
Home > Nonfiction > Run > Page 35
Run Page 35

by Anna White

  “You don’t need a man to be happy?” I stated bluntly. She opened her watery eyes and I shrugged. “I’m being serious. I didn’t expect to be in this crazy situation either but here I am? Being in admin was never my plan Chlo. I wanted to travel the world with my friends.” I now felt uneasy. “Look my family is fucked too I wouldn’t know my dad if he smacked me in the face.” I laughed to myself and pulled myself up. “You’ve got loads of time.” I pulled gently on her arm to ease her to her feet and watched as she smirked at me.

  “Well when you put it like that we’ve all got it a bit messed up.” I laughed to myself as I ruffled her silky blonde bob. She left me alone in the rather barren looking bedroom and I made my way towards the huge sliding door looking out over the sea. The sun was beaming through the windows and even in the minimal room that was usually cold it seemed warmer. I wandered into the ensuite to brush my teeth with Harry’s toothbrush and smiled to myself as the bristles scratched the surface of my teeth.

  Sweat dripping from my forehead and my clothing was not a flattering look. The choreographer was amazing as he stepped through the routine. It quickly became apparent that this was not an easy class after all. I spotted Jamane and Marley in the back and Nance was stood next to me with a look of shock written across her face. Arianna’s God is a Woman played through the hall and I grinned. I loved this song. We stepped through the routine and eventually I picked it up. My heart raced after the class and as the gym emptied of bodies, I glanced at the floor which was covered in water from the amount of people who were just there, reaching down to grab my bag off the floor Nance smiled at me and I glanced towards the choreographer who was staring at us.

  “What’s he looking at?” I muttered towards her. She was shrugging and smiling at him. He practically skipped over towards us and smiled broadly. His short black hair didn't move.

  “You guys are good, how long have you been dancing?” His sweet voice rang through the almost empty hall. Nance pushed her sweaty hair back and shrugged.

  “I’ve only danced from like 14? She danced all her life.” She pointed in my direction as I pushed her hand away softly from pointing at me and she bobbed out her tongue. I frowned before I looked back towards the door where Haz was stood. He was leaning against the door frame, dressed in shorts and a baggy t-shirt. My mouth dropped open slightly and I caught it before looking back at the choreographer. He was smiling as he patted Nancy’s shoulder. I smiled to myself and wiped my sweaty hands down my grey leggings. I made my way away from Nance who was now chatting and snook to hug Harry. He almost grimaced as I squeezed him and I chuckled before I took his hand in mine.

  “Where were you this morning?” I raised my brow as he twirled me around to the music that was playing in the background. I was sure it was Robin Thic - Everything I can't have.

  “I went to teach the kids a boxing class.” His voice was husky, we didn't stop dancing.

  “You teach boxing?” He smirked and shrugged as I continued to step through old Latin/Salsa steps that went with the background music.

  “Yeah I’m alright at it I suppose.” I laughed a whole laugh and glanced into his blue eyes. I smiled softly before he continued to dance. I smirked as he danced salsa with me.

  "I didn't know you could Salsa?" I smirked and watched him spin me again.

  "There's still a lot you don't know about me." He gave me a cheeky wink and spun me around again. I chuckled as the music got louder. I was shocked that he could even do this. He was so bloody big I never imagined he'd be light enough on his feet to do salsa. The words 'I want everything I can't have." Played through the air as he dipped me back and the music stopped. My hand was placed on his face and he grinned against my lips. There was clapping from a few people and as we stood up properly the room began to fill with people. I blushed instantly and watched him pull his cap back on his head.

  "Bloody hell you two have some chemistry." The choreographer whistled as he walked up to us and his eyes danced over us. "Was that a routine?" I watched as Haz shook his head and chuckled a little.

  "Nah she just tests me." He gave me a sideways smile and I heard Nance let out a hearty laugh.

  "To be honest if I was her I'd be taking you home now…" I reached to smack Nance and watched her wriggle her brows. "Got some cute pics though. You pair were all lost in the moment." I laughed and shrugged.

  "Gheeze thanks Nance." I rolled my eyes and glanced back at the bloke stood shaking Haz's hand.

  "If you ever want to take a class?" I smirked and watched him nod.

  "Yeah thanks." I grabbed my bag off the floor and made my escape from the class before people started to ask questions about it and heard him jogging to keep up.

  “You move beautifully you know. I love watching you dance.” I flushed red before I nudged him with my arm.

  “Even if it makes me a sweaty mess?” I grinned to myself as he picked me up and I laughed.

  “Yes. Sweaty mess or not you're my sweaty mess.” He nibbled on my neck as I giggled and felt him drop me down. He pulled me softly towards his car and I watched as he looked at the time on his watch.

  “Is there anything going on this evening with it being a Thursday or are we free?” My voice was quiet and he stroked my hand. We stood for a few seconds in the car park of the gym.

  “Nah nothing going on there’s a place I’d like to take you though?” I glanced down at my sweaty gym clothes and shook my head.

  “Not like this I’m disgusting.” I heard his low chuckle and shook my head.

  “Obviously I’m taking you back home to get changed but then we can go.” I nodded, accepting his request and made my way towards his car.

  My mum wasn’t in when I got home, the house was silent and as I got changed I wondered who she was with. Now however I was quite happy sat in the huge leather passenger seat staring at a relaxed Harry. My eyes were shutting the longer we drove. The thick forest around the tiny lane we were driving through was blocking out any sunlight that could be blinding us. I felt him rest his hand on top of mine as the car slowed to a stop. I prized open my eyes as I looked up at him. I squeezed his hand softly and smiled to myself.

  “So where are we? I feel like I may be about to be murdered.” I laughed as he shook his head all whilst smirking.

  “I wouldn’t murder you and we’re at my dad's favourite spot when he came to visit.” I hauled myself from the car and he joined me before I followed him up a discrete looking path. The warm sunshine was now seeping through the thick of the trees that surrounded us and I gripped his arm. It was quiet here as we walked slightly further onto a boarded deck that led to water. I gasped as I took in the view that was in front of my eyes. The lake spanned for miles. The decking beneath us creaked underneath our weight and I felt him rest his arm around me. Automatically my head buried into his side and I heard him sigh.

  “When I was much younger dad used to bring Juve down and we used to sit out here for ages just fishing or crabbing.” The wind swept through his hair as it gust past us. The expression on his face was unreadable. “I’ve only ever brought 1 other person here and that was Holly.” My stomach twisted. All I wanted to do was release him from my grip however he was holding on tight.

  “There are things that nobody knows happened here and I wanted to show you where things happened and why?” He had that lost little boy look in his eyes again. The one that made my heart swell and my breathing stop. I squeezed him softly and nestled my head in his chest.

  “So what happened with her?” My voice was a whisper. Part of me didn't want to know the answer to this question. I couldn't imagine her ever being ‘normal’ I winced as he breathed and I took in the view of the lake.

  “I had to make a decision and turns out it was the wrong one. He got her claws on her and she’s been like that ever since.” I frowned to myself.

  “Why is she still with them? Why doesn’t she leave?” The warm breeze swirled around us as I looked out of the near still lake that was in front of u

  “She can’t leave.” His statement was blunt which made me believe that this was a good time to move the conversation on.

  “I don’t mean to pri Haz. We’ve got plenty of time to talk about stuff?” Though the words left my mouth I was unconvinced by them. I frowned to myself as I moved away from him slightly.

  “I know and that’s another reason I brought you here. I don’t want us to hide what we’ve got.” He glanced down towards where I was stood and he almost gazed through me. I glanced back out towards the calm waters and spotted the house perched on top of the cliff face. It looked to be abandoned. Saddened by the sight of the old house I turned back to drink in more of my Harry. “If he’s going to get you he’ll find you no matter what I do. I can’t hide the best thing that’s happened to me any longer.” My heart filled and began to race as his sweet confession slipped from his mouth. I moved closer towards him, I tiptoed to kiss him softly.

  “That’s fine by me Vens.” I grinned against his lips as he pulled me closer towards his body and deepened our kiss.

  Holt - Sunday

  Alone in my own room, in my own house suddenly felt rather bizarre. I guessed mum was at work as I couldn't smell any food cooking nor could I hear any dreadful singing. My phone buzzed and as I picked it up I saw a tag on Instagram. Usually it was a tag from a dance class, one I'd danced in and the choreographer had posted it. I'd assumed this would be the case too. I ran my fingers over the pictures that I was tagged in. There were a few pictures of us dancing salsa and I blushed as I realised even through pictures you could tell how much he made me beam.

  'I had just finished teaching a class, these photos were taken by a friend. They had no idea people were watching them. They were lost in music, rhythm and each other by the looks of things. I've never felt chemistry quite like it. They didn't even realise they were dancing until the music stopped. They lit a spark for me that I've been missing for years. Thank you.'

  He'd tagged me in it and me only. I ran my hands over the photo where I am being dipped low to the ground, my leg is wrapped around him and I'm holding his face, we're both smiling though his was more of a smirk and I chuckled a little. There was also one of him twirling me around and I laughed a little at that one. I shared the photo of him twirling me to my story and smiled.

  I typed #ilovetodance over the photo and shared it. I scrolled through the comments section of the choreographers post. There was so much love for us. It made my heart burst.

  I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing. I groaned. I fumbled around in the bottom of my bag to try and find my phone.

  "Yes?" I heard her begin to laugh.

  "So fill me in?” The boyfriend?” Confusion began to fill my head. What is she talking about? I laughed nervously at her.

  “Nance I have no idea what you’re talking about?” We hadn't really spoken about the day at the wooden bridge or what that meant for us. She began to giggle.

  "It was the first thing I saw on Facebook this morning? Have you not checked it?" I began to laugh nervously and I shook my head. He wouldn't... Would he?

  "Facebook really?" Her pause made me feel uncomfortable. "Nance?" I moved my phone from my ear and placed it back.

  "Yes Facebook he changed his thing this morning and tagged you in one of those life events things…” I rolled my eyes. “Honestly you should see all the bitter people bickering on there it’s such a good read…” I smirked at her outburst of gossip and I grinned to myself. I missed her.

  "We didn’t really talk about this happening to be honest.”

  “Yeah well they’re all a bit weird if you ask me.” I cackled as she paused. "You’re alright though yeah?” She seemed to be getting a little one edge. "I swear if he ever makes you ill again I’ll chop his dick off and make him eat it." I choked back my laugh because I knew she meant every word she was saying and heard her sigh.

  "I’m fine honestly and thank you for your support.” She let out a small chuckle.

  “I’ll see you later? I’ve gotta get ready for my first day of work in the morning.” I could imagine her big cheesy grin as she went quiet.

  “Okay fine. See you next week?” I nodded and placed down my phone. I was now incredibly nervous to look at my phone. I braced myself for these comments and began to slide through them as I slipped back on my bed. Notifications popped up quicker than I could keep up. I frowned and opened Facebook laughing awkwardly when I saw what he'd done. 'Harry Vens is in a relationship with Avaya Louree Holt' oh god we're official. I noticed the photo he had uploaded of us both, it was one I’d never seen before. I was pretty sure it was at The Top Hat. His head was resting on my shoulder, we’re smiling and I’m cupping his face. I blushed just looking at it. My face felt as though it was about to burst. I couldn't even recall when that photo had been taken. I sat stunned as I browsed through the comments.

  'Go on lad.' 'I thought you were gay?' A few girls had commented on it. Still laughing to myself I text him.

  “You really did that hey?” I raised my brows to myself and chuckled as I flexed in my bed.

  The house was eerily quiet throughout the day and I found myself ironing, cleaning and cooking as well as drinking copious amounts of tea. My mum eventually walked through the door, her arms were bursting with books, diaries and her laptop. I scooped up as much as I could and examined her face. She was upset.

  “Has Jay upset you?” I watched as she shot me a look of disapproval. “Because I swear to God mum if he has…” She shook her head as she placed all of the things she was holding down on our dining table.

  “I have a lot to do. Freddie is really demanding. I’m starting to wonder if he’s going to treat you like dirt too.” Tears started to prick in her eyes and I shook my head.

  “I think I’ll be alright and if I’m not, then I’ll tell him where to go as I make my way out of the building?” I flashed my best grin at her and she chuckled as she wiped her eyes. I hated seeing her upset.

  “That’s my girl.” She muttered before she flicked down the kettle. I folded my arms across my body after I placed down the piles of paper I had in my grip.

  “Has Jay not said anything to him about pilling on you? I thought you worked for him?” She simply shook her head as she placed a tea bag in her favorite mug.

  “I haven’t said anything yet. He’s supposed to be coming around shortly with Harry? They want to take us out for dinner?” My mouth almost dropped instantly as I frowned. He hadn’t spoken to me all day. IHe’d updated our relationship status on social media without warning me but he ignored my message this morning. “He’ll see for himself when he gets here.” She pulled out one of the wooden chairs and took her seat before she opened up her laptop. “Be a dear and make your mum a cup of tea please?” I nodded and poured the boiling water into the cup and watched as steam escaped into the air.

  “When did he tell you we were going out for dinner then?” I questioned as I heard the laptop keys tapping underneath the pressure of her fingertips.

  “Erm around an hour ago I think.” She didn’t look up as I handed her the cup with steaming hot tea. I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket and smirked as I saw his name flashing on my screen.

  “Av?” His voice was timid.

  “Yes?” My tone was sharp.

  “Has your mum told you about dinner?” I nodded and realised he couldn’t see my response..

  “Yeah she has?” There was an almost awkward air to our conversation and I paused waiting to hear if he’d finish the conversation.

  “You pissed off?” I scrunched up my face and took a breath outwards.

  “Why would I be pissed off?” I questioned. I could imagine him leant against something in joggers and bit down on my lip.

  “I updated Facebook but I didn’t say anything to you first?” A small laugh escaped my lips.

  “Oh no, I’m actually pretty impressed you know how to work Facebook you old man.” I heard him chuckle and I looked towards my mum who was now tilting her h
ead whilst she looked at me.

  “Hey I’m 26 I’m not old.” I smirked and shrugged.

  “Old man.” I teased again and pictured him rolling his eyes.

  “Well old or not you still want me.” I laughed.

  “That’s true.” I smiled, winked at my mum and went to sit at the top of the stairs. “Are you not worried about you know who?” I placed myself on the stairs and leant against the rails.

  “Terrified.” He breathed. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” He confessed and I smiled to myself. I loved hearing him confess things for the first time. It somehow made me love him a little more.

  “Surely you and Holly?” I began and almost instantly cringed.

  “Av,” he was struggling and I knew it but I didn’t stop him. I wanted to know what their relationship was “we were really young.” I shook my head. It wasn’t good enough.

  “You were my age?” I spoke. My voice sounded solid. Maybe if I found out about her I could get my head around what happened to her a little better. “Did you love her?” He didn’t respond for a while. His breathing became heavier.

  “Jay wanted to take your mum out to thank her for all of her hard work over the last couple of months. I said I was hungry and then he realised that it would probably be weird if he asked her to dinner alone so he told her that he’d invited us.” He rambled on and I held the phone away from my ear. Anger bubbled slowly in the pit of my stomach the more he avoided my questions about her.

  “I’m sure if she knew the reason she wasn’t dining alone with Mr Conway she would be furious.” I heard him laugh a little and frowned. “What shall I wear?” I questioned, to try and end the phone call.

  “Nothing?” I shook my head and didn’t respond. “Nah I dunno anything? It’s called the Slug and something.” He was rambling again and I stood up to my feet.


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