Prowling Their Mate

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Prowling Their Mate Page 15

by Tamsin Baker

Her voice was sickly sweet and I couldn’t repress the shudder that rose. God, she was cold. “Not one tiny, little bit, sweetheart. But I would like to know why you told Laura that we were together last Friday night.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line and I waited.

  My ex-fuck-buddy might hang up instead of attempting to justify her bullshit.

  “Come on, Simone. You always have a reason.”

  “You deserve better than someone like that, Brandon. She was fat and ugly and human too! What a terrible combination for you. Plus, you know she’ll never be able to satisfy you the way I can.” She let out a purr that made me shudder once again.

  I’d had a threesome or two with Simone, hoping that if I added in another woman there would be a little warmth or affection that would make the sex more palatable. But no, there had just been more taking by her.

  “I don’t like you lying about me, Simone.” I forced some warmth into my tone, hoping to charm the truth out of her. “It’s not polite of you.”

  She laughed, the sound a little strained now. “I wasn’t really lying, Brandon. I saw you running toward the mountain and I shifted to chase you. I know how much you love mating in the moonlight.”

  I clenched my teeth and lifted my gaze, mouthing sorry to Laura.

  She fluttered her hands and smiled at me.

  I was wavering now. Push forward and get the truth and risk hurting Laura some more, or not?

  I leaned my forearms against the cold marble and focused on the phone.

  “Yeah, but you didn’t find me. I ran to the cave and back and didn’t see anyone.”

  And that was the truth!

  She huffed a little. “Yeah, I know. I couldn’t catch you and cut my paw on a rock near the pond, so I went home.”

  I grinned in victory.

  I stood up straighter and looked at Laura. She smiled brightly and love filled me up.

  “Thanks for straightening that out, Simone. I couldn’t have Laura thinking I’d lie to her.”

  “What? You can’t be with her, Brandon. She’s not even a shifter!”

  I picked up the phone and spoke into the speaker. “Laura is the most beautiful, amazing woman I’ve ever met, and I wanted you to be the first to know. Let the rest of the women know that Tyler and I are permanently off the market, and any further attempts at destroying my relationship will met with retribution.”

  A loud, hissing sound came through the phone as Simone began to boil like a kettle on a burner.

  Our pride had very few laws, but my parents were wealthy, respected, and powerful. If necessary, I’d pull every string I had to keep Laura safe and happy.

  “You fucking bastard.”

  I chuckled. “Nope, I know who my parents are, Simone... unlike you. And as for the fucking bit...yeah, I think I’ll get back to that.”

  I hit the End button before she could spew any more poison. I’d had enough of those sorts of females for a lifetime.

  Laura slid off her seat and rounded the counter, coming up to me and running her hands up and around my neck. “So, you don’t want to keep your options open anymore, huh? No more never-ending smorgasbord of women?”

  Her eyes were bright and her tone was cheeky, yet I needed to put this subject to bed once and for all. “I want you, my beautiful girl. No one comes within a mile of your beauty, your sensuality, or your amazing heart.”

  Laura continued to stare at me as though she expected more.

  I faltered.

  I loved her and I needed to tell her, but something held the words back.

  “Thank you, Brandon. I really appreciate you doing that for me.”

  She went up on her toes and kissed me, drawing me into her taste.

  When she moved toward the bedroom, I went willingly, and happily kept her there all afternoon.


  I sat on the bed the following day with my feet tucked up under me.

  I’d decided to take a week’s leave and give myself time to look after Tyler, and get past the weekend’s events.

  I stared at my men, because that’s what they were, whether they loved me or not. I certainly loved them, or how else could I get over everything so quickly? And I knew one other thing—my heart would never allow another in.

  “What’s up?” I cocked my head and watched them prowl around the large room in their human form.

  I’d love to see them both in lion form at the same time because, as men, they were magnificent to watch—so lithe and graceful, yet powerful and strong. Their muscles flexed beneath their cotton shirts and they were making growly noises that made me wiggle on the bed.

  Whenever their mountain lion sides came out, I got a lovemaking session to break the record books. They finally come to a stop, shoulder to shoulder, and stared at me.

  “We want you to mate with us,” they said in unison.

  It would have been funny if it didn’t make me want to cry.

  Mating with someone was the same as marriage in the shifter world, I was pretty sure.

  I wasn’t sure I could do that. Not yet. I wasn’t ready.

  “Ah....” I looked down at my hands, examining the lines of my palms and my too-short fingernails. I’d always wanted pretty, painted fingernails. They looked so elegant when done right. But I couldn’t, not with work.

  “Laura?” Tyler’s gentle voice encouraged me back into reality. I forced myself to raise my head and sighed as longing for my men passed over me.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

  Brandon’s jaw hardened and tightened, his blue eyes glittering with rage. “Is this still about those stupid skanks?”

  I snapped my gaze to the Viking, clenching my jaw as fire spread over my face. Why didn’t they understand how big a deal that was for me?

  “It’s not just that, but yeah, I’m still worried about that. I know it’s not fair to blame you for your past. You made your choices and that’s your right.”

  “It’s not like you were a virgin either when we met you, Laura,” Brandon fired back.

  Ouch. Well-aimed shot.

  My chest ached and I slumped. I considered myself a rational woman, and refusing to see beyond their past decisions wasn’t exactly fair.

  “I don’t think three lovers over ten years puts me in the same category as you two.” I dropped my eyes again, exhaustion swimming through my muscles. “Can’t we discuss this later?”

  A growl sounded and I glanced up to see Brandon pacing like a caged animal. “No, we need to deal with this issue once and for all. One woman or a hundred, what’s the difference? It’s you that we want now.”

  What was the difference? Only a man would say that.

  “Sure, but for how long? Until another woman passes by and you want her? How can you tell me that you just want me after all the variety you’ve had? And I’ve seen them, Brandon. They’re all blonde and skinny. I don’t even know how you can touch me after them...” I trailed off and bit my lip as the tears rose again. “I’ll stay with you as long as you’ll have me, but I just can’t...”

  How could I explain it better?

  Mating would be like a human marriage, and where would I be when they moved on to someone else? I’d be broken, discarded. I wouldn’t survive that.

  Brandon walked forward and fell to his knees in front of me, taking my hands in his. His eyes were beseeching as he spoke. “You have no idea how much better it is with you.”

  I sniffed and focused on his words. My brain was utterly exhausted from going over this too many times. “What’s better?”

  He grinned at me, that lopsided, ultimately charming smile that I adored. “The fucking.”

  “Oh, you...” Fire flared in my belly and I tried to pull my hands back, but he held tight to them.

  “Laura. I’ve never been with a woman who makes me feel so free, so relaxed. Everything with you is easy and natural, and you blow my fucking mind with how much you give.”

  “Give?” I repeated and stopped struggli
ng, not sure I understood.

  “You touch me and give me pleasure. You aren’t focused on yourself.”

  What was he talking about?

  “Of course, I’m not. Nothing feels better to me than hearing you losing control, the way your face looks when I suck you...or touch you.”

  “You take me places no one has. And I love you for that.”

  I couldn’t have heard right. Brandon had avoided talk of love like the plague the last few days, despite everything we’d gone through.

  “Did you say you love me?”

  Brandon swallowed, his large Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “Ah, yeah.”

  My heart burst open, with happiness surging in my chest. “I really don’t think...”

  “Please Laura, you have to listen to us.”

  I turned towards Tyler, who sat on the bed next to me, cupping my face with his smooth, gentle hands.

  “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. You are intelligent, smart, and beautiful. And best of all, you have the warmest, most giving heart. The way you love Brandon and me—it’s the best thing ever.”

  Tears prickled my eyes and I tried to blink them back, but staring at the adoring faces of my men made it impossible.

  “I...I...” I had at least ten reasons why we shouldn’t be together, but as both of my magnificent lion shifters stood up and began stripping off their clothes, I couldn’t think of a single one.

  “We’re going to make love to you, and prove to you how much we love you,” Tyler, my amazing wordsmith said.

  I glanced over at Brandon and watched him strip the last of his clothes, his cock already thickening.

  “Hmmm,” I hummed as I slid to the floor and took his cock into my mouth.

  Brandon grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back. It stung a little but I looked up, anxious to know what he wanted.

  “Why do you do that? Tell me.”

  He wanted the words. I wasn’t sure I could say them. “Because...I like feeling it getting thicker and harder in my mouth.”

  Wow, maybe I could.

  Brandon nodded, his lips opening as he took a deep breath and guided me back to his cock. I took the hot, steel-like flesh in my mouth and sucked hard, exulting in the groans that slipped from Brandon’s mouth. “Strip and kneel on the bed, beautiful.”

  I jumped up and began pulling at my clothes. I was so hot and ready for them. I got down to my underpants and waited for Tyler since he always liked undressing me.

  “No. You take them off,” Brandon said, his tone deeper than it had ever been, his eyes pinned on my face.

  I slid my panties down my thighs, hating the insecurity swamping me. It was the middle of the day, full daylight. They’d be able to see the cellulite, the white stretch marks on my hips and breasts, my fat.

  Fuck it.

  I slipped my bra off too, and stood perfectly still, willing the tears away and kept my chin high.

  “Do you know what I see?” Brandon drawled.

  I shook my head and tears spilled down my cheeks. Were they really going to list all my faults?

  “The sexiest woman I’ve ever met.”

  I frowned and finally allowed myself to cover my breasts with my arms, lifting them up so they didn’t sag. “Don’t lie, Brandon.”

  Brandon took a step forward and grabbed one of my hands, drawing it down to his rock-hard cock. “You feel this? This doesn’t lie. I need to fuck you. Get on your knees on the bed, head down.”

  I didn’t stop to think, just whirled around and spread my knees and dropped my head, presenting to Brandon exactly the way he wanted.

  “Now this is my favorite position,” he said with a sigh.

  I couldn’t stop the words from tripping off my tongue. “Of course, it is. You can’t see my face.”


  Brandon’s hand cracked across my ass and pain rippled over my rump. “Ow!” I complained, though he soothed the hurt with his palm.

  “See this curve...” He slid the pads of his fingertips over my buttocks, one butt cheek at a time. “It is fucking hot.” He purred like a contented cat and slowly traced the flesh he was admiring, leaving a trail of sensitive skin that begged for more attention.

  I shivered and pushed my hips back as heat pooled between my thighs.

  “And this... this is where I go to heaven.” Brandon slid his fingers over my aching cleft and down to my clit, circling the bud and flicking it with his talented digits.

  Tingles of pleasure spread through my belly, igniting my need for this man. “Brandon...please.” I pressed back, opening myself completely for him to see my body.

  “And that is why I love this position. You show me how much you want me.”

  “Of course, I want you. I need you.” I panted for breath, feeling the buildup inside my belly as Brandon gently traced the curves of my ass and teased my sensitive lips.

  “You want my cock in your cunt, Laura?” Brandon asked, his deliberately crude words making me squirm and press my face into the cotton blanket. Why did such a question make me hot for him?

  “Laura?” Brandon repeated, the smooth head of his cock kissing my wet entrance.

  “Yes.” I pressed back and he moved away. The loss of his flesh hurt, and I moved back to my original position.

  Brandon fell to the mattress beside me and pulled me over to straddle his waist.

  He stared up at me, his face open and honest. “I love you. Tyler loves you. Bonding for us is more important than marriage. It is irreversible and will bind our souls together forever.”

  I bit my lip and trembled, despite the heat of the room. If that were true, then I really would have everything I’d ever wanted.

  Unconditional love and trust. Forever more.

  “You’d never cheat on me?” I asked.

  Brandon laughed. “We couldn’t do it. Our mating to you would be absolute and complete. Forever.”

  He waited and finally asked again. “Will you accept us?”

  Tyler crawled onto the bed and kneeled next to me, his eyes imploring me to choose. But there was no choice, and that was the real reason I was scared.

  “Of course, I will. I love you both so much. I can’t live without you.” My heart on my sleeve, I held my breath and waited for them to respond.

  “Oh, thank God for that!” Brandon squeezed his eyes shut and Tyler swooped in, kissing me breathless.

  “We both need to be inside you, beautiful. Do you think you can do that?” Tyler held my gaze and it took a moment to realize what he meant.

  “I haven’t...ah, yes. All right.”

  I hadn’t taken in a man like that before. But I’d do anything to keep my men happy.

  Tyler pressed one more kiss to my lips. “I’ll go find some lube. Be back in a moment.”

  I tried not to think about that, and luckily, I didn’t need to. Brandon was kneading my breasts, drawing them down to suckle. I gasped and wriggled on him, streams of pleasure arrowing through my belly and into my pussy.

  I needed them so much.

  Brandon was rotating his hips and moaning as he sucked on my nipples.

  I pulled away and began rubbing my aching pussy along the length of his hard cock. “I want you inside me.”

  Brandon let my breast slip from his lips and grinned up at me. “Then take me.”

  I reached for Brandon’s cock, wrapped my hand around the thick shaft and lifted it to line up with my body.

  I pressed back and down, taking Brandon into me with a sigh of acceptance and peace. He filled me up and completed me, yet I could feel the need for Tyler, too.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw my other mate stroking his cock with oil and staring at me. “I love you, Tyler.”

  He smiled back at me, his eyes bright and glowing almost yellow. “I love you, beautiful girl.”

  Tyler pressed on my back. “Lean down and kiss Brandon.”

  I pressed my breasts to Brandon’s chest, kissing my big mountain lion and whispering.
“I love you, Brandon.”

  He lifted my chin with his fingers and kissed my lips. “I love you.”

  Tyler’s fingers pressed against my ass and I shivered. That was strange, and a little intimidating, too.

  Brandon began to move, thrusting up into my pussy in shallow, slow movements. “Relax, gorgeous.”

  I closed my eyes and focused on the sensations Brandon was creating. My womb was pulsing, my body craving my men.

  Tyler’s lubricated finger teased my asshole and I pressed back. He interpreted my movement correctly and slid a finger inside me.

  It wasn’t too bad, though it burned. So I moved my hips a little faster and Tyler slid a second finger in and began stretching me.

  That was worse and stole my breath, but didn’t seem to dampen my body’s needs. In fact, it increased.

  I was aching in my back passage, wanting a deeper contact. Feeling... empty.

  I opened my eyes and Brandon’s eyes glowed yellow, his lion merging with his human body for the mating.

  Tyler’s fingers disappeared and I cried out at the loss. “No! Put them back.”

  I turned my head around and watched as Tyler mounted me, cock in hand. “I will, sweetheart. You relax. Feel us inside of you.”

  I forced my body to go limp and cried out as Tyler pressed forward, a small twinge and burn, then an incredible fullness. “Oh, fuck, that feels amazing.”

  “I know. It’s better than anything,” Brandon panted beneath me, his cock twitching inside me.

  I was boiling with pressure and they weren’t moving. “Move. Please.”

  I bumped my hips against them and they surged as one. “Oh, fuck!”

  Tyler pulled back, then thrust forward, Brandon doing the opposite and hissing between his teeth.

  They established a counter-rhythm that had me screaming out.

  My body was in rapture as my men stoked the fire within me higher and higher. My belly began to tighten and my orgasm swelled. “Oh my...”

  I broke apart, my body convulsing around my men and begging them to join me.

  Brandon cried out first, thrusting up and spilling his seed inside me while he sank his teeth into my shoulder. Pain made me cry out, yet it disappeared as fast as it had come.

  Two more thrusts and Tyler’s hoarse cries rang through the air and heat flooded my body again, his teeth biting into my opposite shoulder.


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