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Solitary Man (The Smith Brothers Book 3)

Page 5

by Sherilee Gray

  I gripped my cock through my pants harder and wrapped my lips around her dainty clit and sucked.

  “Cash, oh God. Oh God.”

  Her lovely round bottom lifted off the table, the muscles inside her clenching tight around my fingers, then releasing, over and over.

  She screamed, and my gaze snapped up to her.

  “Am I hurting you?” I started to pull back, horrified.

  She shook her head frantically and kept hold of my hair, grinding against my face. “Don’t stop!”

  I groaned again, in relief, in pure pleasure. I’d done this. I’d made her feel this good. I’d made her come so hard she’d screamed. I didn’t stop. I sucked her clit, lapped at it gently as she jolted and twitched, as her pussy continued to grip and release my fingers, until she stopped tugging my hair and collapsed back, limp and, hopefully, well satisfied.

  Pressing kisses to the soft skin of her inner thigh, I continued working myself with my hand, unable to look away from her.

  “I can’t believe you’ve never done that before,” she said, panting and blinking down at me.

  The pride filling me spread. “It was good?”

  She sat up, a smile on her beautiful face. “You doubt it? It’s never been that good. No one else has ever made me come that hard.”

  My hand stopped working my cock, and my gut twisted. I didn’t like that. I hated that. I drew in a rough breath as anger at the faceless men who had touched my wife, who had made her come, who had been inside her, fired through me. “Don’t…don’t talk about other men, Riley. I don’t want to think about anyone else touching you.”

  I wanted to hunt them down and hurt them.

  She scooted closer and cupped my face with both hands, brushing her thumb over my beard. “You have nothing to worry about. I promise.”

  She glanced down to where my hand still rested over the thick ridge of my erection and licked her lips. Shimmying forward, she climbed off the table, moved in between my spread thighs, and dropped to her knees.

  “Darlin’?” I choked out.

  She popped the button of my pants and peered up at me, a sexy, wicked smile on her lips. “It’s my turn for a reward, don’t you think?”



  I took in the fierce need in Cash’s eyes and had to pull in a steadying breath.

  This massive, silent, intense man confused the hell out of me. He also turned me on like I’d never experienced.

  I’d pushed him for more after our first kiss three days ago, and he’d withdrawn, and there I was doing it again. But I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t know what he was thinking, why he’d been avoiding me, but I’d made the decision to let him come to me when he was ready. I’d needed him to decide what he wanted. And honestly, I couldn’t take more rejection, not from Cash.

  I slid down his zipper and had to bite my lip when he froze, when the huge man looking down at me went rock solid, holding his breath as I revealed what he had underneath.

  His long, wide fingers curled and uncurled at his side, an unmistakable tremble to them that made my heart ache and my body sing.

  I’d seen him standing in the dark by the barn, gazing back at the house every night the last few nights.

  And I’d lain there when he finally slid into bed late, when he’d drawn me close, thinking I was asleep. His deep sigh brushing my hair. The pounding of his heart thudding against my cheek.

  He wanted me. I didn’t doubt that. But it was obvious communicating what he wanted wasn’t easy for him. I thought of his emails and shook off the fear in my belly, that maybe I’d been wrong, that he wasn’t the man I’d thought he was, the man I’d grown to care about—that he might never let me in.

  It’s only been four days.

  This was all new to him—the relationship, the sex. He just needed time, that’s all.

  I slid my hand inside his pants and took his incredibly hard cock in my hand. He was thick and long and veined. The skin was tinged purple, the head an angry red, and pre-come leaked in a steady stream from the tip. No, there was no mistaking how much he wanted me, at least like this.

  I gave him a slow stroke. He had his eyes squeezed shut, teeth gritted, sweet agony lining his face. “Look at me,” I whispered.

  His eyelids snapped open, those bluest of blue eyes locking with mine. Eyes that showed me right to the gentle, kind soul of him. As always, they drew me in, that sense of rightness moving over me, that I was where I was meant to be.

  My safe harbor.

  The family I’d never had and so desperately wanted.

  “You’re hurting, aren’t you?” I whispered.

  Teeth still gritted, he dipped his chin.

  “You’re beautiful here, did you know that?” I said, stroking him again, telling him the truth. His thigh muscles bunched, going rock hard. “You’re beautiful everywhere. So strong. So big. You can protect me, can’t you, Cash? You’ll always protect me?” The words came from deep inside me. Needy. Weak. But I’d been afraid for so long.

  I’d let insecurity overtake the last few days, and I needed reassurance from him. I hated that I did, but I needed it more than anything.

  He lifted a hand, cupping the back of my head, and his gaze penetrated mine even deeper. “Yes.”

  One word, just one, but said with a fierceness, a conviction that made it impossible to not believe him.

  His gaze turned searching, and I quickly looked away. I didn’t want to talk about the reason those words had been torn from me. I wanted to make my husband feel good, feel wanted. So instead of avoiding me tomorrow, he’d seek me out. Instead of my second-guessing what he needed, he’d ask.


  I shivered and leaned in, dragging my tongue over the head of his cock.

  “Oh Christ.” He slapped a hand down hard on the table as the fingers of his other hand tangled in my hair. “Do that again…please, darlin’?”

  I did, and he jolted.

  “How many times have you fantasized about this?” I asked, then licked him again.

  His nostrils flared. “So many.”

  I tilted my head back and sucked the head into my mouth, swirling around it with my tongue. Cash made a broken sound that tore through my heart. Sweat beaded his forehead, and his entire body trembled.

  I didn’t want to tease him. I wanted him to let go. I wanted to drive him to stop fighting it, because he was. Something was holding him back, when what he wanted was the complete opposite. So I didn’t toy with him, I gave the tip another swirl, then sucked him back, taking him as deep as I could while using my tongue to apply pressure.

  He was far too big to take all of him, so I gripped the base and stroked him in time with my mouth, never taking my eyes off his face.

  Cash cursed, and his massive thighs spread wider. “You’re so beautiful, Riley. My wife’s so beautiful. I don’t deserve that pretty, rosebud mouth on my cock.” He hissed and fisted my hair tighter. “You make me want so many…bad things. So many.”

  His other hand left the table and slid down my back, and because he was so much bigger than me, he barely had to lean forward to grip my butt. He squeezed convulsively, hard enough to leave a bruise. I moaned in pleasure.

  He’d talked more the night we’d made each other come in his bed. And he was doing it again now. The only time he said what he was feeling was when he was losing control. His words echoed through my mind, but then vanished as Cash reached around and pushed two fingers inside me.

  I moaned around his cock, stroking and sucking harder, faster as I cradled his balls in my other hand and massaged. Cash barked out a rough curse and shoved his fingers deeper inside me, pumping fast, staying deep.

  I was going to come again.

  I’d squeezed my eyes closed, and when I opened them, our gazes clashed. A rush of liquid heat slid from me, and I sucked him harder, watching as pleasure pain stole his features as he gasped for breath. Something moved through his eyes, dark, beautiful, something that had my inner muscle
s clenching down on his relentless, thrusting fingers.

  Something I wanted more of.

  “Gonna come,” he barked out.

  I stayed where I was, taking that big cock into my mouth over and over. He gasped, and I groaned around him, my eyes nearly rolling back as I came, gripping and releasing his fingers, rocking against his hand. Cash fisted my hair in a punishing grip, holding me on his cock as he shot into my mouth.

  His loss off control just made me come harder. I swallowed him down, giving him what we both wanted, needed. His cock in my mouth, thick fingers buried in my pussy, the look in his eyes as he watched me—awe, affection, pure lust—I’d never felt so precious, so wanted. Not ever.

  I licked and sucked him until he began to soften. When I finally released him, I rested my hands on his knees.

  I smiled up at him. “That was…amazing.”

  He didn’t speak. I didn’t expect him to. Instead he caught me under the arms and lifted me, putting me in his lap and burying his face against my throat, still breathing heavily.

  “Thank you,” he said roughly.

  Cash wasn’t just thanking me for the blow job. He was happy I was there.

  He wasn’t the only one.

  I went to sleep that night cuddled up to Cash but woke a couple of hours later when the nightmares crept back in. I was back in my apartment, waking and realizing I wasn’t alone. Thankfully, I hadn’t let loose a scream this time. I’d snuggled closer to Cash and managed to go back to sleep. Something that never usually happened.

  The second time I woke was when Cash slid his hand down the front of my pj shorts. It was a much better way to wake up, and I returned the favor, stroking him until he shuddered and came, then fell back to sleep. And the last time I woke was to the repetitive bang of hammering, and I was alone.

  Now I was in the kitchen, pouring myself a cup of tea. I glanced up when Cash walked in. He was wearing worn jeans that clung to his long, solid legs and strained over his massive thighs. And a red thermal was molded to his chest.

  He pushed his hands into his pockets and looked at me from under his thick black lashes. “Morning.”

  I grinned at him. “Morning…again,” I said, unable to resist the reminder of the way he’d woken me earlier.

  His cheeks reddened. “I’ll be leaving soon. Deliveries.”

  I straightened. “Deliveries?”

  “I need to pick up supplies from the general store and drop ’em off to some of the isolated properties.”

  “In your plane?”


  I mean, I knew he made his living doing deliveries, but up until a few days ago, I’d assumed it was in a truck or something. “I thought you weren’t going back for a month?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “I go when I’m needed.”

  “You’ll be gone all day?”

  His body went rigid, like he’d tensed every muscle. “A night, maybe two.”

  “What?” My heart thumped harder. There was no hiding the horror in my voice. I didn’t want to be here alone. I didn’t want to be here without Cash.

  He frowned, obviously surprised by my reaction.

  “Can I go with you?”

  His gaze slid down to my mouth. “Lots of flying.”

  He’d picked up on my fear, obviously. I’d rather that than be here alone with my own thoughts. I knew myself. The memories would overtake until my mind had me hearing things, seeing things. I wouldn’t sleep. I’d lie there frozen in terror.

  “Is there any other reason, besides my fear of flying, that you wouldn’t want me to go with you?”

  He shook his head.

  I released a relieved breath. “Okay, I’ll pack for a couple of nights, then?”

  His color was high again, and under that beard his lips had curled up. He was happy I was going with him.

  “Leaving in twenty,” he said, then headed back outside.

  I quickly packed, and when I went outside a short time later, Cash was walking around the plane, checking things off on a list. I didn’t want to interrupt while he was so focused, so I stood back and waited. One of those large, rough-skinned hands swallowed the pen he clutched as he jotted something down. My gaze moved across his shoulders, over his back, and down to his thick, muscled behind. I shivered.

  I’d never seen a man like him. Cash was built like a warrior from medieval times.

  He glanced up when he finished, and there was no missing his surprise. He hadn’t seen me walk out, he was so engrossed in his task.

  “What were you doing?” I motioned to the list in question.

  “Preflight checklist.” Reaching through the open door of the plane, he tucked the clipboard holding the list into a pocket behind his seat, then came to me and took my bag, putting it in as well.

  I moved closer to him. I always wanted to get closer to him. “So how many properties are we delivering to?”

  His gaze slid to me, then down to my mouth. “Four.”

  I licked my lips, and his gaze grew intense. Suddenly, I wanted to climb my mountain-sized husband and kiss the hell out of him. Somehow, I resisted. “I know it’s a paying job, but are some of these people your friends?” I was curious. I wanted to see him with people he was close to, people he had an actual history with.

  His forehead puckered. “Yeah. And the last drop-off is for my cousins, Beau and Hank.”

  “Oh, really? So I’ll get to meet some of your family?”

  He dipped his chin again. “Their women and kids as well.”

  Now I was really looking forward to the trip, despite the flying. “So both Hank and Beau have wives?”

  “Yep,” he said absently, still walking around the plane checking things.

  I followed. “What are their names?”

  “Hank’s woman is Birdie. Beau’s, Freya.”

  I had no idea what Hank and Beau were like, but if they were anything like Cash, maybe these women had some insight they’d be willing to share on how to deal with my gruff, uncommunicative husband. “What are they like?”

  Cash stilled and frowned, like he’d never considered it. “Nice.”

  Nice. That was it. Good Lord, the man was impossible to get talking. Except, of course, when we were enjoying each other’s bodies.

  Then he turned to me again, that frown still there, and surprised me by expanding on that one word. “And they love cooking for their husbands.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, and he grinned. I nearly fell over. He was teasing me, turning our fight into something we could laugh about. My heart exploded in my chest from the sheer pleasure of it. And holy hell, he was beautiful when he smiled, flashing his straight, white teeth, his eyes lighting up and softening all at the same time.

  “Har har, and too soon, Mr. Smith. Too damn soon,” I said, but I was pretty sure there was no hiding how breathless I sounded.

  And then he went and chuckled, and I thought I might actually pass out.

  “How did they meet?” I asked when I’d shaken off the shock of hearing that low, raspy, incredibly sexy sound. “Your cousins and their wives?”

  “Birdie got lost on the mountain. Hank found her.”

  He moved to the other side of the plane, and I followed again. “And what about Beau and Freya?”

  His gaze flicked to me. “Like us.”



  “Is that where you got the idea from?”


  Now I really wanted to meet these women. “How long have they been together?”

  “Few years.”

  Wow. I liked this. A lot. “Do they have kids, as well?”

  His gaze flicked to me again. “Yep.”

  I tucked my hair behind my ear. “Do you think you’d want kids one day?” This was probably something I should have asked him before we got married. I mean, I’d wanted my own family forever. I’d been alone most of my life, sent away to school so my parents could travel without me getting in the way. But t
he family I craved didn’t necessarily mean children. My parents had been terrible, and the idea of raising children kind of scared me.

  He straightened, his eyes moving over me, my breasts, my belly, back up, and his nostrils flared. “Yep.”

  Okaaaay. My heart was racing again. “How many?”


  No hesitation. This was something he’d definitely thought about.

  He moved toward me, and I tilted my head back and my heart raced even faster. Then his hands were on my hips and he was lifting me up, planting me in my seat. He didn’t let go right away, kept his hands there, gently squeezing and releasing, his gorgeous eyes locking with mine. “You want kids?”

  I swallowed, my mouth suddenly bone dry. “I-I’m fine, either way.”

  And that was the truth. I wasn’t closed off to the idea. And maybe having kids with Cash would be amazing. He certainly wouldn’t abandon his children, I knew that much. He gifted me with another smile, a smaller one this time but no less devastating, and shut my door.

  When he climbed in I asked, “And when do you want these kids?”

  Now I was thinking about how we’d make these babies. We hadn’t had sex yet, and all of a sudden, I really, really wanted to, to the point that I was squeezing my thighs together. I mean, not the making babies part, not yet, but I was good with lots of practice.

  He glanced at me, and his gaze moved over me again, hot and intense. He was thinking the same thing. It was there in his gaze. “No hurry.”

  I let out a relieved breath as he leaned over and helped me buckle in like he had the first time I was in here with him. Only this time he didn’t shy away from touching me. No, his long, thick fingers grazed my arm, and as he pulled the straps over my shoulders his knuckles brushed the tops of my breasts. But he didn’t stop there. He then dragged his hand down the strap, skimming over my now hard nipple and down to the juncture of my thighs to lock it in place.

  I sucked in a sharp breath and squeezed my thighs together again.

  Cash made a low sound but didn’t look at me, or touch me more. He put my headset over my ears, then straightened, put on his own headset, and started the engine. I concentrated on breathing through the confusing feelings of fear and intense lust as we started moving.


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