The Italian's Mistress (HQR Presents)

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The Italian's Mistress (HQR Presents) Page 2


  The city hotel where she worked was fully booked over the weekend. The work was arduous and back-breaking but she was determined to raise the necessary funds for Sammy’s surgery, even if it meant working herself into the ground in the process.

  She stripped the beds in the early check-out rooms first, cleaning the bathrooms and taking in fresh linen and towels. She worked like an automaton, unwilling to allow herself a spare moment in case her thoughts wandered traitorously to Lucio.

  Seeing him the day before had unsettled her more than she cared to admit. She hadn’t mentioned it to Jenny. A part of her wanted to, but since she hadn’t even told her sister the full story behind her break-up with him she didn’t see the point in dragging it all up now. It was just too painful.

  When their mother had died just two short years after their father’s death, Jenny had been completely devastated and had gone into a deep depression. The only thing Anna had been able to think of to bring her out of it was a change of scene, so she had organised a budget overseas holiday, taking in the British Isles and most of Europe.

  Even under the tragic circumstances it had been a wonderful holiday and Jenny’s spirits had soon picked up, making Anna feel it was worth all the expense.

  However when they’d landed in Rome at the tail end of their journey disaster had struck. While she had been trying to book some accommodation at the check-in counter at a cheap hotel, she had left her bag unattended for the briefest moment, thinking Jenny was still beside her. When she had gone to get her purse it was nowhere to be seen; gone too were both their passports, as she’d been carrying all her sister’s documentation as well.

  The concierge had been more rude than helpful and Anna had soon found herself and a now sobbing Jenny on the street outside with literally nowhere to go.

  A tall man was walking along the street carrying a briefcase, the bright summer sunshine picking up the raven silk of his hair. He greeted them both in perfect English although his clear-cut diction suggested it wasn’t his native tongue. ‘Good afternoon. What seems to be the problem?’

  The first thing Anna noticed was how soft his dark eyes looked as they took in Jenny’s trembling bottom lip and tear-stained cheeks.

  ‘We’ve just arrived and my purse has been stolen along with both our passports,’ she explained. ‘I wonder if you would be so kind as to direct me to the nearest police station.’

  ‘Better still, I’ll take you there.’ He reached for their two backpacks and lifted them with ease. ‘It’s only a few blocks, and quicker to walk.’

  Anna could well believe it. The traffic was horrendous, even by Melbourne standards, and the constant darting and weaving of motor scooters made it even worse.

  She and Jenny fell into step beside the handsome man and for the first time in a very long time she felt safe.

  He introduced himself as they walked the next block. ‘My name is Lucio Ventressi. My brother Carlo and I run Ventressi Developments. Is this your first visit to Rome?’

  ‘Yes, my sister and I are on our way home to Australia. I’m Anna Stockton, by the way, and this is Jenny.’

  He gave them both a heart-stopping smile and formally shook their hands. Anna felt a funny sensation pass through her fingers as soon as his hand touched hers and, feeling embarrassed, withdrew her hand as quickly as she could.

  The police report, which would have taken half a day with the phrase book, took only a few minutes with Lucio interpreting for them. Anna was starting to feel more than grateful for his help and seriously wondered what would have happened if he hadn’t come along when he had.

  He organised the paperwork at the embassy and once that was dealt with took them to a quiet café and bought them both a cool drink.

  ‘I don’t know how to thank you,’ Anna said. ‘You’ve been so kind.’

  He waved away her thanks with a flick of his hand. ‘It is no trouble. I have a sister; I know how I would want her to be safe in a foreign country.’

  Anna felt her heart increase in size, her cheeks growing warm as his dark gaze meshed with hers.

  ‘Your sister doesn’t say much,’ he observed a few moments later.

  ‘No,’ Anna said. ‘Jenny has been deaf since she was two but she can lip-read if you speak slowly. She can speak but she’s a little shy around…people she doesn’t know.’

  ‘I understand.’

  However it was no surprise to find that by the end of the afternoon Jenny had lost her earlier reserve and was quite happily chatting to Lucio, which made the task of refusing his invitation to stay at his family’s home all the harder.

  ‘I don’t think…’

  ‘You have no accommodation,’ he pointed out. ‘You’ll be adequately chaperoned by both my mother and brother. I would have offered you my own house but it is being redecorated at present. I have been staying with my mother and Carlo to escape the paint fumes.’ He gave a wry grimace.

  Anna smiled and, turning to Jenny, quickly signed his invitation. Jenny’s face broke into a relieved smile, her fragile features instantly losing their pinched look.

  ‘My car is at my office a short distance from here,’ Lucio said, leading the way.

  Anna caught the tail-end of her sister’s excited grin and lifted her eyebrows in response, a tiny flutter of something indefinable disturbing the lining of her stomach.

  Lucio Ventressi was quite easily the most handsome and gallant man she’d ever met. His quiet purposefulness in seeing to the tasks that had to be done had impressed her, so too had his respect for her sister’s disability, evidenced by the way he made sure he was facing her when he addressed her so she could read his lips.

  Jenny had fallen for his Latin charm as a young girl did, but Anna had felt something much more adult when those chocolate eyes had rested on her.

  She’d felt desire.

  Anna was finally on to the last of the suites on the luxury presidential floor. Her back was aching and her hair was sticking to her forehead beneath her maid’s cap, the tight restriction making her head ache with tension.

  She gave the customary short hard knock and called, ‘Housekeeping.’

  There was no response so, taking the master key, she opened the door and pushed her cleaning trolley in.

  It was the largest suite in the hotel, with sweeping views over both the city and Yarra River parklands. The rooms were richly furnished to cater for international tastes, the strong, vibrant colours redolent of the aristocracy or royalty.

  She couldn’t put her finger on it but something made her uneasy in the apartment.

  Maybe it was the obviously disgusting wealth, she ruminated, the opulence of the décor reminding her of how desperately needy she was in comparison.

  Or maybe it was the sensation that she was being watched, which was something she’d felt ever since Carlo had shown her the pictures of what had happened between them while she’d been in his bed…

  She forced her thoughts away from the pain of the past and tore the sheets off the king-sized bed, bundling them into the laundry hamper before reaching for the clean linen on the bottom of the trolley.

  She shook out the sheets and laid them on the bed, straightening the edges and tucking in the corners tightly.

  She replaced each of the pillow cases, but stopped on the fourth as she picked up the faint trace of a citrus fragrance that was slightly familiar. She couldn’t resist inhaling the scent, its spicy aroma stirring her memories of a time when that very same fragrance had clung to her skin wherever Lucio had caressed her, branding her as his…

  She gave herself a mental shake and, turning around, bent down to reach for the bedspread she’d placed on the floor beside the bed.

  A pair of Italian-made shoes came into her line of vision, the long legs above them encased in charcoal trousers, the knife-edge seams seeming to go on and on as her eyes slowly travelled upwards.

  Her hand fell away from the bedspread as she straightened, shock in every line of her trembling body.

‘So we meet again, Anna,’ Lucio Ventressi drawled, ‘and in my bedroom, too.’


  ANNA stared at him in stupefaction. ‘You’re…staying here?’

  His dark eyes moved over her slowly, taking in her maid’s black and white uniform before coming back to her troubled gaze. ‘As you see.’

  ‘I…I won’t be long.’ She bent to retrieve the bedspread but he moved one leather-clad foot and stepped on it to prevent her from lifting it.

  ‘Leave it.’

  ‘I have to finish the room.’ She gave the bedspread another little useless tug.

  ‘I said leave it.’

  She let the bedspread go and straightened, unconsciously wiping her damp palms on her white apron.

  He was angry.

  Unmistakably angry.

  His dark eyes positively glittered with it as they bored down into hers. ‘What the hell are you doing, cleaning rooms in a hotel?’ he asked.

  Her chin went up in fierce pride. ‘Someone has to do it.’

  ‘You said you had two jobs. What’s the other one?’

  Her chin went a fraction higher. ‘I work in a bar.’

  He sucked in a furious breath and swore vehemently, ‘Whatever for?’

  ‘The usual reason—money.’

  ‘You are poor?’ He frowned down at her.

  ‘Compared to someone like you, yes.’

  ‘Don’t play with words,’ he growled. ‘Answer me. Are you having financial difficulties?’

  She wished she didn’t have to admit it but a sudden vision of little Sammy came into her head and her stomach caved in with fear at the thought of losing him for the sake of her pride.

  She lowered her eyes from the heat of his. ‘Yes.’

  ‘What sort of difficulties?’ His tone was now surprisingly gentle.

  ‘Sammy needs…an operation,’ she said. ‘I don’t have private insurance but if I wait until it’s his turn on the public waiting list…it might be too late.’

  ‘What’s wrong with him?’

  ‘He has a heart condition.’


  She took a painful breath. ‘He needs the surgery to survive into adulthood.’

  He swore again. ‘How much is this…operation?’ he asked after a short pause.

  She told him and he didn’t even flinch, which somehow annoyed her. It was such a pittance to someone like him, pin money really, and yet it could save a child’s life.

  Her child’s life.

  She watched him out of the corner of her eye. He was thinking…no—calculating…planning.

  ‘I might be able to help you,’ he said after another one of his strategically timed pauses.

  ‘Why would you want to do that?’ Suspicion crept into her tone as she lifted her eyes back to his.

  ‘I have my reasons.’ His expression gave nothing away.

  ‘A loan, you mean?’



  He shook his head. ‘No.’

  ‘What, then?’ Her stomach tightened.

  ‘I will pay for Sammy’s health care, but I have some conditions on the deal.’

  ‘Conditions?’ She swallowed the restriction in her throat. ‘What sort of conditions?’

  His eyes held hers determinedly. ‘You can save your son’s life but you must agree to do something for me in return.’

  ‘I will do anything to save my son’s life,’ she said. ‘Anything.’

  The corner of his hard mouth lifted in a slight smile. ‘I’m very glad to hear that as I was expecting much more resistance on your part.’

  The fingertips of fear tickled along her spine. ‘What do you want me to do?’

  He gave her another contemplative look. ‘I thought you would have guessed by now, cara.’

  Something in his expression made her stomach turn over unexpectedly.

  ‘I have no idea what you want from me,’ she said, even as her fear crept up another notch.

  ‘Do you not?’

  ‘I’m afraid I have very little experience in decoding other people’s motives.’

  ‘Ah, but you’re very experienced in other matters, are you not?’

  She refused to allow him the satisfaction of seeing how much his cruel taunt hurt her. ‘I have enough experience to know that what you are offering is not a simple act of charity,’ she said.

  ‘How very insightful of you, Anna.’

  ‘Get it over with.’ She drew in a ragged breath. ‘What form of torture have you got planned for me?’

  ‘Torture?’ One aristocratic brow rose expressively. ‘Now there’s a word I like.’

  ‘Don’t play games with me,’ she bit out. ‘Tell me what it is you want.’

  He watched the play of emotion on her face for endless moments. Anna wished she had the courage to storm out, throwing his offer in his face without even hearing his conditions but this wasn’t a battle she was fighting for herself. This was Sammy’s battle and it was for his life.

  ‘Please, Lucio—’ she was so close to begging it sickened her ‘—don’t make this any harder than it is.’

  ‘You find it hard to deal with me?’ he asked.

  I find it hard to look at you, she wanted to say. I find it hard to think of all I’ve lost, all I could have had if…

  ‘You’re not making this easy.’

  ‘And why should I?’ he asked, his tone hardening. ‘You ripped my heart from my chest.’

  ‘I…I didn’t mean to…’

  ‘Dio! You slept with my brother!’

  How could she deny it? Carlo had photos to prove it, even if she could barely remember what had happened.

  ‘Is Sammy his child?’ he asked.

  She felt as if someone had given her a king-hit.

  Each and every time she and Lucio had made love he’d used a condom. He’d been insistent, wanting to protect her, claiming there was plenty of time to start a family once they were married…

  ‘I…I think so.’

  He swore again but even in Italian it was unprintable. ‘You disgust me. You spread your legs for him even while our wedding was days away.’

  ‘I’m sorry…’

  ‘You will be when I’ve finished with you.’

  ‘Wh…what do you mean?’

  His eyes burned as they came back to hers, the line of his normally firm mouth now so tight it hinted at cruelty.

  ‘I will pay for my nephew’s surgery but in exchange I want you back in my bed.’

  Her eyes widened in alarm. ‘No!’

  ‘No?’ The eyebrow rose once more. ‘I didn’t think that was a word you were accustomed to using a great deal.’

  She closed her eyes so she didn’t have to see his derision. ‘I can’t do it.’

  ‘All right.’ He dismissed her with a step away. ‘Finish the room and get out.’

  He was halfway out of the door when she came to her senses. This was about Sammy, not her.


  ‘Yes?’ He turned to face her, his expression one of extreme boredom.

  She found it hard to hold his gaze and lowered her eyes to the floor at his feet, the collapse of her pride making her shoulders slump in defeat.

  ‘I’ll do it,’ she said hollowly. ‘I’ll do what you ask.’

  ‘Good.’ He folded his arms across his chest, his manner so casual she thought they might as well have been discussing a dinner engagement instead of something as life-changing as resuming a relationship that would only hurt her all over again in the end. ‘Come out into the lounge and we will discuss the details more fully.’

  Anna followed him out of the bedroom, unable to stop herself from thinking how ironic it was. She’d just made his bed, now he wanted her to lie on it—with him.

  He moved across to the well-appointed bar. ‘Would you like a drink?’

  ‘I don’t drink.’ Any more, she wanted to tack on, but didn’t. She’d taken her last drink in the company of his brother and it had taught her the le
sson of a lifetime.

  She watched as he poured soda water in a glass, adding a decent measure of Scotch to his but leaving hers plain.


  She shook her head and took the glass with an unsteady hand.

  ‘What’s the matter, cara?’ His tone was teasing. ‘Does the thought of sharing my bed once more unsettle you?’

  ‘I can’t say I’m looking forward to it.’

  He had the audacity to laugh. ‘Ah, but I am looking forward to it enough for both of us.’

  Her belly crawled with sudden desire, making her feel hot all over.

  ‘This is nothing more than prostitution,’ she sniped at him.

  ‘Not prostitution—retribution,’ he corrected. ‘For past sins.’

  ‘I’m sure you would’ve more than made up for my “past sins” by now,’ she bit out.

  ‘If you mean by that I have had many other women, then yes, I have.’

  She wished she hadn’t spoken. It hurt her too much to think of him with someone else—a hundred someone elses.

  ‘But then, no doubt, you’ve been having your fun as well,’ he said. ‘Someone with your…needs cannot go without for too long.’

  She felt her face flame with colour as she remembered the needs he’d awakened in her. She’d been a willing student to passion, her innocence no barrier to the ecstasy she’d experienced in his arms.

  ‘I’m a mother now.’

  ‘I find motherhood very sexy.’ His eyes moved over her full breasts. ‘Very sexy indeed.’

  She turned away from his probing gaze and addressed the sofa in front of her. ‘For how long do you wish to conduct this…arrangement?’

  ‘Not long.’

  She turned at that, unable to disguise the relief in her expression. ‘How long?’

  He gave her a knowing smile, ‘I can see how your mind is working but I’m not going to let you off that easily.’

  ‘I didn’t think you would.’ Her tone was deliberately dry.

  ‘I will be in Melbourne for a period of three months,’ he said. ‘During that time I wish for you to be my mistress.’

  Anna felt her stomach hit the floor and bounce back up again.

  ‘By that I mean you will live with me and satisfy any needs I have.’


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