Solitary Man (The Smith Brothers Book 3)

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Solitary Man (The Smith Brothers Book 3) Page 7

by Sherilee Gray

  “Riley,” I choked out and stumbled toward her like a drunk man. Drunk on the sight of her. I climbed in, and the control I tried to call on dissolved into dust.

  I shoved the covers away so I could see her, all of her. I had to.

  She was half on her side, up on one elbow, and so incredibly beautiful, my throat tightened like a vise. Her breasts were large, full, enough to fill my hands. Her waist dipped in and her belly was rounded, the softness of it fuller below her belly button. God, I wanted to nuzzle it. My gaze traveled over her hips flaring out and along her smooth thighs.

  My mouth watered, and I moved closer, unable to stop myself. Riley dropped back, looking up at me as I dipped my face to her throat, running my nose, my lips down over her collarbone.

  “So beautiful, darlin’,” I said, voice guttural.

  Her hand drifted over my shoulder. “So are you, Cash. You have no idea, do you?”

  I dragged in a rough breath at her words. Then watched her, judging her reaction as I finally took her breasts in my hands, testing their weight. Sweet Jesus. There was no stopping me from sucking a nipple into my mouth. I nearly cried from the pleasure of it.

  She moaned, her fingers drifting over my neck, my head, threading through my hair.

  “I—I think we’ve waited long enough, don’t you, Cash?”

  My arms closed around her all on their own as I struggled to breathe. My cock throbbed, the hot, heavy weight of it, the deep ache in my lower gut and balls almost unbearable. “You’re gonna let me have you?” There was no holding back any of it—the words came tumbling out of my mouth. “Oh, Christ. Oh, please, Riley, being with you like that, pushing deep inside you…I don’t think I’ll survive it. But, darlin’…I’ll die if you say no.”

  Her legs moved restlessly beneath mine. “Do you have any idea what you do to me when you say things like that? It’s me that won’t survive you.”

  Breathing hard, I took her hand from my neck and rubbed my thumb over the rings she wore, the ones that told the world she was mine. I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her precious fingers.

  I didn’t deserve her, this.

  But I was going to take what she offered. Take everything she was willing to give.

  And I was going to keep her, no matter what.



  Cash loomed over me, eyes wild. His chest was pumping, and his breath huffed in and out.

  “Are you sure, Riley?” he asked, his voice like gravel.

  I nodded and cupped his cheek. His color was high and his beard tickled my palm. I wanted him, and there was no use pretending otherwise. “You’re driving me crazy, Cash Smith. I don’t think I can wait another second, let alone another day. I know we’re still getting to know each other, but I feel…a connection to you. I want this. I want you.”

  His gaze went from wild to blazing hot. He liked that I wanted him. And I realized he hadn’t had a lot of that in his life. How could he when he’d been on his own so long?

  “I can’t think anymore now that you’re with me,” he growled. “I can’t work and I can’t sleep from wanting you so bad.”

  I slid my hand over his shoulder, down his chest dusted with dark hair, and over the thick slabs of his abs. He was so incredibly strong. I loved everything about his body. “I’m yours. Your wife. You don’t have to want anymore, Cash,” I whispered and ran my thumb over his lower lip. “You can have.”

  His entire body jolted hard enough that the bed shook. “I can?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  He made a desperate sound and lowered his head again, sucking a nipple into his mouth. One hand covered the opposite breast and massaged restlessly, almost roughly, while the other slid down to my butt and grabbed on. He sucked and licked and toyed with my nipples until I couldn’t take it, until my thighs were slick and I was squirming with how much I wanted him.

  And all the while his hands, those massive, rough hands moved over my body, squeezing and massaging. My skin would be pink from it, marked from his calloused palms. It felt fantastic. I could feel where he’d been as well as where he was, and the overload of sensation was more than I could take.

  His mouth moved to my other nipple, and I cried out. “Please. Please, Cash, I need you.”

  The hand at my waist slid back down to my bottom, squeezed, then moved between my thighs. He hissed. “So wet. Christ, you want me? Don’t you, darlin’?” he choked out as if the idea amazed him.

  At those growled-out words, sweet and dirty at the same time, I spread my thighs wider and rolled my hips, trying to get him to give me his fingers while he continued to play with my tormented nipple. “Y-yes, I want you.”

  He cursed and pressed two fingers against my opening, then slowly pushed the tips inside. “How badly does my little wife want her husband’s cock?” he said so deep, I felt it low in my belly. “Who do you need, Riley? Say it for me, I need to hear it again.”

  My thighs started to shake. “My husband. I need my husband inside me.”

  He slid deeper, and I moaned from the pleasure of it, from the sweet invasion of his thick fingers.

  He made that same desperate sound, staring into my eyes. “You’re so tight. Oh God, you’re so tight, darlin’. So small. I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  My back arched as he dragged his fingers out and thrust back in. “Y-you won’t, I promise.”

  His massive body trembled almost violently. “The way I want you, Riley…” His eyes slid away from mine. “I know I’ll hurt you.”

  He looked tormented.

  I sat up, and his fingers slid from me. I bit back my moan, ignored his worried expression, and pushed at his shoulder. He dropped to his back, and pain transformed his features. He thought I was going to stop. That I was rejecting him. It was in his eyes.

  I quickly straddled his hips, not wanting to see that look on his face another second. “It’s okay,” I whispered and leaned down, pressing my mouth to his. His arms came up instantly, locking around me, like he truly thought I would leave. I kissed him some more, then said against his lips, “I’m going to ride you this first time. Then I have control over how much of you I take and how fast we go, okay?”

  His arms spasmed around me, his breath sawing in and out. He didn’t answer, just gritted his teeth. Cash was trying desperately to hold himself back. I’d teach him that he didn’t have to. That I wouldn’t break. That whatever he wanted was okay. That between us it would be amazing.

  I moved back, sitting on his thighs. His cock was thick and long and swollen in front of me, standing straight up against his stomach, pre-come leaking from the head. He had to be in serious pain. I slid over it so my pussy pressed against the underside of his length and rocked, rolling my hips, sliding up and back, coating him in me.

  Cash hissed out a breath, his hands clamping onto my hips and yanking me down so I was grinding harder against his cock trapped between our bodies.

  That’s when I realized I didn’t have a condom. We hadn’t talked about contraception. So stupid of me.

  “Cash,” I said, and his eyes that were locked between my thighs, shot up to mine. “I’m clean, I’ve been tested, and I’ve never had sex without a condom. I’m also on the pill,” I said.

  Cash’s eyes flashed.

  He didn’t like talking about the men I’d been with in the past, so I quickly carried on. “What I’m trying to say is, are you okay with us not using a condom?”

  “Yes,” he gritted out and lifted his hips, still holding mine and grinding against me harder this time.

  I gasped and rolled my hips, sliding back enough that I could take his cock in my hand and angle it up. I pumped it a couple of times, then notched the head at my opening.

  Cash growled as I planted my free hand against his shoulder and lowered myself so the head slipped inside. His entire body went still, every muscle going rock solid. I bit my lip, my gaze sliding back to his, and what I saw there made me quiver, made me want him even more. Made m
e hunger for the dark secrets he was afraid to share, the things he wanted to do to me.

  I sat back, taking more, and gasped.

  “Oh fuck, that’s it. That’s it. Work me inside you, darlin’.” More hissed breaths. “You can take me, can’t you, sweetheart? You can take all of me?”

  His words were half order, half desperate hope.

  I lifted up a bit, then came back down, taking more of him. He cursed roughly, and his fingers dug deeper into my hips, flexing and releasing. My mouth dropped open on a cry as I took more, as he stretched me wide. He filled me like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

  “Yes,” I said and licked my lip. “Yes, I can take all of you.”

  “Then do it, Riley. Sink all the way down. Please, oh Christ, do it.”

  Again, there was that mix of a demand and desperation. It was intoxicating. I kept my eyes locked with his as I gave him what he demanded from me. I tried to relax my inner muscles and sat back, letting his incredibly thick, long cock slide in deep, until I had every hot, hard, relentless inch of him.

  I made an incoherent sound as a deep tremor moved through me, out of me, until my limbs trembled and my breath shook.

  Cash clenched his teeth, and I pressed both hands against his shoulders, moving them over his chest restlessly. I rolled my hips and gasped. His hands slid from my hips to my waist and back, encouraging me without words to move.

  I started slow, allowing myself to adjust to his size, to the sweet ache he gave me.

  My legs were stretched wide, and with the way he filled me, every time I came down on him, the base of his cock grazed my clit. It was too much, too good.

  Cash gripped my waist harder, and on an urgent cry, he slammed up, like he couldn’t stop himself from moving any longer.

  I cried out, nearly coming.

  “You love it, don’t you, wife? You love how full I make you feel?”

  I never expected my quiet, sometimes awkward husband to let loose when we were in bed. But he did. He couldn’t hold back what he was thinking, what he wanted. I wanted more of it. I wanted him to give me everything. “Yes. Yes, I love it.”

  His hand went to where we were joined, feeling himself slide in and out of my body, then his thumb slid over my clit. “This was made for me, Riley. You were meant to answer my ad, weren’t you, darlin’? You were always meant to be mine?”

  “Yes,” I said and moved faster, coming down harder, his thickness stretching me, making me burn in the best way, hitting just right deep inside, over and over. He worked my clit faster, and my head fell back. “Oh God, I’m going to—” I cried out, calling Cash’s name as I shook and shuddered and clamped down tight on his huge cock buried inside me.

  I fell against his chest, gasping, panting, trembling as my orgasm washed through me—

  Cash made a sound that lifted goose bumps all over my skin, and a second later I was flipped to my back. He covered my body with his and slammed inside me. One hand came around the back of my neck, gripping it, the other was planted in the mattress by my waist. He thrust into me again with enough force to slam the headboard into the wall.

  He dragged his mouth over mine—not really a kiss, just lips touching—then stared down at me, his face taut with pleasure. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck.”

  My eyes rolled back when his huge body drove into me again. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, clinging to him as he started fucking me hard enough to make the ground shake.

  He continued to stare down at me, a wildness in his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you…I don’t…” He pounded deep again, like his body wasn’t his own.

  I cupped his face. “D-don’t stop. You’re not hurting me.” I moaned low. “God, Cash, I’m close to coming again. Fuck me like you need to. Fuck me like you’ve been wanting to.”

  He made a broken, gasping sound and let loose. I thought he was pounding into me hard before. Now, I was surprised the bed didn’t go through the wall. It was…incredible.

  I’d feel it for days. I’d feel him for days. I wanted to.

  “Cash!” A scream was torn from me as another orgasm rolled through me. I hung on to him, my body jolting as he continued to thrust deep. My inner muscles were clamping down on his thick, unforgiving length, so tight, I couldn’t catch my breath. Lost in the pleasure of finally being taken the way I’d needed to be for so long. The way only Cash could.

  He released my neck and lifted to his arms, his back bowing, rocking his hips into me with force. He roared as he came, pulsing deep inside me, pumping me full.

  He claimed me in that moment. Cash had made me his, and now there was no going back.

  I was fine with that. I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

  I’d claimed him, too.


  I glanced at Riley again and had to bite back a possessive growl. When we’d taken off this morning, heading for my cousin’s house, she’d grabbed my arm like she always did, but she didn’t close her eyes, she kept her gaze on me.

  Like I was somehow capable of taking her fears away.

  God, she was so incredibly beautiful. Her hair was down and wavy, a little wild, her color high, eyes bright. My wife was glowing, and I hoped it had something to do with what we did last night, because I would never be the same. I was altered. She had altered me.

  An image of Riley straddling my hips, taking me inside her over and over again was embedded in my brain, was all I could think about—

  She shifted in her seat and winced.

  My body went rock solid. “Riley?”

  A smile lit up her gorgeous face. “Hmm?”

  “You’re in pain.”

  Her cheeks darkened. “I’m fine, Cash.”

  I’d hurt her.

  I’d fucking hurt my precious, little wife with my big, clumsy hands and my giant, oversized body. With the way I’d taken her last night.

  I was going to be sick.

  Here I was thinking how life-changing last night had been, and Riley was sitting beside me in pain because I’d fucked her like a barbarian.

  “You’re not,” I bit out and had to swallow several times when acid crawled up my throat. “I hurt you.”

  She reached out, her fingers curling around my forearm. “No…Cash, look at me.”

  I did as she asked, looking into her pretty brown eyes.

  “I’m a little sore…”

  I groaned, sucking in a ragged breath, and had to look away as my stomach rebelled.

  “Cash,” Riley said more forcefully. “Look at me.”

  I forced myself to turn back to her as she leaned closer, as much as she could while strapped into her seat.

  “I’m a little sore because I haven’t had sex in a long time. I have a husband who is big…everywhere, and you fucked me hard.”

  My fingers gripped the control wheel tighter, and I shook my head. I couldn’t even bear to hear it. “I’m sorry,” I choked out. “I won’t…I won’t ever do that again. I won’t…”

  “I loved it, Cash. Loved it. I love the way you took me hard, and I loved the way you let go of that control of yours.”

  My gaze sliced back to her. “What?”

  “And I love that I can still feel you inside me, even now. Every time I move I’m reminded of the way you took me.”

  “You liked that?” I rasped.

  “My nipples are still tender from the way you sucked them, and my skin is oversensitive from the way your beard and those wide, rough-skinned hands of yours moved over my body. No one has ever made me feel the way you did. No one has ever taken me the way you did. And every time I move, I get hotter, more desperate for my husband to ease the ache that’s been building again since I woke this morning.”

  My cock was hard in an instant. “I thought…”

  “I know what you thought, Cash. But what you need to know is what you gave me last night is exactly what I’ve been craving for so long. You said while you were moving inside me that we were made for each other. I think you might be right about that
because I’ve never experienced anything so wonderful in my life.”

  I sat there stunned silent, trying to focus on her words while all the blood in my brain drained to my cock. “You liked it?” I said again, like a damned idiot.

  She giggled, free and sweet, her face flushed, and I almost came.

  A smile curled her lips. “Hurry up and get us somewhere that you can kiss it and make it better, already.”

  I dragged in a sharp breath. “I’m gonna need you to stop talking now.”

  She batted her lashes at me. “Hey, what did I do?”

  Now all I could think about was her pussy under my tongue. “You know what you did.”

  Her gaze dipped to my hard-on, and I growled.

  She bit her lips together, trying not to smile. “Okay, change of subject? Would that help?”

  I grunted, but inside I was so happy, I was close to pounding my chest and roaring with pleasure.

  “Favorite color?” she asked.

  I frowned.

  “Stop with the frowning and answer my questions.”

  Now I had to bite back a smile. “Green.”

  “Mine’s red. Favorite food?”


  She giggled again, and I cursed. The woman had not a clue, none, what that did to me.

  “No giggling,” I said, even as my gaze slid to her lovely rosebud mouth.

  “I don’t giggle.”

  “You do. Sounds like little bells.”

  She blinked over at me, all wide-eyed and so pretty my dick got harder. “Really? And that’s a bad thing?”

  “Makes me hard.” There was no point pretending otherwise.

  “As far as I can tell, you’re always hard.”


  She giggled again.

  “Riley,” I gritted out.

  She giggled harder.

  “Not helping, woman.”

  “Okay, sorry. Where were we? That’s right…meat.” She made a little snorting sound, fighting another fit of giggles. Not only did that make my dick throb, it was cute as hell. “My favorite food is vegetarian lasagna.”


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