Forget About Me

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by Lina Langley




  © 2017

  Lina Langley

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is intended for adults only. It contains explicit sexual scenes and is not suitable for children.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  President Connor’s son can finally have everything he ever wanted.

  Sean Connor can have the man. He can have the baby. He can have the white picket fence and the Labrador.

  It doesn’t matter that the man he’s in love with is Special Agent Rocky Knight, the man who is tasked with looking after the president’s children. After all, Sean is certain that Knight loves him too.

  And he’s certain that everything is going to be okay.

  That’s until someone smacks him in the back of the head, and when he wakes up in a dark room with no windows, all he recognizes is the taste of his own blood coating his tongue.

  All he can do is hope that Special Agent Rocky Knight is out there looking for him.

  And maybe, just maybe, he’ll find him in time to save him from whatever destiny his captors have in store for him.

  As for Knight?

  He has to race against the clock to save the president’s son.

  He has to find the mind he loves… before he loses everything.


  When Sean Connor opened his eyes, he could hardly remember where he was. It wasn’t until he turned around and listened attentively to the sound of Special Agent Rocky Knight breathing that he remembered where he was.

  It was a Hilton, the middle of the night, and they were both spent. He hadn’t expected Rocky to be a heavy sleeper, but after he had insisted on an alarm for midnight, Sean had acquiesced--not before teasing him about being Cinderella, of course.

  There were still things that needed to be taken care of. He wasn’t going to ask Knight what the future held for them, but he had seen into Rocky Knight’s eyes, and he knew, for a fact, that it was going to be okay.

  That they were going to be okay, together.

  He stared at Knight for a little while. He looked peaceful when he was asleep. If it hadn’t been for his stomach growling, Sean would have happily stayed there for the rest of the night. He moved away from the man on his bed, slowly, making sure he didn’t stir.

  He was tired and for good reason. Sean didn’t want to wake him up. He walked to the mini-fridge, but there was nothing in there except beer and spirits.

  What Sean really needed was some candy. He would get them both candy and some drinks for when Knight had to drive back to the mansion, and then they could talk. About what things were going to be like between them. Sean didn’t exactly expect Knight to quit, but he didn’t know what they were going to do. The thought of a long distance relationship--where he could see Rocky Knight stroking that beautiful cock of his on camera just for him--didn’t seem such a bad one. He smiled at Rocky’s sleeping face before he turned around and walked out the door.

  He made sure he had the keycard in his pocket when he was sneaking out of the room, his wallet in his other pocket. He didn’t normally carry cash, but he had started ever since he’d begun taking care of Ellie.

  At school, every single vending machine took his credit card, but ice cream trucks were less likely to be equipped with chip readers. He smiled as he thought about his little sister, walking slowly down the carpeted hallway. It hadn’t been too bad, he thought.

  He got to the area with the vending machines and the ice, taking a closer look at the candy and twisting his lips. On reflection, he wasn’t sure what sort of candy Knight liked in the first place. He would have to ask, but for now, an educated guess felt good enough.

  He would get them both Snickers. Everyone liked a Snickers. He smiled as he got closer to the machine, focusing on his wallet in his hands. He was vaguely aware that someone was behind him. He thought about turning around and saying hello, since that would only be the polite thing, but he couldn’t risk them recognizing him.

  He wanted to get his candy and go back to his... well, whatever Special Agent Rocky Knight was supposed to be. His boyfriend, he supposed, trying his best to suppress a grin.

  He put quarters in the machine and watched as the arm didn’t quite reach the candy. He knocked on the machine with his open palm, then scoffed. “Are you fucking joking?” he asked himself.

  He turned around to share in his mock outrage with the person behind him, but when he did, all he saw was a pair of Cheshire blue eyes.

  And then there was nothing.


  When Sean woke up, all he could taste was blood. He was thirsty, but opening his mouth and asking for a drink seemed like a stupid idea. He could feel the ground shaking under him as the car he was in lunged forward. He wiggled and opened his eyes, vaguely aware that the darkness that surrounded him was because something had been tied around his eyes.

  He could feel the handkerchief digging into the back of his head and biting into the skin on his forehead.

  It took him a little while to realize that his hands weren’t tied up. He was sitting up straight, buckled in, the only restraint a seatbelt. He felt the seat around him, the leather soft and cool under his fingertips.

  He brought his hands to his face, but before he could undo the thing around his head, he felt someone slap his hand away from his face.

  “Don’t,” a man said.

  He swallowed and leaned back. He’d been briefed about this situation a handful of times and he had always thought that it was pointless. He had some of the best security in the world, he was reasonably sure he was never going to get kidnapped.

  Except, of course, he had been wrong.

  He leaned back and tried to take a deep breath. It was important that he remain calm, he knew that for a fact. His first instinct was to scream, but he didn’t think he had it in him. If they were in a car, it was pointless for him to do so. Nobody would be able to hear him--at least no one that could help him.

  “Don’t try anything, Sean,” he heard the same voice say. There was something familiar there, but he wasn’t sure exactly what it was. “If you do, I’ll have to tie up your hands, and I don’t want to do that.”

  He turned around to look at where the voice was coming from. He couldn’t see anything, not even outlines. He tried to take another deep breath, but he was so thirsty, he ended up coughing instead. The person next to him tutted, then brought something to his lips. It took Sean a little while to realize that it was a straw, and he sucked greedily on it, caring very little that the water he was being fed was lukewarm and too lemony. He would have taken anything right then.

  “Slow down,” the man said. “You’re going to choke.”

  Sean did as he was told, moving his face away from the straw. “Thank you
,” he managed to croak out.

  “Always so polite,” the man replied with a chuckle. Sean felt his hand around the back of his neck, warm against his skin. He tried to resist his first instinct. Jerking away was only going to piss this person off, whoever they were. Besides, there was nothing technically scary about the hand on the back of his neck, except or the fact that he had been kidnapped and wasn’t sure who was doing it.

  “Don’t worry,” the voice said. “You’re not in danger. I just--this is a surprise, okay?”

  Sean swallowed, his mouth dry. He did know that voice, and even if he hadn’t, he would have been able to place that accent anywhere. Those glottal stops, the way he said “danga” instead of “danger.”

  “Logan?” Sean said, his voice a whisper. He felt like throwing up. The thought that someone would do this made him feel sick to his stomach, but the thought that Logan would do this of all people...

  No. It was a sick joke. He couldn’t believe it. He felt his stomach churn.

  Sean heard laughter. “Took you a while to catch on there, huh?” Logan said. Sean was certain it was him. He didn’t think he’d have to wait long to find out, because Logan grabbed at the handkerchief which had been used to obstruct his sight and tugged it clean off his face.

  Sean’s eyes closed instinctively at how bright the day was. He heard Logan laugh again, this time quietly, then Sean opened one of his eyes. He could hardly focus on the back of the passenger seat. His eyes were watering. He tried to twist his face so he could look at Logan, but Logan made sure to keep him looking straight ahead, his hand firm on the back of Sean’s neck.

  Sean swallowed. Logan wasn’t dangerous, or at least, he had never been dangerous before. “What are you doing?”

  “What you want me to,” Logan said, then ran the top of his finger on the back of Sean’s neck. He felt it tickle his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. It made him feel strange. He tried his best not to recoil. The last thing he wanted to do was make Logan angry. He was still in the car, in the middle of nowhere, and he wasn’t sure, exactly, when he had been taken.

  All he was certain of was that he was no longer on solid ground.

  And then there was Rocky. He had left him behind in a hotel, and when he woke up, he would think Sean had snuck out. He was going to be so confused, at the very least. If Sean didn’t manage to get out of this one, he would probably also find himself in a world of shit. There were procedures in place when the president’s son went missing.

  “Logan,” Sean said. “You could have just asked me to come with you. I would have.”

  Logan tutted, shaking his head. “I’m sorry to say I don’t believe you,” he said.

  Sean swallowed. Of course he wouldn’t believe him, but he could have at least asked. That seemed, at the very least, the only polite thing he could do. Sean had never counted on Logan to be polite, but he hadn’t really seen him for a very long time. With everything that had happened with Knight, he had forgotten about every other man in his life--or practically forgotten it, enough that none of this should have mattered.

  And if he had been anyone else, it wouldn’t have.

  But he wasn’t anyone else.

  He was fucking Logan Tattleborough. He never let anything go and he never let anyone else win. They had broken up years ago--and, at least as far as Sean had been concerned, what they had wasn’t anything serious.

  It hadn’t seemed like it was anything serious, anyway. But he had been wrong before, and he wasn’t surprised that he might have been wrong about Logan.

  “You know you could get in trouble for this, right?”

  “Getting in trouble for sneaking away with an old beau?” Logan said, then laughed derisively. “Please, darling. If anyone is going to be in trouble, it’s going to be you.”

  “What? Why would I get in trouble?”

  “The president’s son? Sneaking away for a mid-afternoon fuck?” Logan said, tutting. “So bad. And so very you.”

  “You don’t know me,” Sean said thinly. “I’m not that person anymore.”

  “People don’t change, Sean,” Logan replied, then clapped his hand over Sean’s shoulder. His hand was warm and big, and Sean tried his best not to just shrug him off. He didn’t consider himself particularly smart, but he knew that the stupidest thing he could do was piss off his captor.

  He looked ahead and tried his best to keep his composure.

  His only hope now was that Rocky Knight find him.


  Rocky Knight woke up and extended his arm to look for his lover. It had been a long time since he’d slept with anyone else, but his body still seemed to look for his partner instinctively. The bed was still warm, but his eyes fluttered open when he realized that he wasn’t there anymore.

  He did a double-take as he looked at the empty bed. He remembered the way Sean had looked, his eyes, his smile, his lips... for a brief second, he couldn’t suppress the smile that came to his face.

  Consequences be damned, he was glad they had spent the night together. He had been so tired, it had been the first time in years, maybe decades, that he had slept soundly. It had only been a few hours, but it was easily the best sleep of his life.

  Moonlight was streaming through the windows. Knight sat up and looked around, expecting to see Sean making coffee or to hear him puttering around in the bathroom.

  He closed his eyes. He couldn’t hear a thing. It must have taken him all of a second to realize that Sean was gone. Truly gone.

  “Sean?” he said, weakly.

  If this was his attempt at playing a game with Knight, it wasn’t funny. Sean was still Rocky’s charge, after all, and losing him could have terrible consequences. Especially when they had sneaked off to fuck each other.

  He exhaled heavily. It wasn’t the time to think about that.

  He stood up, a thin hotel sheet wrapped around his waist. “Sean?” he asked again.

  This time, the fear was creeping into his voice.


  The word sounded foreign to his own ears, but most striking was the desperate tone he said it in, as if Sean was suddenly going to jump out from inside the closet or something just because Rocky was using a term of endearment.

  There was no answer. Knight closed his eyes and swore under his breath. He was butt naked and unprepared. He had let his guard down and Sean had slipped away or... or worse.

  He paled at the thought.

  He grabbed his phone from the nightstand, unlocked it and looked for his brother’s contact card.

  Don answered after one ring. “Ugh,” he said. “Spare me the details, please--”

  “Don, stop. Do you know where Sean is?”

  There was a pause, as if his brother needed time processing what Knight was saying. “What?”

  “Do you know where Sean is?”

  “I--I thought he was with you,” Don replied.

  Knight swallowed. “He hasn’t talked to you?”

  “About what?”

  “He didn’t call or text?”

  “No,” his brother replied. “He didn’t.”

  “Is Ellie with you?”

  “Yeah,” Don replied. “She’s sleeping.”

  “Go check on her,” Knight said. “Wake her up. You need to make sure she’s okay.”

  “Roch,” he said, his voice thin. “What’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”

  “Just do what I say,” Knight said, trying his best to keep his voice controlled. Part of making sure that everything went well in a crisis was not panicking, but it was hard as fuck, all things considered.

  “Okay,” Don said. Knight tried to take a few deep breaths away from the phone so that Don wasn’t able to tell how worried he was. He heard Don’s footsteps as he walked over to Ellie’s bedroom.

  “Ellie?” Don said. His voice sounded far away. He was afraid. “Ellie, sweetheart, are you okay?”

  There was a long, terrible silence. Don wasn’t moving and Ellie wasn’t saying a th
ing. Knight made his hand into a fist at his side as he waited, his heart beating fast in his chest.

  Then he heard a little voice in the background. “Uncle Don? Everything okay?”

  Knight exhaled, and for the first time since they had been talking, he realized that he had been holding his breath. “She’s okay?”

  “Yes,” Don replied. “She seems fine. Roch, what’s--”

  “I’ll tell you later,” he said. “Let me know the second you hear from Sean.”

  Then he hung up.

  He couldn’t bear to explain what had happened to his little brother, who hadn’t seemed happy for them to begin with. And truthfully, it wasn’t as if Rocky could blame him. He understood all the obstacles that were in the way, that was why he had been resistant to the idea for so long.

  The allure of Sean had proven too much and now, Sean was in danger.

  He had been stupid. He had been reckless. He had gone against every single principle he had, every oath he ever made, all because the boy had an amazing mouth and made him feel like there were cosmos exploding all over his skin whenever he touched him.

  Because the man made him feel like a kid.

  And it was a huge fucking problem, because he had forgotten everything he had ever worked so hard for.

  He had forgotten the most important thing in the world, which was protecting Sean Connor. Protecting the president’s son.

  He scrolled down to Sean’s contact card and called him. When the call connected, it sent him to voicemail immediately. Knight swallowed. “Sean,” he said. “I’m not angry or anything, if you walked out, I get it. But I need to make sure that you’re okay. Please call me, okay? Just so I can make sure you’re okay.”

  He was about to end the phone call much differently, but he decided to hang up there. He didn’t want to freak Sean out and he knew he would have if he was too forthcoming, though the temptation was there.

  He shook his head. This wasn’t the time to think about such things. He had given himself permission to think about these things, and, because he had, everything had turned out pretty terribly.


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