Prowling Their Mate

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Prowling Their Mate Page 13

by Tamsin Baker

  “Mom and Dad’s. They’ll know what to do.”

  I groaned but did what I was told. My head was clearing now. At least we had a plan of attack.

  “You sure about that? Mom’s always looked down on us for partying the way we have. She may be on Laura’s side.”

  Tyler sighed and shifted in the chair next to him. “Yeah, I know. But if there’s anyone who can help, our family can.”

  We stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride before finally pulling up in front of our family home.

  I sighed and dragged myself out of the car, my chest still aching like I’d been run through with a knife.


  Loud banging on my front door made me jump, then an urgent female voice broke through my cloud of misery as I stared at the bright computer screen in front of me, trying to do some research for a much-needed vacation. “Laura! Help us! Please!”

  I ran to the front door, my heart pumping wildly as I wrenched it open and gasped. There was Renee, her face pale and streaked with tears.

  I looked across the lawn and saw Brandon and practically his whole family parked outside my house, an old pickup I hadn’t seen before parked behind my car.

  Renee grabbed my hand. “Tyler’s been shot!”


  Adrenaline surged and I bolted across the lawn, headless of my bare feet and no bra. I grabbed hold of the side rails of the pickup truck and stared down into the bed.

  Brandon held the animal in his arms while Rosalie pressed white gauze to the side of a magnificent mountain lion, with golden fur and black-tipped ears.

  “He can’t shift back, or he’ll die. Please.” Rosalie’s voice cracked with pain and tears rolled down her puffy cheeks.

  Autopilot settled in and a stillness crept over me, calming my muscles and heart. “I need to get the clinic keys, then you guys can follow me there. I don’t have the necessary equipment here to operate.”

  I didn’t wait for a response. I turned and fled, quickly grabbing shoes and keys before bolting to my car. “Renee! With me!” I called out.

  I was more grateful that I could express when the redhead jumped into the passenger side of my car without question and we took off. “Tell me what happened.”

  “Well, I only got there after Ty had taken off, but from what I was told the boys came to Mom and Dad for help with how to win you back, and Ty got so upset he shifted and ran off.”

  I nodded, but refused to allow my heart to register anything but the bare facts. Now was not the time to get emotional. But blame would be waiting for me later, like luggage left at the bottom of the stairs after a holiday.

  “Go on.”

  “When he didn’t come back, Brandon and Dad shifted and took off to find him, only to return carrying him. He’d been shot by some hunter and was barely breathing. Mom knows enough first aid to patch us up when we get injured, but she didn’t want to even try this time. We just loaded him up and came straight to you.”

  I swung my car into the clinic parking lot and turned off the engine.

  Maybe I should invest in a mobile clinic at home.

  “She did the right thing. Let’s go.”

  I stepped out, feeling the panic washing away in front of the clinic’s imposing façade. This was my domain, and if anyone could save him, I could.

  I unlocked the door and moved into the staff room, tying up my hair and pulling on a clean scrub top with short, sharp moves.

  I opened all the doors and began ushering people through like a traffic director. “In here, on the operating table. I need two sets of hands, preferably Renee and Rosalie. The rest of you, wait somewhere else.”

  I really should call one of my vet techs in, but the last thing I wanted to do was expose Tyler or any of his family to the local community. There was probably some shifter law about that.

  I turned back to the sink to wash my hands and focused on nothing but my knowledge of mountain lion anatomy. They weren’t too different from any other large cat, but this wasn’t just a normal four-legged feline.

  Tyler’s mine.

  I shook my head to clear the thought. No point in remembering too vividly who was lying on the table. “Renee, is there any special physiology that I need to know about? Or can I treat Tyler like a normal mountain lion?”

  I turned back to the room, now empty of all the men except for Tyler.

  Renee shook her head and lay her hand on Tyler’s hind legs while Rosalie stroked his head and murmured to him.

  “No, I don’t think so. Mom?”

  Rosalie shook her head, tears beginning to leak down her red face once again.

  “Okay. I need to remove the bullet and repair the wound. I’ll gas him to keep him unconscious and give him some painkillers and antibiotics when he wakes up.”

  Both women stood straighter and nodded, seemingly gaining strength from the instructions. I pulled over a silver tray of newly disinfected instruments and set up the anesthetic gas.

  I set the dial and reached down to attach it to Tyler’s snout. I had assumed he was already unconscious, but he groaned softly as I lifted his head.

  “Tyler, if you can hear me, I want you to know that you have to stay strong and survive this. Okay? Do you understand? I’m still mad at you and if you die, you won’t be able to make it up to me.”

  A strange purring noise came from his chest and Rosalie burst into tears.

  Pain shot through my heart and I pushed it down, away, for later.

  I settled the mask onto my patient and stroked his head with my hands. “Sleep well, beautiful boy.”

  Tyler’s body began to relax and I pinned the two women opposite me with the hardest stare I could muster.

  “Listen, I can handle this on my own. If you can’t be in here, I totally understand. But I need your undivided attention and concentration if you’re staying.”

  Rosalie started to back toward the door. “I don’t think...I...”

  I smiled at the beautiful mother who could barely look as her baby went under the knife.

  “I understand, Rosalie. Now, close the door behind you, and Renee and I will be out in about an hour.”

  Rosalie disappeared and I turned to Tyler’s sister. “You okay with this? There’s going to be a lot of blood.”

  Renee stalked over to the sink and began scrubbing her hands. “I’ve seen more of Tyler and Brandon’s blood over the years than I care to mention.”

  Water ran in the sink and Renee finally turned back, her green eyes hard. “Where do you want me?”

  I pointed to the top of the table. “Here. Watch his breathing, make sure the mask stays in place, and hand me items when I ask for them.”

  I carefully shaved around the area so that his fur wouldn’t interfere with the surgery, then set the clippers down.

  You can do this.

  I took a deep, steadying breath, picked up the scalpel, and set it to the bloody mess that had once been Tyler’s beautiful shoulder.

  “Here we go...”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I paced the pavement so many times my feet ached, and if I looked down I’d probably see the path I’d worn in the clinic parking lot. “What the hell’s taking so long?”

  My mother sniffed and lifted her watch for the hundredth time.

  “It’s only been forty-three minutes and she said an hour. That bullet could have gotten lodged anywhere. If Tyler dies because of something I said...”

  I tossed up my hands and made a disgusted noise in my mother’s direction.

  “Mom! If there’s anyone to blame, you know it’s fucking me! Or fucking Tyler! Seriously? He’s never learned to control his mountain lion, and just because Laura dumped us doesn’t mean he had to go running off into the woods in the middle of the day. How stupid can he be?”

  My parents’ eyes shifted to the space behind me. I whirled around to see Laura standing in the doorway, blood covering her scrubs and her shoulder keeping the door open. “He’s in recove

  “He all right?” I asked, swallowing the lump that had risen when I saw the woman who was meant to be our mate standing there.

  Laura nodded and straightened, that strength I admired shining through.

  “I’m just going to clean up and I’ll come back out. I just wanted to tell you right away that he’s alive and doing well.”

  She turned and walked back into the surgical area and my heart began to thud with sickening, slow thumps. My knees weakened and I staggered to one of those flimsy white chairs and crashed down into it.

  Renee came bolting through the door, her eyes wide and a little crazy.

  “Oh my God, she is amazing! I’m in love with her! How did she do that? I have no idea! All with knowing it was Tyler on the table. I would have been a complete mess.”

  Words were flying out of Renee’s mouth so fast I wasn’t quite keeping up. My adrenaline had run out, but it was pretty obvious my sister was still high on it.

  I blinked and took a deep breath, hoping to stop the rapid whirl of blood washing through my body. My head was spinning.

  “Did she get the bullet out?” Dad asked, taking Renee by the hand to calm her down.

  “Yeah, it was touch and go for a while. The bullet was lodged in some plexus where all the nerves and blood vessels go. I didn’t really understand what she was saying. But she got it out without too much blood loss. She is so amazing!”

  Renee squealed and I dropped my head into my hands. My brother could have died. I gulped air as heated emotions swamped me.

  “You fucking idiot.” Tears dripped down my face and I wiped them away angrily. I wasn’t sure who I was talking to—probably myself.

  Laura walked into the waiting room once again and I shot to my feet, my need to touch her scary in its intensity. My fingers itched to reach out and my cock twitched in my pants.

  I needed to claim that woman before she got any more silly notions in her head. Once we were mated, the connection between us would be too strong to ever break.

  “Tyler needs to stay overnight, and I’m going to stay with him. Then we can transport him home tomorrow and I’m happy to move into the house for a few days to look after him.”

  My cock twitched again. Yes, that was a very good plan.

  “Only because he’ll need consistent monitoring and I don’t think it’s safe to keep him here.”

  Laura’s gaze swung to me and stared, trying to communicate something I didn’t understand. “If that’s okay with you, Brandon?”

  I nodded, clearing my throat before speaking. “Absolutely. Thank you.”

  Laura looked back at Mom, and for the first time I saw the pallor in her cheeks, the slump to her shoulders. Maybe she hadn’t handled that surgery as well as she said she did.

  “When will he be able to shift back to human, Rosalie?”

  His mother shrugged. “I’m not sure. As soon as he’s strong enough. A day, two, maybe. Shifters heal very quickly.”

  Laura’s shoulders sagged even further and the protector in me took over.

  “Laura, get your tech to watch Tyler tonight and you can come home with me. You’re exhausted.”

  Laura’s eyes went wide and she shook her head with a grim frown. “No, if something goes wrong, I need to be here.”

  I walked over to our woman and took her hand. “I’ll pay for her. Bring in whoever you want, or your partner, if you think that’s a better choice.. And tomorrow we’ll both come to take him home. You need sleep.”

  I leaned forward, my heart in my throat as I whispered into Laura’s ear. The woman who had broken up with me this morning and then saved Tyler’s life this afternoon.

  “Come home with me, baby girl. Please.”

  Laura pulled back abruptly and stared at me, her eyes concerned and shiny with tears. She didn’t actually speak, but I took her silence for acquiescence. “Do you need to make some phone calls?”

  Laura nodded slowly, a tear sliding down her cheek that she quickly swiped away.

  “All right, I’ll wait for you.”

  I squeezed her hand and stepped away, my mountain lion raising his head and growling at the idea of leaving her.

  We’re taking her with us. Don’t worry.

  I headed back over to my parents. I’d never really identified my mountain lion as a separate part of myself, but today I was talking to the shifter for the first time like he was.

  “Laura’s going to call someone else to come in to watch Tyler overnight, and she’ll come home with me for some rest.”

  Dad smiled knowingly and Mom clung to his arm. “Should I stay? I could sleep here overnight.”

  Laura joined us, standing by my side with her back straight and strong. My lion purred with pride as she spoke. “No, Rosalie, I think we all need to go home and have a break. The other vet is coming in and she will call me if anything goes wrong. I’ll stay at my house so that I’m closer to Tyler.”

  I didn’t care where she wanted to sleep, but I’d be right beside her all night, keeping both of our nightmares away.

  “Mom, Dad, take Nae home and we’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  We waved my parents off and I took Laura into my arms, not caring when she was stiff and unresponsive. We had a few things to work out. “Go get organized and I’ll wait for you here.”

  I leaned forward and kissed her, not sure if she’d turn away, but not caring either. When our lips connected, I moaned and pulled her closer. Laura’s hands gently touched my face before we pulled apart.

  “Ah... I’ll go call Claire. I’d prefer not to go home with you, if that’s all right?”

  She looked away and I shrugged.

  “Your place... mine, I don’t care. I’ve gotta make a few phone calls too, so you’ll let me know when it’s time to go home?”

  Laura stared at me again with that searching look that made me wonder how she was really feeling. During the week, we’d forged a connection that had surpassed anything I’d ever experienced or felt.

  Then, in one night—half an hour—we’d lost her. It seemed impossible.

  I didn’t understand and she certainly didn’t seem to know how she felt, either.

  Laura finally nodded once and headed into the clinic.

  I pulled out my phone and called my boss to let him know I had a personal emergency and needed the week off. I would find out exactly what had gone wrong and fix it.


  I checked on Tyler once more, then heard the front door open and close.

  “Laura, its Claire.”

  I bent down and kissed Tyler’s head, closing my eyes for a moment to inhale his scent. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I’d never operated on a boyfriend before... but I suppose there’s a first time for everything.

  I headed out into the waiting room and smiled at the woman whose skill I trusted almost as much as my own. “Thanks so much for coming in, Claire. I removed a bullet from a mountain lion’s shoulder a few hours ago and I need you to monitor him overnight.”

  Claire’s eyes widened with shock. “You have a mountain lion in recovery? I hope he’s doped out so he won’t move until tomorrow.”

  Panic fluttered in my chest and I rushed to explain.

  “He’s on 100 mg. of xylazine and 100 mg. of romifidine every four hours. Tyler is the pet of a family friend. He’s been raised by humans since a cub, so he’s no danger to you. If something happens to him, I’ll never forgive myself.” My voice broke and Claire rushed forward.

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m sorry. I’ll look after him like he was my own pet, I promise.”

  Claire stroked her hand down my arm and I took a long, shuddering breath. I was holding onto my tears like a starving woman to food. I couldn’t fall apart. Not yet.

  “I...need to go home, but if you need me, if he struggles to breathe for one call.”

  I blew out a breath and wiped at the tears sitting on my lashes. What a fucking long day.

  “Of course, I will.
No problem at all.”

  I grabbed my bag, numbness stealing through my rapidly cooling body. I made it out the front door and headed toward her car.

  Brandon snagged me as I walked past and pulled me into his body. “I’ll drive, jump in.”

  I couldn’t look at him, but allowed him to guide me into his car and drive the few minutes back home. When we arrived, I struggled out the door and started up the sidewalk.

  Brandon’s strong hands wound around my arms like roots of a tree, giving me strength when I needed it. He took my keys when my hands shook too much to open the front door, and led me into my bedroom when I stumbled on the carpet.

  I tugged at my dirty, sweaty clothes, wanting to be rid of any evidence that today existed. When I was down to my underwear, I fell toward the bed, pulling back the covers and climbing in. I rolled over, and hot flesh pressed against my back.

  “Thank you for saving my brother.”

  Pain slid through my chest, shattering the cold cloud that had consumed me. “He wouldn’t have...” My voice cracked and I stopped talking, raising my hand and pressing it against my mouth in the hope it would stem the sob that was rising.

  “Wouldn’t what?” Brandon probed, running his hand up and down my arm in a move that was both reassuring and devastating.

  He was being so kind, so thoughtful... like he had been all week.

  Oh, God, what have I done?

  Sobs rose and escaped my lips. Tears rolled down my cheeks and snot blocked my nose so that I couldn’t breathe. I had no strength to fight it anymore, I let it all go. The devastation from last night, the breakup this morning. Then the horrendous ordeal of having to operate on a man I loved.

  There was a reason I’d become a veterinarian and didn’t go into medicine, and that was because I didn’t like cutting people open.

  “Shh, baby girl. You’re okay. I’ve got you.” Brandon held me and didn’t try and stop me from crying. His arms were like a tight band around me and the tears kept flowing. I seemed unable to put the brakes on once I’d released them.

  “Oh sweetheart, please stop. You’re only hurting yourself.”

  I let the pain descend and consume me. I deserved it.


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