Cassandra Goddess of Harmony

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Cassandra Goddess of Harmony Page 32

by Debbie Behan

  Arriving at the destination, they found only a big old green door. Standing against the door was a huge obese man who had a sumo wrestler look about him. After getting permission for them to go inside, they entered, going up the darkened stairs. Coming to another door, it opened into a games room. It was full of cigar smoke mixed with the odour of expensive leather. The lounges flanked a large round table that had huge comfortable leather chairs pushed up against it. Here a dark-haired man sat, his expression unreadable. Jason was in a chair over by the far corner, held by the shoulders by two oversized goons. One had scars and a patch on his eye, the other had so many piercings on his face and ears that Cassie was surprised he could even hold his head up straight.

  Goddamn, they look bad arses.

  Conor and Ethan both had men standing over them with weapons drawn. It looked like Jason had tried to stick up for the boys and was being subdued and kept away from them under tighter security.

  It was obvious without asking that the guys had been playing cards and had become over-confident and lost, not having enough cash to cover their debt.

  Woody crankily asked what they owed.

  ‘Ten G,’ the man sitting at the end of the table said with an accent. Maybe South African, Cassie thought as she eyed him, coming to the conclusion that he looked like a mean sucker and not one to be stuffed around. His eyes alone held a tone of impatience, showing them that even having to bother with this situation was an insult. He looked about two seconds from giving the order to take the lot of them down and with this firepower someone was bound to be shot or worse. His men looked very trigger happy, especially the one with the eye patch.

  One of the armed men finished counting the money Woody and Kayden emptied from their wallets. ‘Still five G short, Mono,’ he said to the man at the end of the table.

  The man they now knew as Mono sat eyeing Cassie with a steady gaze as if he was trying to work out if she was someone he knew. He looked a mean mother and yet he was from a world she knew so well. With his jewelled watch and gold chains, down to the expensive suit and brand of shoes that her stepfather used to wear, everything about him screamed money and worst of all, arrogance. He had dark hair, an olive complexion and eyes so black with annoyance that they were just glistening pits within sockets.

  Kayden stepped closer to him and the guard beside him pointed guns at him. ‘Look, man, we have the money. We can double it if you wait until the bank opens in the morning. Let’s just calm down and I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. What do you say?’ Kayden knew his boys were in trouble and was trying to defuse the situation.

  Mono seemed calm on the outside but underlying anger was showing in his eyes. ‘I won’t be here in the morning. I’ve given them long enough to come up with what they owe me.’ He summoned his guards to take it out of their hides and the guards moved toward them. Cassie could see this was not going to end nicely.

  ‘Wait!’ She put her hand up and sexily walked over to the table, lifting her tight skirt slightly so she could lean on it, looking Mono directly in the eye. The split was up to her thigh and her boobs spilled teasingly from her top, showing just a little lace from her low-cut bra. His eyes roved over her body without expression but certainly not with distaste.

  ‘How about you and I play a real game of cards, sugar and if I win, my friends and I all walk out of here owing you zip,’ she said with a rather sleazy drawl.

  ‘And if I win?’ He seemed slightly amused.

  Cassie moved her hands gently off the table and ran them slowly over her hips and down her thighs, straightening her dress and talking quietly. ‘Then all bets are off, we take you down and you walk out of here with nothing but a headache from being thrown against that back wall,’ she said, smiling sweetly. She looked sideways at Kayden and he winked so she knew he was okay with it.

  ‘And who, may I ask, out of you lot, will be tough enough to throw me against the wall?’

  She walked a little closer, slowly, so as not to startle him and as she did she ran her finger on the table then put it in her mouth and sucked it sensually, closing her eyes as if she were enjoying more than just the finger. Seductively pulling it from her lips she opened her eyes and grinned. ‘Um—that would be me,’ she said again, so honey-smooth that it even surprised herself.

  He threw his head back and laughed. It was a truly amused laugh so her plan to seduce him into a game felt inevitable. ‘Because you amuse me I will play the best out of three hands,’ he gestured to his guard who pulled out a chair for her. ‘Drink?’ he said, clicking his fingers to the bar person who practically ran to him to see what he wanted.

  Cassie smiled back. ‘Shot glass, rum, straight up,’ she said.

  He sat back in his chair and she was thinking that maybe the guys had better get ready for plan B. This one was a challenge and so far with his poker face she had been unable to read him. But she still had a few tricks up her sleeve to thaw out Mr Freeze. She pulled the clip out of her hair and shook the long locks out, letting the curls fall sexily around her shoulders. Still there was not an expression she could pick, yet as she shook her head slightly, there was a definite glint that flickered in his eyes. Gotcha, she thought as she searched his poker face for anything else.

  He leaned back, watching her antics. ‘This may be the conman getting conned. I’ll be watching you, lady, so no tricks.’

  ‘No sleeves,’ she said, lifting her hands up. ‘Are you telling me a little five-foot nothing female has you running scared?’

  ‘Not at all. I’m amused that you’d think you would even be good enough to play against someone like me but it is your boys’ funeral not mine if you lose.’ He shuffled the cards.

  ‘I would like to request a new unopened pack, not that I don’t trust you but neither of us then have reason to believe the other has cheated.’

  ‘Fine,’ he said, annoyed again as he summoned a new pack that he quickly pulled the wrapper from. ‘Any other requests before we start?’ he asked sarcastically.

  She sculled her drink and put the glass in front of him, at the same time gesturing for him to drink his. ‘Yes, one last request. Keep them coming unless of course you’re unable to handle a couple of drinks with your opponent.’ She smiled, angel-like.

  He looked at her for a minute and must have decided against what he was going to say and downed his drink, knocking on the table for two refills.

  Cassie won the first hand, tossing another shot down and gestured for him to do the same. He was a bit moody and so she thought she would lull him into a false sense of security and let him beat her in the next round.

  ‘Mono,’ she smiled. ‘You have an extremely pleasant accent, South African isn’t it?’ She tried to sweet-talk him.

  ‘Shut the hell up. Your pleasantries won’t get those impudent fools from getting what’s coming to them,’ he said, concentrating on his cards.

  ‘And your sweet-sounding voice will not stop what is coming to you,’ she said gulping down yet another, motioning for him to keep up. He drank and slammed the glass against the wall. It shattered as it hit the tiled floor, the sound breaking through the deadly quiet room.

  She shook her head. ‘Temper, Mono. I imagined you as a much better adversary than this.’ Cassie motioned for another drink as he dealt out the last hand.

  ‘You’re far too beautiful to be so damn annoying,’ he said and played his hand.

  He then seemed in a better mood when he won the next round but on the final hand, after he flipped over his last card and she had beaten him, all his anger came back. He stood up, flinging his chair back. ‘What is your name, young lady?’ he asked.

  She stood up, putting her hand out confidently to shake his hand. ‘Cassie. That would be Mrs Cassie Hunter.’

  He stood glaring at her for a minute and a strange look come over his face as he finally took her hand. ‘Well then, Cassandra Hunter,’ he said, beco
ming calm. ‘It’s been very interesting meeting you although I can’t say I enjoyed it totally,’ he said, kissing her hand and staring into her eyes, trying to soak her in as if not wanting to ever forget her. ‘You and I will definitely be meeting again and when we do you must give me a chance to redeem my money,’ he said, letting go of her hand. With an air of arrogance he swept out of the room, not even taking the time to glance at anyone else, his guards following closely behind him.

  Jason, Conor and Ethan were up like a shot, fussing over Cassie. ‘You were unreal,’ Jason said, thanking her at the same time as the other two.

  Kayden came in and snatching Cassie off them while he gave the boys an I’ve warned you about touching my woman look. Cassie gladly fell into his arms. Totally wiped out and wanting to get the hell out of there, she had to wait for Woody to finish growling at the guys. And boy, was he going to town on them.

  ‘If Cassie hadn’t bailed you numskulls out it would have been a blood bath and we may all have ended up either in hospital or dead! We don’t need this sort of exposure and you know it!’ He was yelling now.

  The disciplining went on for a further few minutes with lots of cursing before they backed down and promised to behave. ‘I don’t even want to look at the idiots tonight,’ Kayden growled. ‘Guys take the winnings from the table and piss off out of my sight. We’ll finish this in the morning.’

  ‘No more bloody cards or else,’ Woody yelled at them as they bolted out the door, laughing and giving Woody the birdie.

  Woody and Kayden hid an amused expression as they turned away, both knowing if they were still single, they would have been right there with them, looking for more bloody mischief and running a-muck.

  Ella was impressed on the way back to the hotel. ‘Quite the little gambler,’ she said to Woody as they talked between themselves, Woody telling Ella about Cassie’s casino days.

  Kayden was laying little kisses around Cassie’s shoulders and whispering how sexy she had looked when she ran her finger along the table and licked it. ‘I could have come over there and taken you right on that table it was such a turn on.’

  She started to thaw out and giggle a little at his enjoyment.

  Woody started to laugh. ‘Cut it out, Kayden. Don’t forget we’re here too. Find a room!’

  Kayden replaced her strap on her shoulder and sat up chuckling.

  ‘I was trying so hard not to smile at her,’ Woody remarked. ‘She just about had the poor guy drooling. How he stopped himself from not bowing down and giving her his whole fortune at the end of it I’ll never know. I have to admit you were extremely entertaining, Cassie.’

  ‘Weren’t you scared just a little?’ Ella asked her. ‘I just about jumped out of my skin when he slammed his glass into the wall.’

  ‘You can’t let them intimidate you. I’ve seen worse behaviour and was expecting it because he was really very good. The only way I could think to rattle him was by making him drink with me. I had the impression he was not use to being told what to do but would have seemed weak to you lot if he’d refused me. I’m just glad it was only three hands. His eyes were the only part of him I could get a reaction. That was why I kept up the act to get something, anything, from him. He was a hard nut to crack I can tell you.’

  ‘But you let him win one. I saw that look you get when you do it to us,’ Woody eyed her.

  ‘Yes, I had decided that was best as I could feel his anger from where I sat. And yet when I did the final count of the cards afterwards, he would have actually won that round fair and square. I think I met my match in cards tonight,’ she admitted. ‘He may have actually won fair and square if we had kept playing.’

  Woody was thoughtful. ‘Maybe a rematch would be fun to watch then.’

  ‘That’s not going to happen,’ Kayden snapped abruptly, sliding his arm back around her and looking out the window. He stayed quiet the rest of the trip. They pulled up at the hotel and he said goodnight politely but moodily and took Cassie up to their room. She knew he was pissed off because he’d even knocked back a nightcap with Woody which has never happened.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Uncovering a Lie

  Kayden was fuming inside. He was so sick to death of Woody and the guys encouraging Cassie to become someone she wasn’t. Why couldn’t they love her just the way she was?

  ‘A rematch might be fun to watch,’ that big mouth said, thinking it was funny. Just because she chose me, he wants to stuff it up for me. Let his bitch-wife act like a sex goddess and have every man in the room fall at her feet and see how he likes it! See how insecure he feels going out with the hottest hottie on the planet.

  He threw himself on the bed, punching the bloody pillow just to get rid of some of his frustration and wishing to God it was Mono’s fat head. Jeez, the control it took not to smash his smug mouth on the way out of that room. If it wasn’t for the gun cocked at his head, Kayden would have knocked that gloating look right off his face. ‘You and I will definitely be meeting again and when we do, you must give me a chance to redeem my money.’ Who in the hell does he think he is? And like he will ever get within two feet of Cassie ever again! Pulling the pillow under his head, he lay watching his gorgeous wife, trying hard to calm himself before she came to him.

  She lifted her dress over her head and hung it up; her delicate lace underwear barely covered the intended areas. He felt a tingle just looking at her. She’s damned perfect. Every curve, every tantalizing move she made had him enchanted. How can love hurt so badly yet feel so divine at the same time? She fiddled and took her time, a habit when unsure how to approach him, or a subject. Now I’ve gone and scared her! Good on you, Kayden. As if it is her fault that you’re a jealous son of a bitch. She’s just stopped us all from taking a bullet and you’re angry, totally confusing her.

  ‘Cassie honey?’ Kayden put his hand out for her to come to him.

  She glanced around at him, her smile radiant. She giggled and started to dance seductively, giving a private showing just for him. She’s such a delicate little flower. Where that other Cassie came from I have no idea. My Cassie, who is here tonight with me is innocent, a little shy but the most adorable sweetheart, doing everything she can to make me feel like I’m the only man in the world she loves.

  ‘Are you angry with your princess?’ she purred, crawling on the bed as a little kitten would flee if scared even a little.

  He grinned, his mood changing immediately, just feeling the touch of her hand on his leg. ‘No, not at you, sweetheart, just angry at myself for giving the go ahead for you to play. I should have known I’d get jealous,’ he said, gently lifting her on top of him.

  She had an unsure look on her face, maybe even a little sad. ‘I never meant to upset you, Kayden. I was too busy concentrating on how to beat him to think about how it looked to you. I’m sorry you had to be put through that.’

  She rolled off him and turned onto her side, watching.

  Kayden wanted to talk to her. He wanted answers but decided to ease into it. ‘You did well, honey, it’s just me. When you’re with me on your own, you’re such an angel: naive and fragile. I feel like I need to cover you in cottonwool to protect you, to keep you safe. Then when I see you do things like you did tonight, and how you are with the guys sometimes, you don’t seem like the same girl.’

  She flopped on her back, looking up at the ceiling.

  The last thing she needs is for me to be upsetting her after what she’s just been through but Goddamn it I want answers. That act tonight was totally not her and if it was, then why was she so worn out? She should be bouncing off the ceiling and on such a high from winning! No, there is more to this little charade.

  Cassie took a big breath and faced him. ‘If you really want to know how much I need you, combine your power with mine and take a look. We’re married now and I want no secrets between us.’

  Kayden was stunned
. Is she really going to bare all? Surely there are secrets, especially between her and Woody that she prefers to keep secret. With her powers growing as they are there won’t be any secrets she can hold back from me once I connect with her in this way.

  ‘Cassie, you don’t have to, honey. I’m just being over-bossy and irritable. You’re dead on your feet. Let’s go to sleep and talk about it tomorrow when we’re both not so tired.’

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. Their joint power was letting him feel her every emotion. ‘No, Kayden, now!’ she said firmly. ‘Put one of your clouds around us so you can see once and for all how I really feel about you.’

  He nodded. ‘You know I’ll see everything, don’t you, angel?’

  ‘I know but if it makes you realise how much in love with you I am then it is worth it.’

  Kayden nodded and closed his eyes, willing himself to her and covering them in a magical cloud. Her childhood flashed before him, giving him a glimpse of how scared and rejected she had felt. Being unloved by all that surrounded her impacted on him like a wave of pure heartbreak. He felt the stinging of her beatings and afterwards, when she would hide and fear for her life. He caught a picture of her as a child, trying to understand and always running and hiding from strangers, parents and not long ago, from him. The pictures burned into his mind. He quivered as the impact of her sadness, her uncertainty and then her joy and love for him rocked his body. The atmosphere cleared and he sighed deeply. The sharing of so much emotion unconsciously reduced him to tears that streamed down his face.

  God! Can even ten lifetimes of joy ever make up for such acts of cruelty towards her? No wonder she thinks she doesn’t deserve me or anything I offer her. What a lifetime of unnecessary turmoil!

  Opening his eyes, he found her lips and kissed them gently. How he wished, while he was in there, that he could have taken all that horror from her and thrown it out into the universe so that she would never feel hurt again. Yet he knew it was a part of what made her the person she was today.


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