Forget Me Never

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Forget Me Never Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  "Not so fast," Patrick offered, hovering over her, his cock no longer giving Savannah the pressure she lusted after.

  "Patrick," Savannah whimpered. "Please." She vibrated under him, reached behind him, grabbed his back and tried to pull him down to her again.

  He ran a finger down her chest, across her stomach, smiling at her the entire time, but not saying a word. Savannah bucked and Patrick quieted her with a firm hand on her lower abdomen. Her clit cried out to be touched and when Patrick forced his hand down her pants and grazed the throbbing spot with a soft fingertip over her wet silk underwear, Savannah almost fainted. Her body convulsed and twitched. Patrick rubbed the swollen button again, this time with more pressure and Savannah tossed her head back and forth uncontrollably. She was always amazed how much he could control her body with something so tiny as his fingertip.

  "Please," Savannah begged. "Patrick. Please. I need you inside me."

  “God, yes,” he stripped quickly, then lifted her legs and slipped her pants and underwear up slowly, enjoying the unwrapping of her body. They caught on the back of her knees and when he tugged, he almost flipped her delicate frame off the couch. “Hey, come back here,” he made a grab for her.

  Clutching his arm, Savannah gasped a startled laugh. “Don’t lose me.”

  “Baby, we’re not going to lose one another, I promise.”

  Her heart was pounding. He had that look on his face – that sensual, intense look that told her she was about to be treated to multiple orgasms. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as he raised her leg and let his palm glide from ankle to thigh.

  “I just get lost in the smoothness of your skin. You’re so soft,” he whispered as he placed a kiss on her calf. Savannah’s whole body shook with shivers of delight. And when he repeated the process on the other leg, kissing her behind the knee, she lifted her hips begging for more. “What can I do for you, Sunshine?”

  “Love me, please.”

  “Gladly.” He spread her legs and she reached down and took his cock in her hand, stroking it. Lifting her hips, Savannah rubbed the tip of it up and down her slit, covering it with cream. They both groaned. Entranced, she watched the look of pure enjoyment on Patrick’s face as she worked the pulsing head back and forth over her clit. “Oh, God," Patrick exclaimed. “Put me in, Honey, I need to be inside of you.”

  Keeping her eyes locked with his, Savannah canted her hips and guided him to thpening. “I love this,” she gasped. “I love that first moment when you push in.”

  “I know, it’s like coming home,” he hissed as he pressed into her waiting heat. Patrick began to pump in and out – slowly.

  “Yeah, that’s it. God it feels good!” Her pussy always ached for him, all she had to do was think about him and it would flower and open, begging to be filled. With smooth strokes, he drew it all the way out, then pushed it all the way back in.

  “Put your arms around me, I want to feel every inch of your skin against mine,” Without hesitation, she complied, wrapping her arms and legs around his body. “That’s it, Honey Girl.” Patrick thrust deeper and harder causing Savannah to dig her nails into his back. “You are mine, Savannah Doucet. Don’t ever forget it. You are mine, forever.”

  Savannah didn’t know if it was from the pleasure he gave or the words he whispered, but she came hard, her whole body exploding with bliss. “Baby, Patrick Baby, I love you so. I’ll love you forever.” As she kissed his neck and chest, she felt him cum – his body jerked and shook with its release.

  Exhausted from the intensity of their joining, he lay on top of her and she traced her nails over his back. “I love you, Savannah. I love you so much.”


  During the night, as they lay entwined, his cell rang. It was the one sound that Savannah had been dreading above all others. She watched as he rose from the bed, took the phone from the nightstand and went out of the room to find out what was going on. His leave time was short anyway, why did they have to call him back early? It would be important, it was always important – a mission whose purpose he couldn’t share with her and if he did, it would scare her to death. So, she wouldn’t get to know the details, but what she did know was that he put his life on the line, over and over.

  Savannah held her breath till he returned. He stood silhouetted in the door; the light of the moon gave just enough illumination so she could make out his features. God, he was good-looking. And he was hers! If something ever happened to him, how could she go on living?

  “I have to go, Savannah-mine.” He slowly walked toward her.

  “No! Not so soon,” she pleaded. Holding her arms out for him, she welcomed him back into her embrace. He came to the bed and held her tight. Savannah tried to sit up, but he pulled her back until she lay nestled against him. “Not yet, I need you with me.” She felt sick.

  “I know, Sweet Baby,” he kissed the side of her face. Savannah lay in his arms with her head on his chest. “I don’t want o, but it’s my job. What I have to do this time is important.” Patrick whispered against her hair. “But you’re more important. I’ll be back soon, I promise. We have a future together. There’s nothing in this world that will keep me from returning to you.”

  She knew what he was going to say next – she could just feel it and it literally broke her heart. Tears were running down her face.

  “But if I don’t, if something happens, I’ve taken care of you. Revel Lee has my will and I’ve left instructions for it to be changed to make you the beneficiary. While I’m gone, if you need anything – call him.” As she shook her head, denying the possibility that something could happen, he kissed her tears away. “All I ask is that you remember me. Please. Forget me never.”

  Didn’t he realize what he did to her when he said that? “I could never forget you,” she assured him between sobs. Being forgotten was something that haunted Patrick. He would wake up in a sweat from a dream where his very existence had been lost in the sea of memory. “You are a part of me, Patrick Heath O’Rourke. I could as easily forget myself as forget you.”

  After he dressed, they held one another till it was time for him to go. And when he left, she and Ciara stood at the window and watched till the taillights faded into nothingness. He was gone.


  Patrick doesn’t see too much green over here. There are a few drops of color outside the city of Kabul, but the beige sand on the horizon is like a hospital wall without the thought that wellness is being made. The sand in the air used to make Patrick squint. He didn't know if it is possible to become callused to such a thing but it doesn’t burn today like it used to. It was probably the other wars Patrick was fighting. It was hell to be pulled from Savannah exactly when he was. She had just become his. His Destiny had agreed to be his future. He fought every second to not desert his comrades and rejoin his lover across the sea.

  Patrick spit into the desert. The sun dried it before it dampened the sand. It is best to not worry about that, now. There is another war. Lucas doesn’t deserve his rank. Major Asshole is more like it. He joked about it sometime with the men. Patrick didn’t think of him as his commanding officer. And if he had anything to do with it, he wouldn’t be a Marine much longer.

  “Damn!” He placed the call again. “Fuck!” He couldn’t get through. All he could get was some stupid fast busy signal that told him all the circuits were busy. Patrick would be making no overseas calls today. Could things be more shitty? He had no cell phone service, no internet service, he couldn’t get a hold of Revel Lee to tell him where he had stashed the evidence to bring the bastard down, and he had left the woman he loved crying. Lucas was a traitor. He could prove it, too. Patrick had left the thumb drive, the biggest gun in his battle with Lucas, where he left his heart, in Savannah’s home. Nobody would look there.

  “It’s time for your briefing, O’Rourke. When I finish, you can get your gear, and load your men up.” Without a shred of emotion, Lucas stood in the door of Patrick’s tent. Over and over again, he
threw that stress ball in the air, squeezing it in between tosses. “Aadil Mahmoud is being held in The Pit about thirty miles outside of Kabul, deep in the desert. He aided our allies in pinpointing two Sheiks that have funded dozens of terrorist activities. The way he carried out his mission was by traveling from village to village and offering inoculations. We possessed the DNA of Sheik Abdul brother and Sheik Adrees’s uncle, so Mahmoud could swab the mouth of each person and compare the results to what he already knew and let us know where our targets were hiding out. Because wherever their families were located – they would not be far away.”

  Lucas droned on and on. Not that the information wasn’t important, but all Patrick could think about was that he was dealing with the devil himself. Maybe it was that psychic streak he possessed, but every bone in his body was telling him that this was a trap. But if he disobeyed a direct order, he’d do nobody any good in the brig – certainly not Savannah. So, he had to think of something else, some other way.

  “It’s your job to get Mahmoud out. Whatever it takes. The blueprints and a reconnaissance report has been given to your spotter. He usually does that sort of thing doesn’t he? I know he isn’t white, but I’m sure he can read.”

  Rage just flashed through Patrick. “Hawke is a fine man, Sir!” He spit the words out. “We’ll rescue the doctor.”

  “You see that you do, O’Rourke. I’ll be in constant radio contact. I’ll be watching you.”

  Somehow that was no comfort whatsoever.

  Patrick, Jayco and Hawke drove the distance to the Tangi Valley. He had decided not to explain things to his men until they got where they were going. They weren’t going to like what he had to say – but that was tough shit. They were his men, and they would obey his orders.

  They arrived at their target destination or near it and decided to set up base camp and wait till just before daybreak to make their move.

  “Hey O’Rourke!” Hawke called out into the stiff air.

  “Yes, Lieutenant?”

  “Did you enjoy your leave with little Savannah?”

  “Now’s not the time, Lieutenant.”

  Oh no. This can’t be good, Hawke thought. Although Patrick did indeed outrank Jayco and Hawke, they were brothers-in-arms. Their missions went smoothly and the friendship forged in this hell left them as close as family. Patrick wasn’t formal unless they were in trouble, being watched, or both.

  “Of course, Captain. We await your orders, Sir.” The curious desire to pick his friend’s mind had been replaced by the red tape of militancy.

  “The Major,” venom dripped from his voice as he spoke the word, “has given us our next assignment and I want you to listen carefully.” Patrick turned away from his friend.

  “Sir. . .”

  “Do not interrupt again, Soldier.”

  “Sir, yes sir, Captain.” Hawke grew nervous. His friend must have something terribly worrisome in mind to be so cold and distant. He wondered what he saw on the horizon that captivated him so.

  Jayco and Hawke listened as their Captain, and friend, relayed their orders to them without an ounce of warmth. What could he be so worried about? They had stormed hundreds of buildings. Usually, Hawke, the darkest-skinned member of the team, splintered first for reconnaissance, Jayco then flanked and took out targets marked by Hawke and finally Patrick bursts in with guns a-blazing to clear the area. This time, Patrick had ordered the men to cover him and let him enter first, alone.

  “The doctor had been feeding us information on the terrorists for months. The Major told us he is locked in a cell beneath the ground of the prison known as ‘the pit.’ Our orders are to infiltrate the prison with as few casualties as possible, preferably undetected, retrieve the good doctor and escort him personally back to the Land of the Free. I will be going in alone, Men. Keep me covered. Find your cover, install your silencers and ensure my safe entrance. Give me ten minutes, if I don’t come out, you are to return to your post in Kabul and await further instruction. Those are your orders. Have I made myself perfectly clear?”

  “Sir, yes Sir,” the men exclaimed in unison.

  For the first time since being deployed to Afghanistan, Patrick did not feel safe. He was flawlessly trained, impeccably skilled and his body had been finely tuned to handle whatever a battle might throw at him. However, this time his enemy had more power over him than any combatant. His enemy hid under the guise of an American Major and Patrick did not know what Lucas had planned for him.

  Patrick could feel things sometimes. He wouldn’t say he was exactly psychic or anything. Maybe, he just had good intuition. But sometimes, he just had a little more insight than other folks did. The face Those d seen in the well was Savannah, indeed. The nightmare he had dreamed about his parents had come true. And now, recalling the “top secret” mission passed to him by the Major, a feeling of dread and danger swamped his senses. Something was terribly, terribly wrong. He was about to walk into The Pit – willingly, and that was enough, but it wasn’t the worst to come – he could just feel it.

  The Pit was infamous. For years, most of the western world thought that it was legend. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. Once you were put in this hell-hole, rarely did the unfortunate prisoner ever see the light of day again. The Pit sneaks up on you. Its gates are made of rock, the same color of the sand whirling in the wind around them. For his men, finding vantage to cover him will be easy. The sand rolls into hills and dunes for miles. Patrick is the one who will be walking into the valley of death.

  “Go, Men. Get into position. Keep me covered until I enter the fortress and then let the timer begin. Remember, ten minutes and you leave.”

  “Sir, yes Sir.” The men wanted to say something else, ask him what’s wrong, beg him to stay, accompany him into the prison, but their orders are solid.

  “And Fellas, Jayco, Hawke, it has been a pleasure to serve with you.” With a salute, Patrick marched away.

  Reality slowed down to a crawl as Patrick neared the gates. There were no sounds, no visuals, no sign that there were any living things in the prison at all, not even a prisoner. The thought crossed Patrick’s mind to go back. Everything screamed trap. However, if the doctor died, or gave any information while under “pressure,” it would be Patrick’s fault and the Stockade would keep him farther from Savannah than the War did. Besides, he couldn’t handle the death of an innocent man on his conscience.

  The courtyard held nothing. There were no guards or cameras. The wind danced around the prison and the eeriness of its song chilled Patrick to the bone. Patrick’s eyes glazed over, a military trick to detect motion. He lost detail as his approached the door. There was no lock. Was he expected here?

  The door squeaked easily open and revealed an empty room. Patrick took a deep breath. No ambush. He was too paranoid. This would be a good story to tell Sav. . .

  As he thought, he took a step forward and heard, “click.” First he saw a white light, and then he heard a wailing whistle. And when the blast hit, it was like being swept away by the winds of hell. Patrick had one thought – Savannah – but he didn’t have time to scream.

  “PATRICK!” Hawke bellowed when he saw the explosion. Was this a trap? Faulty intel? The building still stood but smoke billowed out of the door Patrick had just entered. He dropped his rifle and began to run to The Pit. Jaycograbbed him around his shoulders and held him.

  “No, Hawke. It might not be safe.”

  “Fuck safe, Jake, that’s our fucking captain in there! And our friend!”

  At that moment, a hissing voice erupted from their walkie-talkies. “Eyes in the sky saw an explosion. Please advise. Over.”

  “There was an explosion in the pit, Patri – err, the Captain was inside. No sign of him, Sir. Over.” Jayco wanted no trouble.

  “You two report back to Kabul for debriefing. Stay safe. We don’t want any more casualties. Over.”

  “More casualties?!?!” Hawke burst, “How do you know Patrick is dead?!!?”

  “Don’t quest
ion me, Lieutenant. The explosion looked bad from up here. For the safety of you and the men, and to keep me from slapping your maggot-ass with a section 8, you get your asses back to base and away from that fucking prison!”

  “Patrick was right. Lucas is a Major Asshole.”

  Hawke agreed with Jayco.



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