The Baby Shift- Rhode Island

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The Baby Shift- Rhode Island Page 2

by Becca Fanning

  Connor said, "I assure you, Harvey, there was no way I could know the lights would explode or that the ceiling would cave in. I did the best I could in the circumstance."

  Harvey raised his voice even higher. "You would address me as Mr. Brooks. And you will explain in better terms what went down tonight."

  Connor felt all the strain, confusion, and anger of the night rush through his veins like a drug. He fixed his golden eyes on Harvey Brooks and rose from his seat. He was a good four inches taller than the politician.

  Connor said in a low, menacing voice, "Harvey, I work for Mrs. Horton, not you. I will address you by your first name, and you would do well to talk to me with a little more respect. I'm a bodyguard, not a slave."

  Harvey looked momentarily shaken by this, but managed to comport himself within seconds. "What? Are you going to shift on me? Tear me apart?"

  "No, Harvey. Contrary to popular opinion, we are not savages. I've made my point." Connor took his seat once again.

  Harvey was about to speak when he was approached by a middle-aged woman in dressed in white. Connor recognized her as the doctor in charge of Alyssa's treatment.

  She said to Harvey, "Mrs. Horton's condition has been stabilized now. She sustained a fractured rib and some bruises, however, she only needs to spend a few days more with us."

  "And after that?" Harvey said, relief flooding his voice.

  "After that, she needs to get some rest - at least for a week. Maybe a vacation could help?"

  Harvey scratched his jaw. "Alyssa's too stubborn to agree to a vacation, but I could convince her to spend some time in her family house, back in Folkholm."

  The doctor nodded and walked away to attend to other emergencies. Harvey turned to look at Connor with an expressionless face.

  He said, "Alyssa would be taking a break in with her family. Your agency will be notified once she's ready to come back to Springfield. In the meantime, your services will not be required."

  Connor spent the next few days at home eating, sleeping, drinking, and having sexual orgies with as many women as he could handle. For some reason, he found it difficult to pay Alyssa a visit and couldn't bear the thought of seeing her face to face. He tried to compensate by sending her flowers and a get-well-soon card every two days.

  Images of what happened on the night of the accident and how he could not save her continually plagued his thoughts and his dreams. He found himself wishing he was a pure-born shifter, like his childhood friend who moved to Maine a few months ago, Alex Warren. If he had pure-born abilities, his heightened senses may have picked up something. But alas, he was just a regular shifter.

  So he stayed away from her, even when she was discharged and travelled back to her hometown in Folkholm. Connor tried his best to live his carefree life the way he did before he met Alyssa and he felt he was doing just that, until the day his father walked into the room.

  "Are you okay, son?"

  The question took Connor by surprise. He stammered before replying, "Why, of course, Dad. Don't I look okay?"

  "You do." Max took a seat on his son's bed. "I can tell something is wrong, though. You seem to be running away from something. Is it about the Alyssa Horton's accident?"

  Connor looked away from his father. He wanted so bad to end the conversation by saying there was nothing going on, but he could not lie to his father. "Yes. I can't help but feel guilty about what happened."

  "But it wasn't your fault."

  "I know, but I still feel so guilty and I don't know why."

  Max Sanders sighed. "Have you seen her since it happened?"

  "No, Dad. I couldn't bring myself to look at her lying there, helpless. I just couldn't."

  Max's voice was stern when he said, "Go see her. Do it today and get it over with."

  "I can't, she's in Folkholm now."

  "Then take the train," Max said. Then he stood up on his feet and left, leaving Connor to stare blankly at his broad back.

  Alyssa stretched her body in the armchair for the umpteenth time that afternoon. She could not remember the last time she felt so relaxed and worried at the same time. She was relaxed because she had not spent so much time away from work in years, and she was worried because she had not heard from her bodyguard since she was discharged from the hospital.

  She tried to convince herself her worry was just that of an employer feeling concern for her employee, but deep down she knew this was something much more significant. Did she miss him? Had she grown fond of his deep voice, funny carefree attitude, overwhelming presence, and surprisingly meek nature? These thoughts kept her mind working with each passing day. It wasn't right, and she knew it, but she couldn't help herself.

  Harvey had been an amazing friend to her during these trying times. He had even taken two days off work to come and stay with her in her family mansion. He was already a family friend hence was warmly welcomed by her father, mother, and younger sister. Even now as she sat alone in her room, he was downstairs playing chess with her father.

  The door to her bedroom opened and her eighteen-years-old sister, Rose, walked in. Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

  She said, "Someone's waiting to see you downstairs. I think he said his name was Connor. I can't be sure because I was too busy drooling over him. He's such a hottie!"

  Alyssa's heart flew into her mouth. She found herself struggling to formulate a reply to her sister. After the first five seconds of speechlessness, she managed to say, "Thanks, Rose. I'll be downstairs in a minute."

  Rose stared at her elder sister with an amused expression on her face. Alyssa asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Nothing, sis. Nothing at all," her sister said, and walked out of the room with a mischievous grin on her face.

  A few minutes later, Alyssa made her way downstairs to the living room. She braced herself to receive her new guest as coldly as she could but the moment she set eyes on him, sitting on one of the couches in the large living room, a smile involuntarily formed across her lips.

  "Hello, Mrs. Horton," Connor said standing on his feet. He was not the only one in the living room when she walked in. Harvey and her father were in a corner playing a game of chess, though Harvey kept frowning and glancing in Connor's direction. Her sister and mother were in another corner chattering like teenage girls.

  She walked up to Connor and shook the hand he had stretched forth. The moment their fingers touched, she felt a tingling sensation shoot up her hand to the pit of her stomach. He fixed his golden eyes on her.

  Alyssa said, "Hello, Mr. Sanders. Good to see you."

  He said, "You look well. I'm glad."

  Alyssa smiled mischievously. "I've looked better. I thought I made it clear I needed no protection at home. I hope you don't expect me to pay you?"

  Connor's white teeth flashed in a boyish grin. "This is more of an unofficial visit. Call it a casual visit if you will."

  "Fine. Just making sure."

  "I'm sorry I haven't been around to see you since the accident," he said with a solemn expression on his face.

  She smiled. "It's fine. I know you cared even if you never showed up," she said, then quickly added before he could reply, "Let's go outside for a walk. I need some fresh air."

  They walked through the large compound past the different cars and flowers that adorned the area.

  Connor said, "So, it's true what they say about Folkholm. It's filled with rich families, very few people, and so many open fields."

  "Yes," she said, "Folkholm is a town owned by Rhode Island's elite. We love our peace and quiet."

  He nodded. "It's a really lovely place to be."

  "Yes, but I try to avoid coming here as much as possible."

  "Why?" he asked in surprise.

  "Because this place brings out the little girl in me. When I'm here I'm no longer Alyssa Horton, the ruthless activist who would sooner face a battalion of soldiers than give up on her beliefs. Instead, I'm Alyssa Horton, daughter of Craig and Regina Horton,
the girl who enjoys afternoon naps and secretly loves to ride horses."

  Connor burst into laughter. He stopped walking to look at her with a big grin on his face. "Really? You love horses?"

  She flashed him a smile of her own. "I really do, and the urge gets stronger when I get home. My father bought me a horse when I was twelve. I loved riding her, until one day I had an accident while riding her. My father never let me ride a horse again."

  The smile did not leave his face. "Really, Mrs. Horton, you are indeed full of surprises."

  She replied, "Call me Alyssa, please. Remember this is a casual visit."

  He said, "Harvey might not like it."

  "Why would you think that?"

  "Because he blames me for what happened to you at the event."

  "That's absurd. There was no way you would have known."

  He looked away and then said, "People do absurd things when they're in love. You know the dude's in love with you, don't you?"

  Alyssa felt both shock and fear at the same time. "Now you're the one being absurd. Harvey and I are just friends."

  He looked at her with strange pity in his eyes. Giggling, she said, "Please, you're the last person I'd expect to spot love."

  His grin widened. "Alyssa it is then, as long as you quit calling me Mr. Sanders," he said.

  "Done," Alyssa replied.

  They walked and talked for a few more minutes before going back inside to join the others for dinner. After dinner she insisted he spend the night in one of the guest rooms and he agreed. For some reason, that was Alyssa's best day since the night of the accident.

  Connor stared at the ceiling that night, unable to fall asleep. He could not banish thoughts of Alyssa from his mind.

  "You're such a loser," he said to himself. He was playing a dangerous game. His employer and him were from completely different worlds. If any woman should be off limits for him, then she had to be Alyssa Horton. A thought crossed his mind.

  Connor picked up his phone and placed a call to a number in Rockville, Maine. "Hello, Alex," he said to the person on the other end.

  "Hey, bro. Been a while. Haven't seen you since the wedding," Alex Warren said.

  Connor replied, "I've been busy with a new client."

  "I understand, Connor. So what's up?"

  Conor said, "I need you to do me a favor."

  The next morning, Alyssa, Connor, Harvey, Rose, and her parents all enjoyed a hearty breakfast together in the dinner. Alyssa could not help but notice that while everybody acted as they normally would, Harvey seemed a little grumpier than usual. She got the impression he wasn't comfortable with eating on the same table with an employee.

  They had only just finished eating when the sound of a truck pulling over inside the compound broke into her thoughts.

  "What is that?" Craig Horton asked in confusion.

  It was Connor who replied. "I'm truly sorry for the disturbance, Mr. and Mrs. Horton, but this is a surprise present for Alyssa."

  Excited, Alyssa followed him outside the house while the others gathered around the window to watch. A white truck had only just pulled up. It was a rental so there was no way of knowing what was in it.

  Walking around it to stand at the back, Connor beckoned for her to come over and stand next to him.

  She asked, "What's this?"

  "Why not take a look and see for yourself." He slowly unlocked the door to the back of the truck and let it slide up, revealing the interior.

  Alyssa felt her breath catch in her throat. "Connor, what the hell!" she screamed as her eyes fell on the sight of magnificent looking white horse. Male, big, strong-looking, and very healthy, the horse resembled that used by kings and queens in movies.

  "I had an old friend order one from a nearby stable owned by his new wife. Her late father owned many stables in America."

  Alyssa felt warmth flood her entire body. She could barely contain her emotions and longer and tears were already flooding her eyes. Before Connor could say anything else, she pulled him close and hugged him as hard as she could.

  Connor whispered in her ear. "Wanna take him out for a spin?"

  She was on top of the horse, riding at a very slow pace while he walked beside her through one of the many open fields in Folkholm. They had been talking for hours, sharing information none of them had ever shared with anybody before.

  Alyssa was saying, "Surely, he doesn't really think you a failure. You're a great bodyguard."

  Connor said, "It's not about being a great bodyguard. The thing is, just like wolves, werewolves form packs in different areas. Each pack has a reigning leader and a new leader is chosen after his or her death. Such a new leader is chosen not by birth, but by the great deeds done. My ancestors have been pack leaders for as long as I can remember."

  She smiled. He really was a fragile soul. "And you think your father is dissapointed you haven't racked up many great achievements?" she said.

  "Yes, exactly."

  She sighed, "Climb up the horse, Connor," she commanded. Upon noticing his hesitation, she repeated, "Come on, climb up and sit behind me."

  He shrugged, and in a single flowing motion he vaulted over the large horse's side and sat behind her.

  She said, "You have been walking beside me for over an hour now, Connor. But it took you less than a second to climb up the horse. That's how quickly your whole life can change - in less than a second. So no, you have not dissapointed your father. You're only waiting for your opportunity to climb up the horse of great deeds."

  He did not say a single word. He was pressed against her from behind so Alyssa felt his heart beating fast behind her back. Yet he remained silent. She twisted her waist and drew her head back to look at him, but suddenly found her face only inches from his. She could swear her soul was lost in those beautiful golden eyes.

  Connor said, "Alyssa, I..."

  Watching his full lips move was more than she could bear. Without thinking, and before he could complete his statement, she brushed her lips against his, slowly tasting the tip of his tongue. Her heart was pounding heavily now. She was just about to apologize when he brought is lips down on hers, hard.

  She opened her mouth as they kissed passionately; oblivious of the moving horse and their surroundings. It was the best feeling, having his lips pressed against hers, his tongue just brushing hers ever so slightly, his big strong arms wrapped around her slender body.

  "Mrs. Horton!"

  The familiar loud voice forced her mind out from a pool of sensations. She immediately disentangled from Connor's embrace and righted herself on the horse to see Harvey Brooks standing in front of her. He looked like he was going to explode.

  "Harvey. I..."

  Before she could complete her sentence, he said coldly, "There's an emergency back in Springfield. Mayor Larry Burch just ordered the demolition of the Glover."

  Alyssa felt stunned and terrified all at once. "But that would leave thousands of people homeless. We're talking men, women, and children, here."

  Harvey replied, his expression unreadable, "I know. Which is why we have to stop him."

  She nodded. "Get ready. We return to Springfield immediately."

  Chapter 3

  Alyssa sighed as the car pulled up to a stop. The last 24 hours had been the most busy of her entire life. She and her team hadn't been able to get a wink of sleep in that time. Immediately after their arrival in Springfield, Harvey had spent hours on the phone trying to call in favors until he managed to get her an audience with an influential councilman. The Glover was a large land area owned by the town's council and leased at highly subsidized rates to make it affordable for the poor.

  After hours of deliberation, Alyssa was finally able to convince him to go against the mayor's plan and instead sell the Glover property to her. It would cost her a large chunk of her life savings but she really did not care. The Glover was scheduled to be demolished in less than an hour so Alyssa had her personal assistant, Natasha Preston, draw up the paperwork
as quickly as possible.

  Now all that was left was to show the foreman of the demolition project the court order. That would stop the entire process and save the Glover. And this was what she was about to do, albeit with Connor Sanders by her side as her bodyguard.

  They got out of the car and headed straight for the main gate of the Glover. There they met three guards who looked more like thugs than anything else.

  "Good morning. I am Alyssa Horton. I would like to see the foreman of this project, please," she said.

  One of the guards replied, "Sorry ma'am. No visitors allowed."

  "Please, you don't understand. I'm not here to visit. I just need to show him this court order so he will know to stop demolition. This place belongs to my family now."

  The guard scratched his chin. He said, "So if he doesn't see this order, he can't get in trouble for doing his job, right?"

  "Yes, but what matters now is the lives that would be.. "

  He interrupted, "In that case, you are definitely not going in."

  Alyssa felt like she had been stuck by lightning. How could people be so heartless and selfish? Before she could say anything else, something big and dark dashed past her. She gasped as she saw a large wolf lung for the three big men.

  "Connor!" she screamed.

  The wolf grabbed the ankles of one of the men and pulled, flipping the horrified man upside down before gently placing him on the ground. The other two attacked with large batons, but the wolf was too fast for them. In a flash he had rounded the onrushing men and was directly behind them. The wolf jumped, hitting them in their backs with his paws and causing them to crumble underneath his weight.

  Pinning them down, it howled at Alyssa and she instantly understood. Connor had not shifted to attack or harm the guards but to hold them down and buy her time. She ran past the struggling men with the court order still in her hand.


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