Traded to the Alien Regent

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Traded to the Alien Regent Page 5

by Wells, Juno

  Grace gazed at him over her cup. “A sexy old man, I think. You look young and full of life. In fact, you’re quite endearing in your own way. It doesn’t hurt that you’re articulate and can hold your own in a verbal exchange.”

  “I like arguing with you too, Grace.”

  Grace tilted her head. “Finally, a man who really gets me.”

  “Luckily, I have a superior intellect. You’re a complicated person, to come from such an unevolved species.”

  Grace shook her head. “You know, I’m just going to give you that one, because we’re getting along so well, and it’s your Awakening Day and all.”

  Bradon frowned. “What could have possibly been offensive about that statement? It was nothing but pure truth.”

  Grace got up, held up two hands. “This is me, not arguing with you. Just in case you wondered what that looked like. I am going to take my unevolved self, back over to my friends. They can keep on trying to figure me out, but at least they’re respectful.”

  Bradon smiled and said softly. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist that one. Like I said, I do enjoy arguing with you, Earthling.”

  He was teasing her? Grace’s outraged voice carried a bit more than she intended. “I can’t believe you insulted me on purpose, just to get a reaction. You are one evil little scoundrel.”

  Bradon didn’t seem one bit remorseful. In fact he seemed more pleased with himself than ever. He taunted her quietly, “Now, now. There’s no need for name calling. Besides, I thought you liked my sense of humor, as well as my strong arms, and my pretty eyes.”

  Grace gave an exasperated huff. “A gentleman would never use an intoxicated lady’s words against her, once she sobers up. That’s deplorable behavior, especially from a man your age. You should be ashamed. What are you, like a thousand? You should be all suave, and sophisticated, and shit.”

  “I already told you, I’m five thousand years old. Your language is the only thing that’s deplorable around here, young lady. I should put you over my knee and spank you in front of everyone.”

  Again, the smug look on his face sent a wave of fury spiking through her gut. For all appearances, the Regent seemed to be having the time of his life. It really spurred Grace’s anger.

  He ignored her shocked expression and continued taunting her. “Perhaps I will take you over my knee. I’m the Regent. No one would think badly of me, much less try to stop me. A spanking would probably do you some good. It might even tame down some of your insolent attitude.”

  Grace retorted hotly. “Probably not. Besides, spanking means something different where I come from, when it happens between a man and a woman. You wouldn’t understand, being such an old fogey.”

  Bradon was not familiar with the term, but he seemed to get the gist of what she was saying. He thought her human term meant relic. The implication was that he was too old for her.

  The Denarian bartender was picking up empty glasses from a nearby table. He mused aloud, “I think she may be referring to the fact that spanking can be considered a prelude to sexual relations on her world. In essence, you are asking if she wants to engage in foreplay.”

  Bradon expression changed to one of intense heated interest. “Thank you for that information, Denarian. You are very helpful.”

  Grace threw the Denarian a dirty look and grumbled. “I don’t think you’re very helpful. In fact, I think you’re an instigator.”

  Bradon laughed out loud. “Belanna is right about you, human. You are absolutely the most fun to be around. Does she argue with you as well?”

  “Of course she doesn’t. She’s a classy lady. She has manners, unlike some ancients I know. I hope she has better taste than to get wrangled up with the likes of you. You would wear on the nerves of a saint.”

  “Rest assured, she likes me well enough.”

  “I can’t imagine you as a friend, or heaven forbid a bond mate. You would drive a woman absolutely insane, in matter of weeks.”

  That must have hit a nerve, because his voice heated immediately. “I really wonder at the sanity of someone, who would say such things about Davarian rulers.”

  Suddenly, Belanna was beside him. “Bradon, stop baiting the Earth pilot. You thought of it as a game until she accidentally said…”

  Bradon interrupted her sharply. “I know what she said. I don’t need to hear it again.”

  Grace could tell she went too far. “Bradon, I’m sorry…”

  “You will use my title. I rule here, not you, presumptuous little Earthling.”

  Grace started again, “Bradon the Wise. I honestly never meant to say something truly hurtful to you.”

  “You are forgiven. However, I do not wish to speak to you again, foolish female.”

  Grace was annoyed with herself, for even bothering to offer an apology. She gestured towards Bradon in an exasperated fashion. “Belanna, you told me he was as attractive on the inside, as he was on the outside. I think you fibbed.”

  Bradon roared, “How dare you accuse our Queen of being a liar? Who do you think you are?”

  Grace was tired of dealing with him, and they were beginning to draw a crowd. She decided to be the bigger person for once in her life. Grace squared her shoulders, stepped forward, and touched his face with one hand. She carefully crafted her formal apology. This was her second or third apology of the night. She decided, it would be her last.

  “I am sorry to have given offense. It was never my intention to be disrespectful to you or your Queen. I do not want bad blood between our people. Please forgive me.”

  Bradon was aware that many eyes were on him. He touched her cheek with his hand in the traditional manner of Davarian apologies and replied, “I deserved it. I should have known better than to joke with a person such as yourself. The mistake was mine. Let this not stand between our people.”

  They both turned and walked in opposite directions. Both of them flexed the hand they had touched each other with. It was strange, their mannerisms were so similar and almost in unison, making it seem as though they were in perfect sync with each other.

  Grace was furious with herself for not being able to maintain polite discourse with the newly awoken Regent. She noticed a commotion behind her. For some reason, Bradon had caught Tracor in the ribs with his elbow, as he was walking by. They were having words. She couldn’t make herself care about their conflict. Tracor deserved what he got. The male had a lot of pent up anger and frustration. As a matter of fact, they both did. She watched Bradon stalking back to his table.

  6 To Companion a Regent


  Bradon’s Queen sat at his side, touching him on the arm. “I’m sorry for inviting the human. I liked her so much, I thought you would too.”

  Bradon looked down at the hand that had touched her skin. “I do like her. I like her much more than I should. She is lovely, and the loneliness hangs on me painfully at times.”

  “I’m sorry that my choosing Saban over you has left you all alone. Does it still cause you pain after all this time?”

  “Do not worry your soul over following your heart. It was the right decision for you. I came to grips with that long ago and am happy my two favorite people found happiness in each other’s arms.”

  What angers you so about the little human?”

  Bradon mused, trying to sort out his feelings. “What angered me about the human’s words was…never mind. It’s not important.” The conclusion he arrived at was too embarrassing to discuss.

  Belanna coaxed him to speak. “Share your sorrow with me, Bradon. I am your friend, and you have so few of us.”

  “It hurt that she indicated she would never consider me for a bond mate or a friend. Her words stabbed at me on a very personal level, and I lashed out with pure emotion. I don’t know why my reaction was so adolescent. I am the ruler of worlds. Why would I care about one foolish Earthling’s opinion of me?”

  Belanna responded quietly. “I do not think you are ready to hear her thoughts on that matter. Y
ou are still too upset. How about we release some energy before trying to sort out affairs of the heart?”

  “I’ve never felt this way about a female before, and I fear it weakens me. Surely my thoughts will return to normal once she has moved on from our world.”

  “It would take a wiser person than me to understand such things. Let us turn our attention to the celebration. I have many entertainments for you to choose from.”

  Bradon found himself glad to have a distraction. Unlike many rulers, Davarian regents allowed themselves to mingle with their people on holy days. He played several games with Belanna and his priests.

  One game involved him taking off his shirt and shooting a laser light at holographic dots flying around in the air. Every time he missed the laser stung his skin. He was covered in welts by the end of the game, and had to have a healing scan, but it was worth it. He loved this new game as it gave him opportunity to work out his muscles. Another game involved trying to work out the exact musical note that came next in a sequence. Each time you were correct, the game doubled in complexity. These were entertaining games for one such as him, a male who was used to flexing his mind more than his muscles. Truth be told, all the games were designed to get a recovering Regent back into physical and mental shape after a long sleep.

  The humans played similar games. The one called Grace was very good at them, and seemed to be having fun. Bradon wished he had been nicer to her. She said he brought out the beast in her. If he were being honest, he’d admit to doing it on purpose. Rather than suffering the indignity of having her fawn over him and move on to another male, he had made sure her attention was squarely on him. Something about seeing her outraged reaction to his words roused his dick.

  Used to undying adoration as he was, eliciting anger from the beautiful human verified that she saw him differently from all the others. It was arousing, and thus he’d toyed with her in inappropriate ways and gone far too far in his jest. She probably would want nothing to do with him in the future. It was just as well that he didn’t become attached to a female destined to leave him when her ship was repaired. As the evening wore on, his mood slowly improved.

  Belanna approached him at sunset and announced, “It is time for your Awakening Night. Servicing you is an honor. Almost every eligible female on our world volunteered. You have many beautiful companions to choose from, my friend. Would you like me to make introductions?”

  As Bradon looked over the multitude of females, his mind drifted to the pretty human. He doubted she would consider it a status symbol, to serve him in such a manner. He found himself warming at the thought of her soft hands caressing his body. His eyes sought her out, without his mind willing it so. She had several attractive Davarian males hovering around her, hanging on her every word. By the gods, she was beautiful. He would even admit to himself, she was filled with just the kind of fire he liked in a female.

  Belanna wrapped her arms around him from behind. “My sweet friend, your eyes have landed on the one and only female, who has not volunteered to companion you tonight.”

  He whispered, “Has anyone asked her?”


  The throng of males surrounding Grace suddenly parted to make way for Queen Belanna. Grace smiled warmly and asked, “Did you see how I almost ruined your well-planned gathering by insulting the hottest guy in the room…repeatedly? I don’t know what got into me.”

  Belanna agreed sagely. “You have been in rare form tonight, young Earthling.”

  Grace sighed in frustration. “Honestly, I’m a poor excuse for a friend. I hope I don’t give you bad dreams when you sleep. On the upside, I’ll probably instigate some sort of planetary upheaval without even meaning to. We’ll have you awake again in no time. Unless of course, Lord Bradon has me exiled.”

  “Come now, it’s not as bad as you think. I kind of like how you enhance our celebration. The excitement has doubled since this morning.”

  Grace smiled. “So, what’s next on your agenda of dazzling entertainments?”

  “My gorgeous friend has not been properly serviced, in well over forty solar cycles. I’m afraid, it has made him grumpy.”

  Grace giggled as she imagined how true that statement probably was. “Quick, get a pretty girl under him. He’s barely tolerable at this point.”

  “It is our tradition for beautiful eligible females to volunteer to companion him the first night of his Awakening. Almost every eligible female on our world volunteered. Shall I add your name to the list of thousands? To be included is considered a mark of honor.”

  Grace laughed, enjoying the good-natured fun of the moment. “Oh sure, add me to his list. I have nothing better to do with my night than service a grumpy old man. If there is one thing I know, it’s how to take a hit for the team.”

  Belanna grinned. “I’m not entirely sure what all that means, or that your offer was made in earnest. However, I will take you at your word.”

  “I’m all kinds of sincere.” Holding up two fingers, she sated earnestly, “Scout’s honor.”

  Nodding, Belanna agreed. “Upon the honor of a scout, I will see it done.”


  Watching his Queen interact with the human female he coveted filled his chest with heaviness. They seemed to be making amiable conversation and Grace was smiling and nodding. Clearly, the human didn’t understand what she was agreeing to. He noticed Belanna making her rounds around the room. She greeted revelers one after another, before inconspicuously ending back up at his side.

  She informed him quietly. “It is done. The human offered her companionship.”

  Bradon turned his surprised face to her, searching her eyes for verification.

  She smiled up at him. “This alone surpasses all the gifts I have ever given you, does it not?”

  Rubbing her hair against his cheek, Bradon nodded. “It does. I do not believe she will stay the night with me though.”

  “Why would she not?”

  Sighing, he replied quietly. “Because I am ancient, and she is young and beautiful. We are mismatched in every conceivable way.”

  Belanna touched his arm gently. “I was with her when she first viewed you in your hibernation chamber. She stated, in front of everyone, you were the most attractive male she had ever seen. She mentioned, she prefers Davarian males, above even her own kind. In fact, she admitted to having naughty thoughts about you when she looked at your naked body. She actually goaded everyone who had naughty thoughts about you into raising their hand. Just so you know, almost everyone does.”

  Laughter spilled forth before he could censor himself. “I choose the human.”

  “You must be careful not to antagonize her, Bradon. Give her time to get to know you. Take things slowly and cherish the time you have with her. She just told me that you were the hottest guy in the room. It is human-speak for the most attractive. I think she may be your one.”

  His eyes widened and his voice dropped to a mere whisper. “My one? I feel the truth of what you say in my soul. By the gods, Belanna, do not encourage me to dream of having more than one night with her. It hurts too much. You know we can no longer procreate, our bodies are different, and I would make a poor life mate for someone so young and vibrant.”

  “I believe she needs someone to love. If she’s attracted you, then why not let that someone be you? Promise me you will at least consider it.”

  As Bradon stood gazing at the beautiful human, a world of possibilities opened up inside his mind. For the first time, Bradon was eagerly anticipating his Awakening Night. He found himself wondering, if she was actually as attracted to him as Belanna suggested. If so, would she be amenable to full-on sexing with him? Bradon found himself wondering many things. He could barely contain his excitement. This Awakening Night was going to be different from any before. Before it was duty, tonight it would be a pleasure.

  A beautiful female offering her companionship to an awakening ancient was a long-held tradition among the Davarian. After sleeping so long, most
regents did not sleep on their Awakening Night. Some thought it courteous to provide a diversion for that time. Multiple orgasms were also considered healthy to relieve stress and cleanse the seed from their bodies.

  This particular tradition always felt awkward, to the normally celibate Bradon. He complied for the sake of appearances. Most often, the female brought him off with her hands, and then he sent her away. It was a compromise that seemed to make everyone happy. The females were not really attracted to him anyway. It was more a status symbol for them. Strangely enough, servicing an ancient seemed to make the woman more desirable to other males. It was a way for a woman to gain status and attract a wealthier potential bond mate.


  An older priest by the name of Ralon came to announce the Regent’s choice of companion for the evening. Grace saw Belanna motioning her over. Grace went eagerly to her new friend’s side.

  The Queen explained, “We are getting ready to announce Bradon’s companion for the evening. Once the person is chosen, they will retire for the evening.”

  “I wonder what poor unfortunate soul got stuck with that chore. Wait, what do you mean chosen? I thought it was like a lottery, and you drew names.”

  Bradon walked up behind her. “It’s no lottery. I get to choose, and I chose you, human.”

  Grace was shocked speechless. “Why in God’s name would you do that? You don’t even like me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You will accompany me to my bedchamber, and service me without complaint.”

  “Well, since you put it so romantically, let me think it over. No, I don’t think that will work for me. Sorry, pal. Perhaps you should go with your second choice. Gods, I thought there was a one-in-a-million chance of being selected.”

  “Now, why would you refuse me, especially, after working so hard to get my attention? No other woman, in five thousand years, has thought to dye her hair my favorite color of blue. My signature color looks good on you, by the way. You have successfully marked yourself as mine. Such boldness and creativity should be rewarded. Come get your well-earned reward, little Earth female.”


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