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Run Page 3

by Anna White

“Wow right in there going in for the jugular.” He held his hands around his neck and I let out a tiny laugh.

  “I don’t know. Sophia seems to think you’re married with kids, that’s why you’re so secretive.” I raised my eyebrow and watched as his smile grew wider.

  “Absolutely no children for me thank you.” I chuckled. I loved the thought of having children. Children were wonderful.

  “So you have a wife?” I watched him slump his shoulders.

  “Nope. No wife.” He raised his hand and pointed towards his left hand. There was no sign of a ring. I exhaled and relaxed back in my chair.

  “What about you? Boyfriend?” I instantly shook my head and closed my eyes. The image of Ben popped in it.

  “No,” I stumbled on what to say next and I could feel my face filling with blood again.

  “Fabulous.” I watched as he winked at me. “So what are you drinking today? Have you eaten? We could get cake?” I suppressed a large grin and shrugged.

  “Cake sounds okay. I’ll have my normal.” I smiled towards him as he stood up. It was only now I noticed he was in a suit. A grey suit. It clung in all the right places and hung on others. It looked expensive and it probably was. I shook my head frantically. Stop staring at him. The man behind the counter was staring at him in probably the same manner I was. He glanced back towards me and I lifted my hand to wave. I blushed. Fuck sake. He carried our cups towards us with an air of grace and plonked himself down opposite me once more.

  “You still haven’t told me how old you are.” I stated matter of factly.

  “I’m old enough to be your dad.” My eyes widened instantly and my mouth dropped. “I’m 27 Avaya.” I picked my jaw up off the floor and nodded. Embarrassment seeping through my blood. “The waiter said they would bring our cake shortly. Have you eaten today?” I shook my head and glanced into my cup. I always loved the way they made patterns in the froth.

  “Not yet.” I muttered. I had suddenly gone shy.

  “But it's 11:30?” He prodded my arm and I shrugged.

  “I haven’t really been hungry.” I glanced back toward him and noticed his eyes were glazed over. There was a strange look in them that made me shift awkwardly in my seat and then it was gone again.

  “You look like you work out, do you?” He questioned and I smirked slightly.

  “No. In all honesty I detest working out.” Images of us in that Spin class last week flash in my head and I held in my giggle. “I dance.” I let my eyes wander over his face as I watched him nod. He was a handsome bloke. Some would say perfect. He looked every bit a grown up in his suit and tie. I truly believed him when he said he was old enough to be my dad.

  “I have a friend that danced.” His face twisted and I took a sip from my cup.

  “Oh you have friends?” I watched as a smirk crossed his face again.

  “You’re full of compliments aren’t you Miss Holt?” His eyebrows raised in a seductive manner. I glanced down towards his coffee cup to see he hadn’t touched it. The waiter had placed our cake on the table with two spoons. I felt my cheeks blush. This seemed intimate. “You carry on, you haven’t eaten all day.” I ran my hand across the table and picked up the fork before digging into the cake. It was good, the perfect way to start a day. I smiled to myself and caught myself examining his face. He looked like he didn’t belong here. Sat in this coffee shop, in front of me of all people. I saw a glimpse of him looking at my bun. I flushed crimson. There was the familiar sound of buzzing again and he held his phone to his face.

  “Conway,” I could tell he was about to stand again, but he didn’t he smiled in my direction and I swore this was the first time it had touched his eyes. “Right,” he began, “then just rearrange” there was another slightly longer pause, “fucking hell Della, I’m doing something personal,” he glanced towards me and smiled again. His big mud brown eyes gleaming again “something like that, now can you please hold them off for another 10 minutes and I’ll be there?” He winked towards me and my heart fluttered slightly. “Della, no 10 minutes.” He placed the phone down on the table and took a huge breath. I placed my fork on the plate and gestured at the cake.

  “You can have the rest, you seem like you’re in a rush to go.” The feeling of disappointment consumed me.

  “Everybody is always in a rush, the world stops for no man.” I nodded in agreement with him. He was right it didn’t. “I’d like to do this again though?” I had a glimpse of a softer side of him and I liked that side better than the cold and cocky Conway.

  “That would be nice.” I cleared my throat and pushed the wispy bits of hair behind my ears. “What’s so important that you have to go now?” I almost shivered at how cringe worthy and begging that question was.

  “I didn’t lie when I said I had a business, apparently nobody can make a decision without me,” He seemed unsettled and I nodded “I may have forgotten that there was a meeting today too.” I let out a small smile and rose to my feet. I held out my hand for him to shake but he held it to his mouth. I took a sharp intake of breath.

  “Thank you for the cake.” I muttered down at him. He seemed a little smaller from where I was now stood. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He flashed me a genuine smile and nodded.

  “Anytime Holt.” I smiled down at his big brown eyes and made my way away from the coffee shop. I may have just made a grave mistake going in there.

  Soph was lying sprawled out across my sofa again only this time she was snoring a little. I frowned and threw a pillow in her direction. She shot up and growled at me.

  “So tell us all about your date this morning with hotty.” Nancy looked great in even a pair of yoga leggings. Internally I was scowling and I hoped that it didn’t show on my face.

  “It wasn’t a date. I was lonely, you two had disappeared to uni and I was bored and hungry so I texted him.” I flushed and shrugged.

  “So he brought you cake?” I nodded at Soph and she grinned.

  “Fucking halilulia she’s moving on.” I laughed and held my stomach.

  “I didn’t need to move on, there was nothing to move on from.” I stated matter of fact like. I knew I was lying more to myself than them. I had really liked Ben. He seemed sweet but they saw right through him. I’d have been a trophy to him. I shook my head at the memory of me denying him sex. He wasn’t so sweet that night. He was horrid. I grimaced and landed back in the room. “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to do it, you know.” I admitted. I glanced at my two best friends and they looked horrified at my confession.

  “Honestly you don’t know what you’re missing out on.” They nodded at each other. I shook my head in defeat.

  “I bet he’s a God in the bedroom.” I rolled my eyes at their comments and padded across my living room to take a seat in the arm chair.

  “Please stop.” I couldn’t think about him. He made me feel so uncomfortable but he was funny. “I don’t think I fancy him?” I admitted. I could appreciate that he was hot. So so hot. But he was so unnerving and serious and he was 27! Nancy grinned.

  “Good because I fucking do.” My stomach hurt from giggling and I shook my head. I would never live this down if I didn’t sleep with him. There is no way they would let me live it down.

  Holt - Wednesday

  I was running late. So late. I promised Nancy I would take this class and I was late again. I shook my head as I ran through our gym doors. The force of the door hitting me in the chest made me re-coil backwards and then back forwards.

  “Fuck I’m sorry.” A low voice came from in front of where I was standing and I gripped the arm that was offered to me. I swallowed hard when I felt the strong forearm holding me in place.

  “No it’s okay, I was rushing and I,” my eyes stayed fixed on the ground. I was scared to look up.

  “Honestly it was my bad I’m sorry.” His voice was comforting and I braced myself for the let down. I took a glimpse of him. His eyes were sea blue. The bluest blue I’d ever seen in my life. I swallowed hard and let go of the
arm that was holding me in place. “You’re covered in water,” he gestured towards my hoodie and I shook my head, “here have this.” He pulled his from off his back in one foul swoop and I caught a glimpse of his perfectly defined abs. My whole body shivered. He sent feelings down my spine that I'd never experienced before in my life. He smelt beautiful. It was a scent I had smelt before but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. It was only now I could examine his face. His jawline was strong, the perfect amount of stubble carved it out perfectly. He moved his hair from his face, it was brown but more mousey I think I couldn’t quite make it out in this light. I struggled to take his hoodie from his arms. He was in a t-shirt now. It was loose but I could see his strong biceps and it was clinging to his chest. He worked out. He 100% worked out. My breathing had stopped again. I studied his eyes again. I could get lost in them.

  “I can’t take that.” I laughed. It was forced and I watched as his shoulders rose and fell.

  “You can, I have another one out there. Don’t worry about it.” I let my eyes wander towards his lips. They were full, heart shaped and kissable. I frowned at my thoughts and nodded towards him.

  “Thank you,” I looked behind us and moved slightly so he could pass me, “are you heading in or out?” I questioned him.

  “Out actually, you’ll have fun, it's a great class.” His smile didn’t meet his beautiful pools of blue and I nodded. My heart was thudding harder in my chest and I placed my hand over it. “See you around.” I smiled a weak smile at him. I hope to see you again. I watched as he jogged out of the large gym. My heart still pounding, I turned and carried his huge hoodie towards Nancy.

  “Are you excited!? I’m so excited!?” I nodded at her, my mind was full. Full of him. I pulled my hoodie off quickly and looked down towards his. It was light grey in colour and had the name ‘Vens’ on it embroidered in white. I pointed towards it and glanced up at Nancy, her eyes were full of concern.

  “Did you see a guy in here wearing this?” I questioned her. My words were barely audible. I watched as she shook her head and held her hands out to me.

  “No Av? Why what did he do to you? You look like you’ve just had the wind sucked from your lungs?” Ever to the point. A laugh left my mouth and she frowned deeply at me the little ‘v’ between her eyes was more apparent now.

  “You wouldn’t be wrong. I need to find him to return this that’s all.” I smirked to myself and watched as the rest of the dancers were stretching. “I could have sworn he said we’d have a great time here. He said it was a great class?” She shook her head as though she had absolutely no idea what I was talking about and I didn't. I was trapped in my own little bubble. A bubble of him. I glanced towards the front of the class and smiled at the man standing at the front. He looked slightly older than us, but not by much. I studied him stretching and warming up. He was darker in complexion, I’m guessing from the cainerows in his hair he was mixed and I watched as he winked at me. Nance giggled in my ear.

  “I’m sure I’ve seen his videos all over instagram and youtube?” She nodded at my statement.

  “Yeah and he’s just winked at you.” I shoved her shoulder and glanced at him looking at the hoodie I was clutching in my hands. His hoodie… Does he know him? I pulled the grey hoodie over my head and watched as it cascaded past my ass. It was absolutely huge. Fuck how big was he? I shuddered at the thought. I thought Mr Mysterious was hot but fuck me…

  “Earth to Av, did you hear a word I just said?” Nance was now holding her stomach laughing. I shook my head at her and she grinned. “Honestly Soph. She’s been like this since class. In a world of her own. I swear you asked her to go through the steps she wouldn’t have a fucking clue.” I laughed at her statement because it was true, so true. My mind was consumed by the blue eyed beauty who had nearly knocked me out with a door on my way to a dance class. I glanced down at his hoodie and grinned to myself.

  “I’m fine, honest.” I smirked up at Soph and she winked in my direction. Soph’s house was huge. Much bigger than mine. Nance and Soph were well off. Much more so than me. Their dad’s worked away a lot. I didn’t actually know what they did for a living and I doubt if I asked them they would know either.

  “Yeah you look it… Did you see Jamane staring at you?” Nancy threw the question my way and I nodded.

  “I did but I don’t think he was looking at me I think he was looking at this…” I pointed down towards the hoodie and she placed her hand over her chin. She often did this when she was thinking.

  “Hm maybe?” She placed her fingers over the name and I looked up towards her.

  “I’ve never heard that name before. It’s almost as weird as yours.” She was now poking me in the chest and I chuckled.

  “Yeah me either. I don’t think I’ll ever find him to return it to be honest…” The thought of not seeing him again made my chest twinge and I immediately shook the feeling off.

  “Whatever will you do?” She grinned at me and I looked away from her. She hadn’t seen him. Maybe then she wouldn’t be taking the piss. I stood up and placed the remote in Soph’s hand.

  “Did you speak to your cousin Harvey? Mum said we were invited to the wedding on the weekend is that right?” She nodded and clapped her hands.

  “Yes! I completely forgot sorry! Today has been a pig and these bloody dissertations are killing me...Who knew finance would be so hard?” She laughed slightly but I knew she wasn’t really laughing. She was probably screaming inside. She hated it but she had the brains and beauty, her father had made that very clear. She was an only child. We all were but her mum and dad had tried desperately for a boy to carry on the legacy and each time they failed. It was up to Soph to carry on once they had gone. I shook my head seeing the pain spread across her face. “So anyway,” she cleared her throat and closed her laptop quickly “Harvey said we could all come but we had to dress respectfully, that there would be loads of people from work there, you know like snooty wankers…” I tried my best to stop a laugh from exploding from my mouth but it didn’t work.

  “That makes sense considering he works for the same firm as my mum.” She gave me a sweet smile and nodded.

  “Perfect chance to bag a rich man…” Nancy smirked, her blue eyes glittered and I chucked.

  “So when do we have to be there?” I smiled at Soph who was making her way through the living room into the kitchen.

  “Reception starts at 6, so if we leave here at 5 we should get there.” She gave me a comforting smile and flicked the switch on the kettle. “Tea?” I nodded and nestled into the large grey sofa.

  Holt - Saturday

  I glanced around Soph’s bedroom. Her grey carpet was fluffy and soft against my feet. I relaxed instantly when I watched her appear from her little en-suite bathroom.

  “Why do you look so nervous?” She questioned softly. It wasn’t a side she showed much. She was so fucking hard faced 99.9% of the time and I shrugged. I had no idea why I was.

  “Maybe mum's boss will be there? She always looks so tired…” my voice trailed off into the distance and I watched as Soph pulled her fluffy pink towel closer to her body.

  “Lots of people will be there? Look it’s gonna be alright just go and have a bath, relax and get ready with me?” She gave me a reassuring smile and I nodded.

  “Great yeah thanks.” I gathered up the bath towel that was on the edge of her pink sheets and felt her hand placed on top of my shoulder.

  “I know you get nervous around crowds but I promise you that there's no need to be,” her almost amber eyes stared into mine “you’ve got Nance and me we’ll be there.” I nodded again and straightened in my posture.

  “You’ve both always been there.” I smiled a genuine smile in her direction. It was the truth, my mum moved here to escape my sperm donor when I was just 4 years old. Both of their mums housed us while we were looking for a place to live, I remember being tiny running around the dining room table playing tag with the ginger version of Soph.

��And we will always be, I promise.” Her words sounded sincere. I could count on them. I knew this. “So have you heard off Conway?” I blushed slightly and shrugged.

  “Yeah we’ve been for coffee a few times. It’s confirmed that there definitely isn’t anything there…” I recalled the moment where the initial reaction of him had worn off. He was mysterious in more ways than one but above anything else his humour was his best asset. “He was supposed to meet me yesterday to go through my cv so that I could get the ball rolling with jobs but he didn’t show.” My brow wrinkled as an image of me sat waiting in Starbucks for over an hour waiting for him reappeared in my head.

  “Doesn’t he usually say when he won’t be able to make it?” I snapped back into reality and examined Soph’s face.

  “Usually yeah he did say he was going away on business soon but I didn’t know when?” She nodded at my statement. There was pity filling her amber eyes and I smiled bleakly at her. She feels sorry for me. I made my way towards the bathroom. Talking about being stood up made my feelings about tonight even worse. Who didn’t make an effort to text to cancel? Fucking ass. I ran my bath and jumped in. The view from where I was perched was amazing, the fields that backed onto Soph’s house always calmed me down and I closed my eyes.

  Nance had arrived not long after I had my bath. She was flustered and was carrying bags. I frowned at the large white zipped up bags and pointed towards them.

  “What’s in those?” I asked. Her face lit up almost instantly and I shook my head, squeezing my towel tighter.

  “My mum brought them, for tonight, for us? She said we deserved a treat.” She grinned widely at Soph who was clapping her hands together in delight.

  “Open them!” She giggled. Both their families were well off, the house I was sitting in was evidence of that and receiving expensive gifts from their parents never got easier. I exhaled loudly as I stood up to help her unzip the first bag. I glanced at the name tag. ‘Sophia’ was scrawled across it in fancy handwriting. I heard her squeal and smiled to myself. I watched as she emptied the contents of the bag to see a beautiful mid length dress in a dark emerald colour. She beamed.


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