The Prophecy

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The Prophecy Page 26

by Karen MacLeod-Wilkie

  “Mr. Roche, it seems you were at a fashion event earlier this evening.”

  Quillon smiled. “Yes, my friend likes designer clothing. After she enjoyed the show, we slipped away for a different type of entertainment.”

  The officer replied, “Sir, I’m going to need to speak with your friend.”

  Brigid had left the window slightly ajar, so she had taken in the conversation. She had also eased into the officer’s mind; she sensed a feeling of envy from him and a very high libido. Anticipating she might need to get involved, she removed her bra and stimulated her nipples, so they thrust through her camisole and dress. She trusted the tinted windows and the dark would keep her movement from being observed. She tousled her hair and applied fresh lipstick. Then, she stepped out of the car to join the charade.

  “Quill, honey,” she purred as she glided over next to him, making sure to thrust her generous breasts forward.

  The officer’s gaze dropped immediately before he dragged his eyes upward.

  “What’s taking so long? I thought we were going back to open a bottle of champagne?” She pouted and licked her lips. The officer was again distracted. Brigid ran her hands up and over her breasts, trapping his vision again, while also nudging his libido with her mind.

  “This dress is getting scratchy. I can’t wait to get it off. Can we go soon?”

  Quillon wrapped his arm around Brigid as she looked up at him adoringly.

  “Officer, as you can see, I have my hands rather full. Is there more you need from us?”

  The man’s voice became strained, as if he was struggling to concentrate. “You arrived about an hour and a half ago. Was there anyone else here at that time?”

  “No.” Quillon gave the appearance of confusion. “Should there have been? I booked this date ages ago. There wasn’t supposed to be anyone here.”

  Brigid could feel the officer’s attention returning to his work. She threw her hands in the air as she danced away from Quillon. “Honey, look at that moon. Isn’t it gorgeous?”

  She quickly twirled her dress up and off her body. Both men gaped at her. “I’ve always wanted to tango in the moonlight.”

  She twirled and stretched, displaying her body with each dance movement, and Quillon capably caught her as she spun into his arms and he draped her backward for the finale.

  The officer’s pants were suddenly too tight, and his breathing became labored. “I think we’re done here. I’ll back down the drive so you can get out.”

  Quillon eased Brigid upright and escorted her back to the car, grabbing her dress on the way. The officer climbed into his vehicle and Brigid kept sending waves of arousal through his brain. Although she felt guilty for manipulating him, she felt it was the safest way to avoid trouble. His vehicle pulled out of the driveway and rushed down the road. Brigid hoped he’d go far enough and be distracted sufficiently that the jeep could exit without notice.

  “Are you back with me yet?” Quillon asked. He tossed the kitbag into her lap. “You might want your clothes before we meet up with Evander,” he said.

  Brigid pulled out her clothes, suddenly starting to shake. Even dressed, she couldn’t seem to get warm.

  Quillon glanced over. “You okay?”

  “I can’t seem to get warm or to stop shaking,” she said. “I can’t believe I just did that. I’ve never done anything like that before. I’ve always just been the healer that everyone views as an old maid.”

  “I wouldn’t say that’s how Evander sees you,” Quillon said as he turned the heat up. “You were awesome back there. You used your skills to get us out of there safely and with no harm to anyone. Take some deep breaths. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Thanks for catching me.”

  “My pleasure,” Quillon grinned.

  Brigid blushed and looked out the side window.

  “I’m a dancer, remember. I’m used to female bodies wrapped around me. Don’t sweat it too much, okay.”

  “I’m starving.” Brigid changed the subject.

  “Me too. There should be some protein bars in the dash. I’d like one, if you could dig them out. It’ll be half an hour or so before we’re home.”

  Quillon put some quiet music on as they munched on their bars. Their nerves began to settle. There weren’t a lot of cars on the road that late into the night. Finally, they turned into Quillon’s property and drove to the garage. Five minutes later, the jeep arrived from another direction. They’d taken an alternate route in case the Porsche had been followed. They took the underground tunnel and piled into the kitchen to continue their earlier conversation.

  Brigid had moved to the stove to heat milk, seeking warmth after the challenges of the night. She mixed in some turmeric paste and honey to add extra soothing qualities. Symba placed an assortment of goodies on the shelf: boiled eggs, a bowl of nuts, sliced cheese, carrot muffins, tubs of yogurt, and corn chips with salsa. People quickly grabbed their favorite selections and gathered around the table.

  “So, how’d you handle the officer? Did you pull your rich man strings again?” Treena asked Quillon.

  “That was my first move, but he checked my license and knew we’d been at the fashion show.”

  “I was listening in and could sense the officer’s reluctance to believe Quillon’s story, so I stepped in and played the part of a drunk date wanting attention.” Brigid tried to appear nonchalant.

  “Really?” Treena sat back with a grin. “I wouldn’t have thought you had it in you.”

  She punched Evander in the shoulder. “You must be having a good influence on her.”

  Evander quirked an eyebrow. “I take it you were successful, since he drove off?”

  “Tremendously successful,” said Quillon. “She even did a tango twirl and bend; she nearly had him swooning at her feet.”

  Symba, sensing Brigid’s discomfort, shifted the conversation. “The tango is certainly a sensual dance. I’m glad it was useful, and we all got away. But now it’s time to return to our earlier discussion with Athena.”

  “I was wondering if you remembered I was here. You mentioned a prophecy. Did you mean the dwarf prophecy? Or the shapeshifter Creation story?”

  “Evander, could you tell your part of the story?” Matthias asked.

  Evander nodded and proceeded to share with Athena the prophecy that had led him to Brigid and Treena, and the three of them to cross the portal from the Fairy Realm. He described their meeting with Quillon and Symba and joining forces.

  Symba picked up the tale next, sharing their networking and security efforts and the contact with Gerarda. She shared the connection with the dwarf prophecy from that meeting and the rescue effort.

  Matthias shared what they had been putting together from each race’s stories and teachings, and how he had come to believe he was the Player mentioned in the fairy prophecy.

  “So, you now think I’m The Mind, because of the riddle I sent?” Athena asked.

  The others nodded.

  Matthias said, “Your mind is part of your gift. You’ve always been a brilliant strategist, which is why Niall and I left you to run the business. I was good with people and promoting the game. Niall’s talents were in the kitchen. You were always good at seeing the big picture, when we got caught up in the details of things. We need a big-picture person for what we’re facing now.”

  “I’m wondering if Athena connects with us in more ways than we’ve discussed so far. It has to do with my question from earlier,” Brigid said.

  “You mean about my silver eyes?”

  Brigid nodded.

  Matthias tilted his chin, indicating for Athena to continue.

  “Our father is the son of a shapeshifter and human relationship. My shapeshifting ability is from him. His first wife, Matthias and Niall’s mom, was a shapeshifter but she died giving birth to Niall. Our father remarried and my mother is the child of a dwarf and a fairy. The eye color skipped her generation but showed up in me. I have a special affinity with citrine
, a stone that is connected to intuition, wealth, and success, which was useful for my work at the casino. The fairy influence is in me too. I have miniature wings and my ability with numbers seems to come through that line.”

  Athena drew her sharing to a close as the others looked at her in amazement.

  “There’s something I’d like to show you,” Brigid stated.

  She opened her hand to show the tiny silver owl she kept with her. “My dad gave me this as a parting gift, encouraging me to trust in it to guide me. Now we meet you, an owl, and The Mind!”

  “You unite all of our races as one,” said Evander. “You draw everything together: physically, with the integration of who you are, but also mentally and spiritually with the gifts you have to share. Let me go and get the prophecy. I didn’t want to risk taking it with us. I’d like to read it aloud in your presence and see what happens.”

  He rushed from the kitchen and up the stairs to his room.

  Treena and Symba cleared the table. Matthias held his sister’s hand in encouragement. Evander returned and carefully extracted the scroll. With glove-clad hands, he unrolled it and read the prophecy aloud. As he read each name,—the Healer, the Sword, the Scroll-Bearer, the Rock, the Dancer, the Player and, lastly, the Mind—light shot upward from the scroll.

  He returned it to its protective case and said, “Athena, it’s my belief that you’re The Mind. Will you join us?”

  “Absolutely! Sounds like you need me.” There was a slight tremor in her voice, but she stood steady and as tall as her petite stature would allow.

  “We’re not complete, yet. Are we?” Treena pointed out.

  “What do you mean?” Quillon looked taken aback.

  “We have to find The Priest. The first line describes the Healer and the Priest who fell. Evander is The Scroll-Bearer, not the priest. We have to find the priests who came through the portal before us,” Treena said.

  “Excellent point. When I named the Priest, as I was reading, no light shone.” Evander tapped the scroll box against his hand.

  “There were no priests in the facility where I was kept,” Matthias stated.

  “There’s a new fifty-bed research facility. It was built at the old Wheadon Ranch. We suspect they may have been taken there,” Quillon told Athena. “I need to check if there’s been an email from Gerarda about the meeting Conrad mentioned. I don’t think we’re going to be able to remain here much longer. That officer got my name and will connect it to this place. If he decides to do any follow up, he’ll expect Brigid and I, and there are probably records of Symba staying here, but we’ll need all traces of the rest of you gone.”

  “It’s three o’clock in the morning. I vote for sleep and we can re-convene over breakfast,” Symba stated to a chorus of “Agreed,” “Yes, please!” and “Definitely.”

  “I’ll show you our spare room,” said Symba to Athena. “It’s where our friend Nicole stayed. We switched the sheets before we set out last night, so it’s ready for you.”

  They made sure lights were out, burners were off, and the food was returned to the fridge. Quillon went to check his email and then joined the others in slumberland.

  They’d barely closed their eyes when a loud chiming sounded through the house. It was the doorbell. Quillon looked out his window to see the military vehicle from earlier parked in his driveway. He dashed down the hall, sticking his head into rooms to impart the news. He suggested Matthias and Athena hide in the basement tunnel. He decided he could still explain that everyone else had stayed on after the flop at his last dance competition. He encouraged Brigid to put on a sexy robe and join him at the door after a minute or two had passed. The bell chimed again.

  Quillon opened the door wearing his pajama pants and a t-shirt. He let his face express surprise as he looked at the officer.

  “Good morning, officer. What brings you here—” he glanced down at his watch, “—so early in the morning?” He tried to stifle a yawn.

  “I’m just doing some follow up after last night. The man whose cabin you were at last night went missing six months ago,” the officer reported.

  “Really? I hadn’t heard that. The last few months, I’ve been competing in dance competitions around the country, so I haven’t been out to the casino. Gosh, he seemed like a good fellow. I hope he isn’t in trouble.”

  Brigid traipsed down the stairs and went to wind herself around Quillon. “What are you doing out of bed so early?” Then she seemed to notice the officer. “Hey officer, didn’t we meet last night. You kinda look like him. It’s all a little fuzzy, you know?”

  The officer peeled his eyes away from Brigid, determined not to be drawn in this time. “You mentioned dance competitions. You returned from one recently with a group of friends?”

  Symba and Treena entered the hall from the kitchen carrying coffee mugs and holding hands. They wandered over to the door.

  “Hey, you guys, is everything all right?” Symba asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Quillon stated. “It seems I’m being tracked. Is that correct officer? Should I be getting in touch with my lawyer?”

  “No, no. I was just doing a follow-up after last night. As I said, nothing to worry about,” the officer said hurriedly. “You folks enjoy your day.”

  Before the door closed, Brigid looked up at Quillon. “Can we have breakfast in bed, honey?”

  The officer tripped on the step and stumbled as he moved toward his vehicle.

  “You’ve got a naughty streak I didn’t expect!” Quillon grinned and raised an eyebrow at Brigid.

  “Hey, hands off my woman, mate!” Evander called down the stairs as he sauntered out of the bedroom.

  Brigid beamed up at him. “Could you bring down a warmer housecoat please? I’m going for coffee.” She linked arms with Treena and Symba, and they strode to the kitchen together.

  “All that sexual energy looks good on you.” Treena offered Brigid a hip bump as she stepped over to refill her coffee mug.

  Symba offered a warm smile. “It really does. You seem stronger somehow.”

  Brigid lifted a mug down from the cupboard and turned to look at them both. “I feel stronger, and more confident in myself and what I can do. The sexual energy with Evander is certainly part of that, but I feel as though it’s also this connection we’re building between all of us. There’s trust, fun, kindness, struggle…. Oh my gosh! Matthias and Athena—we didn’t let them know it’s safe to come back up.”

  Brigid rushed to the basement door and called down, “Matthias, Athena, all’s clear.”

  “About time,” Athena grumbled. “I was starting to get chilly down here. This nightshirt doesn’t cover much.”

  She stomped up the stairs in bare feet. Matthias sauntered up behind her.

  “It’s pretty though,” Symba admired the silky purple shirt Athena was wearing.

  Evander entered the kitchen with Brigid’s housecoat. “Something warmer for my lady.” Then his eyes caught sight of Athena and he stopped short.

  “Eyes this way, bucko,” Brigid goaded. “Athena got cold downstairs.”

  “I can see that,” Evander raised his eyes to Athena’s. “Can I go and grab you something warmer?”

  “No, thank you,” she laughed. “I’ll head up and find something myself. Save me a cup of coffee! I’ll be right back.” She strolled to the doorway where she collided with Quillon who had just dashed down the stairs. He grabbed her to prevent himself from knocking her over. He quickly realized his hands were clinging to her bare skin and his eyes noted the scant clothing between them. For the first time since the fairies had met him, Quillon appeared flustered.

  Athena grinned. “Thanks for the save. Be back soon.”

  She sashayed by and up the stairs. Quillon’s eyes couldn’t help but follow her.

  The sound of a throat being cleared brought Quillon’s attention back to the kitchen. He realized he was being observed by the others and that Athena’s big brother had watched his obvious response to his l
ittle sister.

  “Um, ah,” spluttered Quillon, unusually clumsy with his words. He ran his hand through his hair. “Gerarda’s message came through. She wants us at the meet this afternoon.”

  Symba opened the fridge. “We’d better get breakfast going.”

  “Since we’ve said goodbye to Nicole and Bernard, and Athena has joined us, I feel it’d be helpful to work on forging new bonds as a team,” said Evander.

  “Matt tells me you guys have been training together,” said Athena as she re-entered the kitchen.

  “Training’s important,” said Treena. “I suggest we get a session in after breakfast. But Evander’s really good at developing rituals that strengthen our connections—probably some of that priestly training he had.”

  “Meditation has been part of our practice too,” Symba shared. “Brigid often leads us.”

  “I’m down with any of that.” Athena’s stomach emitted a huge growl. “First off, I need food. I’ve been living mostly on canned goods since I’ve been in the cave, and any mice, squirrels, or frogs that I’ve eaten in owl form.”

  She noticed Brigid’s expression and burst into laughter. “Welcome to life with shapeshifters!” she chortled. “Don’t worry, I only eat that stuff in my other form.”

  “I didn’t mean to react so strongly,” said Brigid, blushing.

  “React however you want. I’m comfortable with who I am. You won’t hurt my feelings.”

  “Remember, we agreed to honesty.” Matthias placed a gentle hand on Brigid’s arm. “Go easy on yourself. We realize this is all new to you.”

  “I know, but I want to be respectful. It’s just…mice—ewww!” she shuddered.

  Meanwhile, Symba and Quillon were busily dragging food out to prepare breakfast.

  “No mice on this menu, guaranteed,” said Symba. “I’m going to make apple flapjacks, while Quillon whips up an omelette. Brigid can you and Athena do a fruit tray? Evander, you’re on bacon. Matthias, you get to set the table and brew fresh coffee.” Symba passed out the food with the tasks she assigned to each one.


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