The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385 Page 26

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  Over the last few days, he had used another $30,000 of materials to make a huge batch of Retractable Knives—100 in total.

  “That should be enough.”

  Han Xiao had just finished with the hundredth knife, and he went to look for a crate to store them all in before leaving Division 13.

  As the threat of war loomed, guns were heavily regulated in the Six Nations. It was in fact illegal for civilians to possess any, which was why Han Xiao had gotten rid of his guns before entering the city.

  Nonetheless, there were illegal arms dealers situated all across the Six Nations. Neutral vendors such as these were implemented in Galaxy as a way for players to purchase equipment and intel as they carried out infiltration and assassination missions in enemy nations.

  Naturally, Han Xiao knew exactly where these vendors were located.

  Han Xiao was headed to District 8 to look for an arms dealer named Ma Xiu Si. Ma Xiu Si was an operative for the Fabian Company, a global powerhouse in the arms market who sold everything from guns to jets. Under the table, they even did business with the Six Nations themselves and the Revolutionary Army.


  Han Xiao easily found Ma Xiu Si, who was more than happy to entertain him when Han Xiao opened up the crate of Retractable Knives before him and began to explain their usage.

  Ma Xiu Si was experienced in the black market, so he instantly recognized the Retractable Knife’s worth. While conventional melee weapons were not much of a money spinner, the Retractable Knife’s concealability and element of surprise would definitely be favored by many.

  Han Xiao expressed his wish to sell the whole crate.

  “Can you supply them long-term?” asked Ma Xiu Si.

  Han Xiao chuckled.

  “Would you be interested in the blueprint?”

  Ma Xiu Si’s eyes widened. Blueprints were extremely important items to mechanics. They essentially gave their owners monopoly over their inventions. It was extremely rare that a mechanic would offer to sell one of his blueprints, so Ma Xiu Si was not only shocked but overjoyed.

  As he was a veteran salesman, however, he suppressed the excitement boiling within.

  “Name your price,” he asked casually.

  “There’s a hundred here. 5,000 each, and I’ll sell you the blueprint for a million.”

  Ma Xiu Si gasped lightly. ‘5,000 each? A million for the blueprint? Just rob me, will you‽’

  “No bargaining.”

  Han Xiao was confident that Ma Xiu Si would agree to his terms.

  Ma Xiu Si frowned, but after a while of contemplation, he relented.


  Being able to obtain the blueprint was far too lucrative a chance to miss.

  As the banks of each of the Six Nations were not connected to one another, dark web banking was the primary method of transaction in the underworld. Not only was it accessible worldwide, it was also extremely secure.

  Han Xiao performed fingerprint verification for the account on the spot.

  “I look forward to doing more business with you. This is a VIP card.”

  Han Xiao took the card from Ma Xiu Si and kept it.

  Fostering good relations with these arms dealers would prove useful in the long run as he did not plan to stay in Division 13 forever.


  Back in Division 13, the research director encountered the intelligence director in the hallway.

  “Looks like you guys have chosen to support a good-for-nothing,” mocked the research director. “He caved in so easily to a little bit of pressure. Take my advice—stop playing nice with him.”

  For some reason, the intelligence director was not enraged by his words. He simply smiled back.

  “Good luck,” he replied plainly as he patted the research director on the shoulder.

  The research director was confused. ‘Good luck? What do you mean?’

  Suddenly, his phone rang. The division chief was looking for him. He hastily bumbled his way to the chief’s office.

  “Chief, you called?”

  “Your plans were approved yesterday. The Retractable Knife will be credited to your department.”

  The research director was overjoyed to hear the news.

  “Thank you for your trust, chief.”

  The chief chuckled.

  “Don’t be happy so soon.”

  The research director furrowed his brows.

  “What happened? If it’s about Han Xiao, there won’t be a problem. There’s nothing he can do.”

  “Oh, you think so?” questioned the chief.

  The research director nodded.


  Suddenly, the chief picked up a folder and threw it in the research director’s face.

  “To think that you would abuse your power to sell the division’s technology for personal gain! How disappointing.”


  Chapter 46 - Settlement

  Translator: MJ_ Editor: Millman97

  The research director was flustered. He hastily scrambled to pick up the document on the floor, and as he went through it, he began to tremble.

  The report stated that the blueprint for the Retractable Knife had been leaked, and that, naturally, the ‘inventor’ of the Retractable Knife would have to take responsibility for it.

  “T-t-this is not my fault!” he cried out. “It must be that brat, Han Xiao! He is obviously trying to frame me! Everyone knows that the blueprint belonged to him, please help me clear my name, Chief!”

  “The report clearly states that the research department invented the Retractable Knife,” replied the chief coolly. “It is your responsibility.”

  The research director felt a chill run down his spine as he suddenly realized what was going on.

  The top brass had chosen to back up Han Xiao!

  The reason why the verdict on their proposal was delayed for so long was simply that the higher-ups wanted to wait and see what Han Xiao would do.

  And Han Xiao had managed to play everyone.

  By leaking the blueprint, he was asking the higher ups, ‘Here is the excuse you need. Do you want to help me or not?’

  While they had not expected Han Xiao to come up with such a brilliant comeback to frame the research department, they were more than willing to help him out to appease him. After all, they did want to continue having his cooperation.

  Originally, Han Xiao’s Retractable Knife would have been exclusive to Division 13, even if it meant that he himself had the monopoly over it, but thanks to the research department’s greed, the Retractable Knife would now appear in the hands of others too.

  While Han Xiao’s actions might have been a little bit extreme, the higher-ups were willing to overlook it. The blueprint was rightfully his anyway.

  Of course, if it had been a normal agent, they would without a doubt send him to court martial and expel him from Division 13. It was Han Xiao’s unique identity that stopped them from doing so. The intel he possessed was truly far too valuable. In any case, he had not stepped entirely out of line yet.

  Furthermore, it was important to display the Division’s fairness to everyone.

  At this point, the research director’s face had turned completely pale. He deeply regretted having tried to pick on Han Xiao.

  While the ‘crime’ itself was not grave to the point of a death sentence, his career was essentially over.

  Han Xiao, you bastard! he screamed inwardly.


  When news of the research director being charged with selling weapons illegally broke out, all the agents in Division 13 were filled with disbelief.

  The fact that he was not immediately sentenced heavily hinted that there was more to the entire incident than met the eye.

  It did not take long for the agents to put two and two together and arrive at the unbelievable conclusion that Han Xiao had orchestrated it all.

  Previously, they thought that Han Xiao had kept quiet due to caving in, but in retrospect, it was simply
the calm before the storm.

  “Did he actually frame the research director?”

  “The gall of him!”

  “But doesn’t that mean that the higher-ups are supporting him‽”

  What everyone found hardest to believe was that Han Xiao actually got off scot-free. This caused a lot of speculation regarding his true identity to arise.

  And the person happiest to hear the news was none other than Li Ya Lin, who was vindicated from all the odd looks that people had been giving here due to her connection to Han Xiao. The first thing that she did was look for Di Su Su and gloat in front of her. However, Di Su Su was not the least angered by her. Instead, she was more preoccupied with her newly found interest in Han Xiao.

  “Who exactly is Lin Lin’s new teammate?”


  The research director was only given a strict warning for now, and, unable to touch Han Xiao, his men suffered the brunt of his rage. Of course, Luo Xuan was not spared. Instead of his promised promotion, what he earned was a demotion to the position of an ordinary staff member.

  “Damn it!” cursed Luo Xuan.

  If he had known things would turn out like this, he would have obediently continued on in the logistics department. It was also now too late, as the logistics director was not even willing to grant him an audience.

  This is unfair!

  Why do they want to protect Han Xiao?

  How is he better than me‽

  Luo Xuan was blinded with rage.


  The next day, Han Xiao received word from Feng Jun that the higher-ups wanted to discuss the matter of settlement with him.

  Finally, the chance for Han Xiao to negotiate had come. Han Xiao knew that in the future, the hardliners would not carelessly take action against him again, so it was probably the one time that he would be able to acquire advancement knowledge.

  Han Xiao arrived at the HQ with his mask on as usual to meet with Feng Jun. Feng Jun led him to the chief’s office where three people waited: the chief himself, the research director, and an old man who was faced against the glass window.

  “Gu Hui, Stardragon Strategic Defense Chief,” introduced the chief.

  Han Xiao squinted. It was a familiar name, but he could not recall where he had heard it.

  “Someone wants to see you,” Gu Hui continued in a low voice.

  The old man turned around and smiled at Han Xiao.

  Han Xiao’s acting skills immediately kicked in.

  “Tall, old man‽”

  The tall old man chuckled.

  “It must be quite a surprise.”

  “Who exactly are you?” asked Han Xiao as he nodded blankly, similar to how he had once acted back in the Germinal Organization.

  “All you need to know is that I have some power in Division 13.”


  “Heh. Don’t be so nervous. I’ve already noticed you from back then. You gave me quite a favorable impression.”

  Mission accomplished!

  As Han Xiao wiped the confusion off his face, the tall old man scrutinized him for a second before slowly saying, “Tell me, how do you want this matter resolved?”

  Chapter 47 - Sore Loser

  Translator: MJ_ Editor: Millman97

  “I just want some compensation,” Han Xiao stated calmly.

  “Isn’t the money you earned from selling the blueprint enough compensation?” The research director could not resist shooting his mouth off.

  Han Xiao shot a look at him.

  “If not for you trying to steal my blueprint, I would have been able to make even more money. And if you had even tried asking nicely, I might have even sold it to the division! But ask yourself – did you?”

  The research director could not retort.

  “What kind of compensation do you want?” asked Gu Hui.

  Han Xiao faked a sigh and pretended to contemplate for a moment before replying, “I don’t want something like this to happen again.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  In any case, even if Han Xiao only chose to sell his goods privately, he would still only be selling to Division 13’s own agents. While the quantity would not be as much as if they were mass produced, they still only benefited the division. Furthermore… what if more valuable blueprints ended up ‘leaking’?

  “And…” continued Han Xiao as he rubbed his chin. “I want to have a look at advanced mechanic knowledge.”

  The tall old man furrowed his brows. Was it a coincidence, or had Han Xiao planned to ask for it from the very start?

  Advanced mechanic knowledge was top-secret in Stardragon, and only accessible with a level 5 or higher clearance. In Galaxy, the equivalent requirement was an ‘honored’ reputation. Each of the Six Nations and the Germinal Organization possessed different kinds of advanced knowledge, but only the most trusted and deserving would have a chance to obtain them.

  Although Han Xiao appeared calm and firm on the outside, he was actually extremely nervous. Such a request would normally be impossible to ask of. Now, it all depended on the tall, old man.

  “Why advanced knowledge?”

  “Just curious.”


  After five minutes of tense silence, the tall old man made up his mind. As he looked deeply into Han Xiao’s eyes, he slowly spoke, “Fine, I will allow it.”

  Han Xiao was instantly overcome with relief and joy, but he suppressed his emotions.

  Suddenly, the research director interrupted, “Hold on! Advanced knowledge requires a level 5 clearance. This is against the rules!”

  Han Xiao’s mouth twitched.

  If this bastard dares to spoil my plans, I’ll beat him into a pulp!

  “What do you suggest then?” Gu Hui asked unhappily.

  “Rules are rules. Although you, senior, are okay with it, I hardly think that the others will agree.”

  The tall old man smirked.

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “I wouldn’t dare,” answered the research director matter-of-factly.

  There were two levels of hierarchy in Division 13. Besides the thirteen section heads, there existed a higher committee comprised of the chief himself and other high-ranking officials who wielded enormous influence in Stardragon.

  The tall, old man was none other than one of the higher-ranking members, and he was the leader of the conservatives. Naturally, the hardliners had an equally powerful backer, which was why the research head dared to speak up.

  “My word alone will suffice,” declared the tall old man plainly.

  The research head gritted his teeth. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

  “Then, I suggest granting him only half an hour of browsing. He doesn’t even have the proper clearance anyway.”

  Gu Hui and the tall old man exchanged looks. This was a fair suggestion. Besides, Han Xiao himself had only asked to ‘take a look’.

  “We’ll give you one hour!” declared Gu Hui.

  The research head rejoiced secretly. Even an hour would not be enough time to look through a third of the advanced knowledge.

  Deep down, however, Han Xiao was laughing.

  One hour? Watch me take one minute with my talent points!

  He had to bite his lip to stop himself from grinning.

  Calm down… calm down…


  The advanced knowledge was protected with an extremely secure multi-layered encryption. The code to unlocking it was a combined series of over a hundred 48-digit strings that were refreshed constantly.

  The contents itself were only able to be browsed by using a special terminal.

  Han Xiao was brought by Gu Hui to take an elevator to a secret basement. When the lift doors opened, Han Xiao was greeted by the sight of a brightly lit metallic hallway lined throughout with surveillance cameras on either side. While there were no guards, the corridor was full of metal detectors and red lasers, and there were guns concealed behind the walls. They would activate automatically upon unauthori
zed entry.

  It was a fortress in its own right.

  “How much did you guys spend on this corridor?”

  “A few billion,” Gu Hui calmly answered.

  Han Xiao let out a soft snort.

  The terminal was Stardragon’s most advanced computer. The amount of data that it could process in just one second alone could overload a regular computer. It contained all of the nation’s top secrets.

  Han Xiao guessed that even if he maxed his ‘Computing’ talent, it would not be enough to hack through the terminal’s firewall.

  It took an entire five minutes to walk across the entire stretch of the hallway, and, as they approached the end, a spherical room appeared in Han Xiao’s view. A transparent passageway connected the hallway to the center of the sphere where a screen could be seen. There was also a panel connected with a mouse and a keyboard. This was the interface of the terminal.

  As they stepped into the room, Han Xiao noticed that there were actually countless optical fibers and advanced looking computer parts laid inside the glass – the entire room was actually the terminal!

  Han Xiao, however, was not impressed.

  “Why is the air here so stale? Did you guys forget the ventilation or something?”

  Gu Hui’s eye twitched.

  He calmed himself down and replied, “That is the interface. The preparations have been made. You will not be able to access any other information apart from the advanced knowledge. For the sake of protocol, I will remind you that we will be watching, and you had better not try anything funny.”

  Got it, I won’t make you laugh.

  Han Xiao nodded and proceeded to walk to the panel.

  The terminal prompted him for a search input, so he typed in “advancement knowledge”, and several results appeared on the screen:

  Esper Advanced Knowledge: [DNA – Strengthened Energy Level]

  Esper Advanced Knowledge: [DNA – Strengthened Control]


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