A Hope City Duet

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A Hope City Duet Page 34

by Kris Michaels

  He watched her eyes light as she laughed, thinking the sound was something he would love to hear all the time. Determined to give as much of himself to her as he could, he continued. “We actually had to deal with an arsonist at my last posting. You’d think with so many people around it would be hard for someone to be sneaky enough to set a fire, but it took us a while to find them. During that process, I was fascinated with the mindset of someone who wanted to destroy things by burning them. We actually brought him down, and I was thrilled we finally were able to get him the help that he needed as well as stop the destruction that he was creating.”

  “And you came back here because of your family?”

  “I never really considered living anywhere other than Hope City. Some of my siblings were still here. My parents were still here. My best friend was coming back after his stint in the military. Quite simply, I suppose, it’s just home.”

  Deciding to skip dessert, Harper moaned as they stood, and Sean reached for her coat. Patting her stomach, she said, “I think you’re going to have to roll me out of here!”

  “As slender as you are, you’d have to eat a whole lot more than this for me to roll you out.” He helped her with her coat, his hands settling on her shoulders, staring down at her. “You’re absolutely perfect.”

  She smiled up at him, her fingers resting on his arms, her gaze not wavering. Her moist lips parted slightly, and he battled the desire to bend and take them in a kiss. Not wanting their first kiss to be in the middle of a crowded restaurant was the only reason he grabbed his jacket and tucked her against his side. “Let’s get outta here.”

  They walked back to the sidewalk around the Inner Harbor, but instead of heading to the far side, he led her to one of the boat docks. He grinned as her head snapped around and her eyes grew wide.

  “Are we going to take a boat taxi to the other side?”

  “Is that all right?”

  “Oh, my goodness, yes! I haven’t done this in so long!”

  Paying for the boat ride, he held her hand carefully as they stepped over the gangplank onto the small ferry. The night air had grown chilly, and he knew it would be even colder on the water as the boat moved along. Nonetheless, she moved toward the front so that she would have an unobstructed view.

  They settled into seats, and once again he wrapped her tightly in his arms, holding her close to his warmth as the boat began moving to one of the other stops. The ride was short, but by the time they stepped off on the other side of the harbor, her cheeks and nose were rosy.

  Unable to stop himself, he bent and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Let’s get you warmed up.”

  Once they were in his SUV, he blasted the heat and turned on the seat warmers. Within a few minutes, they were toasty, and a sigh of pleasure escaped her lips. The sound hit his cock and it strained against his zipper.

  Twisting to stare at her beautiful face, he admitted, “I really don’t want our date to end.”

  She held his gaze and shook her head back and forth. “I don’t either. I’ve got some wine at my apartment. Would you like to come in for a drink?”

  “Absolutely.” That one word said it all… he could not think of anything he would rather do more than go back to her place with her.


  Harper had loved every minute of their date. Sean was so easy to talk with that she never felt the need to impress him. He gets me… he really seems to get me. What she was already feeling for Sean was something she had hoped for but had never found.

  She remembered when she was younger asking her mother about meeting her father. Her mother had laughed and said, “Your father was so patient. It was as though he waited for me to finally come to him and say you’re the one.”

  She had been shocked, asking her mother, “But what if he had not waited for you?”

  “Love always recognizes love, sweetheart. He knew we were right for each other, and so he was patient, waiting for me to realize the same thing.”

  Her parents had been married for almost thirty-five years, and she had watched how their differences only complemented each other, but mostly it was their similarities and abiding love that she remembered the most.

  Unlike Sandy, who gave the appearance of flirting her way toward finding a mate, Harper had dated carefully. And now, even after only spending a short time with Sean, her attraction toward him was growing. He parked near her building, and they walked hand-in-hand to the front door. She tapped in the security code and they entered, making their way to the elevator. Once inside, he twisted her around so that her back was against the wall, and he lowered his head, nuzzling her nose. She tilted her head backward, sure that he was going to kiss her, but instead, he simply pressed his lips against her cheek.

  As soon as the elevator doors opened, they walked down the hall to her door. Her fingers fumbled with the key at the feel of his hand on her lower back, but she managed to get the door unlocked. She had left a light on in the living room and it illuminated the space. As he helped slide her jacket off, she looked down, seeing her cat stepping lightly into the room.

  “I didn’t have a chance to introduce you earlier. This is Smokey.” She leaned down to pet him, looking over her shoulder, curious as to Sean’s reaction. Some men, she had found, did not like cats, considering them to be sissy animals.

  He immediately knelt, holding his hand out so that Smokey could sniff his fingers. As soon as the cat arched his back and moved forward, Sean began to stroke the cat.

  Unable to keep the grin from her face, she watched in appreciation as her cat accepted him.

  He looked up and tilted his head to the side. “Why the grin?”

  Laughing, she shrugged. “Let’s just say that you’re passing all my tests.”

  “Tests? There are tests? Damn, maybe I should’ve studied.”

  She felt blush rise from her chest upward and shook her head. “I really shouldn’t have said that. I don’t mean you have to pass tests, but some men don’t like cats, and I’m glad that you do.”

  Blowing out his breath in an exaggerated puff, he said, “Whew, glad I passed that one. Now I just have to worry about the other ones that I don’t know about.”

  She playfully slapped his arm. “I’ll get the wine.”

  He followed her into her small kitchen and took the wine bottle from her hands, opening it and then pouring it into the glasses she provided. Nodding toward her wrist, he said, “Are you still in pain?”

  “No, not at all. The swelling has gone down, and the splint has been tightened. Now, it’s more of an inconvenience than anything else.”

  He picked up both glasses of wine and they walked into her small living room. Her boots had been comfortable when they were walking but she never wore shoes when she was at home. As he set the glasses on the coffee table, she waved toward her feet. “Do you mind if I get a little more comfortable?”

  Shaking his head, he smiled, holding her gaze. “Not at all, Harper. Get as comfortable as you want.”

  The air seemed thicker and she sucked in a quick breath, disappearing down the short hall. Once out of sight, she slumped against her bedroom door. I can’t jump him… I can’t jump him. Her mantra barely worked as she hurried into different clothes. A few minutes later came back, having changed into yoga pants and slouchy socks had replaced her boots. He had already reclined on the sofa, and she settled next to him, twisting her body so that she faced him, her knees touching his thigh. Sitting so close, it was easy for him to rest his arm on the back of the sofa, creating a cocoon for just the two of them.

  They sipped the wine and he prodded, “Tell me about these tests. I want to make sure I’m passing them.”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, you are.” Seeing him continue to stare intently, she sighed. “Truthfully, Sean? I’ve had quite a few first dates, very few second dates, and hardly anybody has made it to a third date. So far, with you, everything has been different... great, actually. We’ve been together at wor
k. We’ve had lunch. And now we’ve had dinner.”

  “That makes it sound like we’ve already had our third date.” He smiled, leaning forward to place his wine glass on the coffee table. “I’d say I’m passing your tests pretty well.”

  Dropping her chin, she shook her head. “Oh, I shouldn’t have said that. But it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t understand that I might get called out at any given time and not just have set work hours. And if someone’s been injured or died in a fire it’s very upsetting to me, and not everyone understands the emotional part of my job. I’m no longer interested in just having a short-time-good-time.” As soon as those words left her mouth, her eyes widened. “I realize that by saying that, you might head straight toward the door.”

  He shook his head slowly and leaned closer. “Harper, honey, it sounds like we’re in the exact same place in our lives. I want something that I can build on with someone that can share my life.”

  She inhaled a quick breath before her lips curved into a smile. “See? That’s why you’re passing my tests.”

  As they talked, their voices lowered to almost a whisper, and their heads moved slowly closer together. When their lips were only a breath apart, he hesitated, lifting his brow in silent question. Her answer was to close the distance, pressing her lips against his.

  As soon as she felt the pressure of his lips, she moaned, melting into him. Her arms slid around his neck, and he twisted so that she was pressed against the cushions of the sofa.

  His tongue slipped between her lips, and she welcomed the silkiness gliding over hers. Her body awoke, causing her nipples to tighten and her legs to press together, instinctively responding to him.

  He tasted of wine and spices, delicious and daring. She felt her body falling backward, but it was a slow descent and their lips never left each other. Rolling slightly, he lay with his back against the cushions, her body stretched out on top of his. One of his strong arms banded about her middle, and the other hand clutched the side of her face, angling her head slightly so that their tongues had the maximum potential for pleasure.

  This was no hurried fumbling, no quick kiss that seemed to be just a precursor for sex. Instead, this was a slow, drawn-out seduction that left her panting and needy for more. Her hand moved to the buttons on his shirt, but with her wrist splinted, she found it difficult to undo them. She continued until she managed to work several undone. While she was busy with his shirt, his hand that had been around her back had moved to the bottom of her sweater, his fingers slipping underneath the material. As his hand lifted, her body twitched where his fingertips lightly moved over her skin.

  Shifting again so they were side-by-side, their legs tangled, and his hand drifted from her back to her side. Startling, she jumped and he smiled.


  She nodded, whispering, “Yeah. It’s one of my secrets.”

  His fingers drifted around her stomach. “Not sure I can hold back discovering your body, secrets or not.”

  Her thigh slipped between his legs as she pressed her hips against his, feeling the long, hard length of him against her stomach.

  She felt his groan from deep inside his chest move through her and pulled him closer. Her breasts, aching with need, longed for his touch. He did not disappoint as his hand now drifted upward, his fingertips gliding over her bra, circling the silk covering her nipples.

  Glad that Sandy had provided her with condoms in case he did not have any, she whispered, “Do you want to take this into the bedroom?”

  He groaned once more, and she interpreted that as an affirmative. Just as she started to slide off of him, she felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Her eyes jerked open wide, and he cursed under his breath.

  “I’m sorry, babe.” His voice was rough as he groaned.

  She shook her head, and he pulled his phone from his pocket, glancing down. “Fuck.” He sighed, taking the call. “McBride.”

  She stood, uncertain for a moment that her shaky legs would hold her. Once steady, she picked up their now-empty wine glasses and carried them to the sink, wanting to give him a little privacy for his conversation. As small as her apartment was, it was not hard to discern that his call was from the station.

  “Where? How long ago? Have you contacted Detective Miller?”

  She heard him disconnect and looked over, seeing the fierce expression on his face. “You have to go.” Her words were a statement, not a question because she already knew what he needed to do.

  He stood, scrubbed his hand over his face, then adjusted himself in his pants. Nodding, he held her gaze and his voice was ragged. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Harper.”

  Rushing to him, she placed her hands on his chest, looked up at him, and shook her head. “Please don’t apologize, Sean. Honestly, I understand. This is your job. This is what you have to do.”

  He sighed heavily, his breath warm against her face. “Yeah, it is, but that doesn’t make leaving you right now any easier.”

  “I know you might not be able to tell me, but I’m assuming since you got called in, it looks like arson?”

  He nodded his response.

  Her shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry.”

  “How about if I call you tomorrow?”

  She smiled, her eyes bright. “That’ll be fine.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her body close to his. Her head leaned back, holding his gaze, and he dipped to take her lips again. “When I call tomorrow, we’ll set our next date. I plan on passing all of your tests.”

  She gave his waist a squeeze before letting go and stepping back. She watched him walk out, then she closed and locked her door, sighing deeply. She had been ready for sex and her body was humming with anticipation. Flipping off the lights, she walked to her bedroom, knowing that her battery-operated-boyfriend was in for a workout.

  Sighing, she thought, but it’ll never be as good as the real thing!


  “This is a fuckin’ way to end your date night, isn’t it?”

  Sean looked at his partner, barely able to hold in his growl. “It was absolutely perfect and was not over when the call came.”

  Shaking his head, Jonas mumbled, “Jesus, sorry, man. I’m glad for you, Sean, but sorry as fuck it ended this way.”

  The two men had parked outside the empty store where the fire had occurred. The building was in an older section of town where a number of businesses were no longer operating. Standing at the front, if it had not been for the fire trucks with their lights flashing as the firefighters moved around and the front windows now broken out, it would be hard to tell that anything had happened. The building was still standing. The brick front was still red, not blackened.

  Glancing at the sign leaning against the side of the building, he read the words Wilson’s Tire and Auto. He shook his head in awe. “With the traces of oil and gasoline that must be inside, it’s amazing the whole building didn’t become engulfed.”

  When they approached, the firefighters were finishing, and the Fire Captain was waiting for them. The older man walked to the side, pulled out a handkerchief, and wiped his brow as he slid his helmet off his head.

  Nodding to the older man, he greeted, “Chief Evans.”

  Shaking his hand, he acknowledged, “Detectives McBride... Miller. We called it in once we determined this was suspicious. I know you’ll be doing your own investigation, but from what we can tell there are multiple places at the back of the building where this got started. It’s weird because this is a brick building, and we got to it before much has burned, although the roof is gone.” Shrugging, looking every bit his age, the fire chief added, “You know where to find me if you have other questions.”

  Sean and Jonas walked around the building, seeing the dark, gaping hole in the back. His gaze dropped to the asphalt at the back, now naturally searching for… And there it is. You were here, you fucker. A small pile of gravel sat near the back and he immediately pulled out his phone to take pictures as Jonas jo
gged back to his vehicle to get a camera. Squatting next to them, he stared. Talk to me. What the fuck do you mean? What possible significance can you have? He willed some recognition to come, but the small pile of rocks remained silent.

  Standing, he pursed his lips, now focusing on the building. Snapping on gloves and placing their hardhats on their heads, they stepped carefully inside. There were two firefighters inside the building, still checking for embers. Both looked up and tossed nods of greeting their way as they walked in.

  Jonas moved toward the front, chatting with one of the firefighters as they discussed burn patterns along the inner walls. Sean stood in the middle of the charred, blackened building, and remembered something that Harper had said. It’s like each fire represents a death. Whether it’s somebody’s business or their home, it was once a place filled with people. Laughter, and joy, and life. And now, it just seems dead.

  The countertops and benches near the front were still intact, but the tools and equipment that would have lined the sides and back were gone. The floor was concrete, another reason the entire building was not engulfed. The darkness made it difficult to be able to discern much, and he and Jonas would need to come back in the light of day.

  Sliding his evidence bag off his shoulder, he pulled out a cardboard container of small glass jars. Hoping to make a match or give evidence as to who started the fire, he moved along the back and collected some of the burned material. Stepping outside, he moved to the multiple points of origin, snapping pictures and collecting more evidence. Once the lids were screwed tightly on the jars, he placed them back in the cardboard container and then slid the entire box into his evidence kit.

  Still difficult to see with little light, it appeared there were three different places of origin. Yeah, Chief was right... this is arson... our arsonist. The media had not gotten ahold of the pile-of-rocks calling card that the serial arsonist left, so it would be almost impossible for this to be a copycat arson.


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