The Ascension Myth Box Set

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The Ascension Myth Box Set Page 187

by Ell Leigh Clark

  Vito shuffled everyone around and down the steps, leaving Karina standing at the top, pleased as punch. Station staff scuttled by with a gurney with a black body bag on top and adeptly navigated their way down the steps and out of the way of the guests.

  Molly’s crew and the remaining wedding guests assembled obediently. Molly deliberately stood at the back, out of the way and ready to leave for the bar. The idea of a proper drink was increasingly appealing with each social interaction she suffered through.

  “On three!” Vito called, waving a stick as if conducting an orchestra. “Everybody count! Big throw Karina, dear!”

  Karina turned around, bouquet in hand, and began winding up to toss it behind her.

  The crowd counted with increasing hope and enthusiasm.



  “Three!” The bouquet left Karina’s hands and flew up into the air. It had height rather than distance, Molly noted. This meant it would come down right in the middle of the crowd.

  There were squeals of delight. Dozens of female hands went up into the air, reaching for the symbolic bunch of flowers that held bizarre magical prophecies of them bagging a mate.

  Molly smiled, watching.

  Joel nudged her. Molly glanced briefly at him, taking her eyes off the crowd for a split second. Joel was looking in the direction of the bouquet. Molly followed his gaze.


  It was coming straight for her. She moved to shield her face, having only an instant to make a move before it would hit her in the face. Her hands went up and without thinking about the repercussions, she caught it.

  The crowd erupted in a cheer. Joel threw his arm around her, amused at her reaction. Molly stood, mouth agape and cheeks beet red.

  Her eyes met with Karina’s. Karina seemed quite satisfied with herself. Molly wasn’t sure why.

  Then, she also noticed three or four of the ladies, including the Krenlock, glaring at her, unamused. Everyone else seemed quite pleased with the result. It probably helped that Joel was right next to her and the obvious candidate for a match.

  Molly, unsure of quite what she should do, waved to Karina and tried to thank her with a thumbs-up. Then she shoved the flowers into Joel’s arms and started walking out of the sim deck.

  She needed a drink.

  And she hoped to hell this wasn’t a real mission, or else she’d be forced to stay sober and alert. Only another conversation with Sean would determine that. She glanced behind her to see him with his bride and the crowd breaking up and heading to the door, too. Joel was talking with Jack and Pieter, showing them the flowers.

  She shook her head and strode toward the exit. If she couldn’t get a drink straight away, at least she could remove herself from this nightmare of a social occasion.

  Lance’s Office, Aboard The ArchAngel, Sark System

  Barb sat next to Carol, one arm around her back, consoling her as the shell of a director for clandestine services sobbed quietly into a tissue.

  “I made a horrible mistake,” she confessed. Philip stood on the other side of the room, more of an observer than a participant in the conversation.

  Lance poured her another drink and handed it to her. Barb took it from him and placed it on the table, well aware that the last thing Carol needed was more alcohol in her system.

  “We need to find Molly,” Carol continued.

  Lance rocked on his heels. “Oh, we know exactly where Molly is,” he revealed.

  Carol looked up confused. “How come?”

  “Carol,” Lance said firmly, without a hint of condescension, “this is the Federation. And I can’t let you in on the details of our tech. You’re a foreign government. But we’ve pinpointed the exact space station, and we’re making arrangements to speak with her directly. I can assure you she’s safe. For now.”

  “For now?” Philip interjected.

  “Yes, for now,” he replied. He turned back to Carol. “You were right about your daughter being in danger. Just wrong about the location of the danger. ADAM analyzed the data you turned over. It seems that our suspicions are correct. There are indeed threats brewing in your own backyard… without you needing to send her off into the middle of a mob wedding.”

  “A mob wedding?” Carol interrupted.

  “Yes. Seems that’s why she’s been unreachable.”

  “Not hers I hope?” Carol asked, her eyes wide with alarm.

  “No, no,” Lance confirmed. “She’s attending one as I hear it. Hence the shootout.”

  “How can you know that?” Carol asked. “You can’t possibly be receiving intel over those distances. They haven’t been gone a few days. How can you know what she’s doing right now?”

  Lance smiled. “Like I said, tech-knowledgy. And the how is on a need-to-know basis only.” He chuckled to himself and looked to Philip for support. “Get it. Knowledge. Tech—Oh, never mind.”

  “But she’s safe?” Carol pressed.

  “Yes, she’s safe. They’ve got everything under control.”

  Philip interjected again. “So, what about this trouble brewing in our own backyard?”

  Lance took a deep breath and wandered around to his console chair at his desk. “Well, the chatter is indicating that there are people maneuvering into certain positions of power in order to create some kind of movement on the government. Have you ever heard of the Northern Clan of Cambodian?”

  “No,” Philip responded promptly.

  Lance looked to Carol. She shook her head. “No, me neither.”

  “Well, you might wanna get eyes on them. They’ve moved three of their people into key military positions in the last twelve months, and now, we’ve noticed an influx of funds into the markets.” He paused. “You remember the Newstainment takeover?”

  “Yes, but that was legit,” Carol countered, clearly confused by the unrelated events.

  “It was,” Lance agreed. “But it’s still looking like someone is going to want to be controlling military and media. Something is coming, Carol. And you folks aren’t ready.”

  Philip noticed how Carol didn’t react to the statement, which would normally have made her react defensively. “What do we need in order to be ready?” she asked instead.

  “Us,” Lance said flatly. “Or more specifically, your daughter. You are aware that she has been training the planet’s brightest and best to be ambassadors to protect your way of life?”

  “Well, I was—”

  Lance kept talking. “She’s got an approach, and we just need to extend the approach to get these bright young things into positions where they can protect your citizens from what could be an impending tyranny.”

  “Are there any specific threats? I can have a team on it—”

  Lance had been fiddling with a cigar on his desk. He tossed it down in front of him and leaned back in his seat. “Getting a team on it isn’t going to help. This is cyb-illa warfare.”

  “Cybilla?” Carol queried, wiping one side of her face and under her eyes for any residue of tears.

  “Yeah, it’s cyber and guerilla, and it’s happening right under your noses.”

  ADAM’s voice connected through Lance’s implant. “Sir, we have an incoming call request from Molly. Would you like to take it here? Or in your private office?”

  Lance raised one finger to his guests. “Folks, Molly is making contact. I need to take this call. I’m going to try and get her up to speed so she’s got time to process this on the way back.”

  The others watched and nodded.

  Lance rocked back in his chair. “Okay, ADAM. Let’s take the call here.”

  A holoscreen opened from his desk console, revealing an image of Molly looking somewhat worse for wear.

  Capitol Building, Spire, Estaria

  Commander Richard Ekks placed his parade hat on the desk and sat down at his console in his new office. It was a pleasant relief to finally be able to close the door and mel
low in the peace and quiet.

  The day had been filled first with a parade ceremony in his honor and then a series of meetings and introductions, followed up with back slapping at the Senate.

  He leaned back in his anti-grav chair.

  I could get used to this, he thought, swiveling around and taking in the view of Spire from the tenth floor of the government building. He rocked himself gently for a few minutes, appreciating the moment.

  Then, his holo chirped. It was an incoming call. He hit receive and sat up.

  “Congratulations, Commander!” It was Raj Ghetti. He looked like he was on a space station somewhere. Richard never quite knew where Raj worked out of. He always seemed to be in transit or visiting somewhere. He’d spoken of an office on Ogg once, but Richard suspected it was for show.

  “Mr. Ghetti, what a wonderful surprise!” Richard replied.

  “How are you finding life as a commander of the Estarian-Ogg Space Fleet?”

  “I’m liking it very much, sir. And I know it’s in no small part thanks to you and your group. I must extend my sincerest gratitude for everything you’ve done to get me here.”

  Raj waved his hand. “You’re welcome. But don’t thank me yet. This isn’t a free lunch.”

  “Of course, sir. I’m just honored to have the opportunity.”

  Raj smiled enigmatically. “Good. Well, I’ll be in town in a few days. We should do lunch, and I’ll fill you in with some details which will interest you very much.”


  “Yes. This isn’t a secure line, and, of course, it’s of a sensitive nature.”

  “Of course,” Richard agreed politely. “I understand.”

  “Good. Well, I’ll have my people contact your people and we’ll set it up.”

  “I’ll look forward to it, sir.”

  “Excellent. And congratulations again, Commander.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Ghetti ended the call and the screen went blank. Richard sat once again in the quiet, pleased as punch that he had this new position. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he had a niggling feeling that the price tag it came with was much higher than he’d originally been led to believe.

  He shook the thought from his consciousness and turned his attention to some messages he needed to respond to.

  Chapter 15

  Entertainment Deck, Bronislovas Trading Outpost, Kirox Quadrant

  The music had already begun.

  At least, Molly assumed it was music. She wasn’t sure if it was of a Yollin influence or something entirely different she had never even heard of. All she knew was that some of the guests who had already started drinking were bopping away to it from their chairs. It wouldn’t be long until the dance floor in the center of the room would be filled with inebriated guests.

  Her eyes scanned the scene, straining to make out Sean from amongst the numerous human and cyborg faces. Her eyes fought against the flashing lights and decorative lasers. She could feel the frustration rising in her chest.

  Where the fuck is he?

  I suspect he’ll be along shortly if he’s not already here.

  As if on cue, there was a commotion behind her as cheering guests entered with Sean and his bride in their midst.

  Molly rolled her eyes. It was bizarre to see Royale playing this part. She waited by the side as the rest of the party arrived, took pictures, and did the necessary convention of handshakes and what-have-yous. She noticed Joel and the others congratulated him and then headed into the party. Only Jack hung back, made eye contact with Molly, and then disappeared out of the door again.

  I’m guessing she’s staying alert to any other threats.

  Yes. I think so. She, like you, isn’t convinced this is just a wedding.

  She’s a smart cookie.

  Eventually, after several torturous minutes, Molly was able to get Sean away from the frivolity and pull him to one side.

  “Okay, I need to know,” Molly demanded, keeping her voice just loud enough for Sean to hear.

  “Need to know what?” he asked, confused.

  “What your plan is. We need to be ready, and the last thing I want is for the team to be caught unawares when you make your move.”

  “Move? What move?”

  Molly shifted her weight to her other foot. “The one you’ve been biding your time to make. I assume you’re bringing the girl with us?”

  Sean shook his head. “Molly, there is no move.”

  Molly frowned. She put two fingers to her ear to ask if they were being surveyed.

  Sean shook his head. “No. It’s just that this was it. This was the plan. Now Karina and I are free to… well, do whatever we want.”

  Molly still wasn’t understanding. “You mean… you’re not coming back to the Federation with us?”

  “Oh… well, probably. I mean, we haven’t really talked about it. But I assumed we would.” Sean seemed to have lost his certainty.

  Molly’s frown narrowed her eyes. “And if we weren’t here, what was your plan for getting back?” she asked, clearly suspicious now.

  Sean put his hands on his hips and nodded in the direction of the old man from the wedding. “I’m sure my new father-in-law would have a ship he could lend us.” He grinned.

  Molly stood motionless for a moment.

  I don’t get it, Oz. There is no threat?

  I guess not. Other than the one we’ve already neutralized. And that was just inter-family feuding by the looks of the IDs on the stations’ servers.

  So, what now?

  Now we get to go home, I guess. Unless you want to let the others enjoy the party. For the sake of team morale, I would recommend that.

  Molly wiped at her face, her agitation showing. “Okay, one more time, Sean. Am I right in understanding that there is going to be no move, no operation, no escape?”

  Sean shrugged. “Nothing to escape from. We can leave whenever we want, although I’d wait until we at least cut the cake, or else that would just be rude.”

  Molly put her hands on her hips briefly, subconsciously following Sean’s cues. “Well… okay then. I’ll go check in with the boss and then see about getting us some rooms for the night. We’ll leave tomorrow.”

  Sean glanced over at Karina, who was on the dance floor with a champagne glass in her hand. “Okay. Lemme talk to the Mrs. If she’s down with it, we’ll come back with you. If that’s okay?”

  Molly nodded. “That would be okay,” she confirmed. She turned on her heels and headed back out of the event room.

  He has no idea we thought he was dead.

  No. Best leave that conversation for another time.

  Okay, let’s talk to the general and get this over with. I feel like I need to sleep for about a week at this point.

  Connecting a call now.

  Molly found a quiet corner of the lobby with chairs and a few lamps, out of the way from prying ears. She looked around, thinking that these space stations were like a hotel combined with a mall, all architected to extravagance.

  The call connected within minutes.

  “Ms. Bates.” The general appeared on her holoscreen.

  “General.” Molly nodded politely. “I take it you’ve heard that Sean Royale is alive and well.”

  “I have. Thank you for your part in that.” He frowned, peering closer at his holoscreen. “Is that music I hear?”

  Molly chuckled dryly. “That’s debatable.”

  Lance smirked. “Indeed. So what’s going on? Where are you?”

  “Would you believe I’m at a wedding reception?”

  “No, I would not. Befriending the locals, are we?”

  “Something like that. But specifically, that would be Sean.”

  “How so?”

  “Oh, we showed up to rescue him and found him in the middle of getting married.”

  Lance’s eyes flickered with recognition.

  Molly was onto him. “You k
new about this?”

  Lance shifted awkwardly in his chair, elbow on the table and free hand fiddling with his cigar. “We’ve been collecting intel at this end. Though we didn’t have confirmation until just now. So, what did you do? I take it you intervened.”

  Molly lowered her eyes. “Well, sir, I tried to. It seemed Sean wasn’t under duress. And I’ve just spoken to him now. If this is some mission he’s working, he’s not letting me in on it.”

  Lance chewed on the end of a cigar. “Fascinating,” he whispered. “What do you make of it?”

  “I thought at first he was just trying to save the girl, but it looks like the threat, if there ever was one, has passed. He’d like to bring her back with us, though.”

  Lance coughed. “Well, I say.” He coughed again. “Who is she?”

  Molly shrugged. “I haven’t gotten a proper look at her yet. Things have been kinda hectic. But I can try and find out. Shouldn’t be too hard. Sean is calling her Karina, but I’d take that with a pinch of salt.”

  Lance scratched the top of his head. “Ah, well, actually, this is making sense.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, there’s a lot to catch you up on, but it seems your mother sent an operative out there. Her name is Karina. Her task was indeed to do exactly what she seems to have accomplished.”

  Molly frowned. “My mom?”

  “Yes,” Lance said, looking the most awkward Molly had ever seen him. “She’s right here,” he added.

  Carol popped into view. “Hello, dear!” she called, waving. She muttered something to Lance about how it looks like an ordinary holo.

  Molly did a double take. Her head spun. She could feel herself becoming woozy. “I don’t understand…”

  Lance was talking, but his words were disappearing from her ears. She heard her mom explaining that they kept something a secret from her. To keep her safe.

  Lance was talking again. “Molly? Are you okay?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “It seems you weren’t aware that your parents were spies?”


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