The Prophecy

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The Prophecy Page 22

by Karen MacLeod-Wilkie

  Finn caressed her slender fingers as he said, “Do you remember what you told those three young people when they met us in Tristan’s office?”

  Amethyst gave a slight nod as Finn continued.

  “Your words burned into my mind and I feel they’re meant for all of us. You said, ‘Grasp to the crazy hope that you have been called together for a special purpose. You must harness the courage to face what you do not know. Stick together to be strong.’”

  Amethyst held tightly to one of Finn’s hands as she turned to look up again at the sky. “When I was the one selected in the Ceremony of Choosing, I had a feeling I was called for a special purpose. I thought for many years that was the purpose of being Queen. Perhaps my years as Queen have been honing my skills for the purpose of the prophecy. With you by my side, I will find the courage to do what I must.”

  Finn pulled a small stone out of his sleep pants pocket.

  Amethyst gasped. She recognized it.

  “When we were eighteen you gave me this stone for protection,” he said. “You told me it would guard me against negative energies and strengthen my purpose. The last time we made love, before we took up the mantles of our positions, you infused this stone with your energy and love. I carry it with me always.”

  Amethyst grinned and reached down to lift the edge of her nightgown and robe. As she raised them to her knees, Finn caught a glimpse of shapely calves but also a sheathed dagger resting on the side of her leg. It was the dagger he’d given her and trained her to use as a young woman, in case she ever needed protection.

  The material slipped back down around her feet, as Amethyst reached her hand out to Finn. “I believe it’s time we’re together again. There’s much we don’t know, but this I do: We are stronger as one. Come to bed, my love. Let us share this waiting time together.”

  “After fifty years of waiting, if you’re sure, I wholeheartedly agree.” Finn followed her into her suite. “There is one thing I ask.”

  Amethyst lifted an inquiring brow.

  Finn cleared his throat. “I would like to invite Tristan to perform a handfasting for us, tomorrow. We can have a more public celebration after things are settled, if you like. For now, will you be my wife?”

  Finn waited. Amethyst looked at him with eyes wide. Time stretched out. Just as he began to worry that he’d rushed matters, Amethyst spoke.

  “Yes. Yes! Yes!!” She hugged him tightly against her. Then, she leaned back. “My heart was beating so fast I couldn’t speak.” She reached up to pull his head down to hers. “Shall we seal our promise with a kiss?”

  Their lips met in a gentle caress that quickly deepened into a passionate sharing. They eased into bed and took time to become familiar with each other’s bodies again. They noted the changes time had wrought yet delighted in the wonder of experiencing each other anew. For this moment, worries about the prophecy and the travelers were set aside. Whatever the future might bring, Finn and Amethyst found new strength in the connection they forged between them.


  The Player

  Nicole decided to continue her healing with Brigid, so they set regular times to meet together.

  On the third day, she shared, “They kept touching my wings. They didn’t ask permission and they kept rubbing them and assessing my reaction to see if it affected my energy. I was so tired and empty. They kept stimulating my wings and I could feel myself responding. There was no love or kindness, and my mind kept telling me it was wrong, but I couldn’t stop my response.”

  Tears rolled down Nicole’s cheeks.

  “Keep allowing yourself to feel your helplessness and the sadness,” Brigid encouraged. “It won’t overwhelm you. I’m with you. Is it okay if I tap my right fingers on a few spots on your face while I keep holding your hand?”

  Nicole nodded.

  Brigid led Nicole through an exploration of all the feelings she’d had during her experience at the research center. Then, they moved to reframing the belief that there was something wrong with her and that she was wrong to have responded.

  “I’m not to blame for things that happened to me in circumstances over which I had no control. I did the best I could in a very difficult situation. I choose to forgive my captors for their misguided beliefs, that led them to justify what they did to me as a way of bringing healing for others. I forgive myself, for responding when part of me didn’t want to.”

  They continued to tackle each layer of belief and feeling that was affecting Nicole’s sense of worthiness and goodness.

  “Do you think I’ll ever be able to share myself in that way after this?” Nicole’s fingers clasped and unclasped, reflecting her inner struggle.

  “Yes,” said Brigid. “Sometimes releasing fear takes a lot of practice, but you’re a caring, young fairy. You showed that to me in your concern for Matthias. I believe you can offer this same care to yourself.” Brigid placed her hands over Nicole’s restless ones.

  “If you feel up to it, we can work on the fear in stages. We can imagine wanting to open your wings to share with your boyfriend. We’ll pay attention to how strong the fear is or what words your inner voice starts speaking to you. After we work on that step, we’ll try actually unfolding your wings and go from there.”

  “I want to do this.” Nicole’s hands unfolded and clasped Brigid’s with a light squeeze.

  For the next hour, they continued to work together. Finally, Brigid called a halt.

  “You’ve supported yourself through some very significant healing. You’ve been very brave, and you’ve worked hard.”

  “Can we celebrate with chocolate milkshakes? I make really awesome shakes and I’d like to make something special for you.”

  “Sounds yummy to me. You’re on,” replied Brigid.

  They companionably headed to the kitchen, calling out to see if anyone else wanted to join in their treat.

  After thoroughly enjoying her shake, Brigid took her glass to rinse it in the sink. Most of the others had dispersed, but Matthias walked over to speak with her.

  “I think I’m ready to do some healing work, if you are,” he said quietly.

  Brigid turned her head. “Let me put this in the dishwasher and go grab my healing kit. We can meet in the parlor.”

  Matthias nodded.

  Matthias was pacing around the parlor when Brigid arrived a few moments later. She handed him a mug of special tea she’d prepared. He set it on the coffee table and continued to pace.

  Brigid picked it up again and said with a wry smile. “It’s more effective if you actually drink it.” She offered him the mug. “I thought this might be difficult for you, so I prepared it with an essential oil that helps reduce the production of stress hormones. I hope you find it beneficial.”

  Matthias grunted a response and began to sip the tea. Brigid took a seat and his pacing gradually slowed. Eventually, he sprawled into a plush wingback chair. He placed the empty mug down and began to run his fingers through his hair.

  “I don’t know where to start.”

  “That’s okay,” Brigid replied. “There’s no right or wrong place in which to begin healing work. Sometimes, if parts of that work feel too intense or overwhelming, or we have doubts about sharing, starting with one thing is enough.”

  Matthias nodded reflectively. “As a shapeshifter, I’ve always had a fairly high tolerance for pain. If I got injured or broke a bone, I could handle it. Even the pain of healing as I shifted was manageable. But when they started repeatedly breaking bones and creating multiple injuries, I began to feel more pain and then to fear the pain. I may not have any scars or signs of what I’ve been through, but inside I remember the pain. Can we work on that?” Matthias asked.

  “Definitely,” said Brigid. “I can travel back with you in your memories and we can talk with your earlier self, easing the pain and fear. We can dissipate any locked-in emotional charges and rebuild your earlier resiliency. With this approach, you’ll retain your memories, but they won’t disempower you

  “Afterward, if that doesn’t feel sufficient, I have an herbal tincture which can erase traumatic memories. However, I would caution against choosing it, as our experiences help shape the people we become.”

  As the eldest child in his family and the one who ran his family business, Matthias was used to being in control; losing part of his memory didn’t sit well with him. He decided the first approach was more to his liking.

  Brigid described how she intended to place her hands on his head to connect with his energy and memories. Before moving into position, she asked his permission to be in physical contact.

  “Thanks for asking. So many probes and monitors were placed on me, and people handled my body as if I was a thing, not a person. I appreciate you giving me a sense of personal power again. Go ahead.”

  Brigid placed her hands on his head. “If at any point you want to stop, just say the word. You’re in charge of the healing we share together. I’ll abide by your wishes.”


  Brigid guided Matthias into a deep meditative state. Between the calming energy she offered him, her soothing voice, and his own deep breathing and willingness to enter the process, Matthias was in a very open state as they began to address his memories of pain. They went back to the traumatic memory formed at his capture when he fought the military guards. Brigid encouraged him to speak to that earlier self, to affirm his courage, to assure himself that his actions were worth it, and to appreciate the love and protection he’d demonstrated for his siblings.

  As that first scene unfolded, Matthias was taken back to his time at the research facility. Brigid and Matthias repeated those refrains together, soothing his earlier distraught self and his feelings of powerlessness. They sank into the memory of the energy buildup in his body that had demanded the release of a shift; they eased through the vulnerability of being observed by a team of scientists. With every injury they traced through, they worked to release the imprint of pain and to replace it with gratitude for his body’s capacity to heal. They noticed how his body became wiser and more rapid in its healing ability.

  Hidden memories emerged as well, such as a kind nurse who snuck food to him to help him recover. There were encouraging words from other inmates, spoken to him in the midst of his pain and theirs. Gradually, they worked their way back to the present moment. A few final deep breaths and they opened their eyes. Brigid lifted her hands from Matthias’ head, and she resumed her seat on the couch.

  Matthias rolled his shoulders and neck. Brigid could hear the cracks of release as he moved.

  He looked at her. “I can see why Evander’s so drawn to you. Not only are you beautiful in appearance, I could feel the beauty of your energy as you shared with me. That was quite powerful.”

  “You have immense power within you as well,” replied Brigid. “I could sense it throbbing within you. It has been masked by pain, but I feel it has a purpose waiting to be expressed through you. For now, how are you feeling about the level of those pain memories, say on a scale of one to ten?”

  Matthias shifted into an internal assessment. “It seems strange. I can remember the experiences, but the feelings and sensations of pain are gone. I can’t access them at all. I know I’ve survived lots of pain, but I no longer feel it. I don’t think I’ll need the tincture.”

  “Matthias, I want you to know how much I admire your courage to go through those painful memories. Some people need months to tackle what you’ve embraced in one session.”

  “Can I ask if you feel the emotions and sensations of another person’s memories when you go back with them?”

  Brigid took a moment to consider her reply. “I do, but I don’t hold onto the pain. I let it flood through me and out of me, dispersing it as energy into the environment around me—similar, I suppose, to the energy dispersal of your shifting.”

  “Why didn’t you let me know that before we started?”

  “Because of your strong protective instinct—you’d likely have held back to protect me and that would’ve interfered with the completeness of your healing.”

  “I’m not usually a hugger, but may I give you a hug?”

  Brigid stood up with a smile. “Certainly.”

  Matthias’ strong slender frame offered her a generous embrace. “You’re an incredible woman, Brigid. Thank you for sharing my pain and easing it with me. Thanks for helping me begin to hope again.”

  He grabbed his cup and strode from the room as Brigid tidied up her healing kit.

  Later that day, the group decided to meet for another meditation time in the center of the garden. The previous two days had offered slightly rainy weather, but this day had dawned sunny and bright. By noon, the sun’s warmth could be felt again. With all the training and healing work, the fairies knew they needed to replenish their energies. It was also another opportunity to strengthen their bonds on a spiritual level.

  They spread out blankets and folding chairs, and Nicole offered to sing for them. She stunned them with the sweet beauty of her voice in a song she had created in celebration of their rescue, the healing she had received, and the connection they had forged together. Her voice flowed over them in a melody that soothed and gentled their spirits. They felt a tug on their hearts and a clearing of their minds. A sense of awe embraced them. Wings eagerly opened to the sun and to share with one another.

  Matthias’ skin began to flush; he could sense the energy building inside of him. The effort of his earlier healing and the invitation of the music pushed him toward a change. He decided to trust. He removed his clothing, except for his boxers as a gesture of modesty. Breathing deeply, he dropped into the position for shifting; his bones began to move, fur sprouted on his back, and his face extended into a snout. The boxers fell to the ground. In moments, a red fox was seated on the blanket. He raised his snout and offered a proud yippy bark. The grass and bushes around him seemed greener from the energy he had dispersed with his change. Matthias rose up and stalked between those gathered. As he passed each one, he paused and extended his paw. One by one, they made a connection with him. He returned to his blanket and they quietly passed a half hour in meditation together. When the time felt right, Matthias picked up his boxers and jeans in his mouth and trotted away to return to his human form.

  As he returned, Nicole said, “Wow, that was so cool. I’ve never seen anyone shift before. Thanks for trusting us.”

  Matthias struggled for the words to describe the amazing shift he’d experienced as a result of Brigid’s healing gift and the intense sharing that had bonded their group together. He pointed out how even Nicole’s musical gift had moved him to a level of trust he didn’t expect to feel again.

  “You’re the first shapeshifter we’ve met or even knew existed up until a few days ago,” said Treena. “I’m grateful you trusted us, so I could be part of such an experience.”

  Bernard then stood up. “Because today seems to be a time of offering ourselves, I offer you my gift with stones. Even though my strongest affinity is with marble, I’m able to connect with all stones. I can strengthen the power of yours, if you so wish.”

  He walked to each one. Amethysts and tourmalines were eagerly pulled out of pockets and handed to Bernard. He intently united his energy with that of each stone. He strengthened the dampening power of the tourmaline. He added to the amethyst’s protection against negativity and boosted its spiritual power. When he approached Brigid, he offered to infuse her topaz necklace with additional energy.

  Evander closed their time with a prayer, giving thanks for the many gifts shared and the healing that was felt.

  He and Brigid slipped away to walk the garden pathways and catch up with each other. Evander waited a few moments before expressing his concern at how much energy Brigid was expending while working with Nicole and Matthias.

  Brigid reached to clasp his hand. “You know, I spent much longer days in my practice back home. While this is emotionally demanding, and there’s so much uncertainty surrounding our
efforts, I actually feel more energized than I have in years.”

  Evander grinned at her and quirked an eyebrow.

  “Not just because of that!” She bumped his shoulder. “Although making love with you is certainly my favorite way to restore myself.”

  Brigid squeezed his hand affectionately. “What about you? I know you’ve been putting in long hours with Quillon at the computer as well as working on a portal so we can communicate back home.”

  “I’m enjoying learning from Quillon. He’s an excellent teacher. It’s fascinating having all this information instantly at our fingertips. Working on the portal has been more draining. I’m nervous of emitting too large a resonance for the tourmaline to handle.

  “I’ve been doing only small experiments without putting it all together. I’m trying to blend what I’ve developed, combining a small geographical window with what I was taught about our dimensional portal. I have no idea if it’ll actually work or how risky it may be.”

  Brigid suggested he work with Symba and have her assess if any resonance leaked out. Evander felt some of his worry lift and affirmed he’d touch base with Symba later.

  The path swept back toward the house and wound around a large oak tree on their right.

  Evander gave a tug on Brigid’s hand. “This tree looks rather familiar, wouldn’t you say? Perhaps we should go over and say hello.”

  Brigid found herself following him around the tree with a smile on her face. “I see you’re a bit of an outdoor kind of fellow.”

  “Isn’t everything better enjoyed in the sunshine?” He tugged her into his arms.

  His hands massaged the small of her back and swept over her hips, gently kneading her flesh. Brigid’s fingers dived into his hair and she hauled his lips to hers. Her breasts felt heavy and her breathing quickened. Evander’s hands slipped under her top and his fingers brushed the sides of her breasts. Brigid quickly scanned with her mind and noted thankfully that the others had gone inside.


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