him, I know he would’ve ended his life.

  “He yielded, so he lives.” Looking down, I catch Alrick’s wide eyes, as the wolf slowly moves away. “For now, anyway,” I add, leaving the warning in the air.

  As the wolf reaches my side, I lay my hand on him, needing to touch him. Sucking in a deep breath, I force down my own fear of what I’ll see, once I glance up. The moment that I do so, I notice everyone is still staring at me, like they don’t know who I am.

  Honestly, they don’t.

  No one understands who or what I really am, and that terrifies me, because I don’t know it either.

  Sensing the wolf’s worry, I glance at him, and then hold his green eyes for a moment. I silently beg for Malik to surface, because right now, I need him more than I ever have before. Unfortunately, he’s gone quiet again, and my chest clenches, as I notice the wolf has locked him away once more.

  In a way, I’m all alone, and I don’t know how to handle it.

  Needing an escape, I turn around without a single word, and then with the wolf by my side, we leave them behind.


  Leaning back against the cage, that the wolf has placed me in, I let out a sigh of frustration. I can sense Melena’s need to be near me, and how much she’s hurting. While I know she did what she had to, she still feels as though no one understands her.

  She feels alone, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  I’ve done everything that I know how to do in order to get the wolf to see reason, but he’s still so angry with me. I fear that he’ll never allow me to surface, and I just can’t sit by and let this keep happening. Not to mention, just knowing how much my mate needs me right now is enough to drive me insane.

  When I first realized what the wolf had done to me, as I shifted, I fought so hard against him. But then, I finally understood why he did this to me. Every single time that I remember what I did to him, it just reminds me that I do deserve this type of hell. I never wanted to hurt my companion, but it was necessary. If I hadn’t used that potion, he would’ve put us both in danger, while I was undercover at The Facility. My wolf isn’t known for his patience, and at times, he reacts before thinking.

  If he had his way, then Melena and I both would be stuck in that fucking place.

  I just have to figure out a way to make him see this, too.

  Thankfully, now I can see and hear Melena, unlike before. I’m not ashamed to admit that I was scared shitless, when I woke up in this fucking cage, and I had no idea where my mate was. But now, the wolf allows me to see and hear everything that’s going on.

  I’m still shocked that he let me speak to her earlier.

  However, as I gaze at my beautiful mate through the wolf’s eyes, sitting on a boulder outside close by a waterfall, I realize that I have to continue fighting the wolf. Even now, I feel every single thing she is, and it just makes me hate my own choices that have led me to this point.

  So, when the wolf breathes in deep, and I scent her tears, my chest clenches tight, and it makes me realize that I need to fight harder than I ever have before. For her. Knowing how much she needs me and not the wolf, I stand inside of the cage, and then call out to him. It takes him a while to appear to me, and as he walks towards the cage, I bend down, so that I can gaze into his eyes.

  “You have to let me go,” I plead, hoping that this time, he’ll actually listen. When he growls at me, I state, “She needs me, not you. Don’t you see? Look at her, just look.”

  When he turns his head, I know he’s doing what I’m asking. Licking my lips, as I sense his pain, I utter, “I know you’re angry, and you have every right to be, but you can’t keep me here forever. Our mate needs the both of us, but right now, she needs me more.”

  Sliding down, I sit close to the bars of the cage, as I claim, “I understand why you’ve placed me here, and I don’t blame you. What I did to you … I know it broke your trust in me.” Glancing away, the guilt and shame rushing through me is almost too much to handle. However, I have to get him to see how much I regret my choices that led up to this point.

  Clenching my jaw, I focus on the wolf intently, and then s
ay, “You have every right to never let me out of this cage, and I wouldn’t blame you for one second. The thing is we need to find our way again, so that we can both be there for our mate. She needs the both of us for very different reasons, and I know you know that.” Losing some of my patience, I snap, “Why else would I tell you not to take that potion, if I wasn’t looking out for you?”

  I knew the moment Melena gave us that potion, the wolf’s trust in me would never return. So, I did the only thing that I knew, and screamed for him not to take it. While I trust my mate and Sameria with my life, I knew the wolf’s trust in me was too important. Even if it doesn’t matter now, I have to think that it’ll make some sort of a difference one day.

  As the wolf huffs out a breath, he glances back, like he’s searching for Melena. Taking my chance, I state, “I know you feel her now, and how much her entire body craves mine. While she needs you for protection and strength, she needs me to love and care for her.” When he turns his gaze back to me, I add, “I’m not asking to be free for me, but for her. If anything, trust that, because we both know, I’ll do whatever I need to for her.”

  For a moment, I wonder if all of this is pointless. The wolf doesn’t seem to care about what I’m saying, especially, as he sits down, and then just stares at me. I know my window of convincing him to let me go is running out, so I try once more to ease his mind.

  “I vow to never hurt or betray your trust again. We’ll find our way together once more, my friend. We’re meant to coexist together, but not like this. We’re stronger together, so that means we’ll be able to destroy anyone that gets in our way.”

  Moving to my knees, I hold the bars, as I quickly add, “Alrick won’t stop trying to take The Alpha position away from us, and I need you, so that I may become a better leader. We need to prove to him and to the entire pack that we’re what they need to survive this darkness that’s coming.”


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