Sweet Surrender: Mari & Ki (A Royal Vow Novel Book 1)

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Sweet Surrender: Mari & Ki (A Royal Vow Novel Book 1) Page 2

by Lizabeth Scott

  Mari walked back to the table and noticed the gorillas were now standing on each side of the door instead of sitting at the table with the other man. It almost looked like they were guarding the door which Mari found strange. Approaching the table, she handed the man in white a menu and shifted her eyes to the two guys by the door. “Aren’t they hungry?”

  “They will eat later.” His eyes never left hers, “Sit.” He was charmed that she would think his bodyguards would eat with him. Rarely was he able to go into public anonymously. How refreshing to simply be himself.

  Mari couldn’t believe his demanding tone. “I’m not a dog, and I’m working. So thank you kindly for asking, but I’ll not sit. I’m not real good at staying either.”

  No one dared to speak to him in such a manner. He should be angry with her boldness, yet he found himself wanting to know more about her. “Pardon me, let me rephrase. Would you do me the honor of joining me? I am captivated by your…town and would like to learn more about it.” What he would really like to know more about was her, especially what she would look like coming apart in his arms.

  Mari was fascinated by his smile and the instant flare in his eyes. She was unable to put a name to the emotion she saw there. Interest maybe? Could he be interested in her? Why would he be interested in a waitress who was so obviously out of his league? Mari wished she had more experience and could read his signals better. She needed to take his order and get back to work.

  And that was her plan. She was just as surprised as he was when she answered, “Well, I guess I can join you for a few minutes. The party girls are opening gifts right now so they’ll be okay for a few minutes. Let me put your order in, and then I’ll come join you.” Totally shocked, Mari has no idea how that came out of her mouth.

  Mari stiffened her spine, determined to act professional, “What’ll it be?”

  “What will what be?” Amusement lit Ki’s eyes. For the first time in a very long time he was just enjoying being a man with a woman, a woman that he found enchanting. He could listen to her talk all day. That accent was driving him crazy.

  “What do you want to eat?” Smiling Mari looked into his eyes once again and fell a little deeper under his spell.

  “Your recommendation will be fine, with coffee.” He smiled up at her as he watched her work the pencil across the order pad in her hand.

  “Got it. I’ll be right back.” Going to put his order in, Mari knew that she was in so much trouble. What had she been thinking? Absolutely nothing good could come from joining him at his table. Her experience with men had been extremely limited, and he fascinated her on too many levels. And that fascination was what could get her into trouble.

  Ki watched her walk away, captivated by the shimmering fabric that caressed her legs as it pulled taut against her luscious bottom with each step. Looking around the room once she was out of site, Ki began to chuckle. The entire décor resembled a bad Hollywood movie set. The ceiling was draped with white fabric, one could only assume to imitate a tent. Twinkle lights were strung inside the “tent.” In one corner, a display had been set up with what appeared to be a plastic palm tree complete with a child’s wading pool filled with water and, if he was not mistaken “golden” coins. Ki assumed he found the oasis. But what really made Ki chuckle was the 4 foot tall child’s stuffed toy camel.

  In the middle of the room, a floor to ceiling partition separated the loud bachelorette party from the dining room. He watched as Mari came from behind the partition to pick an order up from the bar. The tray full of drinks looked entirely too heavy for her to carry. That was her fourth trip, and it was making his head spin. How could she keep up with the fast pace?

  “Okay, your order will be right up,” Mari said returning to the table. “I’m Mari Roe by the way. That’s Mary with an ‘i’.” She tried not to look into his eyes but failed miserably. Mari slid into the booth across from him hoping he didn’t notice her warm face or how out of breath she was.

  “Very nice to meet you Mary with an i. You may call me Ki.” Ki was amused at her attempt to hide her reaction to him. She seemed to be self-conscious about something with her costume. She kept pulling at it. Ki was mesmerized when Mari took an elastic band from around her wrist and began gathering her mass of coppery curls behind her head.

  With both hands high over her head to smooth and capture her curls, she twisted her hair into a knot and secured it with the elastic from her wrist. Ki wondered if she knew that her breasts were pushed to the point of escape from her movements. Ki couldn’t have averted his eyes if his life had depended upon it. Holding his breath, he stared at her magnificent breasts as they heaved and swayed with her attempts to tame her hair. Just a fraction of an inch more and Ki would have one of his questions answered, the color of her nipples. Were they a blush pink or a deeper wine color? Both, he knew, would taste as sweet.

  Glancing around nervously, Ki glared when he spotted his men fixated on her breasts. Clearing his throat to get their attention, two pairs of dazed eyes meet Ki’s furious ones. Quickly they averted their eyes, knowing without a doubt that they had displeased their Prince.

  Once satisfied that their attention was elsewhere he turned back to Mari, somewhat appeased, but saddened to see her hair contained behind her head. Her hands once again resting on the table totally innocent to what had just occurred.

  “Ki, that’s an unusual name. You don’t sound like you’re from around here.” Mari loved the sound of his name.

  Taking a deep breath while making some adjustments below the table, Ki gave himself a few seconds of recovery time before answering, “No, I’m not. Ki is short for Kiliad. In my country that name is not unusual.” Of course he was only one of four people in his country with Prince in front of his name, his brothers being the other three. But he didn’t want her to know that. Ki was having too good a good time without his title getting in the way. “This is just a detour to a meeting up north. How long have you worked here? It seems this is a very demanding job.”

  “About 6 years now.” Leaning in just a bit, Mari was able to catch a hint of his unique scent. She couldn’t help but think, he should bottle it and call it Scent of Ki. He would make millions.

  “Is that not a bit young for a full time job? Didn’t school get in the way?” Slowly his eyes moved from her captivating aqua eyes to the cleavage trying to escape her top as she again tugged on the fabric.

  “My mom died when my sister was only 12. It was necessary for me to work full time. It’s just the two of us. Ella graduates from high school tomorrow. I am so proud of her. She got a full scholarship to Western.”

  “So you took on the responsibility of raising your sister when you are no more than a child yourself?” Amazed at what he heard, “How are you able to do that by working here? I am sure the pay can’t be that great.”

  Mari’s chin went up. Did he not think she was capable of taking care of her sister? “No, you’re right. That is why I also have a side business baking. I learned to bake from my mom. I needed a job that would let me be with Ella after school so I could bake and still be at home with her. I bake at night and then make my deliveries in the mornings.”

  Ki was unable to stop the disbelief in his voice, “You do that while working here as well?”

  “Yeah, eight hours here, then I spend a few hours with Ella before I start filling my orders for the next day.” Mari found it hard to believe he thought that interesting. But he was staring into her eyes like he was absorbing every word.

  “When do you sleep?” He was fascinated. She was running from one job to the next. When did she have time for friends, to go get her hair done, or to spend a day at the spa? As strange as it seemed after only knowing her for less than an hour, he had an overwhelming need to take care of her, to protect her, and to take some of the burden from her life. He certainly had the means to do it.

  “I don’t need much sleep. I probably wouldn’t know what to do with a full night’s sleep. I am very fortunate that a lot
of people around here depend on me to satisfy their sweets craving.” Mari was suddenly struck with how natural it felt to be sitting there talking with a man that was obviously more at home at a five star restaurant than at a bar and grill. “What’s your favorite dessert?”

  “I don’t know that I have a favorite dessert now. When I was a boy…there was a cookie in my country that I liked. It is somewhat like your sugar cookie but is filled with either dates, walnuts or pistachio’s and then baked and dusted with sugar.” Memories of his brothers and him snatching cookies from the kitchen while the chef’s back was turned make him smile. Funny, he had not thought about his childhood in many years.

  Ki was fascinated by Mari. She had already gotten under his skin, and he already decided, there was no way around it, he must have her.

  Chapter Three

  “That’s your order. I’ll be right back! Do you need a coffee refill?” Looking at his coffee cup Ki had no idea how or when it appeared. He took a sip and swallowed trying not to show how vile he found the brew. Calling the swill in his cup coffee was not an accurate statement. “No, I’m fine thank you. Just hurry back.”

  “Mari, you’re on break. Take fifteen minutes and get yourself something to eat before the party goes into full swing,” Sam rattled off from behind the bar.

  “Thanks Sam. I’ll just take this order out first.” She hoped Sam didn’t notice her sitting with Ki, not that he would mind her talking to a customer but she didn’t want him to give Ki the fifth degree. Sam stepped into father mode with all the girls when guys were involved. Mari hadn’t had the occasion to test that yet. She had been too busy working to even think about dating. But it felt nice having a handsome man interested in her. If that’s what this was.

  He smiled as Mari returned to his table with a plate filled with globs of white, brown, and green. He really had to work to keep his smile in place and not grimace at the food she placed in front of him. It did smell interesting. “So, tell me what fine fare am I dining on today. It certainly looks… filling.”

  Mari sat back down and answered, “Chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes covered with gravy and green beans. There’s buttermilk biscuits in the basket, fresh from the oven. I brought you a glass of sweet tea. I made it myself. You just can’t visit the south without trying a glass of sweet tea.” Nervously she bit her bottom lip, Mari watched his hands as he placed his paper napkin ceremoniously on his lap, and then picked up his fork and knife. Holding them she noticed, in the wrong hands.

  “This does not look like any chicken I have seen before.” He cautiously cut a piece and took a bite. Ki was certain he could hear his arteries clog as he swallowed. But he was pleasantly surprised that it did taste good, delicious actually. But there was something that didn’t seem quite right with the taste.

  “Oh it’s not chicken, it’s beef that’s dipped in batter and fried like chicken. That’s why it is called chicken fried steak.” She smiled and tried unsuccessfully not to look in his midnight blue eyes. He swallowed, and she watched as the food slid down his throat causing it to quiver. Mari sighed.

  Chewing slowly, Ki rinsed his steak down with a sip of tea. “I see. It is certainly interesting this steak that taste, like chicken. I don’t believe I have ever had cold tea. It is very sweet. Let me guess, that is why they call it sweet tea?”

  “You catch on quick!” Dang, there went that smile again, which led Mari right back up to his eyes. Mari lost her breath and had to clear her throat before she could continue.

  “So, tell me about this harem party tonight. The one I was supposed to dance for,” Ki said with amusement lighting his eyes.

  “I apologize for mistaking you for the dancers. But you must admit you certainly look the part.” Blushing when she realized what she had just admitted-she had checked him out. “The owner, Jenna May, loves to throw theme parties and Desert Nights seems to be her favorite.”

  Mari watched as his eyes skimmed over her uniform, “This is the first time we have had such, um…tiny outfits to wear.” Self-consciously she tugged on her top and finally gave up trying to cover any more cleavage.

  Ki had an uncontrollable urge to cover her as she pulled on her top trying to cover her breasts. He could not explain why, but he didn’t want anyone else to see her dressed like that, especially his bodyguards. Cutting his eyes over at them, he made sure they were looking anywhere but at Mari.

  Technically there was nothing indecent about the outfit. For a harem costume it was actually quite conservative. There was another waitress wearing the same costume but she did not even register to him. It was just that outfit on Mari.

  “Why don’t you find other employment? Perhaps one that is not as…taxing or revealing.” Ki didn’t like seeing her eyes turn from teasing to defeat. She should be proud of what she had accomplished.

  “There are not many job opportunities around here. I did manage to get my GED. But as far as a career, that’s not going to happen. That’s why I am so proud of Ella. She’s going places. I just know it.”

  “Why don’t you go to college now?” Ki noticed the spark back in her eyes when she was talking about her sister. What it must have cost her to put her life on hold and raise her sister. Not many people would have done that. They both, it seemed, had the same family values. There was nothing he would not do for his family.

  Giving a chuckle, she shook her head slowly, “It’s just not in the cards for me. I think I’m a little old to be starting college anyway. At twenty-three I should be leaving college, not starting it. Ella has a part time job lined up on campus to help with her living expenses, but it will take both of us working to get her through.” Mari got up to refill his tea and brought back a huge piece of cake.

  “This is one of my favorites. I hope you like coconut cake,” Mari sat back down refusing to look up. She couldn’t keep feeling this way just by being near him. Once he ate, he would be on his way out of her life, and she would never see him again. What Mari couldn’t figure out was why that made her so sad.

  Ki took a big bite of the cake, and his eyes lit up in wonder, “This is delicious! You made this?” Ki took another bite and washed it down with more sweet tea. The tea was really getting better the more he drank.

  Mari reached over and took his spoon for a bite of his cake. Her face turned bright red. “Sorry, I guess I shouldn’t have done that huh? I just can’t seem to help myself around cake. I did say it was my favorite.” She tried to look remorseful, but just couldn’t pull it off.

  Ki pushed the plate between them, “Please, help yourself. I would enjoy sharing my cake with such a lovely harem girl.” And they finished every delicious bite.

  For the next hour Ki sat and watched Mari come and go between the party room and the regular dining room, to the bar while taking orders, giving refills and delivering food. The entire process was astounding to Ki. How could one person be in so many places at once and keep it all straight? Watching her was tiring him out. He could only imagine how she must feel but you would never know it to look at her.

  Ki’s understanding and respect for waitresses would certainly improve his future tipping. His petite harem girl was one strong, determined woman. He loved watching her interactions with the customers, asking about their sick loved ones or reminding an elderly gentleman to not forget his medication that evening was astonishing. She had a genuine affection for everyone it seemed. And it seemed that everyone loved Mari.

  Ki was not happy that Mari had captured the attention of every male in the place each time she walked by. The big guy behind the bar kept a watch not only on Mari but on each of the waitresses which made Ki somewhat mollified.

  Slowly the bachelorettes left, the lights in the back room were turned off, and only the customers in the front dining room were left. Ki still sat and watched, grabbing any amount of time with Mari that he could. It was amazing how they could be deep in conversation, she would get up and wait on someone, then come back, and they could pick up right where they left off
. Their conversations had taken many different paths. Ki had learned so much about Mari not only from their talks but just by watching her interact with her friends and customers. He knew Mari was one of those truly good, caring, and selfless people. Just like his mom. Stunned Ki smiled at that comparison, never had he compared any female to his mom. He looked up and watched Mari as she walked back to his table. But this time he saw her in a new light. This time she was walking towards him holding the hands of two small children, two dark haired little cherubs with midnight blue eyes. He blinked and his vision cleared just as Mari neared the table.

  Sliding into the booth beside him, Mari brought another piece of cake and two forks this time. “Last call of the night and I think you have earned another slice of cake.” Placing the cake between them, she handed him a fork. When he didn’t make any attempt to take his fork, she looked up into his eyes and froze at his intense stare. He was looking right through her, “What?”

  Ki blinked again and the vision was gone, and he felt intense loss. “What type is this? It looks delicious.” When all the chocolaty gooey goodness hit his taste buds, he was momentary speechless. The chocolate cake was moist and full of deep chocolate flavor. The creamy topping was cool and complemented the chocolate well. Toffee bits were crunchy and added another level to the cake. Chocolate and caramel drizzled over the top made it true perfection on his tongue.

  “Well…um… we will just call it a chocolate cake?” Mari felt heat spread over her face. She didn’t want to tell him the name of the cake. She had absolutely no problems telling anyone who asked what the special cake of the day was. But Ki? No way was she going to tell him.

  “Cute, but really, what is it?” The cake forgotten for the moment, Mari’s face had Ki spellbound. It was obvious that whatever she didn’t want to tell him was making her very uncomfortable and, if he wasn’t mistaken, aroused. There was no way he was letting her out of telling him whatever put that blush on her cheeks.


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