Desire's Prisoner

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Desire's Prisoner Page 10

by Delilah Devlin

  “Oh my God!” Evena screamed, coming undone as Adam began pounding. Her orgasm spiraled tightly inside her.

  When she came back to herself, Evena realized Adam had shifted her in his arms and they now lay on their sides, his body spooned to her back. He pressed inside her once again, and she groaned. “Too much.”

  “Shhh, love. Relax,” he whispered into her ear. Lifting her leg to ride along the top of his thigh, he moved inside her with short, rolling strokes.

  She gave herself over to his tender lovemaking, and a calm settled over her. She stretched like a cat, rubbing her buttocks against his groin.

  His breath hitched, and his strokes lengthened. The chest behind her grew warmer. Sweat broke on his skin, easing the slide as they moved in opposition of each other’s slow thrusts.

  A hand rose to caress her breast, pressing the flesh, molding and gently squeezing it, before taking the ripening nipple between his fingers. His clever fingers rolled and tugged, until the tip stood erect and exquisitely sensitive to his touch.

  Evena became a mindless thing. Sensation ruled her movements. Then his hand slid down to find her clit, and a spring wound tightly, deep inside her belly. Incoherent moans rose from her throat. “Ah…ah…”

  “Almost there, baby,” he murmured. “Almost.”

  Abruptly, he pushed her onto her stomach, following to maintain the connection. Knowing what he wanted, she spread her thighs beneath him, and he lifted her to her knees with an arm around her belly, until her ass was in the air.

  “Tell me how you want this,” he said, his voice hoarse, almost strangled.

  Remembering another time when she’d been on her knees before him, she buried her face in her arms and asked for the thing she craved most. “Spank me, please. Make me burn.”

  His response was swift. Large hands palmed her buttocks, and then a sharp slap was administered to each cheek, followed by two quick, deep thrusts of his cock.

  Evena moaned and lifted her ass higher, yearning toward the tender violence of his hands.

  Slaps fell in rapid succession, warming her ass, while his hips pumped against her, driving his cock deeper and deeper. Finally, with her skin tingling and hot, he leaned over her, grasped her breasts in his hands and slammed into her, fiercely pounding against her backside.

  The mingled scents of their arousal perfumed the air. Their voices grunted and gasped in time to the slapping of his belly to her ass. Friction burned her, hotter and hotter, as her ass and cunt took his punishing thrusts.

  Then her orgasm was upon her, constricting her nipples into deliciously pain-filled points, while her pussy rippled with contractions, squeezing and pulsing around Adam’s cock, drawing it deeper inside.

  A sudden wash of liquid heat burst inside her. She heard his bellow of ecstasy then went flying after him.

  Afterwards, Adam’s arms cradled her as her breaths came in short sobs. A hand tangled in her hair and stroked her head, while the other rubbed her stinging ass. As she listened with her ear pressed to his chest, she heard his heart slow.

  Wrapped in each other’s arms, they slept.


  The peal of the siren, sounding from far away, pierced through the fog of sleep. Adam awoke to find Evena already stirring.

  “Something’s wrong,” she said, as she stepped into the reclamation suit, sliding it over her hips.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Together, they finished dressing then entered the hallway to encounter chaos. Guards armed with clubs rushed through the corridor.

  Evena took off at a lope, heading toward the security room, Adam at her heels.

  Calandra was at the console, her face ashen when she turned to face them.

  “What’s happened?” Evena demanded.

  “Aurelia’s been murdered.”

  Adam recalled the pretty prostitute who’d been eager to become a pirate’s wife and felt a deep sadness.

  “Do we know who did it?” Evena asked.

  Calandra nodded, her face stricken. “Celestine.”

  Evena’s expression clenched. “What was Aurelia doing anywhere near her cell? Celestine nearly killed her the last time they were together.”

  “It’s my fault,” Calandra replied, her eyes downcast.

  “Explain how it happened. How did she get past this room?”

  “I…I had company,” Calandra whispered.

  Evena stood as still as a statue.

  Adam knew when she realized what had really happened; red flags of color rose on her cheeks.

  “You weren’t even in this room, were you, Calandra?”

  Tears leaked down the sides of her face. Calandra raised her head, her eyes pleading for understanding. “I stepped out for a few minutes. One of the men came to see me.”

  Adam’s heart plummeted.

  “Get on the speaker,” Evena said, her voice hard. “Tell all prisoners to return to their cells. Have the guards report to HS block.” She walked to the monitor still trained on what was presumably the interior of Celestine’s cell.

  Adam followed. In the cell, a woman sat on the floor, her knees drawn up to her chest. She was slowly rocking, back and forth. Aurelia’s body lay beside her atop a growing pool of blood.

  Evena, her face closed and haunted, walked toward the doorway. “Open the gate to the cell block,” she said to Calandra, without looking back. She walked purposefully down the long line of cells with their red laser-light bars. Pausing before one, she raised her palm to a scanner on the wall, and the lights flickered off.

  Adam followed her inside, standing guard as she turned her back to the rocking woman and knelt to feel for a pulse at Aurelia’s neck.

  Up close, Celestine was stunning, regardless of the vacant expression on her face. As he looked at her, she stilled and her features suddenly grew alert. Her head tilted toward him, and she smiled.

  Adam stared back, schooling his face into a stony mask.

  Her eyes narrowed. “You must be Evena’s pirate. I almost feel sorry for you. There can’t be much fire in her pussy.” Her expression changed suddenly, growing soft and seductive.

  A chill ran down his spine, and he straightened, his hand reaching unconsciously to his laser-sword. He forced himself to remain unmoved by her words.

  Finally, Evena rose from Aurelia’s side.

  Her profile revealed her anguish, but while he watched, Evena pulled on some inner well of strength and straightened her shoulders.

  She shot a glance over her shoulder at Celestine. “Just so you know, Celestine, everyone except you and your friends in HS block are leaving this place. You’ll be on your own. Let’s hope the warden doesn’t take too long getting here. You could get very hungry.”

  Celestine snarled, her teeth bared like a wild creature. “Then it will just be you and I. Huh, Evena? You won’t leave. You won’t give up your pardon. You’re like me—you know how to hate.”

  Evena turned her back to Celestine in deliberate dismissal.

  Celestine pushed up along the wall, rising to a standing position. She took two stumbling steps toward Adam, but he didn’t reach to steady her, instead his hand remained on his weapon.

  Suddenly, she lurched toward Evena, raising an arm.

  Adam saw a flash of metal, but before his sword cleared its sheath, Evena spun on her heel and swung a leg high to intercept the dagger arcing down.

  The dagger fell, skittering across the floor. Adam bent to retrieve it then stood back to watch. The battle was fairly weighted, now.

  Celestine let loose an unearthly shriek and leapt at Evena with her fingers arched like claws.

  Evena easily brushed aside her hands with a sweep of an arm, and then planted her fist in the middle of Celestine’s face.

  The woman dropped like a rock, blood spurting from her broken nose.

  Guards ran up to the door, peering inside.

  Evena strode past Adam and out of the cell without a word to the other women.

  Adam moved to follow
Evena. Over his shoulder, he said to the gathering women, “Remove Aurelia from the room, and then lock down this cell. No one goes in.”

  Evena kept walking, past the row of high security cells, through the HS Block gate. Her back stiff and unyielding, her pace increased until she ran.

  Chapter Ten


  Adam ran after her.

  When he caught up, he reached for her, but she shrugged away his hand. Next, he grabbed her shoulder and spun her to face him, finally halting her. He hit the button to open a portal on a nearby cell and pulled her inside, then he swung her into his arms and held tight.

  Evena shoved hard at his chest. “Let me go.”

  Instead, Adam gripped her by the waist and lifted her off her feet, taking her the few steps to the waiting bed. He tossed her down.

  She landed in a sprawl of flailing limbs. “You bastard! I don’t want this. Not now,” she said, her chest heaving.

  Adam ignored her words and crawled over her, holding her legs and arms down with his superior weight. She would face this.

  Evena struggled, her face growing red from her exertions, but she couldn’t budge him.

  Then she quieted beneath him, so he laid his forehead on her shoulder. “Are you quite finished?”

  “Only until you move,” she said between gritted teeth.

  Adam drew a deep breath and lifted his head. “Then we could be here for a very long time.” To emphasize his point, he stretched over her, making himself comfortable by arranging his body to match her curves.

  Her chin jutted out. “I’ve work to do.”

  “You’ve got grief to unleash,” he said quietly.

  She glared. “You want me to cry?”

  She acted as if he’d asked her to commit a heinous crime. “That would be a good start.”

  “Well, I won’t.”

  “Now you’re acting like a stubborn child.”

  “Well, aren’t you glad you found out before you—” She gasped.

  “Before I what?” he asked, wondering whether she’d been close to admitting what he already knew.

  Her gaze slipped away. “Before you make a terrible mistake.”

  “Do you have so little confidence in my judgment, love?”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “What? Love? My love?” His hands pressed hers into the mattress. “Because you are, you know.”

  Her expression darkened. “This is ridiculous. What you feel doesn’t matter.” She renewed her struggle.

  Adam’s grip on her remained firm. “Don’t run away.”

  She snorted. “I can’t even breathe.

  He lifted his chest, resting on his arms. “You need to face this, Evena.”

  “I don’t need your help. I don’t need anyone.” Her face crumpled.

  His heart lurched. Now he wasn’t so certain whether he wanted to see her break. Her tears would unman him. “Aurelia’s death wasn’t your fault.”

  “I’m in charge of this ship. If I’d been there…” Her eyes blurred with unshed tears.

  He rolled to the side, carrying her with him, his arms surrounding her. Their faces rested on the pillow. “Let me help you.” Slowly, he forced her closer.

  Stubbornly, she resisted him until their chests met. For a moment, she remained rigid. Then he felt a shudder pass through her body. He drew her closer, and she began to tremble.

  Trembling was followed by weeping that started softly, then grew from a well of anguish.

  Adam tucked her face into his neck and held her as sobs racked her body.

  Gradually, they subsided, and Evena’s arms wrapped around his waist as she nuzzled closer to his neck. “I don’t understand,” she whispered, her voice clogged with tears.

  Adam didn’t say anything, just stroked her back, letting her do the talking.

  “Why did she go back there? Celestine nearly killed her when they were lovers. After she left, she knew Celestine had it in for her.”

  “Celestine gave her that scar, then?”

  “Mm-hmm,” she murmured against his neck.

  “Aurelia likely wanted revenge. To taunt Celestine with her good fortune.”

  “That’s so stupid. Celestine’s nuts. Why would Aurelia even care what she thought?”

  “Why, indeed?” He knew now was the time to push his point, but nevertheless, Adam hesitated. He didn’t want Evena to feel cornered. There wasn’t much time for him to work around her anger. Anger that would be directed at him. Adam pressed a kiss to her forehead. “We probably won’t ever know.”

  “Adam?” Tears leaked from her eyes onto the pillow.

  “Yes, love.”

  “Are you trying in your not-so-subtle way to get me to admit my desire for revenge is just as stupid?”

  Adam clenched his jaw. Her tears were tearing at his heart. “Revenge is destructive, love. And futile.”

  She closed her eyes. “It kept me alive.”

  “No,” he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “You’re stronger than that.”

  Her arms tightened and she pulled him closer. “Adam?” She brought her tear-stained face closer.

  “Yes, love?”

  “I can’t stand it here anymore. Please, don’t leave me behind.”

  “Never,” he promised, his voice rough.

  Evena sighed and rested her cheek in the corner of his shoulder.

  Adam rocked her from side to side, bemused. He’d never comforted another human being in his life. With Evena, the gesture came as naturally as breathing air.

  Her lips slid to his ear, and she drew his lobe between her teeth.

  A shiver wracked his body.

  “Adam,” she whispered, “I need you inside me. Now.”

  Eager to give her anything she wanted, and just as eager to fill her body and life, Adam quickly unbuttoned his pants and shoved them past his hips.

  Evena lifted away to peel down her suit and pushed it off the bed.

  They met in the middle, hands seeking each other’s bodies, trading caresses and kisses.

  Evena climbed over him and reached between them, grasping his cock in her hand and placing it at her portal. With a single flex of his hips, he drove upward, as far as he could reach, wanting to be a part of her, wanting her to acknowledge she was a part of him.

  “I love you,” she said, and leaned down to kiss him.

  He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring her words. “I love you.” He pushed her hair back, bracketing her face. “I love you,” he repeated.

  Evena’s breath caught on a sob, and she began to move—slowly at first, her eyes drifting closed. Her hands clutched his shoulders, kneading. Her hips rose and fell, building friction between his cock and her steamy channel. Until the heat consumed them both. When she cried out, she crumpled, folding over him.

  He held her until their hearts slowed.

  For a long moment, they clung to each other. Then, recovering herself, Evena straightened and wiped the tears from her face. “It’s too late for you to change your mind, now. You’re stuck with me.” Her face wore a fierce frown.

  He smiled and cocked an eyebrow. “Now, why would I keep looking? You’re a perfect fit.”

  She slapped his shoulder playfully. “That’s right. No more testing the well with your wick.”

  He laughed. “What? You won’t share me with five wives? I was rather hoping to start a colony all by myself.”

  “You’ll just have to settle for the children I bear,” she said, a glower wrinkling her forehead.

  “Have you no pity for your sisters? Shouldn’t you share?”

  “Because I care about them, I don’t want them torn asunder by your—”

  “—enormous cock?”

  “I was going to say enormous ego!”

  “And you won’t ever have a hankering for a threesome again?” he asked, the devil in his smile.

  “Well,” she began, a blush staining her cheeks, “if I ever get a hankering, it will only be a one-off thing. Occasional
ly.” Her blush grew darker. “Maybe. But I won’t share a marriage with another woman. If you want that, then you’ll just have to—”

  He drew her down for a kiss. “You are all I need. But, if you ever want a walk on the wild side, darlin’…well, I’m not the man to deny you.”

  She shoved at his chest. “You did that on purpose.”

  “Of course,” he grinned.

  “You drive me nuts.”

  “My mission in life.”

  She shook her head. “I have work to do, now.” She leaned down to press one last kiss against his lips. Her expression grew serious. “Thanks,” she said softly, then climbed off him and quickly dressed.

  Adam reached for his breeches, which were a crumpled mess around his thighs, and wrestled a moment to pull them up.

  Together, they entered the corridor to find a group of Evena’s guards awaiting her orders.

  Adam let her go. He had his own duties to attend to, and a prison escape to arrange.


  Evena found Adam in the cafeteria later, surrounded by a group of laughing pirates, an earphone tucked around his ear.

  “Yes. Around 350 of them,” he said into the microphone. His face reddened.

  His men laughed harder.

  “Will you leave off? I can’t hear a damned thing when you’re giggling like a bunch of girls.” He stalked away several feet and turned his back to finish his conversation.

  Darak looked up. “Hello, Evena. He’s just making the last arrangements for the shuttle. It will be here in the morning, after first rising.”

  “Perhaps your first,” Ivan said, clapping Darak’s shoulder. “Old man.”

  The men grinned when Darak batted away Ivan’s arm. “I’ll give you old man.” He turned back to Evena, a crooked grin on his face. “Why aren’t you packing along with the rest of the women?”

  Evena shrugged. “Nothing here I want.”

  Adam’s arm slipped around her waist. “I certainly hope you’re wrong.”

  Evena leaned back against him and ground her buttocks against his cock. I’m a wanton. I don’t care who sees how much I love him. “Maybe one little thing or two.”

  Adam growled into her ear.


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