The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series) Page 17

by Brie Paisley

  Sucking in a breath, I turn back towards the woods, and then, I decide to make my way towards The Facility. A part of me thinks this is a dumb fucking idea, because I just might be giving myself over to those sick humans. But then, the other part, whispers that it’s my duty to help them. I would want someone to step in and free me, if I were in their position.

  With my mind made up, I keep moving forward, knowing I could very well be walking into a trap.

  Being extremely careful, I avoid making too much noise. Not to mention, I have to keep an eye out for anything that could touch me. If a twig were to just graze me, my spell will be broken. It only reminds me that I need to perfect my cloaking spell.

  Thankfully, it doesn’t take me long at all to reach the building, but I do keep a distance, so that I can form a plan to sneak inside. Scanning the area, I notice the others, sitting within the forest for more cover, under the dark sky. Frowning, I instantly know that something is wrong. They should be inside by now, helping Melena and Malik. My stomach drops, and then fills with nervousness, as I realize that something bad has happened.

  Which means that Malik wasn’t able to deactivate the gas.

  Shit. This is bad.

  Knowing I’m running out of time, I begin to walk forward, but then, I quickly stop, when I hear something coming up from behind me. Turning around, I shake my head, as I see Nick in his wolf form. He must’ve followed me, which is so stupid.

  This is why I’ve avoided the mating bond.

  It makes people do ignorant and irresponsible things, like follow their mate right into danger.

  Shaking my head, I turn back around, knowing that I can’t make him stop following me. He’s just doing what his instincts tell him, and maybe, he could be of some use. But now, I definitely need another way inside, since with the wolf following me, I can’t just walk in through the front door, like I had planned.

  This is why I always work alone.

  Now that Nick can be seen, I make sure to back track behind the pack, hoping that they don’t see or scent him. If they do, they could alert The Facility, and I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to start a war with them right this second. Even though, it’ll take me longer to get inside, I still go through with my plan just to be sure Nick isn’t hurt.

  Once I make it to the back of the building, I notice a security camera, hanging above the entrance. Making sure Nick isn’t in its view, I think about what I should do. Nick is obviously going to keep following me, and alerting the enemy is out of the question.

  I have to take out that camera to avoid more trouble, so I follow the wires that’s feeding its power. After a few moments, I find its source, and then, I quickly use my powers to shut it off.

  It doesn’t take long, before I’m satisfied that the coast is clear, so I move towards the back door. Flicking my wrist, it unlocks, and then slowly swings open. Before I can go inside, the wolf rushes forward, and I have to clench my jaw shut, so that I don’t call out to him. I waste no time going in after him, because he could be walking right into a trap.

  Sometimes, I wonder about the level of intelligence of these wolves.

  However, the moment I step inside, I instantly stop. The wolf whines low, as I realize that Melena was indeed here. Her magic has a very distinctive trace, and I don’t think one wolf could’ve caused all of this. She’s left countless bodies in her wake, and even I’m surprised by all of the carnage. For a moment, I consider leaving, because there doesn’t seem to be any humans left alive to turn on the gas.

  But then, I hear footsteps, so I decide to follow them.

  Making my way down the halls, the wolf sticks close by my side. It’s actually nice to have someone watching my back, even if he doesn’t fully realize it.

  After walking down a few more halls, I catch wind of the guard, heading straight to a room. Upon closer inspection, I curse in my head, as I see he went inside of the security room. Anyone with a working brain would know why he’s going in there. Just as I’m about to walk in behind him, I hear whispering coming from behind me.

  Jerking my gaze towards the noise, I curse once more, because they’re survivors. Once I spot Sameria, I realize they’re most likely trying to escape, and if that guard activates that gas, then they’ll be captured once again.

  Having no other choice, I go inside of the security office. The moment I do, I instantly spot the guard over by some sort of computer. My instincts scream at me to do something to stop him, and right as I’m about to do so, the wolf growls, and then attacks the guard.

  Well, that was much easier than I thought it would be.

  Rushing over to the computer, I sigh in relief, once I realize the guard didn’t have a chance to activate the devastating gas. Turning around, pride rushes through me, as I watch Nick end the guard’s life without any hesitation whatsoever. For a single second, I think about dropping my spell, just so that I can kiss the shit out of him. Who knew watching my mate do what he does best could make me want him even more than I already do.

  Before I can act on my own needs, I’m distracted by a loud crash nearby. Frowning, I quickly leave the room, searching for the source of the noise. But nothing, and I mean nothing, could prepare me for what I see, once I’m back out in the hallway.

  Melena lays so still on the ground, while there’s a huge dent on the wall behind her. My guess is that something or someone tossed her right into the wall, and the force was so strong, that it definitely left its mark. Hearing the wolf whine low, I hope he knows not to fucking move an inch.

  Something isn’t right, and the power I sense coming out of the room Melena flew out of, makes my entire body freeze. It only takes me a few seconds to place why I’m so stunned by this power, and when I do, my anger spikes to an all-time high.

  The witch responsible for the death and destruction of my entire coven is in that room.

  So blinded by my own need for vengeance, I don’t even notice Melena casting her own counter spell. When I do, I watch with wide eyes, as she pulls all of her magic into one blast, and I know where it’s going, before she finally releases it.

  It happens so fast that I can’t stop it.

  Honestly, no one could stop that ball of magic, except Melena.

  As she flops down on the ground, I know she’s depleted herself. No one could use that much magic and still be conscious. Taking a huge risk, I go to her, hoping that she’s not dead. I’ve never sensed so much power from a single witch before, and it’ll be a miracle, if she’s even still alive.

  Bending down, once I reach her, I keep my gaze inside of the room, making sure that fucking witch is dead. But then, I frown, because there’s no body, or any indication that she’s indeed dead. The only one in the room is Malik, and by the looks of him, he needs some serious help, too.

  Turning my attention back to Melena, I have to act fast, if I want to save her life. However, I notice the wolf making his way over to me, and I know that if I try and save Melena, I’ll out myself. Having no other options, I glance down, realizing that the entire pack is about to know who I am.

  But then, I spot some small debris on the floor, so I use my powers to send it flying by Malik. The noise quickly alerts the wolf, and I let out a sigh in relief, once he rushes towards his Alpha. Thank God the wolves will do anything to protect Malik, so now, I can try and save Melena.

  Sitting up on my knees, I roll up my shirt sleeve, and then hold my hands over her still body. While the wolf tries to wake Malik, I close my eyes, and then begin sending healing power through me and into Melena. The more power I force out of me into her, the more I feel myself weakening.

  This would be so much easier, if I had someone else to take power from. Some would claim that I’m a siphon, since I can take powers from others, but I know that it’s not true. I’m more of a conduit, and I’m much different from siphons, because I only transfer powers into others. It’s a special gift to be able to give powers to others, and most of the time, it doesn’t affect me at all.

/>   But since I’m giving Melena my own magic, it’s draining me much faster than I had hoped.

  Right as I’m close to passing out, I hear a groan, and the sound makes me snap my eyes open. That’s when I notice Malik moving, and the wolf stands beside his Alpha for extra help and protection.

  Pulling my hands away from Melena, I make sure my cloaking spell is back up, and that it’s solid, before I slowly get up. I know Malik will find his mate shortly, and all will be okay with them. Even if Malik technically betrayed his mate, I have faith they’ll work it out.

  Knowing how fast my energy is waning, I glance towards my beautiful wolf one last time. In a way, I’m grateful for the stupid wolf for following me, because without his help, none of this would’ve been possible.

  However, it still doesn’t change my mind about revealing myself, so I turn my back towards them, and then, I leave from the way that I entered.


  Running a hand through my hair, I try to shake off the effects of the magic that bitch used on me. When I followed the doctor into his office, I had no idea what was waiting for me on the inside. Which is how that witch was able to catch me off guard, and I’m surprised that she didn’t kill me.

  As the wolf howls in my head, I cringe at the sound, because he’s so fucking loud. At the same time, I hear barking. Thinking it’s my own wolf, I beg him to shut up, so that I can get my bearings. But then, I feel something heavy, laying on my lap, and when I finally focus, I realize it’s Nick in his wolf form.

  Petting him gently, I ask, “What are you doing here?” When he turns his head, and then barks, I follow his directions.

  That’s when I see her, lying so still on the floor.

  I instantly jump up out of the chair, as my heart pounds in my chest. The only thought going through my mind is that my mate is dead, and there’s nothing I can do about it. The wolf howls and then whines, which only adds to my own agony. Reaching her, I don’t even hold back the tears that fall down my face, as I lightly touch her.

  Her hands are ice cold, and for just a moment, grief and guilt overwhelm me.

  I should’ve never placed her in this fucking place again, even if it was the right move. I should’ve kept her by my side, so that I could’ve protected her from all of this madness. Pulling her into my lap, I let out a loud cry, as I hold my mate’s body. Using my fingers, I brush her hair off of her face, and then, I caress her cheeks, hoping that she’s still here with me.

  However, she’s so still and cold to the touch, and I know she’s not here anymore.

  Hearing Nick’s cry close by, I refuse to accept that my mate is dead. There’s no fucking way it’ll end this way, and I just can’t even think of never seeing her again. I can’t imagine my life without her, right by my side. All I ever wanted was to love and protect her, and yet, I’m the reason why this happened.

  There’s no one else to place my blame, because I know this was my doing. The second that I realize this, I want to die right by her side.

  I did this to her, and I’ll never forgive myself for it.

  Even the wolf continues to howl out his grief for our choices, and I’m right there with him. My pain mixes with his, and my entire body feels its wrath. Sucking in a deep breath, I close my eyes, as I use our mating bond to try and sense her.

  I’m not sure how long I sit here, holding my mate’s body close to me, before I feel a hand, laying on my shoulder. Glancing up, I have to blink a few times to clear my vision, before I realize it’s Reid, standing over me.

  “She’s dead. I killed her,” I utter, and then a wave of sorrow and misery race through me.

  “Give her to me, Malik. It’s okay. I promise to take care of her.”

  Shaking my head, I claim, “No, you’ll do no such thing. She’s mine.”

  As he bends down, I see how much this is affecting him, too. For the first time, I’m seeing his own pain, regrets, and even a bit of sorrow, staring right back at me. “Trust me, brother. I’ll keep her safe, so we can get out of this place.”

  Hearing footsteps, I hold Melena closer, as I turn my gaze towards the sound. The moment I see Sameria, Ryker, Jace, and Axel, I know they’re here for me, too. They’re here to make sure that I don’t do something foolish, like turning Rogue. Honestly, I get it now why wolves turn Rogue, once their mates die. The pain is unbearable, and I don’t think I’ll survive without giving myself over to the wolf.

  Even now, I sense the wolf offering me a way out, and how it’ll be alright to let go. Fuck, I want to, I really want to, but then, Sameria calls out to me. “Don’t you fucking do it.”

  Frowning, I roughly ask, “Why not? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”

  “Because, Malik,” she starts, and then lays a hand on Melena’s chest. “She’s still here with us.”

  Shaking my head, I state, “No, she’s gone. I can’t feel our bond anymore, so I know what that means.” As I say the words, I know it’s true. Where our bond once was, now all that’s left is an empty black hole.

  “She is alive,” Sameria tries once more. “Let go of your grief and guilt for just a moment and feel her. I can still sense her magic, and that means she’s still here.”

  A single tear rolls down my face, as I glance down at my stunning mate. For a long while, all I can do is gaze at her and her beauty. Even in death, she’s still exquisite to look at, and the longer I stare at her, the more I begin to feel something within our bond.

  It’s so faint that I can barely sense it, but it’s there.

  Letting out a small laugh, I realize that Sameria is right, and Melena is still here with me. Her life force is barely there, but it means she’s fighting to stay alive. Leaning down, I place a kiss on her forehead, and then, I hold her tight, as I stand. My pack gazes at me, as I begin to walk down the hallway with Melena in my arms, as I lead them outside.

  Once I make it out of the doors, the wolf sighs, because he’s starting to sense the bond as well. I’m still in a state of shock, because I truly thought my mate had died. However, as I hold her tight to my chest, I know there’s a way to bring her back to what she once was.

  I just have to have patience that she’ll return, when she’s ready.


  Opening my eyes, I instantly sit up straight, as my surroundings come into focus. Looking around the area, I frown, because this doesn’t seem right. I’m sitting on a concrete alter of some sort, and the air isn’t what I expected it to be. It feels warm and calming at the same time, and a wave of peacefulness races through me. Gazing out into the distance, I grin, seeing how beautiful the landscape is. There’s even a bright, blue sky with clouds, and a sun, shining down on me.

  It’s so strange to be here, sensing all of this, and for just a moment, I worry that I might have died.

  “You’re safe here, child,” a soft voice speaks, and I turn my attention towards it.

  As the woman approaches, my eyes widen, because I can see right through her. I can still make out her features, and as I gaze into her violet, opaque eyes, I realize she’s here to comfort me. It’s a sense that I have, and for some reason, she reminds me of Ruby.

  “Are you a ghost?” I ask, because if she is, I never knew they really existed.

  The transparent figure lets out a laugh, and the sound makes me feel so safe and comforted at the same time. “I’m not a ghost, but I’m also not from your world anymore.”

  “Where am I exactly?”

  The woman finally reaches me, and then, she lays a hand on my shoulder. I must be under some sort of spell, or I’m hallucinating, because I swear that I can feel her hand, as if it’s real.

  “Do not fret, child.”

  “No offense, but I’m sort of freaking out here. What is this place?”

  As the woman gazes out into the distance, I look in the same direction, realizing everything seems coated in white now. It’s still not cold or hot, but it’s the perfect temperature. There’s no wind, or awful smells that I’m used to, an
d the longer I think about it, I begin to realize where I am.

  “I died, didn’t I?”

  “Not yet, but you do have a choice to make, Melena.” Holding her gaze, she adds, “This is the place where all souls go, before their choice is made. Think of it as a pit stop.”

  Instant realization flows through me, as I say, “Which means I can’t stay here.”

  “You would be correct. This place isn’t made for someone close too life and death.”

  Nodding, I instantly think about Malik, and what he must be feeling right now. If he’s awake, then he’ll know that I’m close to death, or he might even think that I’m already dead. Reaching up, I place my hand over my chest, feeling my heart breaking into pieces. If I die, then that means that I’ll never see him again. I’ll never feel his touch, his kiss on my lips, or the way it feels to be loved by someone so strong.

  As much as I wish I could hold onto the anger for him betraying me, I find that I can’t do it anymore. I’ve spent so much of my life holding onto anger, and I wonder what life could be like not to do that anymore.

  Surely, it’ll be a better and happier life, if I let it all go, right?

  But then, I remember all of the bad shit that not only I went through, but also, the things that I’ve done to others. I’ve cheated, lied, and even killed others in the name of our conquest. Was it right to do all of those things just to live another day?

  Do I even deserve to live, knowing what I’ve done, especially recently?

  Clenching my jaw, I think about all of the humans I murdered. Deep down, I know that there was another way to do what was needed, but I chose to take their lives. I took that away from them, as if it meant nothing.

  Honestly, that can’t just slide without some sort of punishment.

  Looking back up to the woman, standing beside me, I ask, “Do you think I could be forgiven for all that I’ve done?”


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