The Wolf's Pewter Priestess

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The Wolf's Pewter Priestess Page 10

by Michele Ryan

  “Grant belongs to himself,” Ezra pronounced, taking a step toward Marbella. “He is not your puppet. He is not your chew toy. He is my son.”

  “And I am his mother, not some colored, French whore you’ve been shacking up with,” Marbella spat.

  Clara smirked. “Au moins mon cul noir arrive a satisfaire a mon homme. Toi tu etais incapable de le faire.”

  A shrill sound emanated from Marbella. “What did you say, witch? What did you say!”

  “I might be some French whore, but I satisfy my mate.” A laugh bubbled up within her. It wasn’t necessarily what she said, but it got the point across, especially when the she-beast pitched a fit in front of them.

  “I love it when you speak French, my Creole Queen. You have such a naughty mouth.”

  “Mais oui.”

  “I told you before, Marbella, stay away from my home and my family. Grant will never be yours again. The next time you set foot on this property, I will be the one to take you down. You’re a blight on society. You’re a stain to my pack. You’re diseased. Sick in the mind and heart. I should have put you down years ago, but I didn’t because of Grant. Now, my boy sees you. Get out of here and never darken my door again.”

  The wolves standing with Marbella began to move away from her. The sufficient scolding he’d given the woman who’d birthed his son, shamed the others, if the scent Clara picked up was any indication. In fact, as she stood there, she smelled their indecision and their doubts. She hated they had to be privy to such antics from a woman who’d lost the good sense she’d been given. But, they too played a pivotal part in what transpired with Grant. Not interfering was the same as standing by and doing nothing.

  Instead of Marbella admitting defeat and tucking tail, she grew bolder. The woman straightened her shoulders. She pasted on a defiant smile before glaring at Clara. “He’s coming for you, Clara Laveau.” She laughed, the chilling sound slid down Clara’s spine. “No one can stop him.”

  Ezra charged for Marbella, taking the stairs two at a time, however before he could reach her, the bitch shifted and took off for the park. “Son of...” Ezra sighed, running his fingers through his hair. When he turned to face her, the rage burning in his gaze, smacked her in the chest. “Clara, I...”

  “At least we know who has been conjuring the Baron,” she said, tipping her chin down. “I believe the porch is sufficiently cleaned, and we shouldn’t feel any residual effects from the hex. I need to make sure Omer buried the contents from the bowl properly then I will tend to Grant until he wakes.”

  “Stop.” Ezra grabbed her, halting her at the door. “I will fix this.” He pressed his palm to her cheek. “We will fix this.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Little did he understand, something already had.

  Chapter Nine

  Ezra hated leaving Clara’s side. She’d already been through enough as it stood, and they hadn’t even begun to deal with the existing threats. Her past was hers, and hers alone. He couldn’t force her to tell him about it, nor would he ever try. He hoped though, without prompting she would have told him.

  You’re disappointed.

  He supposed he was, yet, her secret had been what kept her alive all these years, and because they called upon her, she put herself back out there. She tapped into a magical power so significant someone—namely the Baron, waiting within it, searching for her. He growled in disdain. He still had so many more questions, none of which Clara could answer.

  Didn’t matter now, he reckoned. He had issues to settle within his pack. Last night, after he forced Clara to sleep and had Mr. Tinnin take her place, Ezra’s mind kept churning. He’d smelled the anxiety and fear coming from the wolves who traveled with Marbella. They didn’t want to be there. They were following her orders. Not his. Well, that’s about to change. If Ezra learned one thing since being turned, no one needed to hide. The moon, three days out of the month might control their baser instincts, it didn’t mean they, as humans, weren’t at the helm the other twenty-seven days a month.

  He crossed the street and entered the park; his destination lay before him within the trees. He’d give them an option, come to the mansion, denounce Marbella and live a free life. One not constrained by their wolves, but by themselves. The world was becoming ripe for the taking. Innovations ruled the land and like his father would say, take the bull by the horns.

  As Ezra entered the dense foliage, he sensed all of his wolves. They were hiding in the trees. Most were probably peering out from their makeshift homes. He didn’t care that they didn’t come down to greet them. Marbella poisoned that well long ago. No, what he cared about was his son and his mate. To protect them, would mean extending a hand, and becoming the Alpha they needed.

  “I’ve come with a proposal,” he stated. “One I think all of you will want to hear.”

  Marbella appeared first. She glanced down at him, plastering a fake as sin smile on her lips. “Well, I see you’ve come to your senses. Found the colored whore lacking, didn’t you?

  Ezra bit back the vicious curse sitting on the tip of his tongue. “Marbella has been lying to you all, for years. You don’t have to be out here. You can live in civilization. You can live with modern amenities, you don’t have to stay here.”

  The smug grin on Marbella’s face fell away. “Don’t listen to him. He lies. His witch and his group of monster hunters will kill you quicker than serve you a proper English breakfast.”

  He growled.

  “You killed the zombies,” Lular said from her perch above. “Mum said so.”

  “Yes,” he answered. “We did. We did it to protect the people of London. We did it to make sure nothing bad happens to anyone. Including those in this pack.”

  “Lies. All of it. Lies,” Marbella snarled.

  “I have been Alpha for more than ten years and yet I have allowed you to run roughshod over me.” He stepped toward Marbella. “You will get these wolves killed because you know not what you’ve messed with.”

  She laughed again. “Is that what your little play toy said?”

  He clenched his fists. He couldn’t, wouldn’t, make the hellion in front of him understand reason. She been drunk on power and he’d allowed it. “Listen to me, all of you. This Baron, he doesn’t do anything without wanting something in return. He will come back, and you will die. With me, you will live and prosper. You will have normal lives and we...I... can help you in every way.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” she screamed. “He only means to take you from the pack and feed you to the—”

  Ezra grabbed Marbella by the neck and lifted her. “You have caused enough havoc. I will not allow your diseased mind to poison my pack any longer.” He threw her to the ground before addressing his pack again. “You have nothing to fear from us. We will help you. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  Three lantern lights appeared in the tree line followed by the soft shuffle of feet. Zena, Lular, and Izetta joined him. Izetta stepped forward and held the lantern up. Her dark hair sat on top of her head in a disarray, her clothes were dingy and worn almost thread bare. When he glanced at her hands the nail beds were caked with mud and grime. None of them were properly taking care of themselves and it was his fault. “We will go with you. We don’t want this.”

  Relief and a sense of sorrow filled him. Of the ten wolves still remaining in the pack, none of them would leave Marbella’s side. “You have cursed these wolves to die. You have killed your pack over selfishness.”

  “Run away, mutt. Run away with your tails tucked between your legs.” Marbella shooed them.

  Ezra didn’t rise her challenge, he had his own ahead. Rather, he ushered those who would come with him out of the park. The smart thing for him to do would be use the connection Omer made with him, after he signed his contract with the Dreadfuls, but he also knew everyone within the house would be busy at the moment. So, he would announce his plan later. For now, he had to concentrate on getting
everyone to the mansion without being seen.

  “She is so mean,” Lular whimpered. “Why did she do this?”

  “She’s evil,” Zena stated. “Pure evil. Always had been. She ran off the last Alpha, I’ve been told. But I believe she killed him.”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me none,” Izetta snipped. “Nasty, that one. Her mother died giving birth to her and she’s been rotten ever since then.”

  “I thought Dell was her mother,” Ezra said, confused by Izetta’s confession.

  She snorted. “The girl only wished the woman was her mother. No, she is the nursemaid who raised the wretched girl. Dell only stayed because of my Lular and your Grant. She’d have left years ago if she could have.”

  Ezra didn’t know what to say. “This has been one cluster of a night.”

  Zena chuckled. “Well at least one good thing happened. We’re free.”

  They arrived at the house two hours before dawn. Ezra took the long way around to be sure no one followed, and no one saw them. As they entered the house, the final meeting of the night was in progress. It halted immediately. The gazes of those in the library fell to him and the women who followed. They had no reason to trust these wolves; he only hoped Omer would give them the chance.

  “Who is this?” Jonah held out his hand as he stepped around Doctor Cantrel.

  “These are what is left of my pack,” Ezra announced. Annabelle’s stunned gaze met his. “They chose to come with me and escape the cruelty begot by Marbella. I explained we could help them integrate into society as a whole instead of living as wolf beggars.”

  Jonah shook each of their hands and winked at Lular. “Excellent. I’d hope some would come with you and form a stronger pack.”

  “Grant is—” Clara stopped short as she reentered the room. He scented her curiosity first, then her worry. “Ezra?”

  “Ezra,” Mr. O’Keefe began. “Was jus’ tellin’ us bout dem wolves.”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  “How is Grant?” The youngest of their group, Lular asked. Her bright blue eyes were filled with worry. “Some of the other wolves talked about the incident. They weren’t kind.”

  Clara pursed her lips. “I suppose they wouldn’t be. As I was saying, he’s awake. A bit out of sorts, but he’ll mend.”

  Relief surged through Ezra. He tugged his mate into his arms and hugged her tight. “That’s good news.”

  “Yes,” she answered. “If you’d like to talk to him, Mr. Tinnin is still watching over him for the time being until you need Dr. Brew.”

  He grunted, setting her on her feet. “Thank you. As I was just informing everyone, Lular, Izetta and Zena will be staying with us. They chose to leave their old life behind.”

  Clara gave him a small smile. “Then I suppose we should show them to their room.”

  “Thank you.” Ezra pressed his forehead to hers before brushing a kiss to her lips. “When I return, we should discuss things as they stand.”

  “Of course,” Emmitt replied, from where he sat in the shadows with Mr. Nealy.

  Ezra took the stairs two at a time as he ascended them, then hurried down the hall to where his son lay resting. The sounds of a child’s laughter and easy conversation drifted from the slightly opened door. Ezra watched his son sit up a bit more and cross his legs. He faced the window where Mr. Tinnin leaned against the ledge.

  “So, then what happened?” Grant prodded.

  “Your dad bit the zombie and shook it to pieces. Cogs and wheels and springs went flying everywhere,” Mr. Tinnin answered. “If you think I am a fierce warrior, your father is one of the bravest.”

  For a deranged individual, Mr. Tinnin seemed to enjoy the company of his son. Who didn’t, though? Grant always had this light about him. Could make the most scarred of creatures come out of the dark and talk. He admired his boy for that gift.

  “I missed my dad when he was gone. I feel like so much time has passed.” The sorrow in Grant’s voice ate at him. He’d been so stupid. He should have grabbed his boy long ago and brought him to Omer for safekeeping. Instead, he allowed Marbella to poison his child’s mind.

  “Your dad has an important job. He keeps all of us safe. He is always there even if it doesn’t seem like it.”

  Grant grinned. “Can you tell me about another adventure you had together?”

  “Maybe another time son.” Ezra entered the room and nodded to Mr. Tinnin, who pulled a chewed-on cigar from his pocket and placed it in his mouth.

  “Another time,” Mr. Tinnin answered. “I believe Mr. Brew is needed.”

  “It would be advantageous having the doctor now. Thank you,” Ezra said as Mr. Tinnin tipped his bowler hat bidding them goodbye.

  “Goodbye Mr. Tinnin. Thank you for sitting with me.” Grant waved.

  “Pleasure, Master Blakely. Remember what I taught you.” Mr. Tinnin stepped away from the window then proceeded to head for the front of the house.

  Ezra cocked a brow. “Do I even want to know?”

  His son laughed and hugged him tight. “Dad.”

  Ezra sat down beside him on the bed. “How do you feel?”

  “Good. A bit tired, and my mind is a little fuzzy.” Grant rubbed at the side of his head.

  “You were hit by magick; I suppose it’s the way you should be feeling.” He settled his boy back under the covers. “I can’t stay long. There is a meeting with the wolves who came with me.”

  Grant perked up. “Did Lular come?”

  He nodded. “She did and her mother Izetta.”

  “Hurray,” his boy chirped. “She’s super nice. She didn’t hurt me. Neither did her mother.”

  It was sad his son had to equate good and bad by who had and hadn’t touched him inappropriately. “Izetta is son, I agree. Miss Zena came as well.”

  “She’s a good nut, Dad. Zena’s smart. Powerful.” Grant sat forward and whispered. “Do you know how she got that scar on her eye?”

  He hadn’t heard this particular story before. “How?”

  “She said before you came, she challenged my mother to a fight. She said it was ferocious, and Dell had to come between them. The pack called it a draw because neither could best the other. The scar remained because my mother used a silver claw on her front paw.”

  Ezra tilted his head. How was that possible? The silver should have affected Marbella as well. “Does she still have this silver claw?”

  Grant shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing Miss Zena didn’t lose her life. I think she is going to make an excellent addition to the Dreadfuls, don’t you?” He ruffled his son’s hair.

  “I think so too.”

  “Good. Now, get some rest. When Miss Jemmy wakes you, tell her of the new guests.”

  “I will, Dad,” Grant replied.

  “Good boy.” Ezra exited the room, closing the door behind him. He had to get back to everyone, especially his mate, who might be ready to string him up by the balls.

  He found everyone, including Dr. Brew, sitting at the table where Clara did most of her reading. She sat across from the three women who’d left their fate in his hands. Zena, Izetta and Lular’s wide-eyed gazes traveled around the library. The massive collection of ancient texts and books had grown since the Misfits joined them. All of Clara’s books sat neatly with Emmitt’s, something both of them took pride in.

  “Ah, you’re here,” Jonah said, standing. “Let’s get this meeting started, we only have a little less than an hour before the sun rises.”

  Ezra grimaced. In his need to protect everyone, he’d lost valuable time sneaking around the darkened allies and byways of London. “Sorry old friend.” He glanced down at the end of the table where Omer sat speaking to Dell. “I would like to introduce to you, Zena, Izetta and Lular.” He pointed to each woman.

  “It’s a pleasure to have you,” Omer stated. “The house is yours.”

  “Thank you,” Zena stated.

  Omer gave his attention to Ezra. “What d
id you find out?”

  Where did Ezra begin? “Marbella has a chokehold on the other wolves. She has them fearful of me and anyone else who might tell them they are there to help. She is also the one I believe is conjuring the Baron. I don’t know how she found him or who told her of his existence, but she is arrogant enough to believe she controls him or can be controlled by a werewolf.”

  “I know.” Everyone gave the slight girl with ringlet blonde hair and blue eyes their full attention. Lular swallowed hard, casting her gaze down to her hands which lay folded on the table. “She met a practitioner in Whitechapel. After Marbella found out about you, Miss.” She nodded towards Clara. “Said something about your color and how to deal with your kind.”

  Clara sat forward. “My kind?”

  Lular inclined her chin. “Jamaican slaves, Miss Clara.”

  Clara straightened her shoulders. “I was born a free Northern black woman.”

  “I’m sorry,” the girl murmured.

  “Don’t be,” Clara replied. “You didn’t know the malicious intent to Marbella’s words. So, she went to this practitioner, told them I was a Jamaican slave and she wanted to hex me?”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  Clara glanced up at Ezra as he took a step closer to her. “Whose blood was used for the first summoning spell?”

  Lular bowed her head. “It had been my sister’s. Isabella. Marbella called her a sacrifice for the good of the pack.”

  “Son of a—” Ezra growled. The one wolf he hadn’t seen. The one he suspected would have joined her mother and sister. “How long?”

  “Since the night Marbella went to Whitechapel and told us of her plan,” Izetta answered.

  “Marbella can’t stand the fact you’ve mated Ezra,” Zena added. “She thinks if she can get Clara out of the way, she’d have Ezra for herself.”

  “Well considering what happened to Grant...” Clara snarled.

  “They wouldn’t let us near him,” Izetta said. “We heard his cries. We heard his pleas.”

  Lular whimpered. “They were so mean to him. He’s a good boy, Miss. We all think of Grant as family.”


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