by Eden Fortae
“I don’t yell at people, daddy. I just talk. Loud and not so nice sometimes.”
“Yeah, so loud I can hear you,” Julie signed.
“You bit—see how they try to gang up on me! Get her, Ma!”
Javier was enjoying the banter while their mother held the bridge of her nose. He stood his full height, moving her hand to place a kiss there. She looked up with so much love in her eyes that Antonio found himself looking away. Finally, there was a genuine smile.
“Alright, girls. Let’s finish dinner so you can make up for all the arguing your father missed.”
Julie turned, signing something to Karrina that earned her a shove. Their mother proceeded to scold them in Spanish, Anthony following along laughing and pointing like the little instigator Antonio used to be.
“I missed this.”
“Yeah? Give it a few days, and you’ll have even more grey hair.”
Javier laughed, leaning against the same wall. “I’m looking forward to naming my hair after all of you. Especially the little one. He reminds me a lot of you.”
“He reminds me of me, also, but if I have anything to do with it he won’t be anything like me. Speaking of,” Antonio pushed off the wall digging through his pocket for his phone, “you see how much you have been missed? I want you to remember that if you find yourself thinking about anything that could put you back in that cage.” He concluded as he unlocked his phone, thumbing over the screen to get to the text he’d just received.
“I’m not going to mess this up, Tonito.”
“I know you won’t because I’m not going to let you. On the way here, you said one of your conditions of release was that you work. I don’t know how you feel about working under me, but I’ll hire you if you can give me your word that you’re going to do right by them.”
“Of course! You have my word that I am going to do right by you, too. You’re a man now, and I understand that you feel like you don’t need me, but I’m here. I always will be here for you.”
Antonio wanted to believe him. Something said he should, but actions spoke louder than words. In their case, they would need to. He parted his lips to voice that when his eyes rolled over evidence of his plan unfurling. A single screenshot that proved his influence to be more than he thought.
“...While the mystery that is Kya Rich remains, our source has revealed that the woman causing heartbreak for many is an up and coming wedding dress designer. Photos from her Facebook page show the young beauty modeling some of her work and confirms that she is in fact, the girlfriend of Antonio Cortes.”
“You really didn’t know about this?”
“No, Kya. I swear I did not know about it until you told me.”
The breath she was holding left Kya in a frustrated huff. She was prepared to pull back and slap the taste from Karrina’s mouth had she admitted to the media leak, repaired friendship or not. The article had Antonio and his sister all over it. Yet, for some reason, she felt like the denial was the truth and tamped down her anger to show it.
Instead of the violent reaction, Kya thirsted for, she buried her face in her hands, shaking her head. The urge to scream worked its way up her chest. Karrina leaned over the bar from her stool to rub her back, calmed her.
When Kya started receiving random friend requests on Facebook and Instagram, she shrugged it off as nothing more than people trying to build their follower count. When the messages and comments started pouring in at an unbelievable rate, she knew something was up. After reading a direct message that was from a supposed magazine owner, praising her for her dresses and asking for an interview, she tapped on the profile and was surprised to see that it was verified.
Initially, she bounced up and down on her bed like a kid. Flopped back into her pillows and kicked her legs happily. As she laid on her back practically swimming in her sheets, questions of how they found her struck like lightning. She thought, maybe they’d found her through likes or a repost. Then, it was there. Three words that put an end to her giddy reign and brought her to the current state of confusion and anger laced concern.
This is her.
“Maybe someone that recognized you gave up your name for a quick payout.”
That was a real possibility. There were former classmates, an ex, and probably distant family that would certainly put money before her. Yet, in the back of her mind, the doubt was ringing much too loudly.
“What about your brother?” She sat up, face hard and already set by anger.
Karrina merely shook her head. “I don’t know, Kya. If he’s behind this, he didn’t tell me. Tonight was the first time he and I spoke since everything happened to you. Honestly, I would be surprised if he did this. He likes his privacy and hates those come up blog sites. Why would he expose you to them?”
Recalling Antonio’s reaction when cameras started flashing on their date, Kya could agree with that. Those were regular people wanting pictures, and still, he was upset. She sighed again, more frustration flooding her system. Whoever was responsible for the release of her name had absolutely no clue what kind of shit storm they caused.
“Look at this,” she quickly unlocked her phone and pulled down the navigation bar. There, was a list of requests and messages from every social media account she owned. Tapping the Facebook icon, she tapped on her messages, scrolling through them shaking her own head. “Some of them are just people telling me to accept their requests. Others are asking me how much I charge. What’s left is people who feel the need to tell me that I must suck a mean dick to land a man like your brother.”
At that, Karrina snatched up Kya’s phone and began looking through the notifications. She laughed a few times, then stopped abruptly, her fingers racing over the screen.
“What are you doing?”
“This bitch said, ‘u r just another insta-thot trying 2 piggyback this man’s success *fist emoji* when he leaves u 4 a real woman u gonna be on 2 the next nigga wit *cash emoji* but that ain’t none of my business *tea emoji* *frog emoji*,’” at the conclusion of that comment, Karrina smirked, and her fingers went back to work. “She isn’t even cute, Kya, and most of her pictures are of her ass. Figures. You need to clap on these little bitches or they’re going to think they can just say anything to you.”
“You have no idea how badly I would love to put some of these people in their places, but others are watching me, now. That magazine being one. I don’t want to ruin my chances before I really have a go at it.”
“Ok, do it with class then. Either you do it or I will.”
Kya took her phone while taking in the seriousness of her friend’s face. She knew that was not so much a suggestion as it was a threat. She thought for a few minutes, looking through the girl’s profile then went back to reply:
“You sound mad. My glow-up seems so easy when I look at the fact that all it took was talent while you’re showing your ass and still haven’t been noticed. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to let me know I’m doing something right. May your three secs from my response bring you the attention you obviously didn’t get from your daddy.”
Karrina smiled, “That was good. Next time we get rid of the nice and tell bitches to choke on a hairy dick. You’re going to have a lot of this bullshit thrown your way, and the last thing you want is for people to think it’s cool to disrespect you.”
“No, the last thing I want is for people to figure out where I live because someone released my name. That’s if they haven’t already gotten my address. I swear someone was following me here. Paranoia or not, that has me not wanting to go home.”
A couple of girls walked up to the bar, asking for simple drinks that took Kya no time to make. Once she was finished, she wiped down the bar and returned to the end where her friend nursed a margarita.
“I don’t blame you. When Tony started getting popular, there were people with cameras hanging around my mom’s house trying to get pictures of anyone or anything they could. He had to convince
her to stay with him or my sister Julie while he had a fence and security systems installed. Maybe you need to stay somewhere else, too.”
“Stay where? The only family I’ve ever really dealt with was my parents. Neither of which I can turn to now.”
“You can stay with me. I have more than enough room and don’t mind having you.”
Kya thought about it, she liked the idea of staying away from her apartment for a little while. Having her picture taken was not an issue. The few people that just wanted to know more about her really weren’t either. The problem came in with her current living situation. Technically, Kya was living in a high crime area. Yes, many people went from the hood to Hollywood, but she felt extreme embarrassment at the idea of someone making a story about her living in ruins while her wealthy boyfriend lived in and built amazing homes for others. Never would she be ashamed of where she began, but if she could avoid the drama and stories like that before she could form a positive image, she would.
Then again, the feeling that she was doing precisely what the leaker wanted crossed her mind. How perfect is it that she couldn’t go home and would end up staying with someone so close to a man that had hidden motives?
“Thanks, but I need to go home so I can work on my dresses and sketch. I’ve gotten into the habit of working as much as I can and if I take a vacation now...”
“I have room, Kya. I can get Chris to get what you need from your place and take it to ours.”
Seeing that she was not going to take no for an answer, Kya said nothing. Just rang the bell for the last call and counted down until her shift was over. When it was, she did a final wipe down of the bar and left with Karrina at her side while she continued scrolling through the comments from her own account. The amusement she found in it was not shared. Worrying was a natural part of her being. For that reason, all she could focus on was the what if’s and the unknown.
“Excuse me,” both women looked up to find a young guy who had ordered a drink from Kya twice that night. He had been flirtatious to the point of laughter and tipped generously. Standing before them, he held a large camera, leaning against the wall leading to the parking lot. Without another word, he began snapping pictures with flashes so bright it was blinding. Had it not been for Karrina grabbing her arm, Kya would have tripped over her own feet and ran into the front of the car while trying to get away.
If there was any way her friend was going to allow her to decline the invitation to stay at her place, she was sure it would not happen, now.
Karrina lived in an updated brownstone. Not the basic closet apartment she had previously taken Kya to. Purposely distressed wood floor professionally painted walls, and a fancy fireplace revived the feelings of being lied to.
Why did she have to go as far as to make her believe she was struggling?
Much like Antonio’s home, this one looked like something one would see in a magazine. Expertly decorated, yet obviously lived in. The colors and style of the living room chairs and dining furniture were clearly the selection of a woman while the minor items—wall photos and African masks—added masculinity.
In the guestroom, everything was neat, clean, and off-putting. It was a feeling that could consume you completely when that sense of being out of place set in. Karrina and her brother were on a level that she was only climbing her way to now.
“I’m not about to give you the ‘mi casa’ speech since I already told you that you’re welcome to stay here as long as you need. The bathroom is next door. I have one attached to my room, so you don’t have to worry about sharing with Chris and me. There is a closet in there with washcloths and towels. You have free reign over the kitchen. If the desk in here is not big enough for you to work, you can always use the dining table. We rarely eat there anyway. Speaking of, the pizza is getting cold.”
Through her smile, it was evident that Karrina liked the idea of Kya being there. In her mind, it had to have been like a sleepover. Or at least, that’s how she was treating it. All the snacks and bottles of wine Karrina picked up were proof of that.
“Thanks for letting me stay, but—”
“Kya, I swear if you fix your lips to say you can’t or shouldn’t stay here… You’re not imposing. You’re not putting me out. This is not a burden for Christian nor me. I owe you for my part in that fucked up situation and you staying here for a while does not even come close to making up for it. So, please just deal, ok?”
Kya simply nodded. The will and want to argue vanished after a deep breath and was held back by a forced smile. For the sake of fixing their friendship, Kya followed her down to the first floor, kicked off her shoes, and curled up on the couch with the entire box of pizza in front of them. Halfway through her first glass of wine, the edge was taken off enough for her to relax into the fluffy caramel colored pillows.
“Did you ever respond to that magazine wanting to interview you?”
“Yes. I was excited until I was given a date of next Monday and the request to photograph me while working. Now, I’m scared out of my mind.”
Karrina slid to the edge of the couch to refill their glasses, handing it to Kya before regaining a comfortable position. “Scared? Why? I mean, I get why you would be nervous, but scared?”
“It’s nerves and fear. This will be my first real chance. I don’t want to blow it, and I definitely don’t like the idea of this happening in my apartment. True, a lot of people lived in crumbling places at the beginning of their careers, but… I can’t really explain it.”
“No, I get it. Don’t stress, too, much. You’ll do great, and if it bothers you that much, you can have the interview here.”
Kya swallowed, she shook her head before the words could come out. “No. I can’t,” she paused to take in Karrina’s don’t-make-me-slap-you expression, “You’re going to have to let me repay you somehow.”
“If you must,” her brows lifted as did the corners of her lips, “you can make my wedding dress.”
“Wedding?! You could admit to me that you possibly need to be medicated, but you fail to mention that you’re getting married?”
“That’s because it’s not official yet. I have been dropping hints left and right in front of Tony in hopes that he’ll pass the message during one of their boy’s nights.”
“Boy’s night.” She meant it to be in question form and instead, it came across as more of a bitter statement. Blaming it on the alcohol, she kept the glass leveled in her lap and decided not to take another sip. “They’re good friends?”
“Good? At times I have to question whose boyfriend Chris really is when they want to hang out days in a row. He and Donny like to remind me that Christian was their friend first, despite my meeting him before them.”
Kya grew quiet, considering the new information and applying it to what she knew. Antonio had gone all out with his deception. Not only employing his sister and one of his friends but seemingly everyone that would help. An unsettling feeling replaced her growing buzz. Now, she was really thinking about leaving.
Her face must have been a reflection of the shifting of her mood. Karrina placed her free hand over Kya’s giving her a weak smile and a sigh. “I really am sorry. For everything. I know that doesn’t change anything or make you think less, but I mean it, and I’m trying.”
Saying nothing, Kya slid to the edge of the couch, grabbed the bottle of wine to top off their glasses. “Martin or a movie?”
She sat back with a fresh slice of pizza, her glass, and a smile.
“Great answer.”
She thought she heard a knock on her door and wasn’t entirely sure until the slight taps came again. Assuming it was Karrina checking to see if she was awake, Kya pushed out of bed. After retiring from their girl’s session that was later joined by Christian, she spent a good portion of the night sketching. The sun was rising by the time she finally closed her eyes. That was just a few short hours ago but felt like mere minutes.
When Kya opened the door,
she was surprised to see that her visitor was not towering over her slightly as Karrina did but was small enough that she had to lower her head.
“Hi!” The child’s smile was so broad and bright that withholding her own was impossible. However, his dimples sparked deep recognition, reminding her so much of Antonio that she felt a stab of jealousy surrounding the idea that the boy could be his son.
“Hi, there.”
“Is your name Kya?”
“Yes… what’s your name?”
“Anthony.” He said so matter of factly. Again, that ugly green monster reared its head. Antonio and Anthony. The same naturally tanned complexion. The same dark eyes. The same thick curls pulled back into a ponytail. She imagined his family called him Tony, also.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Anthony.” As he beamed up at her, whatever ill feelings she felt over the possibility that he had a child he never mentioned, disappeared. The kid was just, too, cute for words and any fault of Antonio’s could never be placed on his little shoulders.
“You’re pretty.”
Kya chuckled, “Thank you, Anthony. You are very handsome, also.” Somewhere from within the hall, a throat cleared. At that, the little boy’s eyes widened for a second and looked toward the stairs. Kya leaned into the hall following his line of sight and saw nothing.
“Oh yeah! I’m ‘posed to say,” he paused as if to think, “‘please, please, please forgive my Uncle Tony. He is really sorry and really likes you and really wants another chance.’ Did he do something bad?”
Uncle. She felt relief over that title and hated it.
“Not really bad. Just mean.”
“Did he pull your hair or something?” The throat cleared again and immediately, Kya was looking out into the hall a second time. Anthony backed up a few paces, ran toward the stairs where he went down a few steps, and stopped. From where she was, she could see that his eyes were fixed on something. Not one time did he look toward the other rooms as he ran by them, but she knew she was not hearing things.