Ashes Remain

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Ashes Remain Page 23

by Alethea Stauron

  Drake parks behind several cars covering the driveway and lining outside the street. He glances down, six-fifty. “Apparently, I’m late.”

  He scans through some windows of vehicles on the property. Something shines in a new white SUV. He opens the door silently, reaches in, and grabs a bracelet nestled beneath the air conditioner controls. “New car scent,” he said, observing the jewelry and quickly chunks it between seats. “Fake.” He casually walks to the front door and taps lightly. “All these people are fake.”

  He walks up the front steps.

  Before he knocks, the door opens. “About time,” Josephine greets him with a whisper and signals him to come inside. Her body moves with the door, opening it completely. “They’ve been trying to hold people off the barbecue.” Her chin stretches, “Where have you been?”

  Drake sees a few eyes investigating his way. Including David’s continual stare. His lips lift faintly, leaning over the threshold and grabs onto her tightly. “Mmmm.” He pulls her close and kisses her on the cheek. His hands have traveled down her back, partially grabbing her left butt cheek. “You smell great tonight, Jojo. You look so good, I could eat you up,” spoken louder than she had anticipated.

  Josephine’s frozen. Her eyes piercing through him like daggers with her lips speaking silently. What are you doing? She realizes people must be watching. She lowers her jaw from anger.

  Drake let’s go of her. He presses a hand against his chest, and drops any happy expression entirely. “You mad at me?” He retracts a few steps, making sure he’s back on the porch and threatening to leave.

  Bags under Josephine’s eyes inflate her embarrassment and guilt. She fights through, and partially smiles. With a fake of a giggle, she says, “Get back over here, Drake,” hoping she can make it through the night. One night. Some small deed before asking him to move out. “Come back in,” she said. With her invitation, Drake bursts over in embracing arms toward her. Helping her to keep from gagging, she tells him, “Okay.”

  He wraps one arm around her shoulder and faces everyone, “I’m late, darl’n. I’m sorry.”

  Josephine slides from under his arm. Pet names are entirely different from being nice or fetching a drink for a lady. She’s left pleading with him and whispering where no one can hear, “I don’t think so, Drake. I can play along, a little, but there’s a line.”

  “I haven’t done anything. I just got here.” He takes a step toward the living room, speaking normally, “It’s only a few minutes. I told you I’d be here. Dependable until the end with me.” His eyes travel around a large room toward mingling couples, “Are you gonna introduce me?” Drake spots a couple faces he remembers he’d rather remain apart from. “Faces I haven’t met here. A few people at least.”

  Carissa walks up, “Would you like me to take your hat?”

  “Nobody takes this, baby doll,” smiling a boyish charm at her and positioning himself to be reintroduced.

  The meeting appears more difficult than Josephine had expected. She studies expressions of every new acquaintance. The guilt skyrockets in her chest during handshakes. She knows the assumptions, and this is not the man she was wanting to introduce as her beau. She’s caught reminding herself several times to wake up her smile from going flat, and trying not to hate herself for such a heavy promise weighing over her head. No one has said anything yet. No image has been tainted. She can label it later on as a misread outing with a friend. Her positivity helps in maintaining a smile and decides to brush it off as a form of chivalry from an eligible bachelor. A very eligible bachelor. A bachelor she has no intention on vomiting from any thoughts being spoken out loud. Her mind is swimming when Neil grabs Drake’s hand quickly with a nod. “I kinda remember you. Never really introduced ourselves at the wedding.”

  “That’s a shame,” Drake winks, “I’m the life of a party.”

  David stands a few feet back. His arms folded across his barrel chest and staring. Josephine notices David’s expression, causing her breath to hitch. Breathing is harder to press in and out, wishing her evening was already over.

  Get through tonight, she reminds herself.

  There’s an awkward silence between Drake and David. A groundbreaking silence. And deafening as Drake looks over. The atmosphere turns thick, sticky, and nearly tangible. Josephine can hardly ignore a bad blood of sorts. Carissa and Amber sense a thickness as well. The women in the room hide the fact that their eyes are dancing between two individuals glaring at one another. Two individuals speaking without a word.

  Amber’s mother enters the room from the kitchen, walking toward the crowd without any previous knowledge of a dull conversation sucking the life from the party. She smiles over at the new face, “Are you the guy whose here with Josephine?”

  A jolly smile leans toward her, “I sure am, ma’am. I’m Drake.” He reaches for her hand and gives a tender kiss. “You probably saw me at the wedding. Wait…” he points with a pause, “Mother of the bride. Right?”

  “That’s right. You were dancing with Josephine.” She glances toward David, who is now dropping his arms to appear pleasant in front of his mother-in-law, nearly cracking his face to smile. She says, “Do y’all know each other? Did I cut in?”

  “No, ma’am. You’re perfectly fine.” Drake holds a hand out toward David, “Congratulations. You have a beautiful bride. Just as beautiful as her mother,” Drake and David watch her walk off. David squeezes his grip harder with a fake smile. Drake is left clearing his throat, “I’m so proud of both of you. I hope Hawaii was good this time of year. I thought you’d be gone longer.”

  “I came back for a work meeting,” David answered.

  Drake pulls his hand from David’s grip with a straight face. “Quite a shake you got there. I’m sorry ‘bout the wedding. I don’t remember much. I had a little too much celebration that day, if you know what I mean,” and winks.

  “Did you just…” David knows many are watching, including his in-laws. His head slightly turns with a slow deep breath keeping him at bay. The thought of throwing a bag of meat with a cowboy hat out the front door crosses his mind.

  Josephine hears something for a moment. A whisper from behind David. The voice is familiar. She glimpses over but sees nothing. Josephine strolls toward the kitchen, trying to place whose voice she heard.

  David has a sense of peace come over him. “Yeah. I remember.” He takes a step closer and lowers his expression, “You’re the consenting adult, if I’m correct,” snarling his lip just a little. He points his finger over at Josephine in the kitchen. “And that’s my little sister.”

  “Oh,” Drake ekes out. Josephine rejoins the group just in time to hear Drake say, “Nobody told me you were her brother. I thought you two were just friends.”

  “We grew up together. I’m just like her brother.” He speaks slowly, “I’m like her big, strong, protective, older brother.” David wears a fake smile and takes a step back. “If you catch my meaning,” he winked.

  Drake shuffles a half step toward Josephine, passing by Neil and Amber’s conversation. “I think it’s getting late, Jojo. I don’t wanna overstay my welcome.”

  Stuck with blame and a promise. An idea. A plan she’s trying to successfully pull off. Her expression sinks into a sag. “They haven’t even served dinner yet. Please stay?”

  “Would you like anything to drink,” Neil asks, “We have wine, beer, sweet tea, or water? You know, whatever? Just let me know what you want. I think my wife made some lemonade.”

  “I did,” she quickly walks off toward the kitchen. “I’ll get you something while they get the brisket cut.”

  Drake leans near Neil, placing a hand on his shoulder. He uses suave movements, leading Neil into the kitchen. “I’d love some of your wife’s lemonade. You people are hospitable. Good Christian people.”

  Now that Drake is out of the room, David looks over at Josephine with a glare. A face of utter disapproval. Her head shrinks down, watching him angle a disgusted jaw at her. He sig
nals for her to follow him. Following his orders, Josephine takes a couple steps toward the formal dining area. Before she can pass him completely, he shoves his hand under her arm like a child being directed to the principal’s office. He leads her into a private area from ears. David’s lips are taut and leans with a growling whisper, “Josephine, you’ve gotta be kidding me. That guy’s a total jackass. What are you doing with him?” She’s never seen his face like this. Weighted eyes that are almost imploding with anger.

  Josephine lets out a breath and unravels David’s firm hand from staunchly holding her a few inches taller than she actually is. “Let go. It’s not what you think.” David takes in a deep breath to speak but she stops him, “No. I know what you’re gonna say. I’m trying to handle this the best that I can. Don’t tell him I said anything, but we aren’t dating. I’m still waiting for Lucius. Drake doesn’t have a place to live. I’d appreciate it if you acted a little nicer to him before I have to talk to him about moving out.

  Lucius came back on my birthday, but I missed him because I was gone. I think he was called out again. I know he’s coming back. I’m trying to get rid of Drake before then. I just have to have tonight go well. This one thing so I can have the leverage to ask.”

  David releases about fifty tons of stress, “Thank God, little sis.” He hitches a brow, “If you need somebody to tell that weasel to move out, I can get that done right now for you. I’ll even help. I could do it tonight.”

  She sighs, “David, I’m gonna tell him tonight. I don’t wanna make a scene and it’s easier to ask him to do something, after he’s already asked me to do something. I was gonna give him a few days to find an apartment. But after I do this tonight — he’s gone.”

  David’s smile dwindles. “So, he is living with you then?”

  “I’m not doing anything with Drake. I’m a virgin. Lucius is a gentleman.” She leans all her weight to one leg, appearing tougher than she is, “I can take care of myself.”

  David sneers with a less than impressed expression. His smile jolts with a huff of air, “Whatever,” shaking his head with a snort-filled laugh. “You’re not all that scary, Josephine. I could pick you up with one hand.”

  “I’d like to see you try, buddy,” she winced.

  David folds his arms, leaning back to mimic her stance. “Hard to believe you don’t know me after all these years, Josey?”

  She squints, walking off. David drops his arms before turning to follow her. She pivots around and grabs his shirt with a flip over his head. Knotting him inside his linens for a moment. “And it’s Josephine, brother bear.” It isn’t long and he fights back, pulling one side of his shirt down. Before she can get too far, he wraps his arm around her.

  More like a blur than a flash.

  Josephine was standing one moment, but now dangling over his shoulder. The house is joggled toward loud kicking and cackling across the great room. A little woman flailing about and carried around by a burly man. “You can take care of yourself,” David asked.

  Amber covers her mouth.

  Carissa’s eyes widen, “What’d she do now?”

  David pulls his shirt down over his abs, holding her over his right shoulder like an ice bucket. He stops and acts as though he’s looking around with a curious expression. “What’s that noise?” He swings to the side, swaying her body each time to make her dizzy.

  “I’m gonna throw up on you!”

  He chuckles, “Do y’all hear anything?”

  “Put me down. You, big gorilla,” she shrilled.

  “I don’t know? Are you gonna behave?”

  “You’re not my daddy,” she said.

  “You gonna question what I’ll do if you act up again,” and bounces a few times.

  She yelps, “Go back to the zoo.” He plays out one last half-spin and howls like a wild animal. She says, “Okay. Okay. I’ll be good. Let me down. But don’t hurt me. You, big meanie.”

  David rolls his eyes, placing her down on the living room couch. “Please, little sister,” eye level with her, “I’d never hurt you.” He smiles around the room after saying it. Until, his eyes meet Drake. David says, “I might hurt somebody else though,” he turns back to her, “but I was taught never to hit a girl.”

  The house is bursting with aroma. Savory ribs and brisket dipped up and served. Neil places a few more logs on the fire pit outside, giving a cool night on a cliffside hilltop a warm glow. Every piece of yard furniture is occupied, making large unused logs a choice chair in makeshift seating for those joining outside. The patio is overflowing with hungry guests enjoying Mr. Admire’s slow cooked, dry rubbed meat. Carissa walks around checking that every plate is full and every glass filled. Several guests have congregated around the fire’s radiance as evening winds of March have picked up.

  Carissa’s mother, Mrs. Admire, has looked over at Josephine several times, until, “Josephine…” she calls toward her, “is he the same gentlemen I saw at the wedding?”

  “This is Drake,” Josephine points with a quick nod.

  “You two make a cute couple. How long have you been dating?”

  Josephine is completely speechless. Her chest descends into her stomach, making her pause longer. More ears gather into the conversation.

  She realizes, What if this gets back to Lucius, her mind screams at her. I’m not dating, Drake. What do I say?

  Josephine chews on the air in her mouth that has somehow turned into a bite too big to speak anymore. Mrs. Admire smiles with a patient nod, waiting for her to finish the apparent bite. By this point, David’s looking at her sternly for the obvious answer and ready to back up his friend. Carissa’s biting her side lip for the subtle lie. Neil squints from curiosity. And Drake clears his throat.

  Josephine is flushed from the circles her mind is doing, and jumps up, “Um… where’s y’all’s bathroom?” Like a silver streak from her gray jacket, she walks swiftly into the house without looking around. She hides in the bathroom and locks the door with a plate of food in hand. Her back bumps a towel rack, as if her exhale blew her against it. “Just get through tonight.” Josephine hides out in the bathroom and is dead set on finishing her plate in seclusion.


  Drake rubs his hands together, scanning around the fire. He glares over at David sitting across from him, and then makes noticeable eye contact with Mrs. Admire. To David’s horror, Drake catches her attention with an answer, “I’ve been living with her for several weeks now,” his free hand raises over his heart, pledging some devout emotion, “I’m just smitten by her. The wedding ceremony she took me to, had my heart just…” looking directly at David, “… had me thumping all night long.”

  David swallows the bad blood for a moment, trying to process the unbelievable words. But…

  Mr. Admire inches forward in his chair. A face of deep concern adding to his fatherly expression, “I have some photos I’d like to show you, son.”

  Neil faces his father-in-law, “Dad, I don’t think—

  “What do you mean you’re living in her house,” Mr. Admire continued.

  Drake smiles with a moderate voice over the crowd, “She and I are living together.”

  Mr. Admire’s countenance drops, “No, son…” and is now sneering, “I mean, why are you living at her house and what are you doing there?”

  Drake says, “What don’t you understand, old man. We’re living together. What do people usually do when they live together?”

  Several mouths drop with silent gasps. Amber notices her husband trembling in his chair and places her hand over his thigh. “Muffin…” she tells him, “… calm down.”

  Drake winks toward David as Amber is trying to anchor him down. But, Drake continues, “And I ain’t moving out anytime soon.”

  David’s legs violently thrust up from the chair. He’s standing nearly over the fire, raising a deep guttural rumble, “I don’t know who in the hell you think you are…” pointing a finger like a sword over the fire, “but I know you two a
ren’t sleeping together. She’s a virgin and you’re a liar.”

  Drake presses to his feet. He places his plate down, preparing to leave. “I see my invitation’s expired. I told her you wouldn’t understand, but she asked me to be here. She practically begged me.” He takes a striding step sideways and axles back one last time toward David, and continues, “I don’t know what she’s told you, but what she whispers in my ear before we go to bed is nothing a virgin ever says.”

  Drake turns with his head held high. Obviously proud of his last statement. Obviously proud and with his first step still in the air, his first step never quite lands, as a two hundred-fifty-five-pound former lineman yanks Drake’s neck backward. David is fuming over him. A forceful jolt presses Drake’s face toward kissing sandy rock of the stone porch and not appearing to let up anytime soon. Chairs recently occupied, sit empty or pushed back by startled party guests trying to clear any trouble. David yanks Drake up from the ground only to slam him against the bricks lining the patio again. He throws several blows having no regard toward damage of where he strikes. Just as long as he strikes. David has no hand pain with his fury beaming through. He has never been so outraged or challenged by anyone. Drake is whipped around swiftly like a bloodied puppet. He tries running… but David locks him in place beneath swelling biceps. Drake is locked in a neck hold as David is throwing punches upward with only Drake’s face stopping a thundering fist.

  Several men press against David. Yelling at him to stop. Neil shouts, “David! This is house, man. Stop,” pushing through a distressed line of men. The force of the crowd presses a heavy lean over David’s arm. And David loses his footing. He cascades down toward a bloody splotched trail, catching Drake’s arm in a backward position.


  Everyone heard it.

  The screams of the crowd shift toward horror. The huddle rotates back, leaving where the sound came from lying on the patio. David stands slowly to his feet. He takes one look down. His pulse elevated but paralyzed. Paralyzed because he knows the sound didn’t come from him. The sound came from under him. Where he had landed. And where he is looking now.


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