The Ascension Myth Box Set

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The Ascension Myth Box Set Page 26

by Ell Leigh Clark

  Joel looked up and saw the look in her eyes. Fuck. Oz just told her.

  * * *

  Paige arrived at the conference room. Joel, Garet and Molly were already there making small talk around the cluster of desks that doubled as a conference table.

  “Hey,” Paige said as she came in and plunked herself down next to Joel.

  “Hey,” Molly said, getting up to gently close the door, now that Paige had arrived.

  Garet finished what he was saying and then Joel and Garet acknowledged Paige’s arrival. Molly sat back down.

  “Okay, so the reason we asked to have a chat with you both,” she started, indicating Garet and Paige with her hands, “is to see what you’d like to do about your future. Bringing you off-world was originally a temporary measure to keep you safe while everything was settling down. But it’s important for us now to have a conversation about what you want this to look like.”

  “I’m ready to go back, if you guys think it’s safe,” Garet began as soon as it was polite to start talking. “I’ve been watching the news reports and things have pretty much moved on. They’re speculating on Dewitt’s replacement and the public seems to agree that Paige and I were victims of trying to do the right thing.”

  Molly listened intently. She’d expected as much. She looked at Paige.

  “I can go back whenever you think it’s safe.” Her voice was flat, and a little quieter than usual. She looked a little shocked that this conversation was happening. “At least then I’ll be able to wear any one of my 133 shades of red nail color!” she added more brightly, as if making an effort to be positive.

  It was Joel’s turn to add to the conversation. “We think it’s probably safe, but there are no guarantees. There hasn’t been any chatter that causes us any concern, but we don’t know what your return will trigger. The Syndicate may notice you’re back on their doorstep and just want to clean up loose ends.”

  He was watching them both intently, looking for micro expressions to tell him how they really felt about the prospect of going back. Experience had shown him over the years that there was very little correlation between what people said and what people really wanted to do. Especially after hostage situations and life-threatening events. It was just the way it was.

  Molly looked across at Joel as if waiting for his assessment. Seeing he was still gathering data, she continued.

  “The thing is, if someone decides they want you dead, that’s it. Game over. There will be no time to swoop in and save you. We’ll of course put you in touch with other security people. It’s up to you if you want to bring them in to follow you around.” She was looking particularly at Garet. “But the reality is, the best way for you to be safe is to stay off-world. At least, much longer than we’ve already been away.”

  Joel presented the other alternative they’d been working on. “The other thing we can do is get in touch with the local police precinct that was running the Dewitt investigation and offer you up as witnesses who need security to talk. You may be eligible for protection, but that in itself might raise a flag to the Syndicate. We probably should at least let them know that you’re back, to keep them from hunting you down if they suspect you of hiding anything. Plus, their questions might give us a little more insight into who these guys actually are and what the threat level is.”

  “It sounds like what you’re saying is that we can’t really tell until we get there, but our presence may well alter the status quo,” Garet summarized.

  “Yes,” confirmed Joel seriously. “Going back to Spire may well create the danger.”

  “And if we stay here?” asked Paige, anxiety written across her brow and around her eyes.

  “You’ll be a shit-ton safer,” responded Molly quickly. “But we’re not just hiding out here. We’re working on a lot of things to potentially disrupt the system even more. I mean, we’re safe now because no one knows we’re here. But if and when that changes, you’ll be in danger, as will we all.”

  Joel and Molly exchanged glances. This was the most serious conversation they’d had in weeks, and it felt like work. All the planning they’d been doing with Crash and Brock had been fun, lighthearted, and downright entertaining at times. But they were building a mini military base of badassery, an operation to make the System a better place for everyone involved.

  They were working to change their world.

  Now they were discussing the future of two clients who had become their friends, and helping them make decisions about how the rest of their lives looked.

  “And if we stay, we can become part of the operation? The mission?” Paige queried.

  Molly suddenly realized what she was asking. “I mean…erm, yeah.” She scrambled, trying to think what Paige could contribute to the team. “We can think of something you could do to help out. And maybe there will be a way to pick up some nail polish from somewhere?”

  Paige grinned.

  Garet rolled his eyes. Joel caught it and smiled too.

  “Maybe it’s something you want to think about for a few days. Talk about it together, and with us. There’s no hurry to decide.”

  “Apart from the bill that Dewitt was pushing through. It might still go through, from the looks of things,” Garet added.

  He noticed everyone looking at him, as if waiting for an explanation.

  He continued, completing the thought, “If that bill goes through, they’ll make it illegal for people not to be paying thousands of dollars to the healthcare companies who sit between the healthcare providers and drug companies and the public. If that happens, there is nothing stopping the healthcare companies from just eating up people’s money by jacking up prices.”

  “I thought it was about making sure they made healthcare available for everyone?” Paige asked.

  “That’s part of it, and that’s what they want you to think, but the clauses that they’ve been playing down are all about changing the law to basically rig the economy for their own ends. They need to be stopped. That’s all I’m saying. And if I get back there, maybe I can find a position in one of the Senate offices where I can help fight it.”

  “Okay,” Joel said finally. “Have a think about what you want to do. We’ll support whatever decision you make.”

  Chapter 27

  Upper atmosphere, about 10,000 kilometers above Spire

  Crash swiped a few controls while Molly sat and watched, wondering how long it might take her to learn how to fly this ship. It had been a mere two days since the serious conversation in the conference room and Garet was still adamant that they should take the risk and return to Spire. Paige was less enthusiastic but had packed up and agreed to go back all the same. So here they were.

  “Not long now,” said Crash loudly over the noise of the engines. “The descent into the atmosphere is only bumpy for a few minutes, and then we’ll be able to lock onto the landing pad.”

  He was talking Molly through the details just in case she ever needed to be aware of the process. In reality they would probably end up getting Oz hooked in to the ship, but that was the last thing she wanted to mess with midflight.

  “Just a few more minutes, folks,” Molly called through the open door to Paige, Joel and Garet. Brock had stayed back at Gaitune-67 to receive the numerous supplies they’d been ordering. Plus, Molly didn’t want this to turn into a permanent stay in the Central Systems. They were here to get Garet and Paige settled in, and then they would turn around and get back to Gaitune.

  She glanced back through the door, seeing the two of them sitting together. They made a cute couple. She wondered if it would last, though.

  “I’m ready to stretch my legs!” announced Joel loudly, so that Crash and Molly would hear.

  “Me too,” seconded Garet. He’d spent most of the trip studying the situation he would be walking into. Molly even overheard him telling Paige he’d filled out a few job applications for different government departments.

  For the next f
ifteen minutes the passengers of the XC-0094B were in limbo—unable to walk around or chat over the sound of the engines, yet anticipating touchdown on a real planet again. Molly found herself wondering about the relative gravity and whether they would notice the difference between here and the artificial stuff they had on Gaitune. Then again, the gravity differential was likely to be the least of her problems.

  Beaufort-Montgomery Residence, Downtown Spire

  The new apartment was everything that Molly had hoped when she saw the pictures the first time. The pale blue walls and carpets made it cool and homey, but airy at the same time. She loved the amount of natural light that came in through the big windows down one side. In fact, she was almost a little jealous that she couldn’t stay here and have a normal-ish life herself.

  Is it the lifestyle or the decor you’re attached to, though?

  Hmm, good point. Maybe both.

  If it’s of any help, the wall coloring is duck egg blue made by a local company here on Spire. We can always order some and have it delivered to the hangar before we leave.

  That’s really thoughtful of you, Oz.

  I aim to please. Besides, you freed up more processing power when you were enjoying the environment. I’ve been testing a hypothesis that the happier you are, the more processing power I get.

  Oh, so it’s self-serving after all, then?

  Yes, you could say that. But then, what did you expect from an AI?

  Molly smiled to herself. Oz’s very existence had turned her life upside down, but she would never choose to go back to not having him with her.

  Paint has been ordered. It will be at the hangar tonight. I left a note for them to leave it around the side even if there is no one to sign for it.

  Excellent. Thanks, Oz!


  Who paid for it, by the way?

  Technically, you did. But it came out of the general account where you have me deposit the funds from the legitimate market trading I do.

  Nice emphasis on the word legitimate.

  Well, I’m glad that we were able to find a way to fund your expensive taste in spaceships and military hardware without breaking any more laws or bending ethics.

  Me too, Oz. Me too.

  There was a knock at the door. Paige had gone for a walk and Crash had gone to the store, deliberately timing their absences for the expected visitors.

  “That’ll be them,” Joel said as he strode to the door. Checking through the peephole, he confirmed the woman’s identity and opened the door.

  “Good to meet you, Detective Indius,” he said, shaking her hand.

  “Captain Dunham. Good to meet you, too. This is my partner Detective Rogers.” Joel and Antonio greeted each other with a handshake.

  Garet, hearing the door, arrived from the other room and stepped forward to introduce himself. Molly did the same. Seeing Molly and Joel next to each other, both detectives had a flash of recognition.

  “Thanks for your call, Captain Dunham,” Detective Indius started. “As you can probably guess, we’ve been searching for answers as to what happened at the Dewitt residence that night, and we really appreciate you coming forward.”

  “Of course. We got our client out of danger as soon as we could, but when he decided to return to town, we thought it would be worth checking in with the police to at least let you know. If we had known you wanted to question him, we would have been in touch sooner. We were just out of communication with people for his safety.”

  “I understand.” Detective Indius was amenable and professional. Having spent the last two weeks searching for Beaufort and Montgomery, she hoped she’d finally get some answers.

  “So, we’d like to get a sequence of events. We can see now that both you and Flight Sergeant Bates were involved in the incident,” she paused, noticing Joel’s quizzical look.

  “How do you know that?” he asked.

  It was Molly who answered. “Dewitt’s security cams. We had assumed the group that followed us had destroyed those files…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Yes, but we were able to restore sections. Both of you entered the building,” shared Detective Indius, “and we’ll need to get a sequence of events. But first, can I ask you about Ms. Montgomery? We found her blood at the scene, and suspect she was held hostage. We’ve been fearing the worst.”

  Joel knew this might come up. Paige had left to avoid having to answer questions, but it was up to the rest of them to reassure the police that she was okay.

  “We have been in contact with Ms. Montgomery, and she is perfectly fine. She managed to escape. She knew you would be coming to see Mr. Beaufort, so she made a video. However, we ask that you don’t insist on taking the file, because if anyone knows she is still alive it will put her in danger.”

  The detectives were taking it all in.

  The conversation went on for about two hours, and after viewing the video Paige had recorded in that very same apartment, they were satisfied that she was at least alive.

  “We’d much rather be able to take a statement from her ourselves.” Antonio appealed to Joel, who had done most of the talking. “She may have vital information to help us track down some of the other parties involved.”

  “I’m sorry.” Joel explained, “That’s just not in her best interests right now. It may be that the intel she has is the only thing keeping her alive. You understand, of course?” Joel planted the seed that by pursuing her they may very well be putting her in danger. He needed them off her scent just long enough to get off-world again; a few days at the most.

  “Yes, yes we do. We’ll have to leave an APB out on her though. If she’s in the Central Systems, we’ll find her eventually.” Antonio had the look of someone who was just doing his job, but understood the risks to the witness.

  “And if we can find her…” Chaakwa didn’t need to finish the statement. Everyone there knew what it meant.

  Feeling they had gathered all the information they could, the detectives wrapped up the conversation and started to leave.

  Before stepping out of the apartment, Detective Indius turned to Garet.

  “You were a lucky man, Mr. Beaufort. It seems that things have settled down. While we’re glad to see you well and back in town, we don’t know how safe it is for you to be here since we haven’t found the killers or the men who hunted you down at the hotel and kidnapped your girlfriend. We will continue to do everything we can, but please get in touch if you hear or see anything unusual. We might be able to arrange a security detail for you.”

  Garet nodded. There was no way they were going to be able to protect him. That was going to be up to him now.

  Joel shook their hands and closed the door behind them as they left. In the back of his mind he knew he was going to have to have another talk with Paige about meeting with the cops if she was going to stay. They made it clear that they would keep looking for her, and it was only a matter of time until they—or someone else—found her through the security and traffic cams all over town.

  Something told him it might not be necessary.

  Sure, Paige had said she wanted to come back with Garet, but he’d been watching them together and they didn’t seem that close. Plus, she and Molly had discussed her becoming part of the team that day in the conference room, even if only in principle.

  In the corridor, with the apartment door closed behind them, Chaakwa started walking. She waited to speak until she and Antonio were well out of earshot.

  “So what do you think?” she asked, looking for Antonio’s reaction.

  “I think he got lucky. But I also think that now he’s back, we’ll likely be attending a new crime scene back in this building pretty soon.”

  Chaakwa nodded grimly. There was only so much they could say to a witness without causing panic or reactionary behavior. Plus, the brass wanted this case gone. She just hoped it wouldn’t be at the expense of this young man’s life.

  Downtown Spir

  Paige wandered through the streets of Spire. She used to love this city—its bustle and noise and spirit. But now, after everything she had been through here, it just didn’t have the same sparkle.

  She strolled past a clothing store. Normally she would have gone in and examined the pretty new range of atmosuits that graced their window.

  She’d always wondered what she would look like in something with a little more sheen to it. Her mother had said that the sheen just looked more like dust after you’d worn it outside a few times, but that was her mother all over.

  She’d made a rule a few years ago that her mother’s opinions were not going to rule her style decisions anymore.

  Thinking of her mom, she looked down at her wrist holo and considered calling her. She immediately stopped herself.

  Molly had said not to make contact with anyone. Anyone. She was very firm about that.

  She thought of her friends at work as she continued to walk down the dusty street, the Sark beating down on her. Gosh, what she wouldn’t give for a bit of company right now. Someone to talk to about her predicament. Sure, she had Molly. Kinda. But Molly wasn’t a real girl. And she was sort of the boss. Well, it was more like she had two personas: boss and friend. Paige still hadn’t gotten used to the separations she seemed able to make.

  But she desperately wanted to talk to someone about this situation with Garet. And the rest of her life. Garet was just a guy. A boyfriend. They’d only been dating a few months. And now here she was in a situation where she was kind of expected to move in with him and stay with him for…well, forever, she guessed.

  I suppose that’s how most people fall into relationships, though. But without the kidnapping and near-death experiences, she qualified to herself.

  And then there was her job. She’d loved her coworkers, and the work was interesting. But now, knowing what she did and having been off-world…that life was just too small for her.

  But what else can I do? She wondered. If only there was a way to be of use to Molly and her team; she thought she’d like that.


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