Desire's Prisoner

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Desire's Prisoner Page 5

by Delilah Devlin

  She pushed back against him, but he resisted, holding her in place.

  She stood rigidly inside the circle of his arms. “This conversation’s over.” Her tone was steady.

  He felt a shudder roll down her back. “Very well, but my offer remains.”

  “Don’t waste your precious eight days on me, captain, or you’ll be leaving empty-handed.”

  Since a direct approach hadn’t achieved his goal, Adam decided to try another tack. He pressed his lips to the side of her throat. “You know the women aboard this ship. I want more time with you.” His hand crept around her stomach, then lower, to cover the hot core of her sex. Pressing the fabric, he insinuated his fingers between her nether lips and rubbed.

  Her breath caught, and her head fell back against his shoulder. “What do you want from me?” she asked, her voice breathless now.

  “Help me find a wife.” He pressed his rigid cock to her buttocks and began to rock against her.

  “You want me to choose your wife?” she asked, her tone incredulous as she reached a hand backwards to clutch his hair.

  “Yes.” He rolled his hips, centering his cock on the crevice separating her buttocks. “You know what I like. I want someone like you.”

  She gasped and rolled her head to face him. “We’ll have to consult—”

  He bent his knees slightly and lunged his hips upward, lifting her off her feet.

  “Often.” Her butt rested in the cradle of his hips, her legs spread wide, dangling on either side of his thighs.

  Friction burned his cock, and he rubbed his fingers harder against her clit. “Yes. We’ll consult.” He reached for the neck of her suit and slid it open, baring her from her breasts to the nest of wiry curls.

  He straightened his legs and released her. Turning her, he stripped the suit down her long legs, kneeling to help her step out of it. When he saw she was naked, he placed one leg over his shoulder, nuzzled his face into the dark red curls, and speared her pussy with his tongue.

  Her hands curved around his head, clutching at his hair, pressing his face to her. No encouragement was needed as he lapped at the salty-sweet flesh that began to pulse and squeeze. He pushed a single finger inside and sucked hard against her clit. A wash of creamy female come coated his finger and he inserted two more, pushing upward while he continued his assault on the rosy pink nub.

  “Adam.” She twisted her fingers hard into his hair as she tightened around him, taut as a bow, only moments from climax.

  He pulled away, rising to strip off his breeches while she watched, her hands cupping and squeezing her breasts. She needs this as badly as I do. Triumph, along with the urgent need to be inside her, swelled his cock painfully. “Turn around and get on your knees,” he said, his voice as hard as his ripening balls.

  Her eyes widened, but she complied, facing away from him as she leaned forward to rest her head on folded arms.

  Dropping to his knees behind her, he palmed the cheeks of her ass then reached down to press against her inner thighs.

  She widened her legs and her waist dipped lower, exposing her moist, swollen vagina and rosy pink anus.

  With a hand guiding his cock, he traced a path from the top of the line separating her buttocks, pausing at the pink lips to press a teasing dick-kiss, then rubbing a drop of pre-cum in tantalizing circles around the puckered mouth.

  She moaned and pressed back against him.

  But he was determined to provide her an orgasm she’d never forget. He moved his cock lower, to her wet cunt, and held himself at her opening. Dripping spit over her asshole, he plunged his thumb inside at the same time he drove his cock into her vagina.

  Instantly, Adam’s cock was engulfed in her femininity—moist, pulsating heat that threatened to sweep through him like a forest fire. Her puckered hole constricted around his thumb, a tight ring that filled his mind with endless possibilities for exploration.

  Evena released a muffled scream and surged backwards to meet his next thrust. She’d not deny he could bring her the sweetest completion.

  Circling his hips, he screwed her, pressing hard inside, tilting her hips to expose her clit to the rough hairs on his balls. Soon, her buttocks rubbed his belly as she pressed back harder, higher, seeking the hot friction.

  His balls tightened, ready to explode with the grinding motion of her hips. He pulled out slowly then pressed forward, concentrating on the feel of the walls of her vagina, rippling and squeezing, pulling him inward.

  “Faster!” Evena pushed back to take him deeper inside.

  He forced himself to stop and slapped her buttocks.

  “Adam?” The word was a question and a moan, and her cunt tightened impossibly around him.

  Gratified this was another new experience he could give her, he growled, “You liked that?”

  “Please?” she responded, her voice high and thin.

  “Sweetheart, whatever it takes.” He slapped her again, and her ass wiggled as she tried to deepen his penetration, but still, he restrained her hips. Several more slaps against her tender flesh, and she was gasping, pleading with him to end it.

  Adam’s control was slipping. The woman wiggling on his cock was coming undone. The reddened cheeks of her ass trembled, and her breath came in pants. Adam steadied her hips, and then rammed home. In, out, faster and faster. The only sounds were the rhythmic slaps of his belly to her ass, and her deep grunts as he plowed deeper and deeper still—until he felt the hot wave of his climax roll over him.

  He thought he must have shouted, but he heard only her long scream before she collapsed, suspended only by his hands still wrapped around her hips.

  With his heart hammering inside his chest, he drew Evena into his arms. Still connected, their bodies cooled, their hearts gradually slowed. Adam found it impossible to stop the motion of his hands as they glided over the smooth skin of her belly to her high, round breasts and back again.

  To his knowledge, he’d never petted a woman. Never reveled in the aftermath. But he wished this joining would never end.

  “I suppose it would be more practical for me to do the initial screening,” Evena murmured.

  Adam had to think hard to pick up the trail of their conversation. When he realized she was talking about his ludicrous plan to have her choose his wife, he became annoyed. He’d intended to get a rise out of her. Perhaps make her jealous with the thought he might take another as wife. Evena was a stubborn wench. But, if she wanted to play this game…

  “Yes. Remember, I’ll need a strong partner. Someone of your build. We’ll have to do some…research to test the fit, so to speak.” Adam felt a perverse satisfaction as she grew rigid in his arms. He wanted her outrage. Wanted her to refuse.

  “You are a rather large man. We definitely don’t want a woman who can’t stand up to your…appetites,” she said, her words clipped.

  Adam smiled and nuzzled the back of her neck. He would enjoy seeing how far Evena went with this plan.

  Chapter Five


  Evena simmered. So, the lout wanted her to find him a mate? She felt his cock lengthen inside her, and her outrage grew. The thought of all the interviewing he would have to do before he found the perfect fit must be arousing the bastard.

  It galled her knowing his desire was ripening at the thought of “dipping his wick” into another woman’s well. And yet, she was getting turned on.

  “Perhaps we should retire to your room to discuss this further,” he murmured.

  Feeling his cock harden more, she squirmed and sank farther onto his rod. Tomorrow, she told herself, she’d get down to the business of finding him the perfect mate. Someone with black teeth and an ass the size of a Samureen cow.

  In the meantime, she shivered and circled her hips around his cock.

  “Enough. I’ll have a bed beneath me,” he growled and lifted her off him.

  She bent to retrieve her suit, but he grabbed it from her.

  “You won’t be needing that.”

  Watching him stalk out of the galley, she could only admire the broad shoulders tapering to a lean waist, and the buttocks that flexed above massive thighs.

  She sighed and followed. Everyone would be in the atrium. What did it matter if she chased down the hallway after a naked man?

  “Captain McClure,” Calandra’s voice halted her. The guard stood at the door of the security surveillance room, her eyes wide as she looked from Adam to Evena.

  When Adam tossed Evena’s reclamation suit over his shoulder and nonchalantly stood with his arms crossed over his chest, Evena could have killed him. His cock thrust straight out from the nest of dark hair, still glistening with their come.

  For his part, Adam didn’t seem to notice anything unseemly about his nakedness or blatant arousal.

  Evena cleared her throat and attempted a similarly nonchalant pose, hoping the guard would miss the blush that burned on her cheeks and chest. She needn’t have worried.

  Calandra’s gaze was fixed on the pirate’s waving mast.

  “Calandra.” Evena tried a second time to draw the woman’s attention.

  Calandra blinked then turned to Evena. “Captain…”

  “Yes?” Evena prompted.

  The woman’s gaze slid from Evena to Adam. “Perhaps, this should wait,” she murmured.

  Impatient with the woman’s fascination for Adam, Evena replied, “It’s all right, Calandra. What was it you needed to tell me?”

  Calandra’s gaze returned to Evena.

  Evena regretted the attention immediately when she realized she shielded her crotch with her hand. She straightened and tried to pretend that standing naked in a corridor, next to a man whose arousal was large enough to give a mare pause, was an everyday occurrence.

  “Captain McClure, shift change is going according to schedule. As we speak, the guards in the atrium are switching out, and Tina’s here to relieve me. She’s already reviewing my logs.”

  Growing more mortified by the moment, Evena crossed her arms over her chest, but uncrossed them quickly when she realized the move only pressed her boobs higher. “Good. Just remember the two-ale limit, in case there’s trouble later.” Evena felt a rough palm slide over her buttocks, a not-so-subtle hint they should hurry along.

  Calandra’s lips pressed together to suppress her mirth. “I don’t suppose there are more like him at the party, ma’am?”

  Ignoring Adam’s blatant attempt at distraction, Evena replied grumpily, “Nineteen more of the horny bastards are present. Don’t worry about being late. I’m sure they’ve exhausted their current partners.” That comment earned her a pinch on her already-inflamed buttocks.

  Evena’s legs turned to jelly. A hand slid around her waist to steady her. Strangely, Calandra’s avid stare only heightened Evena’s growing arousal.

  “Sure you wouldn’t like some company?” Calandra asked, her gaze fixed to the hardened pebbles of Evena’s breasts.

  “Perhaps this would be an opportunity to begin our search?” Adam’s raspy whisper curled her toes. “I’ll let you do the interviewing—I’ll just watch.”

  At first, she didn’t understand his meaning—but her body recognized the challenge immediately. Evena’s blood thrummed through her, engorging her nipples and clit, and releasing a gush of creamy response that began to trickle down her thighs. Her mind reeled with shock. I want him to watch me with a woman.

  Adam took charge. Evena’s arousal was so potent his head swam. He’d bet his last dinar Evena had never made love with a woman, so strong was her body’s response to the suggestion. Shock and desire warred in her expression.

  With a nod of invitation to the buxom blonde, Adam herded Evena down the corridor with one hand on her ass.

  “Name’s Calandra, by the way,” the blonde said dryly.

  “I heard. Call me Adam.” He glanced back at Calandra. “She’s never…”

  Calandra grinned. “Not from a lack of offers, believe me.”

  When they reached Evena’s room, Calandra entered first and began to strip immediately.

  At his raised brow, she shrugged. “Don’t want to give you two the chance to rethink this.”

  As the suit puddled around her feet, Calandra’s melon-sized breasts made Adam’s mouth go dry, and his cock jerk higher. What will Evena be tempted to do? What are the secret fantasies she’s denied herself for so long? He pushed Evena into the room, and then pulled a chair next to the bed. He straddled it backward and looked expectantly toward the women. He’d gotten them both here, the rest was up to Evena. He wondered if she’d have the courage to follow the desire he read in her flushed cheeks and avid stare.

  Evena’s heart hammered in her chest. Although no prude, she’d never before considered a sexual liaison with a woman. Strangely, Calandra’s “attributes” made her mouth water with the thought of taking her breasts into her mouth. She’d tease her nipples into hard points. The blonde hair covering Calandra’s mons beckoned her lower. How would woman-flesh taste on her tongue?

  Let Adam squirm. He’d issued the challenge. She’d answer with one of her own. And something was deliciously wicked about going with the flow while Adam watched. How quickly will he succumb to my seduction?

  Somehow, the thought of sharing him with Calandra like this didn’t generate any jealousy. Perhaps the lack of that emotion had something to do with his relinquishing control. He probably didn’t understand how much control he’d given her.

  Still unsure how to proceed, Evena knelt on the bed then lifted a hand to invite Calandra to join her.

  The blonde knelt in front of her and flipped her long hair behind her shoulders, exposing her breasts to Evena’s fascinated stare.

  Evena reached a tentative hand toward a large breast. The velvety texture of the peach-colored nipple invited further exploration. She leaned down and lapped at the nipple. The bud rose easily against her tongue, and Evena couldn’t resist giving it a flicker. Calandra’s gasp encouraged her to deepen the caress, so she swirled her tongue around the nipple, at the same time sucking it into her mouth.

  Calandra dug her fingers into Evena’s hair and pressed her face closer. “More. Suck it harder,” she whispered.

  Emboldened by her success, Evena widened her mouth to take more of the breast inside the cavern of her mouth and increased the suction until the woman’s nipple lengthened. At Calandra’s urging, Evena chewed gently on the distended tips.

  Calandra’s breath hitched, and her breasts tightened.

  Feeling powerful and infinitely sensual, Evena buried her face in the lush breast. So, this is how it feels. No wonder men love to play with tits.

  Calandra fell backward onto the bed, her arms open.

  Evena followed, straddling the woman’s hips, continuing her assault on her nipples, alternately abrading them with her teeth then licking to soothe.

  Calandra’s hips undulated upwards, her bush scraping Evena’s open cunt.

  Both women moaned.

  Flexing her hips, Evena met the next stroke. The flesh between her legs quivered with excitement. How does a man feel when he blankets a woman? Licking a path up Calandra’s neck, she aligned their bodies so they faced each other.

  Calandra’s smile was sultry, her face flushed with excitement. Remembering they had an audience, Evena gave a sideways glance at Adam to gauge his reaction.

  His cheeks were ruddy, his chest rising and falling rapidly. A single eyebrow raised—a challenge to see whether she would go on.

  Evena looked down at Calandra. “He hasn’t suffered enough, yet.”

  Calandra grinned and gripped Evena’s ass, pressing them closer, until they lay mons-to-mons.

  Evena savored the moment. Soft on top of softer. Warm skin, spiced musk—they traded soft murmurs of appreciation. She lapped at Calandra’s tongue. “I didn’t know,” she whispered. “It’s so powerful.”

  “I know. Empowering. I’ve been waiting to show you,” Calandra said, then licked over Evena’s mouth.

  Evena forgot
Adam’s watchful gaze. Instead, she couldn’t help the thought-consuming passion that kept her awareness glued to every inch of skin where their bodies pressed intimately together. Bush, tummy, and dear God, breasts. Evena’s mounds flattened against Calandra’s, her nipples stabbing the other woman’s breasts.

  She circled her tits, all the while staring at Calandra’s lips. She’d never kissed a woman, but wondered how different her mouth would feel from a man’s when it was pressed to hers.

  Calandra’s lips moved. “Shall we?” She again stuck out her tongue and drew a line along the seam of Evena’s mouth.

  Eyes drifting shut, Evena gasped and closed her mouth over soft lips, deepening the kiss, her hands framing the other woman’s face. Her face, her lips. So soft, so hot. Calandra’s tongue dove inside her mouth, sweeping over her tongue and teeth. The kiss deepened, and liquid response trickled from Evena’s cunt.

  Evena slipped a leg between Calandra’s, rubbing her thigh against the woman’s moist pussy. Calandra reciprocated, and Evena ground down, riding her leg.

  Hands separated her buttocks, and fingers traced the path between. Small, slender fingertips rubbed a circle around Evena’s anus, pressing inward until the finger slipped inside.

  Unraveling, Evena flung back her head and rocked, but it wasn’t enough. She pushed away, sliding lower, and Calandra caressed her shoulders, encouraging her to explore.

  Evena sat up and cupped her own breasts in her hands, pressing them together, and then tugging on the nipples to harden them more. Then, with a hand guiding one breast, Evena bent, ass rising in the air, to trace the contours of Calandra’s body with her distended nipple—over mountainous breasts, pouting nipples, then lower across her downy belly, dipping into the concave well of her belly button.

  When she reached the nest of dark blonde hair, Evena paused to part Calandra’s legs, and then knelt between them. She spread Calandra’s lips and rubbed her nipple over the hard kernel of the woman’s clit.


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