Falling for the Boss

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Falling for the Boss Page 24

by Jean Oram

  She came around to the wicker seating area and gestured for him to sit. He took a moment to take in her luscious curves, showcased by her tank top and shorts, before joining her.

  “It looks as though we are all set to go,” she said. “We should have the product ready in six weeks.”

  “Really? The dental device?”

  “You seem surprised.”

  He was surprised. “How’d you pull it together so quickly?”

  “There were a few glitches. We overcame them.”

  “Think we’ll make money?” He loved the way she jumped straight into things. No “Hi, how are you? Are we still mad at each other? Why were you such a jerk to me?” She could be professional even when she was angry with him.

  Another good reason to choose her.

  “Yes. And I think if we could get in to talk to someone at Health Canada we’d make waves faster.”

  “I read the paperwork you emailed. The proposal and projections seem conservative, if anything.”

  She nodded, and he could tell he’d reminded her of the other email she’d sent the same day as the proposal. The email about James. In time, Maya. Have patience.

  Although the way she wasn’t asking about it right off the bat told him he wasn’t the only one who had changed.

  “I know someone,” he said.

  “Of course you do.” There was a bitterness in her voice.

  “I think we could be a good team, Maya.”

  “Maybe if you listened to me and were an honest, up front…and not a―a...”

  He’d never seen her at a loss for words before and knowing he was the reason for all that emotion blocking her ability to express herself, he felt horrible.

  “I do listen,” he said gently, “and I did. In fact, I took action based on what you told me. I’m sorry that I fired you. I should have handled things better.”

  Maya shifted farther away from him, her arms crossing over her chest.

  “I sold CM Enterprises, Maya.”


  “It’ll be in the news later today.”

  She leaned forward, her eyes locked on his. “You’re kidding.”

  “I’m not. What better way to ensure James got what he deserved than to leave him holding the bag?” Connor grinned. This was still too good to be true. The only downside was the way he’d had to treat Maya and still not knowing who held Bill’s allegiance—him or James—and whether he’d burned a good man.

  “How did you manage to convince him to buy the company he was ruining?”

  “He’s a proud man and would have had a lot of explaining to do if he refused to purchase the firm he’s always wanted. In fact, it probably would have sounded a lot like a confession. Thanks for throwing in that legal threat during your tirade back at the office, by the way. It really helped me out.”

  Maya frowned, then her face slowly began to soften. He watched her expressions change, unsure whether she disapproved or not. It made him want to kiss her just to make her smile.

  “It’s not so bad that he can’t turn it around,” Connor said. “And now that he owns the place, I’m sure he will. I wish him nothing but good things.”

  Maya finally smiled, the tension drifting out of her pose.

  Connor’s phone chirped and he held it up in bafflement. “You get cell service now?”

  “They put in a cell booster across the water. It seems to help us a bit. It’s spotty, though.”

  He lifted the phone to his ear. “Connor here.”

  “The money went through,” said his lawyer. “You are out, Mr. MacKenzie.”

  Connor thanked him and smiled at Maya. He set down his phone and dusted his hands together. “Transaction completed. I am officially no longer the owner of CM Enterprises, Ltd.”

  “Remind me to never mess with you,” she said, with an admiration that stirred him up inside. He wanted to show her all he could do if given the chance, especially now that he was back on his game.

  “Shall we?” he asked.

  “Shall we what?”

  “I’m pretty sure I can get a meeting with the man you need to see at Health Canada. Monday is a holiday, so I’d suggest we get moving. Can your people get to Ottawa on short notice?”

  “You’re kidding!” Maya smoothed her hair in a move that was uncertain—not typical for her. “Today?”

  He pulled her to her feet, keeping her hands in his. “There are two things I never kid about, Maya Summer. Love and business.”

  Maya listened to Connor splashing in the cottage bathroom as he shaved and got suited up to meet with his man over at Health Canada. She tried to make herself believe that she could trust Connor to stay in the business game long enough to set this thing on fire, and that he was as excited as she was. Because, really? Who sold their multimillion-dollar company that was doing well, even given James’s added speed bumps? Sure, it was pretty cool the way Connor had stuck it to his corrupt advisor and all the man could do was open up and swallow it or face prosecution for misrepresentation of financial statements, bribery, having a negative impact on Connor’s product development, corruption, as well as a misappropriation of funds. But the way Connor had been a shadow through the whole entrepreneur deal, and now wanted to swoop in when Maya had it in the bag, didn’t quite sit right.

  Then again, there was something about him today that reminded her of the old Mr. MacKenzie. A determination and focus that made her body weak with longing.

  She rocked forward in her chair, hands tucked between her skirted knees, palm to palm. Then she stood and called through the bathroom door, “Why didn’t you trust me? Why didn’t you tell me about the deal you were making with James?”

  There was silence. Finally Connor said, his voice low and tinged with regret, “I couldn’t risk it, Maya. I didn’t even tell Bill.”

  She stood, hand on the bathroom knob. She wanted to see his face.

  The door opened and Connor faced her, shirtless and buff, his chin covered in shaving cream. “I’m sorry I had to let you lose face in front of everyone in the office, but I couldn’t let on that I wasn’t on James’s side. Not until he’d bought the company.” Connor turned to the sink to resume shaving.

  “Why are you interested in this deal all of a sudden?”

  “Do you not want me to go?”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “Good, because I want to meet these people.”

  While Maya waited for Connor to finish up, she went over her notes one more time, trying to quell her nerves. She toyed with her necklace and wondered what was taking him so long. Shouldn’t women take longer than men to get ready?

  A few minutes later he appeared fully suited. She slowly took him in, her breath collapsing out of her lungs in a whoosh. He was hot. So smoking hot she was amazed the smoke detector wasn’t having a hissy fit. He was sexy. Powerful. Everything she’d seen in the conference he’d spoken at all those years ago, but more. There was a determination within him that stoked her internal fire. She wanted him. Badly.

  He’d shaved, and his chin was a thing of male beauty. She wanted to close the distance and pull him against her and see what their bodies suggested.

  He tugged his suit jacket, buttoning it. He’d toned up, and it didn’t fit quite as perfectly as the man it had been tailored for, but this was even better than she’d imagined. The world wouldn’t know what had hit it. He’d be leaving a wake of swooning women everywhere he went today.

  And he’d be on her arm as her business partner.

  She picked up her purse and the boat key. “Shall we?”

  Connor strode to her side, giving her a peck on the cheek. She nearly fainted. The scent of his cologne. So corporate. Powerful. Expensive.

  Yes, this was the life she had been dreaming about.

  Connor adjusted his suit. “This feels good. Like putting on a comfortable old skin.”

  She knew it. He may have sold his business, but he was still in the game. She led them down to the dock and gestured for
him to get into the old Boston Whaler.

  He held out an arm to stop her. “I have other plans.”

  She frowned. Was he kidding? If they didn’t leave now they’d be late.

  A seaplane roared in low, drowning out the rest of what he was saying. Oh, how she hated Rubicore. Daphne was right to stop developments over there. It was disruptive, having richie-rich neighbors next door.

  Connor pointed to the plane, which had landed and was motoring toward them. “Our ride awaits.”

  “A plane is going to take as long as boating to the car.” Silly men. Always looking to show off.

  “It’s taking us to Ottawa. We can land a block from the meeting.”

  “What?” They were going to arrive by plane? She tore across the dock, eager to get on the aircraft.

  Connor laughed. “I thought you might like that.”

  Maya climbed into the seaplane and grinned at Connor. Without thinking, she grasped his face and drew his mouth to hers. Connor braced himself against the small plane’s frame and leaned into her kiss, offering more than he ever had before. His free hand went to her waist as he deepened the kiss.

  “I’ve missed you, Spitfire.”

  “My family calls me Snap,” she whispered, her lips barely away from his.

  “Why’s that?” He gave her another warm, moist kiss.

  “Snap decisions.”

  “Not because you snap at people?”

  “Only when they deserve it.” She flashed him a wicked grin and his eyelids lowered, his face nudging closer to hers. She inhaled his minty fresh breath and waited for him to kiss her again.

  “You’ve learned patience, I see?”

  “Shut up and kiss me. There’s a time and place for everything.”

  “Ottawa?” the pilot asked.

  “You know the place,” Connor replied. He turned his attention back to Maya. “Buckle up. We have some people to woo.”

  He’d done it. Maya could barely believe it. Connor had come in all smiles and information, and drawn everyone in the meeting into one big happy, collaborative family. It was incredible. If there had ever been any doubt in her mind why he was the king, this meeting had definitively squashed it.

  Connor helped Maya out of the bobbing aircraft back at Nymph Island.

  “So?” he asked. “Did you like traveling in style?”

  “Don’t ask stupid questions, Connor. You’re smarter than that.”

  “You want to keep on with this lifestyle?”

  Maya turned, her long skirt swishing against her legs. “What do you mean?”

  Connor’s hand drifted to hers, and he linked their fingers lightly. “I mean, do you want to become business partners? On more than just this project.”

  She couldn’t have heard that correctly, because her brain was definitely incapable of computing the idea of the two of them as business partners, and it could compute plenty.

  Connor slipped closer, his expression serious. “You have amazing instincts. I ignored requests for backing for years, and never once considered venture capitalism. But maybe you and I, together, could help people achieve their dreams.”

  Maya bit her bottom lip. She knew he could help people, but what if she couldn’t? What if the dental device flopped? It had barely even happened in the first place, because she knew diddly-squat about the real world and timelines, who to talk to, where to go for help and even how long things took. The idea of screwing up all these details again nearly made her hyperventilate.

  Connor, with a featherlight touch, tipped up her chin. “You’re freaking out in there, aren’t you?”

  “There’s a lot to these deals, you know.”


  “And a lot of stress.”


  “And I don’t have money.”

  “There is a place for everyone. You won’t have to do everything like you did on this deal. Em has agreed to leave CME—man, James is going to want to rename that place—and so has Stella. I gave them bonuses just before I sold.” Connor sent Maya a sly grin.

  “You’re kidding!”

  “Not at all. They are most favorably on my side.” He angled his head in thought. “Although I’m pretty sure they were even before the bonuses.”

  “Oh, they totally were. Are,” Maya said quickly. “Em was amazing with all of this.”

  “So, they can take care of the details. You can vet the masses. I can be the backer.”

  “Not silent, though? You’ll also be the expertise?”

  Connor linked his hands through hers again, his suit jacket brushing her chest. “I happen to think that is where you and I will shine together, Maya.”

  She squeezed their linked fingers, Connor’s hips brushing hers. “Why aren’t you running away?”

  Her man slid their entwined hands behind her back, releasing her fingers so he could embrace her properly. “I think you’re pretty special, you know that?” He shuffled closer, bringing his body flush to hers. “I always have.”

  “But you…” All those times he’d pushed her away. “You fell asleep on me when I thought we were going to get busy!”

  “I promise I won’t ever again.”

  She took a step back, breaking his hold as she raised an eyebrow. “Maybe that will be an easy promise to keep, seeing as I don’t mix business and pleasure.”

  Connor gave her a mischievous smile, his eyes darkening with desire as he drew her tight again, making her lean back in order to see his face. “Then I guess, sweet Maya, you will have to make a choice or change your mind, because I happen to know you find business pleasurable, and I want to make your pleasure my business.”

  His breath created light breezes on her exposed neck, making her skin tingle, and she knew she was going to cave if she didn’t get away from him. But she wasn’t certain she wanted to.

  “Shall I show you?” he asked. “Give you a taste of what you are choosing between?”

  Oh, yes. Most definitely.

  Maya’s lips were sweeter than he remembered. Her curves. Her spirit. He was a very lucky man. A lucky man about to make good use of what nature had given him. Something he would never take for granted again.

  As he brought her to his room, he shook his head and stared down at her. She impatiently ripped her blouse over her head, not bothering with the buttons and sending her necklace skittering across the floor. He laughed and watched her scramble toward him, ditching her long skirt when it got in the way, her desperation to have him unleashed.

  She would never learn patience in some regards, but it was a quality he admired in her.

  Grabbing his belt, she hauled him closer.

  It was finally time, and he couldn’t decide whether to take it slow or simply give in to her pace. She moaned as they kissed, then pushed him away, her face scrunched in thought. “Are we going to set up business in Toronto?”

  She blinked hopefully as he tried to focus on her words instead of his intimate plans.

  “You’re talking as though this is going to happen.” He began caressing her soft skin, reminding her why they had moved to the bedroom. “I thought you hadn’t chosen yet.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut and her breathing hiccupped as he continued to caress her, persistently ignoring the areas she wanted him to touch the most.

  “Connor, don’t tease me.”

  He laughed. “You like it when I do.” He ran a hand down her hair, kissing her neck with an agonizing slowness. He loved pushing her buttons and her body responded with a shudder.

  “Don’t tell me to be patient, Connor,” she said, her voice rough. “I need you to pick up the pace.”

  “Not yet. We’re talking, remember.”

  Maya smoothed her hands up his chest with a desperation that made him want to forget savoring despite their long wait. “I want to live in Toronto,” she said.

  “Then live in Toronto. I already bought myself a place here. I’ll fly into the city for any meetings.”


>   “You heard me.” He nibbled on her earlobe, and she drew closer. “I just bought a place outside Port Carling, near Tristen’s. I thought it would be good for me to get away from the rat race.” She quaked with the effort of holding herself back, trying to mask her need for him. He could tell she was torn between ditching the conversation and pursuing it.

  “But…” She drew away slightly, no doubt so she could think. “I want Toronto.”

  “So move.”

  “Toronto feels like such an uphill battle,” she moaned.

  “Can’t you have what you want here?”

  She sighed and tipped her head back. Her shoulders dropped slightly. “I’ve always wanted out of here. But I think that was because I wanted to be a part of something big. Bigger. You know?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you?” Her eyes were on his and he sucked in a shaky breath as her fingers found the bare flesh under the hem of his shirt.

  “Spitfire, no more talking.”

  “Has my patience finally paid off?” she asked with an arched brow.

  He answered with a kiss that would leave no doubt as to his answer, her mouth sweet under his lips. Grinning, she wrapped his tie around her hand and led him toward the bed.

  Maya opened an eye, her arm slung around a warm, strong male body. She propped herself up, drawing circles on Connor’s chest. The best wake-up in the history of her universe. Connor MacKenzie in her bed. The Connor MacKenzie. And he was the king. The king of her world, her destiny, her future.

  “Hey,” she said as he awoke. “Good morning.”

  “It is,” he confirmed. He smiled and gripped her bare thigh. “Always sleep in the nude, Miss Summer?”

  “Only when there is a man to wrap myself around.”

  “And that happens frequently?”

  “Not as often as I’d like, but I’m interviewing new partners and think I’ve found someone with potential. He’s got the asset mix I’ve been looking for. A real go-getter, with experience.”

  “Are you calling me a man-whore?”


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