Forget Me Never

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Forget Me Never Page 29

by Sable Hunter

  Another thing he had loved to fantasize about was what she had on. When they had been apart before, he had always asked her what she was wearing. Once when they had been whipping him with a cat of nine tails, he escaped into his own mind and gone over every little outfit she had ever worn to bed. As the cruel stripes lashed into his skin, he pretended to watch her through the sheer curtains of their bedroom as she changed into her familiar tank-top and a pair of yellow, smiley face boxer shorts he'd bought for her that first week they’d been together. Other times, she would favor a pair of black silk panties or a white thong that made him groan from something other than pain. She’d never know how often he thought about her – just picturing her opening the window to let the breeze in – lingering a moment, cocking her head to one side, smiling just enough so that she looked like she had a secret. In his daydreams, she would turn away and walk slowly, swaying her hips from side to side seductively, almost as if she were inviting Patrick to come and take what belonged to him.

  Damn, he was tired. After the MP had relinquished his post to him, Patrick had taken a walk around the property, surveying the area, making sure he hadn't been followed by Lucas. He jogged a half mile perimeter around the property, checking parked cars and anything that looked suspicious to him. A half hour later he was back at the house, standing at the side door, anxious to be with her again. “Okay, Savannah – ready or not – here I come.” If she was asleep, he wouldn’t wake her – but he couldn’t resist just being close.


  Savannah lay in the dark – waiting. He was here, she could feel him. God, he was alive! He was alive and well and she was the happiest person who had ever been born! Why was he making her wait? No matter. He was alive – Wondrously, gloriously alive. Tonight, she was going to go along with him - to a degree. Savannah was going to play possum. Yes, she was going to play possum until she turned into a wildcat. Patrick O’Rourke was in for a surprise.


  "I should just checkher and let her sleep,” he told himself as he picked the lock. A flash memory of Savannah's beautiful naked body raced across his mind and the tumbler in the lock pushed aside, granting Patrick access to the place that held all of his hopes and dreams. "Who am I kidding? I want to crawl in the bed and hold her tight.” He hadn’t had a decent hour’s sleep since they had been apart.

  Savannah belonged to him and he was back to lay claim before someone else did. His woman was beautiful and the idea that she had gone unnoticed all of this time was far-fetched. After all, she had thought he was dead. Yet she hadn’t made love to him like a woman who was in love with someone else. And no one else was in her bed tonight, but him.

  Ciara met him and there was no way he could ignore her. “Hey, Girl,” he knelt by her. “It’s so good to see you, too. You’ve grown up so big and pretty. Have you been taking good care of our Savannah?” Tonight, she was calmer. Last night she had been almost uncontrollable. It really was true, a dog loved unconditionally. But so did Savannah – of that he had no doubt. “Now, you go sit down and let me go see about Savannah. I’ll talk to you before I leave.” She obeyed; she was such a good dog.

  Last night he had been in too much of a rush to look around. He hadn't been privileged to touch her in years and the need to be inside of her had pushed all rational thought from his head. Tonight, if she wanted him - he was going to take his time – with everything.

  The house looked the same as when he'd left that night. Some of the furniture had been replaced, and there were now pictures of him on the fireplace mantle. That had to be a good sign. The first step up to their bedroom creaked like he knew it would, but he didn’t care. He moved up the stairs swiftly and was soon standing outside their bedroom door. Closing his eyes, he thanked God that he was home.

  She always slept with the door partially closed and when Patrick pushed it open slowly, it squeaked. Frozen in place with the door all the way open, Patrick caught a glimpse of Savannah sprawled out on the bed. She was on her left side just like she always was the second her head hit the pillow. In her arms she held a pillow, snuggling it like she used to snuggle his arm that he kept wrapped around her at night. The blankets were bunched up at her feet and the moonlight that shone through the window landed perfectly on Savannah's perfect heart-shaped ass.

  Patrick stepped closer to the bed, quiet on his feet for a big man. He stood over Savannah's tiny body and when he reached a hand slowly down to touch her shoulder, she stirred and rolled over onto her back, her shirt coming up in the front exposing smooth, creamy skin. His cock stiffened, his considerable length testing the stitching of his jeans.

  Patrick looked away, trying to regain control, and when he saw that his picture had been removed from her night table, his hard-on was forced down with tht familiar dreadful feeling of being forgotten.

  "Patrick," Savannah moaned in her sleep.

  When he looked back down at her, he was sure he'd see her looking back up at him, but her eyes were still shut. “I’m here, Love.”

  "Come here, Baby," Savannah breathed, calling out to him from slumberland. She wiggled her ass on the bed. He was a bit amused, she must be dreaming about him right now. The blood rushed back into Patrick's cock.

  Kneeling down, he slowly traced a finger over the soft, defined lines of Savannah’s stomach. She bucked her hips ever so slightly. The moonlight now shone on the front of Savannah's panties and Patrick watched her pussy move back and forth while she had her way with him in her dream.

  But a soft finger across her stomach wasn't going to be enough to satiate Patrick's hunger, so his hand wandered further south, over Savannah's soft mound and found the front of her panties. “Are you awake, Savannah?” he whispered. She was moist, slick, ready. He rubbed the damp bulge of her clit with two fingers and Savannah moaned, but didn't wake.

  Slowly and almost silently, Patrick undid the fly of his jeans with his free hand and his fat, swollen cock forced the zipper all the way down. There was already a dark spot in his underwear from the precum he was leaking. He wasn't sure if he could recall an erection this firm before and he slipped a finger into the side of Savannah's panties and massaged her wet lips, sliding all the way up then back down. She was wet, just like he liked her. “You feel so good.”

  "Patrick." Savannah breathed his name again, this time louder. “I want you.”

  He buried his entire finger deep inside of her and bent over to kiss her stomach while he stroked his cock with his other hand.

  "I’ve got to have you, Baby,” he whispered. He slid his fingertip in and out, slowly, enjoying her velvety folds with every nerve-ending in his fingers. Savannah ground down on his hand and he again thrust deep inside of her. Another moan and Patrick kissed her stomach again, kissed it right above her panty line. He was close enough to smell her and it was driving him wild. She had to be awake – there was no way she could react like this and still be asleep. He rubbed the soft head of his cock with the palm of his hand, igniting all the feelings in his body and moved into position with his head near her pussy.

  He gently pushed her legs open a few inches.

  He smiled when she gave willingly. "Good girl."

  He kissed her inner thigh first, his tongue dancing across her smooth, soft skin until it found the damp fabric of her panties. But this wasn't enough, so Patrick hooked a finger into the scrap of silk, pulled them aside and let his tongue slice all the way up from the bottom of Savannah's slit, to the top. She bucked again and Patrick licked her clit. He could have stayed there for hours, but he wanted to be inside of her more. He had missed her so much. So Patrick pulled his pants off and moved into position between her legs. He held himself up with powerful, strained arms. “I need you, Savannah. Am I welcome?”

  In seeming answer, she parted her legs and lifted her hips. Patrick felt Savannah's heat when he drew close, it radiated off of her and the tip of his dick twitched. Reaching down between her legs, Patrick moved Savannah's panties aside and guided his thick cock into her we
t, warm pussy. "Mmmm," Savannah groaned again. He slid the tip of his dick into her, letting her honey coat every inch. Smoothly, he slid it all the way out again and then all the way back in. Savannah thrust her hips up, meeting Patrick's strokes. It was just too much. He was so aroused that he came right away, biting his bottom lip to keep from crying out and struggled to keep himself upright while his seed pumped out of his balls and into Savannah. For a few moments more, he enjoyed the feeling of being inside of her – then he pulled out and carefully got off the bed.

  From outside, Patrick heard a noise, a rustling in the bushes outside Savannah's window. He watched Savannah stir and rolled back over onto her left side. What if it was Lucas? Patrick pulled his pants back on and raced out of the room as quietly as he could without even being able to give Savannah a kiss goodbye. He stalked through the kitchen, checking outside to see what was there. Ciara followed at his heels, barking. The bushes rustled again and Patrick burst out the side door, ready to take on Lucas – but all he found was a coon.

  And when he turned around, he was facing a very beautiful – but very pissed off looking woman.

  Chapter Ten

  “Going somewhere?” Her eyes were big, her bottom lip was trembling and she was not smiling.

  “Savannah! You’re awake!” He reached for her, but she backed up.

  “Of course I was awake! Were you leaving me again? Without saying a goddamn word?”

  “I – no – I was coming back.” That wasn’t exactly true; he hadn’t been planning on going back in. After hearing the noise, he was a little unnerved. He would have felt better checking the area out – if there was a battle to be fought, he wanted to do it as far away from her as possible. But he had never heard her curse before either – so discretion was the better part of valor.

  “You’re lying to me. Why? Where have you been? Did you know they told me you were dead? I’ve lived for three years thinking you were dead!”

  Her tone was almost accusatory and that tore at Patrick’s heart. “I didn’t know until a few weeks ago that you thought I was dead. I’ve been in an Afghan prison, Savannah. I was betrayed, ambushed and abandoned by my own superior officer.”

  Both of them stood their ground, their eyes locked. He watched her tremble – then she threw herself at him, arms winding around his neck, sobbing uncontrollably. “I love you. I love you so much. I thought you were dead. For three years, I thought you were dead.”

  This was his baby. Patrick wrapped his arms around her and cradled her close while she cried her eyes out. “I’m so sorry, Sweetheart.”

  “You’ve come back to me. Did you know how many times I prayed for you to come back? I searched for you so hard.”

  Patrick realized that she was talking about her ghost hunting. “I’m real, Savannah.”

  Hiccupping one sob after another, she slapped him on the shoulder. “I know you’re alive. I can feel you.” She began kissing him – feverishly, covering his face with kisses. With her lips, she felt the scar, just like she’d seen on the image in the well. “You’ve been hurt, but you’re so beautiful. I’m so glad to see you. I didn’t want to live without you.”

  Patrick picked her up and carried her back in the house. Ciara followed every step. He rubbed his cheek on her hair. “You’ll never know how much I missed you. I thought about you every moment. Your love – your memory kept me alive.”

  He placed her on the bed and she rose up on her knees. “You’re hurt, I felt scars.” Savannah ran her hands over his body, kissing every blemish she could see. “Turn around,” he did and she doctored the other side in her own sweet way. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Why did you just sneak in on me?”

  “The day I had to leave, I intended to get hold of Revel and tell him that I had left a flash drive here with evidence to bring down a traitor. That traitor was my superior officer. But I didn’t get to talk to him before I was sent on a mission that I was not supposed to survive.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have taken care of it for you.”

  Patrick didn’t have a good answer for her. It wasn’t that he hadn’t trusted her; it really never crossed his mind. Women were supposed to be protected not drug into the path of trouble. But that is exactly what had happened. “You’re right. I made a mistake. But this man – Lucas – he came to see me a few weeks ago and he made a comment that he bet you had the evidence and he thought he would pay you a visit.”

  “That’s when you escaped?”

  “Yes, I couldn’t allow anything to happen to you.”

  “Why didn’t you come to me sooner?” Her heart was in her eyes.

  “Oh Baby,” he kissed her right over her heart. “I didn’t have the means, before. A man was thrown into The Pit with me and just before he died, he told me about a stash of stolen emeralds. I used them to buy my way out so I could come home to you.”

  She picked up his hand and turned it over, kissing the palm. “I am so glad you are here. There is nothing in this world that I want more than you.” And your baby, she thought. Savannah couldn’t wait to tell him, but that time would come. Right now it was time for them to rejoice and celebrate the miracle of their reunion.

  “I understand want.” The last two times they had made love were wonderful, but he wanted more. The last two times were tender – this time he wanted more, he wanted to forget the last three years and celebrate that he was alive. He wanted raw. Patrick craved passion. “I want you.” Patrick stripped off her clothes and his – no finesse, no folding – he slung them to one side and growled. “Back – lay back.”

  She did. Savannah was weak with need.

  Patrick was ravenous. He rose over her and kissed her hard, nipping her lip.

  Savannah was wet – instantly.

  He went to her neck and licked a spot – sucked on it and bit her again.

  “Patrick!” Her cry wasn’t pain, it was pure excitement. The realization that she was right there with him only excited Patrick before. He wanted to take her – he wanted to hold on to her neck like an animal and pound her till she screamed for more. Maybe being so near death had brought out the savage in him, but he wanted to rut.

  And he wanted to control her. He wanted to dominate. He wanted to fuck.

  “Your nipples are hard.”

  “Your cock is hard.”

  Patrick laughed. “No shit, Sherlock. I have had sex twice in the last three years, tonight and last night – and I have a helluva lot to make up for.” As if to illustrate his point, he licked her nipple with the broad flat of his tongue. Her body arched and followed his mouth, wanting more. The heat rising between them was scorching in its intensity.

  “God, I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you.”

  Patrick swirled his tongue around her nipple and then sucked it deep. Savannah bit her bottom lip and moaned. “Don’t leave me anymore. Promise?”

  “Promise. Now touch me, Savannah. I need to feel your touch.”

  His wish was her command. She echoed him. “Back – lay back.” With a sweet Savannah smile, she straddled him and showed him what she’d learned. Leaning over she nipped his chest, kissed a trail up his neck, nipped his chin – then got down to business. Spreading her palms on his pecs she began to kiss and lick on his nipples – first one and then the other, drawing the flat brown discs into her mouth and sucking on them. “Damn, Baby. You’ve never done that before.” All the while, he rubbed her back while she loved on his body. Reaching between them, he milked on her tits – pulling at the nipples – making her wet until he could feel the cream from her pussy coating his groin. Helplessly his hips jerked, grinding against her. “My turn.”

  He was about to flip her over so he could bury himself deep within her tight pussy, but Savannah had other ideas. “Yea, it’s your turn,” she said with an almost feminine little growl. “I’m gonna make you beg.”

  There was something in her voice that was different – something they both had in common – an understanding. He and Savannah
had been to hell and back, so they now knew how to appreciate what they thought they had lost forever. “That’s right, my Savannah. Get wild for me.” She had missed him, thank God. And she still wanted him. She slid down his body and he watched in fascination as she licked and laved the shaft – teased him with a few little sucks on the head – drove him crazy as she massaged his cock in her hands. Wrapping her long hair around his hand, he guided her in position so that she straddled one leg, but still had access to his cock. “Take all of me, Savannah. I’ve dreamed of fucking your mouth,” Patrick practically snarled the words.

  Pushing her down, he tangled her hair in his hand – controlling. Savannah loved every second of it. She felt so alive, more alive than she had felt in years. Pleasing Patrick was the most erotic thing she could imagine.

  She took the throbbing shaft in her hand, pumping it once – and looked up at him with an expression that he’d never forget. In his dreams, she had been eager to please – but now he saw a look of pure lust and hunger. “Are you mine, Savannah?”


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