The Magic Path of Intuition
Page 1
Also by
Florence Scovel Shinn
The Game of Life and How to Play It*
Your Word Is Your Wand
The Secret Door to Success
The Power of the Spoken Word
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2013936893
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4019-4415-5
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1st edition, December 2013
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Introduction by Louise L. Hay ........................................ vii
Lesson #1:The Magic Faith of Intuition ................. 3
Lesson #2:How to Wind Yourself
Up Financially ....................................... 13
Lesson #3:The Magic Path of Intuition ................ 21
Lesson #4:How to Break Up Old
Thought-Forms ...................................... 31
Lesson #5:Health and Happiness .......................... 37
Lesson #6:Bringing Your Future
into the Now .......................................... 47
Lesson #7:The House That Faith Built ................. 55
Lesson #8:Do Not Let Your Heart’s Desire
Become a Heart’s Disease ..................... 63
Lesson #9:Infinite Intelligence,
the Great Magician ............................... 79
Lesson #10: All That the Fourth
Dimension Affords Is Yours ................ 95
About the Author ......................................................... 109
In 1925 Florence Scovel Shinn made her debut on the metaphysical scene with her first book, The Game of Life and How to Play It. Not long after this, I was born.
Although Ms. Shinn died in 1940, I have long felt a kinship with her. I first came across her work in 1972 as I was beginning my own exploration of the metaphysical world, and I have been enamored of her ever since. I resonated with her no-nonsense way of writing—her words spoke to me, and I became a devoted follower. I often quoted her affirmations and shared them with my own students.
The years passed. Then, in the fall of 2012, a rare-books dealer found a small, typewritten unpublished manuscript of the last writings of Florence Scovel Shinn. Here is an excerpt from the letter that was sent with it:
Several months ago we came across a unique item from that collection that we think you may have an interest in. The item is an original typewritten manuscript by Florence Scovel Shinn, The Magic Path of Intuition.
We’re contacting you to see if you or Hay House have an interest in purchasing this rare original manuscript as we feel you are uniquely positioned to share its content with the world.
Life works in the most wondrous ways. I am continuously astounded as my good comes to me. That this work would be found and come into my hands, just amazed me.
I am thrilled to be publishing this book through Hay House, and I hope you enjoy this beautiful little treasure.
“Prayer is telephoning to God,
and intuition is God
telephoning to you.”
True prayer means preparation. Having made your demands on the Universal Supply for any good thing, act immediately, as if you expected to receive it. Show active faith, thereby impressing the subconscious mind with expectancy.
There was a lady who knew the law of preparation and purchased expensive magazines to give herself the feeling of opulence. Intuition told her to buy the magazines. One way to cultivate intuition is to say before sleeping: “In the morning, I’ll know just what to do.” Ideas will flash before you begin to reason.
Prayer is telephoning to God, and intuition is God telephoning to you. Intuition comes from your superconscious mind. It is God within. The subconscious is simply power without direction. What you feel deeply or say with feeling is impressed upon the subconscious and carried out in the minutest detail. It is your soul and must be restored. Impress the subconscious with the perfect ideas of the superconscious mind instead of the doubts and fears of the conscious mind. Do this by repeating an affirmation: Stand still and see the power within me.
The Magic Faith of Intuition
Through following intuition, you often go for one thing and get another. From the super-conscious—the realm of intuition—what you should know will be revealed to you. Become very quiet and make affirmations.
You have no need for resentment, resistance, fear, worry, all forms of fighting, etc. The situation you resent will be wiped out. Stand still. Keep your poise, and the Power within will fight your battle. Anger and resentment blur vision and often affect eyesight, as well as prevent you from following your intuitive leads.
For example, you met a friend on the street and you said gaily, “Aren’t we having wonderful weather?” She replied, “Yes, but you are looking rather tired.” Then you answered, with feeling (making your first false move): “Oh, no! I’ve never felt more rested in
The Magic Faith of Intuition
my life!” Then she replied, “Well, perhaps you look badly because you have such an unbecoming hat.”
Filled with resentment, you hurried home to look into the mirror to see what was wrong with the hat. You had a pain in the back of your neck, for your attitude of mind has caused congestion there. From this comes the slang expression: “You giv
e me a pain in the neck.” You are now ready to contract a cold or something worse. Call on the law of forgiveness at once. Send love and goodwill to your friend, and say, “Oh, Power Above, give me another chance . . . this time I won’t argue. I’ll be nonresistant, loving, and kind.” Now you have neutralized the congestion and the ensuing ills. The next time you meet your friend, you are filled with goodwill, and you really do not care whether she likes your hat or not. You say, “What a lovely day!” And she will reply,
“How well you look! Where did you get that cute hat?”
There is no emotional response to a situation. You have finished with it; otherwise, you have the same experience over and over again. Poise is the pearl of great price.
The Game of Life is a game of boomerangs. Whatever you send out comes back. Jesus said to do unto others as you would be done by them. You cannot hurt anyone without hurting yourself. All of us are linked by a mysterious magnetic force; what you send out in word or thought against another reacts on yourself. If a person is purely on the mental plane, his comeback (or karma) takes longer. If you are developed spiritually, it returns very quickly; the more you know, the more you are
The Magic Faith of Intuition
responsible for. So learn your lessons and be thorough with the long road of experience.
Send goodwill to your seeming enemy, and you surround yourself with a great aura of protection. Your enemies are only those of your “own household” (your subconscious beliefs). If you hate and resent a situation, you have fastened it to yourself, for you attract what you fear or dislike. When someone has been unjust to you, you are filled with wrath and resentment. You cannot forgive that person. Time rolls by, and another person does the same thing. It is because you have a picture of injustice engraved in your subconscious. History will repeat itself until you think you are cursed with misfortune and injustice. There is only one way to neutralize it. Be absolutely undisturbed by the injustice, and send goodwill to all concerned. Affirm: My goodwill is a strong Tower around me. I now change all enemies
into friends. All inharmony into harmony. All injustice into justice.
You will be amazed by the working of the law. One of my students brought harmony out of chaos in her business affairs by using the above statement.
As the alchemists of old transmuted all base metals into gold, you have the power to change all evil into good.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever
you ask for in prayer, believe
that you have received it,
and it will be yours.”
— MARK 11:24
“Gratitude is the law
of increase, and complaint
is the law of decrease.”
The material attitude toward money is to trust in your salary, your income, and your investments, which can shrink overnight. The spiritual attitude is to trust in God for your supply—to keep your possessions, and always
realize they are God-in-manifestation. If one door closes, immediately, another door opens.
Money is a symbol of freedom and is part of the Divine Plan. There is an invisible supply for you to draw upon. It is the bank of the imagination. In demonstrating prosperity (or other blessings), first speak your word. Affirm this statement: God is my supply; and big, happy financial surprises now come to me.
Do something to show your faith. Faith without works is dead. Buy a new bag or wallet, saying, “This is my magic purse to hold the money the Universe sends me.” It gives you a feeling of prosperity and expectancy. Now get a new fountain pen and say, “This is a magic pen for endorsing.” Give away old clothes that make you feel poor. They will drag you down. This is true prayer, which means preparation. You now feel that you have already received
How to Wind Yourself Up Financially
(on the invisible plane). Manifestation will come under grace.
Things should never possess you; you should possess things. Don’t have a fear of loss, or your possessions will disappear. You never really possess that which you are in fear of losing, and if you do not appreciate a blessing, it is not impressed upon the subconscious and will fade out of your life.
For example, a lady owned some beautiful pearls. She had great wealth but always talked lack and said repeatedly, “Someday I’ll have to eat those pearls.” Now her fortune has vanished, and the pearls were sold for food and other necessities.
Words and thoughts are a form of radioactivity, and do not return void. By your words you are justified, and by your words you are condemned. Count your blessings. It is the
law of increase. Be grateful for what you have, and you will attract more to be grateful for. Gratitude is the law of increase, and complaint is the law of decrease. Continually give thanks for what you have, and for manifestation of invisible supply.
The following affirmation has brought wonderful results: I give thanks that the Universe is my supply; and I am now linked with endless streams of steady, ready money, under grace in perfect ways. Another good statement is: I shall not want, for my supply precedes me. Faith must become a habit.
No matter how much money you have, if you feel poor, you begin to lose money. Nothing comes into your life uninvited. You are always inviting poverty or prosperity through your quality of thought. Now is the appointed time. Today is the day of my amazing good
fortune. All day affirm silently a statement of truth to counteract negative thoughts: As money goes out, I touch a hidden spring, which releases large sums of money to return to me, under grace, in miraculous ways.
It does not mean that you throw money away or spend foolishly. It means that you are fearless in following your intuitive leads to spend or to give.
For example, a woman had an intuitive lead to give a friend who had been very helpful to her a hundred dollars. Soon after that she received a thousand dollars from an unexpected source.
Do not be afraid to make large demands on the Bank of Faith and Trust, Company of the Universe, but you cannot attract more than you feel at home with. If you feel at home with
How to Wind Yourself Up Financially
millions, millions will feel at home with you. Financial freedom is God’s idea for man. “What God has done before, he can do for me and more” opens doors. Do not look back and hash over hard times, or you’ll be drawn back into these conditions. Give thanks for the dawn of a new day. You must be immune to all discouragement and adverse appearances. Affirm: The tide has turned to stay, for the Universe has right of way.
“So shall thy barns
be filled with plenty.”