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Fallen Page 23

by R C Knight

  “It’s too risky,” Zane responded. “We’re less likely to get caught if we take the river, and we’ll get there faster.” Bishop threw his hands in the air, sighing in defeat. The door opened; a gust of wind blew some of the maps off the table. Ryder stepped through the door, his lips tight and brows furrowed. “Nice of you to join us.” Zane watched as Ryder closed the door.

  “What did I miss?” He looked around the room, his eyes landing on Kai.

  “They’re just arguing over the route again,” Kai sighed.

  “What do you guys think?” Bishop asked as Ryder walked over to the table.

  “Well, Myra would prefer staying on land as much as possible.” Kai chuckled. “Last time she was on a boat didn’t end well.”

  “Myra’s seasickness aside, I think we should take the route with the least risk of exposure,” Ryder responded while Kai chuckled in the corner.

  “Damn right.” Zane looked around the room. Damn I miss Aria, he thought, sadness filling his heart. A sharp pain shot through his chest, but he ignored it. His seal had slowly been degrading as he sank deeper into his depression. He found it was getting harder to control his anger, and everyone else was noticing it as well. He sighed sadly as he looked over at Ryder and Kai. They had been overseeing the mission for Aria, claiming she had been sick and needed to rest. He knew she was avoiding him, which was the only reason he hadn’t checked in on her.

  “What are the plans for taking Chicago?” Kai asked, interrupting his thoughts.

  “As you know, Chicago is completely run by demons. All of the strongest ones reside there, protecting the White Horseman.” He looked around at the small group. “However, they do have human slaves to keep the city running.” Ryder and Kai nodded, encouraging him to continue. “I want us to camp outside of Chicago for a few days so Riley can use his daggers to sneak in and talk to the humans. Most of the slaves are former resistance members, so it shouldn’t be too hard for him to convince them to join us. We’ll bring bags of extra weapons that we can give them.”

  “How would you get them the weapons without the demons noticing?” Kai interrupted. “Surely they watch the humans closely.”

  “We aren’t just going to hand it to them,” he scoffed angrily. “Riley will find spots throughout the city to hide them. He will let the humans know where they are.” Kai nodded in agreement. “Keira will shoot an arrow into the city; its explosion of holy light will be their signal to start the revolt. From there on out, we’ll be winging it. Our destination is the White Horseman’s temple, which is located here.” Zane pointed at a spot on the map of Chicago.

  “There are a lot of places for this to go wrong,” Ryder commented as he looked over the map. “I’m not sure Aria would approve of this.”

  “Well she’s not here!” he shouted angrily, slamming his hands on the table. He stood up, holding his arms out as he turned in a circle. “Unless she’s hiding in the corner somewhere?” He paused, waiting for a response. “No? Well then, this is the best fucking plan we have right now. And it’s not going to get any better with us just sitting around here on our asses!” Zane stopped as he took a shaky breath. “This is the best plan we’ve come up with. We don’t have the time to try and think of another.”

  Ryder stared at him silently, his knowing eyes seemed as if they were burning into his soul. “Very well,” he replied calmly, his voice eerily quiet compared to Zane’s outburst. “We will inform Aria of the plan and begin making the arrangements.” Ryder nodded toward Kai and started walking towards the door. He stopped next to Zane, placing his hand on his shoulder. “Don’t assume you’re the only one hurting,” he whispered into his ear. “She truly loves you, but it’s slowly killing her inside. You need to let her go.” Ryder walked away, shutting the door quietly behind him.

  Bishop cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “You alright?”

  “I’m fine,” Zane responded, exhaustion taking over. “What do you think of the plan?”

  “You’re right. It’s the best we’ve come up with.” Bishop looked at him, worry on his face. “You should get some sleep. You look like shit.” Zane chuckled darkly as he nodded in agreement.

  “Yea,” he replied. “I haven’t been able to sleep for a while.”

  “Is it because of Keira?” Bishop asked hesitantly.

  “No,” he sighed wearily. “Everything has been fine since she moved in. Almost normal, actually.”

  “I see,” Bishop replied. “Well then, I hope Aria stops avoiding you.” Zane looked at him, disbelief in his eyes. “What? You think I didn’t know?” Bishop chuckled softly. “Just look out for yourself. I don’t want you to get hurt more than you already are.” Bishop clapped Zane’s shoulder. “Now, get some sleep.” He smiled softly as he turned and left the hut.

  Zane walked to his room and closed the door. He pulled off his shirt and jeans, throwing them on the floor. He slowly lifted the covers on the bed and slid underneath them, laying stiffly next to Keira who was fast asleep. Ryder’s words were echoing through his mind. It’s slowly killing her inside. You need to let her go. Zane sighed as he stared into the dark. He closed his eyes, willing sleep to take him.

  Aria’s beautiful face was lit up with a smile. She giggled as she watched a little girl playing in the grass. A picnic blanket had been laid out, the bright pink sharply contrasting against the green grass. Aria opened the picnic basket and began to pull out some sandwiches. The girl’s laughter filled the air as Zane came running from behind a tree. He picked her up and swung her in the air.

  Zane set the girl down and chuckled as she tried to regain her balance. Once she was steady on her feet, she ran over to Aria and grabbed a sandwich. Aria looked up at him and smiled, beckoning him over. His heart filled with joy as he watched the two of them together. He smiled as he began to walk towards them, her green eyes were full of love as she watched him approach.

  A flash of lightning blinded him as Aria and the little girl began to scream. Zane looked around frantically, he couldn’t see the girls, but he could hear their screams echoing around him. The grass had died, the blackness surrounding him. “No!” he shouted as he ran towards the bright pink picnic blanket. A ferocious wind blew the blanket away as the screams grew louder. Zane ran as fast as he could, but he wasn’t going anywhere. He was stuck, with the darkness engulfing him.

  Zane bolted upright in bed; his body covered in sweat. He’d been having that dream every night for the past five months. He got out of bed and quickly got dressed.

  “What’s wrong?” Keira mumbled as she rolled over.

  “Nothing. I just need some air. He turned away from the bed and quickly left the room and went outside. He inhaled deeply as the cold night air hit his face, willing his mind to calm down. His feet took him down the hill and towards the village. He didn’t care where he went, as long as he could clear his mind. The sound of the ocean drew him to the beach, he smiled as he watched the water gently roll up the sand then recede again. The moon was full, its light sparkling against the ocean waves. He smiled as his body and mind relaxed. He looked down the beach, the moonlight illuminated a lone figure sitting by the water. Her golden blonde hair seemed to glow through the darkness.

  Zane walked over slowly; Aria turned her head as she heard him approach. “Oh, it’s you,” she whispered as her eyes locked onto his. He smiled as he looked down at her.

  “Yea, it’s me.” He sat next to her, his mind running in a million directions. “So, how are you feeling?” he asked quietly.

  “I’ve been better.” She laughed wearily as she twisted her hands together. His heart began to pound in his chest as he searched her bright green eyes. “Ryder told me your plan. I think it’s great.” She looked out at the ocean.

  “Ryder didn’t think you’d approve,” he responded, willing her to look at him again.

  “Well, Ryder wasn’t thinking straight,” she replied calmly as she picked up a seashell and threw it into the water. “There is no such thing as a p
erfect plan. We’ve got to work with what we have.” Her face fell as she stared at the ocean. “What’s the point?” she whispered so quietly that Zane barely heard her.

  “The point of what?” he asked curiously.

  “Of all of this.” She waved her hand around with a sigh. “This world was created to be enjoyed. Its beauty was meant to be pleasing to the eye, with humans gazing longingly into the peaceful scenery. No one enjoys it anymore; they’re too caught up in their daily problems that they don’t take a step back and relish in the fact that they’re alive. What’s the point of being given the ability to feel joy, sadness, hate, and love?” She glanced at him, her eyes searching his. “Why were we given these feelings when we aren’t allowed to act on them unless they fall within a specific set of rules?” She returned her gaze to the water, watching the moonlight dance among the waves.

  “Who says you can’t?” Zane asked as he gently grabbed Aria’s hand.

  “Everyone,” she replied softly.

  “Screw them.” He reached forward, gently turning her face towards him. “No one has the right to dictate how you live your life.” She stared up at him, her green eyes tracing the rough features of his face.

  “Just for tonight.” She replied softly, a smile crossing her face.

  “Just tonight.” Zane smiled as he leaned into her, relishing her soft sigh of relief. “It can be our secret,” he whispered as he kissed her.

  Aria’s body relaxed as she returned his kiss, temporarily escaping from all her worries. She leaned back until her body hit the rough sand, a small gasp left her lips as he moved on top of her, kissing her passionately. She returned his kisses with fervor, her mind and body needing more. She grabbed his back, pulling him closer as her hands fumbled with the hem of his shirt. He chuckled against her lips as he broke her grasp and quickly pulled off his shirt. She smiled as she ran her hands up his back, her fingers tracing his corded muscles. He quickly found her mouth again, his kisses soft yet desperate.

  “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her lips.

  “I missed you too.” She smiled as he gently lifted her up, pulling her shirt over her head. He laid her back down, gently kissing the side of her neck. She moaned softly and rolled her hips against him. He chuckled as he unbuttoned her jeans, gently pulling them down. His pants quickly followed as he tossed them to the side.

  Aria opened her legs, making room for him. He quickly positioned himself, leaning over her. She smiled up at him as he lowered his body towards her. His mouth quickly found hers again, a small gasp escaped her lips as he gently slid inside of her. He kissed her passionately as he continued a slow, gentle rhythm. She ran her hands up his back, pulling him closer to her. He increased the tempo as she arched her back, pushing her breasts against his chest. She moaned loudly, encouraging him to go faster. He could feel her body tense beneath his, she was on the verge of climaxing. He kissed the side of her neck and nibbled on her ear, sending her over the edge. His body tensed in response to hers, his release quickly following.

  Zane smiled as he gently rolled off her, pulling her into his chest. She sighed with satisfaction as she laid her head over his seal. She ran her hand across his chest, nonchalantly tracing his various tattoos.

  “I wish we could stay like this forever,” she sighed, a hint of sadness in her voice.

  “So do I,” he responded as he pulled her in closer. He gently kissed her forehead as he ran his hand up her back. Aria smiled up at him, her green eyes shining with love.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he responded with a smile. She laid her head back down and sighed with relief. Zane pulled her close, knowing this was probably the last time he’d get to hold her.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  The next morning consisted of gathering supplies and loading them onto The Persephone. They didn’t know exactly how long the trip was going to take, so they were bringing as much as they could. Zane was standing by the ramp, keeping track of everything that was being loaded onto the ship. Ryder walked by, carrying the satchel of angelic weapons. Kai followed him closely, carrying the chest of armor.

  “Where do you want these?” Ryder asked.

  “Put them in the Captain’s Cabin for now. That way we have easy access to them just in case.” Ryder nodded and walked onto the ship with Kai. Aria smiled at him as she walked up to the ship, carrying a barrel of flour. Zane returned the smile, his heart rejoicing from the attention. Bishop and Mikayla walked up to him; their faces filled with anxiety.

  “We need to ask you something.” Bishop looked at The Persephone, watching as Jackson and Liam brought more barrels of food.

  “What is it?” he asked as he scanned their faces, looking for a hint about what was on their minds.

  “I know we’re leaving this afternoon, but –”

  “We’d like to get married before we leave!” Mikayla finished for him, a nervous smile on her face. Zane chuckled as he looked at his best friend.

  “Of course,” he responded. “I think everyone would enjoy the festivities. It’ll be a nice distraction from all the fighting we’ve had lately.” Bishop and Mikayla sighed with relief. “What? Did you think I was going to say no?” He chuckled. “In fact, let’s wait to leave until tomorrow. You guys deserve a night of fun.” Bishop’s face fell in disbelief as Zane clapped his shoulder.

  “Seriously?” Bishop muttered.

  “Don’t make him change his mind.” Mikayla smacked Bishop playfully. “Thank you, Zane.” She smiled as she grabbed Bishop’s hand. “We’ll get back to the preparations, Keira and Anne are ecstatic. Hell, even Myra is helping us!” Mikayla giggled softly. “She’s never had a special occasion to dress up for. I think she’s been secretly waiting for a reason to wear a dress.” Mikayla gently pulled on Bishop’s hand, leading him away from the ship.

  “Thanks!” Bishop called out as he was dragged away. Zane smiled as he watched the couple walk down the beach and back towards the village. He turned and ran up the ramp onto the deck of The Persephone.

  “Meeting time!” he shouted so everyone could hear him. Ryder and Kai came out from the Captain’s Cabin, looking at him with confusion. Aria, Jackson, and Liam came rushing up from below deck. They gathered around him, waiting for him to talk. “Bishop and Mikayla are getting married today.” He smiled as he looked around the group. “We are going to put off leaving until tomorrow. I want them to have a proper wedding and after party.”

  “Which means lots of alcohol!” Jackson interrupted excitedly.

  “Yes, lots and lots of alcohol,” Zane chuckled in response. “I want everyone to finish loading the ship for tomorrow. Then find Bishop and Mikayla to see what you can do to help.” The group nodded with excitement as they left to finish loading the ship.


  Aria’s face was full of wonder as she looked around the beach. Some of the villagers had set up rows of chairs facing a wooden arbor that had been decorated with small, light blue flowers. The ocean could be seen through the arbor. Paper lanterns had been created and lined the aisle, their candles glowing softly.

  Mikayla had insisted that everyone should wear formal attire for the event. Anne had visited all the angels, making sure they had the proper clothes. She had stopped by Aria’s hut with a selection of dresses. Aria’s eyes lit with excitement as she looked over the gowns. She had chosen a soft pink halter dress, it fell just below her knees and fit her figure perfectly. Anne had forced her to wear ballet flats, insisting it was inappropriate to not wear shoes, even though they were on a beach.

  Ryder walked up next to her, he was wearing black slacks and a blue button up shirt. He smiled as he held out his arm. “Shall we find a seat?” he asked.

  “Of course.” She smiled as she slid her arm through his. They walked towards the aisle, choosing to sit in the back row. Kai and Myra joined them; Myra was wearing a red strapless dress. Her blue eyes dazzling with joy as she looked at the lanterns.

nbsp; “This is beautiful.” She smiled, the warm glow of the candles illuminating her face. Kai sighed with discomfort.

  “Yea, if you enjoy being dressed up like a showpiece for everyone to gawk at.” Kai pulled on the collar of his black button up, clearly uncomfortable. “I can’t wait to get out of this.” He looked around as the villagers began to fill in the empty seats. A man wearing a black suit walked up to the arbor, Bishop followed him closely. The man turned, standing in the center of the arbor. He smiled at Bishop as they looked at the crowd that had gathered. Bishop was wearing a black suit with a teal vest, he pulled nervously on the collar of his button up.

  A soft melody from a flute floated through the air. The attendants turned to watch the aisle. Riley and Anne came walking down the aisle. Riley’s suit matched Bishop’s while Anne was wearing a light blue dress. She was carrying a small bouquet of white and blue flowers. Jackson followed Riley, escorting a female Aria didn’t recognize. Liam was next, the female he was escorting had similar features to Mikayla. Aria’s breath caught in her throat as she saw Zane and Keira make their way down the aisle, smiles across their faces. Aiden came down the aisle next, carrying a small pillow with two rings on it. A little girl walked next to him, she was wearing a light blue dress and throwing white rose petals on the ground.

  The melody changed as Mikayla came forward, being escorted by a man that Aria didn’t recognize. Her face was bright and full of happiness as she looked down the aisle at Bishop. She was wearing a white dress with lace accents. Her brown hair was pulled away from her face in an elegant bun, loose curls had been left out to accent her face. Aria smiled as she turned to look at Bishop, his face full of pure joy. Mikayla walked down the aisle, the man handed her off to Bishop and shook his hand.

  Bishop and Mikayla turned towards the Pastor, who had opened a book. The ceremony was short and sweet, with Mikayla and Bishop reading the vows they had written. They passionately kissed as the Pastor announced them husband and wife. Cheers broke out from the crowd as they turned, smiling as they walked back down the aisle. The rest of the wedding party followed, forming a line behind the seating area. The attendees left their seats and made their way to the happy couple. Joy filled the air as the villagers congratulated Bishop and Mikayla.


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