Cassandra Goddess of Harmony

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Cassandra Goddess of Harmony Page 16

by Debbie Behan

  Woody pushed his hair back and crossed his arms. ‘Better than I expected for her first time. Broke through a couple of layers. However there’s a way to go before I get her relaxed enough to use her gifts naturally. She’s been through a lot, K. It’s not going to happen overnight.’

  Kayden nodded. ‘I thought as much.’ He gave her a quick glance of concern and then hid it with a smile. ‘You’re in good hands, sweetheart. If anyone can break through your wall of pain it will be this big lug. In the meantime, your horse is ready to go. Do you want to come and have a look?’

  They went over to the enclosure where Jason and Ethan were still with Starburst. There was another man there wearing a brimmed hat. He looked like a real farmer and stood talking to Conor. Cassie couldn’t help thinking how similar their physics were.

  ‘Tremaine, this is Cassie. Cass, this is my brother Tremaine,’ Conor introduced them.

  Tremaine took his hat off and shook her hand. Cassie wasn’t surprised to hear they were related although he did have hair, even though it was very short and dark. His nose was also flatter and wider and his lips were thinner. He smiled and that was when she saw Conor in him: his eyes shone golden-brown and he had the same cheek structure when his face lit up.

  ‘Hi, Cassie. Me bro ain’t shut up about you so it’s damned nice to finally put a face there to your name. I look after them there horses for me man K when he needs me. Today but I’m just here to observe. Stoked to have been able see how this little one stacks up. They tell me he’s your ride now.’

  ‘Yes, Starburst stole my heart the second I saw him, shaking and wobbling around and trying to stand up,’ she giggled, remembering. She walked closer to Tremaine as they both turned towards Starburst. ‘Fascinating how quickly he found his legs and then walked around like a real pro. Jeez, and we call ourselves the smarter race.’

  He laughed and nudged Conor. ‘Yeah okay, she’s all that and cute as a button and she’s right. Those darn horses of yours are way more intelligent than a man like me’s ever seen.’

  Conor slapped his back. ‘Just keep that on the down low, bro, we don’t want no one stealing any of them.’

  ‘Gotcha, bro. Anyways I have to get back to me farm there, boy. Can’t go dilly-dallying here all day with a bunch of misfit cowboys. Bad for me image.’ He tipped his hat to Cassie. ‘Ma’am, nice to finally meet you. If you get sick of these hard heads, call over for dinner one night. Let me show you what a real home-cooked meal tastes like. You can bring the K man too if you have to bring ‘im.’ He grinned cheeky-like at Kayden before looking back at Cassie. ‘Just stirring up your man there. Offer is there though. You’re both welcome for sure.’

  Kayden put his arm around her. ‘We’d love to, Tremaine. I’ll give you a ring.’

  Conor pulled Tremaine’s hat off him playfully. ‘Hey, what about the rest of us, bro?’

  Tremaine snatched his hat back off him, laughing. ‘I told your young lady, a real home-cooked meal. Me ovens not big enough to put the whole dang cow in to feed you lot,’ he said, getting on his horse. He tipped his hat. ‘Ma’am, K.’ He trotted off down the path.

  After he left, Conor continued grumbling about Tremaine trying to steal his girl with a roast. Kayden reminded him Cassie was really his girl, which made him grumble more. They all laughed when he stomped off, saying he was going to cook her a better home-cooked dinner, not like his dopey brother would make.

  ‘Now the dramatics are over,’ Ethan said, still smiling. He opened the gate for Cassie to join them. ‘Shall we?’ He gestured for her to follow him inside the pen. She jumped down off the fence and went through the gate. Jason slid easily off her horse and stood beside Starburst, waiting for her. Cassie went over to her horse and patted his stressed features.

  ‘What’ve they done to you, handsome?’ She clucked over him as she ran her hand down his legs and over his back the way she had seen Kayden do many times to the horses. She could feel he was sweaty and a little shaken but other than that he seemed to settle at her touch. She stood in front of him, patting the softness of his nose and watching his eyes. ‘Got anything left?’ she asked him and he got a wild look in his eyes like the one he had when he wanted her to chase him. She laughed and shook her head. ‘Not to play! To take me for a ride, silly,’ she grinned.

  He nodded and snorted. With Jason’s help she put her foot in the stirrup and swung herself up on him. She leant over near his ear. ‘You’re a big boy to get up on. We might have to practice that.’ She chuckled. ‘Now be gentle, boy, I’ve never ridden by myself before so this is new to both of us.’

  Ethan led Starburst around slowly at first while Cassie settled into the trotting pace.

  ‘Just feel him beneath you, Cass. It’ll help you relax into him and him with you.’ She closed her eyes and could feel his rhythm and his strength. He was gorgeous and as if he could feel her too, he started to trot, then almost to glide. Cassie opened her eyes and realised they were both enjoying each other so much that they were actually off the ground. He never even needed wings. He flew using his own magic combined with hers. They eased back onto the ground and came to a stop.

  Cassie looked around. There was total silence. The men had shocked expressions. ‘He’s a little miracle. He knows how to tap into my power.’ She patted him, very proud of her clever horse. ‘You won’t even need those wings, will you, boy?’

  Kayden came through the gate. ‘I knew I had to save him for a reason. He wanted to be with you all along,’ he said, lifting her off him. ‘That was surreal, very clever.’

  ‘He’s a dream to ride but I think he’s had enough for one day.’

  Ethan agreed and took Starburst to clean him up and give him a well-deserved drink and a feed.

  After a long, hot shower, Cassie ambled out into the kitchen. Conor was stirring gravy and still looking glum. She could smell the aroma of a well-cooked dinner filling the air. Slipping her arm around Conor’s waist, she hated the vibe of rejection he was feeling from his brother. He put his arm over her shoulder, still stirring the pan.

  ‘Want me to go sort him out for stirring you up or go give him a little zap, knocking him right off that horse of his, flat on his butt?’

  Conor chuckled. ‘It’s okay, Cassie. He just knows you’re special to me and is trying to push my buttons to make me angry enough to talk to him. I get it really. He has to work his butt off and all he sees me do is party and get with the girls. He’s told me he knows something big is going on and it frustrates him that I keep it hidden.’

  ‘You know I would never go hang with him without you. When Kayden makes a day, I’ll get him to tell just you, okay? The three of us will sneak off and go eat his dinner and then I’ll help you beat him at cards. Then if you still feel unhappy I’ll just have to make good on that threat and zap his hiney anyway. How’s that sound?’

  He grinned and hugged her. ‘Why do you care?’

  ‘Woody told me how you guys feel me now we’re connected. You know, about that hum that makes you want to be near me.’

  He nodded and looked surprised that Woody had told her.

  ‘Well, times that by five and you will feel what is inside me. So if you’re sad, then I’m feeling sad too, me boy.’ She grinned. ‘Bet you all didn’t know that. It started as soon as we ate our first meal together.’


  Cassie nudged into him. ‘Hey, but it is our little secret, okay? No way do I want my man getting himself all worked up that I can feel you all too.’

  ‘You didn’t even tell Woody.’ He chuckled, looking a lot happier that only he knew her secret.

  She shook her head. ‘Now give me another one of those hugs and go take a shower while I dish up. Goddamn, you can cook,’ she giggled, sniffing the air as he took off for a shower.

  Kayden caught the tail end of the conversation Cassie had with Conor. He couldn’t remember a time when the
men looked so completely happy and so at ease with one another. They had gone from a confident five to a feeling of oneness. The magic of Cassie was a gift to them all.

  Chapter Fifteen

  My Prince

  It was a stinking hot evening and that night after dinner they all cooled off in the lake at the back of the property. Afterwards Woody and Jason built a fire for them to dry off. Cassie cuddled up to Kayden, worn out from her session with Woody and glad for the warmth as the nights seemed to get chilly of late. It had been one of those fabulous days, one of the ones you slide into your memory bank to retrieve on a bad day. By the sound of some of the stories now being told, there were going to be a few of those. Her man’s body was warm and the eyes she was trying so hard to keep open, shut with a thud. Almost overcome with sleep, she listened as the stories of other missions changed to the new threat in the galaxy. She smiled, imagining them waiting for her to conk out before bringing up something they thought might make her worry and in turn, hinder their fun together. She was sure they could smell her fear and she so wanted to change all that, to toughen up and become more confident and gutsy. Hopefully that would stop them treading on eggshells around her.

  In her fog, their voices still made sense and she could almost feel the evil that breathed down their necks. This man’s name was Aldebaran and this dark wizard had a friend, a tyrant called Conom. Both were powerful rulers and both were determined to take over the constellation of Orion’s Belt. Both were hell-bent on destroying anyone who dared to stand in their way. As she listened to them work out a game plan to stop the feud and bring reconciliation, sleep overcame her. She felt safe enough with those around her to drift into a dreamy world of darkness and peace.

  Eyes blurry from too deep a sleep, Cassie was surprised when she woke to find they had camped out all night. A sudden jolt of excitement gripped her: she had never slept outdoors before. It was nice to wake up and see all her friends still hanging out, even if they were asleep. The boys were lying on sleeping bags around the fire. They must have been in a deep sleep as they were breathing heavier than they did when they rested before a mission. Then she saw the empty carottles of starstarters they had brought back from the last mission and understood their comatose states.

  Kayden still had her securely in his arms and her movement woke him up.

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you,’ she whispered as she rolled around to face him. His eyes were dreamy and loving and he started kissing her gently around her neck and then her face until he found her lips, groaning as his feelings overwhelmed him.

  ‘Shh, you’ll wake the others,’ she giggled.

  He put his head up and saw they were not in bed. ‘Crap!’

  ‘Shh,’ she chuckled again.

  He stood and pulled Cassie to her feet, taking her around to the other side of the truck. He leant up against it and pulled her into him again, covering her lips with his hot mouth while his tongue explored the sensitive and sensual parts of her mouth. ‘I could eat you all up, baby, you taste so delicious,’ he groaned.

  ‘Later, bad boy, you have to go check the horses first.’

  His eyes roamed over her and he grinned with a naughty, boyish look.

  ‘Kayden, behave.’ She slapped his arm playfully

  He stepped away from her and put his hands up, smiling. ‘Okay, but I’m coming back to get you, my lovely and sending this riff-raff home. I have something very special in mind for you today and you’ll want it to be private.’

  ‘Wow, the mind boggles.’ Cassie did a little wiggle and twirl for him, lifting the edge of her T-shirt up to stir him before skipping off laughing.

  Kayden pounced on her like a lion and snatched her up in his arms, growling deeply into her ear while nuzzling her hair. ‘You’re so wicked, woman. Now behave until I get back or look out,’ he said, putting her down.

  Jason lifted his head up, rubbing his eyes. ‘Hang on, K,’ he said pulling on his boots as he watched Kayden head for the truck. ‘I want to come and check on Starburst, make sure yesterday hasn’t rattled his chain.’

  Kayden nodded, waiting.

  Woody also stirred and jumped up refreshed, showing no side effects of all the alcohol he would have consumed. He threw some more wood on the fire poking at it with a stick. Ethan and Conor both just groaned at the noise, rolled over and went back to sleep.

  The morning was crisp with the fragrance of fresh redwood in the air. It felt so peaceful just listening to the crackle of the flames as they bit into the dry wood. Cassie plonked down next to Woody, who put a friendly arm around her. ‘Feel like working with me for half an hour while it’s quiet?’

  She didn’t refuse. She felt like he had lifted a great weight off her in the last session and looked forward to learning more about her own abilities. What he had her doing already had amazed and excited her

  He smiled at her enthusiasm. ‘Just want to check your concentration after yesterday, see if you held it.’

  ‘No probs, I am all yours.’

  ‘Okay, cutie. I need you to be serious for me. Imagine we’re on the other side of the lake and take us there—no dunking me in that water.’

  Cassie looked over to the other side and then closed her eyes and concentrated. The temptation to drop him in that water was just too strong and she stopped and shook her head. ‘You really shouldn’t have put that thought in my head. I can’t get past it.’

  ‘Cassie.’ He sounded firm, no nonsense.

  ‘Boy, no guessing who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,’ she mumbled and closed her eyes again. She felt him with her as she visualised the other side of the lake. It was only after she felt them moving did her eyes open, allowing the magic of the moment to flow through them as they gently floated towards the opposite embankment. The sensation although strange left her empowered, determined and focused as she concentrated on Woody’s arm around her so she could keep them moving. The spot she had chosen to set them down was coming closer as the thought popped back in her head about dunking him. It was just too strong and she started to let go of her new found gift when she heard him whisper in a grumpy voice, ‘Cassandra.’

  Something frightened her. It was what he called her. She shook violently as she fought to regain control. Once they sat back on solid ground, tears stung her eyes. Her breathing was uncontrollable and she was beginning to panic. She struggled to get up but Woody kept a firm grip on her. ‘Woody, let me go or I’m warning you, I will make you!’ she fumed at him.

  ‘Shh … work with me, talk to me,’ he said sweetly and kissed her head. ‘Tell me what you’re feeling.’

  ‘Angry!’ she snapped.

  ‘What memories did it just bring back?’

  Frustration and uncertainty weakened her mood. ‘My mother was the only one who ever called me Cassandra. I never once saw fear in her eyes and yet she never once stuck up for me. I was her child, her daughter. Woody, why?’

  ‘Maybe she knew where you inherited your powers from, Cassie. Maybe she was special also and kept it a secret so she could live a normal life. She would have been exposed herself if she pandered to you. You must have got it from one of your parents.’

  Cassie breathed out a big sigh of relief. Could that have been it? she thought. ‘I never thought about it like that. She may have struggled and suffered for years. I know how hard it was for me to hide away my natural abilities. She must have gone through hell trying to hide as well. I always thought I was just a freak. Hereditary never came to mind.’

  ‘It still doesn’t excuse her behaviour toward you, Cassie. You should forgive her. It will help you heal but never feel sorry for her. She made her choice and it made her a terribly selfish and dangerous guardian to you. You deserved so much better.’

  Cassie felt calmer. She was blown away by how smart and caring Woody was. ‘You always make me feel like I’m so worthy.’

; He squeezed her gently. ‘You, my dear Cassandra, are the most precious gift that anyone could ever dream of.’

  She searched his face and almost smiled. ‘It didn’t cut me when you said it that time.’

  ‘Because your name is beautiful and when you hear it I want you to remember it the way it was meant to sound.’ He stood up, pulling her to her feet with him. ‘No more today. Kayden’s just returned and is looking for us.’

  They walked back around the other side of the lake. Kayden did seem anxious. ‘We’ve been summoned,’ he revealed to them while searching Cassie’s face. Without thinking, he tucked her hair behind her ears as if he was looking for something, maybe trying to read her mind through her facial expressions. ‘How is she, Woody? Will she be okay to ride on her own? It’s a renegade star this time. I’ll need to be hands-free to help you. Zoren wants it extinguished.’

  Cassie spun around and eyed Woody, remembering Kayden had told her it was Woody she must convince. ‘Woody, please. I won’t muck around, I promise. You’re teaching me. I get it now.’

  He crossed his arms, looking up at the sky, the muscle in the side of his neck twitching as he thought about his answer.

  ‘Please. I promise I won’t even smile unless you tell me to.’

  He bit his lip and she knew he was trying not to grin at the pleading look she was giving him. ‘Don’t let me regret it, Cassie. You have to do everything you’re told without even thinking about it. If you have any crazy thoughts at all, Starburst will feel it and you could endanger both your lives. Do I make myself perfectly clear? Not a twitch unless you’re instructed to.’

  ‘Perfectly clear, not a twitch. Thanks, Woodsta. Starburst is going to be so excited when I tell him.’ She let out a yahoo and hugged Kayden, excited.

  Before following the men down to the satellite room beneath the barn, Cassie stopped quickly to tell Starburst. He seemed to understand and then gave her crazy look.


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