Forget Me Never

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Forget Me Never Page 4

by Sable Hunter

  “Give Leon my sympathies.” Patrick was enchanted. “Are you always so bold?” It didn’t matter if she was or not, he wanted her anyway.

  “No, I’m not bold at all. I’m usually very shy.” A look of guilt washed over her face. “Gee, I guess I had better level with you. I hate to start any friendship out with half-truths.” She took him by the arm and turned him so they both faced the wall. To quote an old Ronnie Milsap song, the simple touch of her hand on his arm was giving him day dreams about night things right dab in the middle of the afternoon. She stood on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. “Do you see my friend over there?”

  “You mean the blonde with the mile-long legs?” There was no way he could have missed the looks that she and Savannah had been exchanging. Was he attracted to the other woman? He might have been, if there had been no Savannah. But since laying eyes on his Destiny – there was no other woman in the world. “And by the way, don’t be nervous. I think you’re adorable.”

  “You don’t have to be kind.” She spoke so off-handedly that Patrick realized she wasn’t taking anything he said seriously. Now why was that? He watched her glance over at the young woman behind the desk again who winked and gave them a thumb’s up. “Yes, that’s my friend Tammany. She’s very beautiful.” Damn, she was caressing his arm, petting him and Patrick didn’t think she was even aware of it. “She wasn’t going to leave me alone until I tried to ask you out. But I can’t be mad at her; she only wants what is best for me.”

  Teasing her was fast becoing his favorite sport. “So, you don’t really want to help me with my research? You just want me for my body?”

  “Of course I want your body, who wouldn’t? But that’s beside the point.”

  The way she complimented him in such a frank manner confused Patrick. “So what is the point?”

  “What I’m trying to say, is that I’ll be glad to help you with your research with no strings attached. And you certainly don’t have to be stuck with taking me to lunch,” she reassured him with a smile. “Let me get you some information and then we’ll just walk out together and Tammany will never be the wiser, until I have to confess the truth later, of course. I won’t lie to her. I just don’t want her to embarrass us or pressure you. She’ll leave as soon as Tulah gets here and you can come back in and work and forget you ever met me.”

  Her expression was so sweet and unassuming that he wanted to kiss her full on the lips. He didn’t understand why she was so doubtful of her allure. And if she thought she was going to get rid of him that easily, she was sadly mistaken. “Oh, I’m never going to forget you. What if I want to take you to lunch? Don’t I get a vote?”

  “As much as I’d love to spend time with you, I know I’m not your type. You are way out of my league,” she whispered to him. “Now just play along and this will be over soon. Come on.” She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him over to the help desk where she began writing something down on a card.

  Patrick thought it was time to lodge some protests. If he didn’t speak up, she was going to walk right out of his life and that would never do. “I’ll play with you anytime, Baby. And if I’m not in your league, I want to join. We really need to go somewhere and talk, Savannah.”

  It couldn’t be that she was involved with anyone, or her girlfriend wouldn’t be trying to set her up. He stood close to her, enjoying the contact. But to his bewilderment, she chose to ignore what he said and continued to give him information he wanted – but not nearly as much as he wanted her.

  “LaVerdure, you say? That name doesn’t sound familiar, but let me give you a website address that contains invaluable genealogical records. If the LaVerdures are related to any of the original settlers, there’s a chance you’ll find something in this collection of work.” Trying her best to ignore Tammany, who was edging closer to them by the second, she turned to the big Marine and handed him her business card. “It’s called Ensemble Encore. I think it will help you in your quest. And if you want me to look for you, I’ll be glad to. My email address is on the card. All you have to do is ask.”

  The soldier took the card and carefully put it in his back pocket. “This information is important to my grandfather, so it’s important to me. I’ll email you for sure, but consider yourself asked. I don’t intend to lose contact with you, and if this is the best way to do it, I’m all for it.” Before Savannah could stop him, Patrick stepped around her and offered his hand to Tammany. “Hello, Savannah’s friend. I’m Patrick O’Rourke. I’m about to take this pretty lady to lunch.”

  “Great! I knew this was going to work out.” The lithe blonde jumped up and down a little, making her breasts bounce. Patrick didn’t react. But Savannah was doing her best to shush the blonde up. It didn’t work, she just kept on. “You know it’s her birthday, don’t you? She’s twenty-six today. Did she tell you what the fortune teller said?”

  “Tammany, no!” Savannah warned her with a hint of panic in her voice.

  “A fortune teller?” He turned to Savannah with a questioning look. “No, she didn’t mention the fortune teller.” He wasn’t surprised. This was Louisiana, home of hoodoo, voodoo and Anne Rice, where the supernatural is a perfectly acceptable form of normal. Wait till he told her about seeing her face in the well on that Halloween night so long ago. He wondered what she’d think of that.

  “Nana Fontenot is powerful and well-known in south Louisiana. She’s never, ever wrong,” Tammany stated flatly, fully convinced.

  “What did she say?” He couldn’t wait to hear this.

  Behind him, cute grumbling from Savannah only increased his curiosity. “You don’t have to tell everything you know, Tammany. I can’t believe this.” She threw her little hands up in the air and huffed her consternation. “This beats all I’ve ever seen. I’m going to get Nana to turn you into a nutria rat, Tammany,” Savannah promised her friend with a glare.

  Tammany didn’t pay Savannah a bit of attention. Leaning over near Patrick, she whispered her delicious news. “She said that Savannah would meet a warrior today, and that warrior would one day become her husband.” She said the words slow with delicious emphasis.

  “Oh, merciful Heavens, kill me now.” Savannah seethed in embarrassment as her friend grinned and Patrick’s eyes widened in surprise. “I’m sure Nana Fontenot is losing her touch, Patrick,” Savannah reassured him. “If it’s any consolation, she also predicted the Saints would win the Super Bowl this year and we know there’s no chance of that happening.”

  Patrick cleared his throat, trying not to laugh out loud. “Well, Honey,” he placed a hand on the small of Savannah’s back. “I’m a Saints fan, so I hope she’s right. Don’t you think we ought to go to lunch and talk about our engagement party?”

  “That’s the spirit!” Tammany announchappily. “There’s no fighting fate. It’s stronger than all of us. Besides, you won’t be sorry. Savannah is a wonderful girl.”

  “I’ll make this up to you, I promise,” she whispered to Patrick as he steered her to the front entrance. “God, I’m embarrassed! I’m twenty-six years old and I feel fourteen. I can’t believe I put you through this. I am so, so sorry,”

  Visions of how she could make it up to him were dancing through his head. “Don’t be sorry. You heard Tammany. There’s no use fighting fate. You may very well be my destiny.” He might be speaking in a teasing tone, but he couldn’t get the notion out of his head. What if he had missed her? What if he had decided not to come here today? The idea was unthinkable.

  Savannah gave him an exasperated look. “Don’t let her hear you say that. She doesn’t need any encouragement.”

  “Stop worrying. There’s no harm done. I’m flattered to tell you the truth. I have to leave for the base in a couple of hours. My plane leaves for Afghanistan tomorrow and meeting you is exactly what I needed to take my mind off my worries.” There, that sounded innocent enough. He didn’t want to come on so strong that he scared the bejesus out of her. And it was true. As if fighting a war wasn’t pressure e
nough, he had to deal with a commanding officer that he didn’t trust as far as he could throw. Patrick was collecting evidence on Lucas and as soon as he had exactly what he needed, the man was going down. A traitor was the lowest form of humanity. Everything about the man just reeked of arrogance, selfishness and greed. The way he constantly squeezed on a stress ball got on everyone’s nerves. He was always challenging the others to arm wrestling matches, but Patrick wouldn’t give him the time of day.

  Savannah’s heart fell. “You’re shipping out tomorrow?” She couldn’t keep the dismay out of her voice. A sinking, sick feeling started in the pit of her stomach. “I had no idea, and I’ve been monopolizing your last few hours of freedom.” A passing glance from a woman who gave Patrick a long, hot look before smirking at Savannah was an unpleasant reminder that the handsome marine was probably just being nice to her. There was no way he was really interested in her.

  They stepped out into the sunshine and turned toward the parking lot beneath the big Evangeline Oak. Stopping, she held out her hand. “I’ll pray for your safety, and I wish you all the luck in the world. Don’t forget, I’ll be watching for your email. And thank you for playing along with me. I’ll let you go now. You can consider your experience today to be a flirty type of ‘catch and release’.”

  Patrick listened patiently while she made her speech. When she held out her little hand, he took it. When ir fingers touched he halfway expected to feel a shock. Instead he was entranced by the softness of her skin and how right her hand felt in his. When she tried to draw it back, Patrick wouldn’t turn loose. “Not so fast, Honey. After I’m caught, I don’t release so easily.”

  His playfulness caused a giggle to escape her lips. It felt good to laugh. “So, are you saying that I’ve caught something a little too large to handle?” Again, she let her gaze dip below his belt buckle. What had gotten into her? Oh well, she’d never see him again after this morning.

  With one swift move, Patrick pulled her against him. “You have a wicked sense of humor. I think I’ll enjoy the hell out of you. You’re a living doll, did you know that?” Lord, her midnight blue eyes were wide with shock and excitement. As he stared down into them, he swore he could see forever in their depths.

  “I shouldn’t do this, but God it feels good to be close to you,” she closed her eyes and whispered as she moved – not away - but a step closer to him. This was the very first time she had been in a man’s arms and it was wonderful. “I’m sorry; I can’t seem to stop shaking.”

  “Don’t be shy,” he held her tenderly. She trembled like a small deer that wanted to be petted but was afraid to be still. “I think you are just about the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Savannah.” Savannah – God, he loved that name. He couldn’t get over how perfect she was. Her body was petite, but had the sweetest set of drool-worthy tits he had ever been privileged to feel pressed up against him. When he had first seen her, he had teased her about being prim and proper, but what she was – was a lady. Savannah wasn’t dressed to show off her shape, but when she moved in a certain way the soft cotton of her sundress would shift and he could see high, full breasts that just begged to be cupped and fondled. And how had he missed all that hair? When she had faced him, it had been caught up on the sides, so it wasn’t till she had turned around that he could see the waterfall of lush curls that hung down to the middle of her back. “I want to spend my last few hours with you. Is that okay?”

  Savannah was taken aback. What should she do? Everything within her wanted to spend time with this walking, talking dream. But what would be the use? It’s not like it could go anywhere, even if he were interested in her. What could she offer a man like this? It was obvious. So, she offered the only thing of value she had – her help. “We could discuss your research over lunch, if you’d like. And I’ll keep the flirtatious stares to a minimum, I promise,” she whispered breathlessly. God, she sounded desperate.

  Patrick didn’t really understand all of the unfamiliar feelings flooding his heart. But he did know that there was no way in hell he was going to let her walk out of his life, not after he had just found her. The fact that she had given him the hardest erection he had sported in many a day – all without a touch was beside the point. But it did make him wonder what she could do if they were actually skin to skin. He knew he’d give his rt nut to find out.

  Time seemed to stand still as they held each other’s gaze. Patrick could almost sense an electric arc of awareness pass between them. “I’d love to have lunch with you, Savannah. And please don’t cut back on the flirting for my sake, I enjoyed it. In fact parts of me were giving you a standing ovation.”

  Easing out of his arms, Savannah felt her cheeks flush. “Thank you, you won’t be sorry. I’ll be good to you, I promise. Lunch is on me.”

  No way. “No, I’ll buy lunch. You can be good to me in other ways,” he teased her with a wink. Lord, he loved to see a woman blush. His suggestion earned him another sweet smile from those plump, pink lips. And this time his heart flopped over in his chest like a floundering fish out of water. Now that he knew her real name, he could say with confidence that Savannah’s smile was his favorite thing in the whole world.

  Chapter Two

  “Ow!” Savannah whispered, as she lightly pinched her own arm. Yea, she was awake. Would wonders ever cease? She was going out to lunch with a man! And what a man! Trying to sound calm, she gathered her purse and followed him to the door. “Okay, if you’re sure.” Savannah couldn’t help but give him a final out.

  “I’m sure.” Patrick checked his watch. It wouldn’t be long before he had to leave, but he had intentions of making every moment count. The only other thing he had to do was contact Hawke and let him know what he had found out from Corporal Durbin. If Lucas was taking money from the Taliban to leak their movements and positions, Patrick intended to bring him down.

  With a possessive gesture, he placed his hand at Savannah’s back. “You smell good; it reminds me of the wild honeysuckle that used to grow in the creek behind my house.”

  Unused to compliments, Savannah just thanked him. She had seen him check the time. God, she hoped he wasn’t already regretting this. They left the memorial, walked by the African-American museum and through the park. Determined to be happy despite her doubts, Savannah wanted to skip and jump. Thrilled was a tepid word for what she felt – she was elated, exhilarated and euphoric. Just walking beside him made her happy.

  Who did he look like? It was somebody famous – and hot. But who? Patrick was blessed with a chiseled face, high cheekbones, a broad manly jaw and full, firm lips that she would walk over hot coals for the privilege to kiss. Now, she had it! He was a John Cena look-alike – the wrestler who made those action flicks. Only Patrick was better looking, a lot better looking. She could only imagine the perfection of his body. Fantasies of Patrick O’Rourke would fill her dreams for many nights to come. She had never had sex, but she sure did have fantasies. Cinemax late night had given her enough examples so she knew what went on – mostly. A graphic, explicit image of him on top of her – all sweaty and intense – muscles working as he pleasured her within an inch of her life came to mind. Oh yeah.

  Lord, help me get my mind out of the gutter she prayed as her whole body tingled with awareness. “Let’s go to the Boondocks down on the bayou. If we had time, we’d just pick up sandwiches and I’d take you over to Evangeline Park. It’s peaceful and I think you would’ve enjoyed the atmosphere, but this will do.” Savannah realized she was chattering like a squirrel. It was nerves. After all, this was her first date. Oh, she knew it really wasn’t a date, but it was as close as she was going to get. “If you don’t mind, I’ll drive. There’s a book in my car we might need.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Patrick followed her, enjoying her non-stop monologue as she made her way toward the parking lot.

  “I’ve been involved with this project and with the Acadian museum over in Erath. You wouldn’t believe how many people are trying to trace their fa
mily tree. It’s become a national hobby, I think.”

  The sway of her backside almost made him miss the step down from the sidewalk to the parking lot. Savannah had one damn fine ass. In fact, he couldn’t find one thing about her that he didn’t think was damn near perfect. Truthfully, she didn’t look twenty, much less twenty-six. Maybe it was her tiny frame. She seemed so fragile and feminine that he wanted to pick her up and put her in his pocket for safe-keeping. “I’m not just trying to find my ancestors, Savannah; I’m trying to give my grandfather a measure of peace. He has Alzheimer’s. The main reason I came home on special leave was to get him admitted to a nursing home. Three times last month he drove to the store and forgot how to get home. It’s breaking my heart. But tracing his family, detailing their names and histories is giving him a sense of perpetuity. But you know what scares me the most?”

  “What?” Savannah was listening sympathetically and intently.

  “I’m afraid he’s going to forget me. I don’t want to lose him to death and I don’t want to lose him to this damn stupid disease. Except for him, my best friend Revel Lee and my two buddies in the Corp, I’m all alone. I don’t have a family – just Paddy.”


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