The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385 Page 991

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  Guzar sighed softly. “From this point of view, it’s already not bad that Black Star got rid of the future trouble. It’s just a pity for those comrades who sacrificed themselves…”

  “You can’t say that. Since the enemy has this method, they will use it sooner or later, so our casualties are inevitable. When the enemy used this method for the first time, Black Star seized the opportunity to capture him. He has already done his best to minimize the cost to prevent losses in the future,” Beiger immediately said.

  Hearing this, everyone thought about it and felt that it made sense.

  This was the enemy’s trump card, and Black Star couldn’t prevent them from using it in advance, so they could not blame Black Star. Getting rid of this hidden danger the first time was already the best outcome.

  Ames walked forward and patted Aurora’s head.

  “It’s good that you’re fine. This is more important than anything else.”

  “Teacher, I’m… very sorry.”

  Aurora lowered her head timidly. Her face was red with guilt, and she did not dare to look up.

  Ames, however, understood her and comforted her. “It’s alright, don’t blame yourself. Although you did not use your ability to protect me, it’s not your fault. I’m fine.”


  Hearing this, Aurora felt even more embarrassed. She twisted her hands together and buried her head even deeper, almost like an ostrich.

  It was finally their turn to leave, and everyone stopped chatting. The spaceship followed the fleet into the Multi-Dimensional Sky Opening Transportation Device, and the two huge mechanical rings began to spin. The lights connected and flickered, sending everyone back to the Flickering World.

  After Han Xiao and the others retreated from the battlefield, the situation developed just as Simon had said. The defensive lines of the various war zones were broken, and the World Tree Army marched in from various areas and spread out rapidly. A vicious snowball-like cycle occurred, and the intercepting circle gradually became riddled with holes.

  As there was no way to reverse the situation, the three Universal Civilizations did not continue to recruit Beyond Grade As into the battle and did not force a direct confrontation. They continued to pull their troops and equipment to recoup their costs so that they would not be completely wiped out by the World Tree fleet.

  This process lasted for about ten days before the World Tree Army completely broke through the intercepting circle. The three Universal Civilizations also withdrew all the fleets and equipment that should have been taken back, and those that could not be taken away were destroyed on the spot. The intercepting circle that had been built over a year was only left with countless metal trash floating in the universe like a man-made asteroid belt.

  In the explored universe, the upper echelons of the three Universal Civilizations and the command center held a follow-up battle meeting after the interception circle disappeared.

  Among all the Beyond Grade As, only Han Xiao was the representative.

  In the large conference room, the leaders of the three Universal Civilizations listened to the military report with a straight face. As the commander-in-chief of the intercepting circle, Simon was reading out the strategic analysis.

  “… The intercepting circle has been abolished. We have lost the biggest barrier stopping the World Tree from advancing. The war has entered a new phase.

  In the past year, we have sent out teams of engineers to move toward the Flickering World from the interception circle, setting up traps and fortifications along the way for this day. When the World Tree moves toward our territory and enters the vast strategic zone, we can harass and obstruct them.

  “Although we can’t stop them from advancing, we can at least slow them down…”

  At this moment, Marbruce interrupted him, tapped the table, and asked:

  “This won’t solve the root of the problem. Can you think of a way to build another blockade?” Hearing this, Simon shook his head and sighed. “Forgive me for being blunt, but before we find the World Tree’s main body, all our strategies are just to treat the symptoms… We need to invest a lot of resources to build another intercepting circle. I believe that with this experience, the World Tree will use the same method to attack next time. Our troops will be heavily damaged once again, and we will fall right into their trap.

  Furthermore, choosing a location is also a problem. Most of the areas in this strategic zone are also places that we have never set foot in, so we cannot go there casually. The earliest construction team to set out will only be able to build a new interception circle a year away from the World Tree. The time is too tight.

  If we send a new batch of construction teams from the border of the Flickering World, there will be plenty of time to build an intercepting circle, but…”

  “But what?”

  Louis asked.

  Simon frowned and told the truth, “The Military Strategy Department does not agree with this plan. Through the speed and drifting time of the Kunde Race survivors, we have already calculated the approximate distance between the World Tree and us. With their speed, it will take them about eleven years to reach our territory. With our obstruction and delay, this number will be extended, but not for long.” The Pope immediately questioned.

  “Eleven years… This is enough to build a stronger interception circle. Why not?” “It can be done, but the Military Strategy Department feels that it’s a better choice to strengthen defenses in the border areas. Use destructive methods to develop the Flickering World border that has yet to be fully explored, squeeze out all the planet resources in these areas, and then turn at least five Star Clusters into desolate universe belts. We will not leave a single hair behind for the World Tree and build a defense line here.

  After all, this is our home ground. This way, it would not only make it easier for mobile support troops but also greatly reduce the size of the defensive line, saving the expenditure of troops. Furthermore, the battlefield is close to our home, which can also stimulate the resistance of the entire universe. Setting up a new blockade in the unexplored area countless miles away will consume too much of our forces. We will be dragged into a war of attrition that the World Tree is good at, which will be even more disadvantageous…”


  Simon explained.

  Hearing this, the upper echelons discussed the pros and cons of this plan.

  The leaders of the three Universal Civilizations pondered for a while before turning to look at Han Xiao.

  “Black Star, what do you think?”

  Han Xiao shook his head and said, “I don’t have too many opinions, but it’s very necessary to strengthen our defenses. Instead of leaving those planets for the World Tree to devour, we might as well do our best and use the Planetary Shatterer to develop the planets at the border of the Flickering World so that the enemies can’t replenish themselves. That way, even if they attack, we won’t lose much.”

  He had already done what he could. Compared to the terrible start in his previous life, the situation of the three Universal Civilizations at present was many times better. He could not give any more suggestions regarding the war.

  After all, the direction of the war between the three Universal Civilizations and the World Tree was completely different from his previous life, and he could not be sure of the final direction of each plan. The best choice now was to trust the professional military personnel.

  ‘In eleven years at the minimum, the World Tree will be able to invade the three Universal Civilizations… This is the final preparation period, I have to make good use of it.’

  Han Xiao took a deep breath.

  On the advancing route of the World Tree, the three Universal Civilizations most likely did not need high-level combatants to harass or stop them. This meant that they, as Beyond Grade As, did not have to be on standby all the time and could freely arrange the schedule.

  He planned to spend some time nurturing those Beyond Grade A seeds, ho
ping to give birth to more Beyond Grade As and allow Karlot to grow as soon as possible.

  On the other hand, he could also take the opportunity to settle down. The experience provided by the players would surely be enough for him to break through level 360 and complete his Promotion within a year. The strongest period of a Mechanic was not when they had just advanced.

  The peak of a Mechanic could only be achieved after his mechanical army and equipment are completely upgraded!

  The last eleven years of preparation were a rare opportunity for him to digest his advanced strength!

  After these two exchanges with the Tree King, Han Xiao had already noticed his current weakness. Although he could win against Heart Tree King or Subduing Tree King in a one-on-one battle, they were all experts of the same level. They had their own explosive trump cards, so it was almost impossible for him to defeat the other party quickly. Furthermore, the battlefield environment was complicated, and the mechanical army was the biggest target. There were too many factors that affected their combat strength.

  Although his energy level was very high, he was still a peak Beyond Grade A in essence, and there was no qualitative change. Only with the power of sublimation could he solve this problem.

  “I hope I can give the World Tree a ‘surprise’ the next time we fight!”

  Han Xiao narrowed his eyes.

  However, these thoughts were suppressed in his heart.

  He knew very well that the most important task at the moment was not these plans but to wait for Oathkeeper to gather the new Sanctum Key and enter the Sanctum again. He would use the truth of the revival to strengthen the belief of the entire Beyond Grade A group!

  Chapter 1364 - Determination and Shadow

  Chapter 1364 Determination and Shadow

  The three Universal Civilizations would not deliberately publicize the failure of the intercepting circle, but the truth could not be hidden for long either. As the troops of the various large organizations retreated to the explored universe, this news quickly spread to the galactic society that was constantly paying attention to the battle situation, causing a large-scale panic.

  For more than a year, the refugees who had migrated to the Central Galaxy from all over the world were used to the successive reports of the World Tree stopping them from entering the Central Galaxy. This was also the reason why many people felt that forcing them to take refuge was worth it. They had already treated the intercepting circle as a ‘border’ to block the enemies.

  As long as they could intercept the World Tree, they would have a sense of security. They thought that this barrier would be able to stop the World Tree forever, preventing the flames of war from spreading to their area. However, now that this barrier had been broken by the enemy, people’s confidence had been taken away. The chain reaction was shocking. Not only did it cause fear and panic, but it also caused their trust in the three Universal Civilizations to plummet.

  In the eyes of the galactic residents, the three Universal Civilizations were nigh-omnipotent ‘kings’. However, even with such powerful rulers working together, they still failed to defeat the enemy. Although there were many factors involved, in the eyes of ordinary people, this was like a math equation of 3 < 1, which meant that the three Universal Civilizations were no match for the one enemy!

  Many people were willing to accept the forced migration because they believed that the three Universal Civilizations would eventually be able to repel the invaders. However, if the three Universal Civilizations could not defeat the invaders, would it really be safe for them to stay in the Central Galaxy and seek refuge? Wouldn’t they be waiting for death?

  This thought spread like a virus in the hearts of the galactic residents, nourishing their unease, panic, and fear. Even if the public relations department of the three Universal Civilizations works themselves to the bone, the overflowing emotions were like a tsunami that could not be easily blocked.

  Thus, chaos erupted.

  S er

  There were many cases of people trying to escape from the Sanctuary planets. Some of them were no longer willing to believe the three Universal Civilizations and felt that staying behind was equivalent to waiting for death. They wanted to ‘save’ themselves before the enemy attacked, wanting to escape from the explored universe in spaceships. In the face of life and death, the refugees, who were originally akin to docile sheep under the control of the three Universal Civilizations, suddenly displayed a sense of herd mentality resistance. The difficulty of managing them suddenly spiked, and the three Universal Civilizations had no choice but to divert more energy to comfort and suppress the refugees.

  All of a sudden, chaos ensued.

  In his previous life, the foreign enemies had charged in with a fierce momentum, and there was no way for the people to retreat. Now that the three Universal Civilizations had the time to prepare for war, citizens were given an option. There were pros and cons to this and they would not be able to achieve a state where everyone was a soldier like in Han Xiao’s previous life.

  At the Beyond Grade A Association headquarters…

  Due to the large-scale deployment of the three Universal Civilizations’ troops, many Beyond Grade A organizations decided to change the location of the association’s headquarters. This planet located in the middle of the Flickering World had already been moved to Black Star’s territory.

  Ever since a large number of Beyond Grade As had rushed to the frontlines, the Beyond Grade A Association had entered a hiatus. Han Xiao and the other participants had returned to the association, and after a year or so, they once again convened a full meeting.

  In the round table conference room, many association members were gathered. Compared to the seats that were full before the battle, there were many empty seats. Every empty seat represented a sacrifice. “… to summarize, in at least 11 years, the World Tree will invade the mainland and reach the border of the Flickering World…”

  Han Xiao’s tone was low as he recounted the outcome of the battle conference he had with the three Universal Civilizations.

  Hearing this information, all the Beyond Grade As present had solemn expressions.

  “11 years is too soon…”

  A Beyond Grade A could not help but speak with a worried tone.

  In the eyes of a Beyond Grade A, this amount of time would pass in the blink of an eye. The shocking attack of the World Tree breaking through the intercepting circle left a deep impression on the participants. When they thought about how the endless green tide would invade their territory soon, like a disaster that devoured everything, covering the entire explored universe bit by bit, everyone subconsciously tensed up and became extremely fearful.

  Kasuyi knocked on the table and encouraged, “On the bright side, we still have at least eleven years to prepare. After fighting with the World Tree this year, we have also discovered many of our shortcomings. We can use this opportunity to improve ourselves.” Because he knew the truth about the Sanctums and the Iterations, he had always been a firm believer of the warring faction. He was another pillar of support other than Han Xiao.

  However, after he finished speaking, the participants of the battles did not respond like before. They only remained silent, and the members of the Association in the avoidance faction had their differences, and naturally would not show any signs of approval.

  Dillon placed his elbows on the table, took in everyone’s expressions, and sneered. “Tsk, I told you long ago that your attitude will change after you experience the war. Now you know that I made the correct choice, right? Look at all of you. You were so passionate when you set off, but now? You were all beaten back by the enemy! You sacrificed so many members of the association but still failed to stop the enemy. Tell me, what’s the use of sacrificing these people? It was just a waste of our only chance to revive.”

  Hearing this, most of the participants clenched their fists and claws. They were clearly enraged, but no one spoke up.

  What Dillon said had
touched a raw nerve in their hearts. In the galactic battlefield of a hundred billion, many people felt how minuscule they were. Seeing those Beyond Grade As who usually called the shots in the galactic society die one after another, their belief in participating in the battle was shaken.

  Seeing this, Han Xiao frowned and heavily spoke out.

  “Alright, shut up. At least we managed to cooperate with the three Universal Civilizations and delay the World Tree’s invasion for a year.”

  “Ha, a mere year…”

  Dillon curled his lips in disapproval, but he did not dare say anything more under Han Xiao’s glare.

  Han Xiao did not look at him anymore. He looked at everyone and slowly said, “No matter what, these eleven years is the last preparation period. We can’t waste it. I will use the Evolution Cube and a series of Universal Treasures to increase your strength unconditionally. The others who have similar Universal Treasures should do the same. You have all been in the position of ‘galactic big shots’ for too long. Some of you have not been able to improve for a long time and have already wasted your training. I suggest everyone undergo special training. Be as strong as you can.”

  “What special training? Who’s doing the training?” Kohler was curious.

  Han Xiao announced.

  “The peak Beyond Grade As of the various systems will all be the mentors, imparting experience and guiding routes. As the Chief Instructor, I will be coordinating all the special training plans. On one hand, we will work towards increasing everyone’s individual strengths, and on the other, your capabilities in working as a team.

  In addition, this will be live combat training. There’s no need to worry about getting injured, as Aurora will be in charge of healing. During times of peace, as the representatives of individual strength, we do not have the chance to fight frequently. Right now, this is no time to care about face or prestige. We have to increase our combat strength as much as possible, thus combat is the best way. Winning or losing is not important, the most crucial thing is to improve our abilities.”


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