Call of the Lycan Trilogy Bundle

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Call of the Lycan Trilogy Bundle Page 5

by Pillow Michelle M.

“Mermaids,” Roark broke in, grinning.

  James sighed, continuing, “Mermaids and witches and wanting to die in the sea. Now my guess is she’s escaped from an asylum and is suicidal.”

  “Ah, they don’t call them asylums anymore,” Roark offered, smiling angelically even though they all knew he was just trying to annoy James. It worked.

  “I don’t care what they call them. Political correctness is a bunch of crap. It’s ruining our language and—”

  “Here he goes again,” Ian muttered to Roark. “And he calls her the crazy one.”

  “Fine, you asked for it. I’ll be blunt.” Placing his palms flat on the table, James said carefully, “If you take her as your bride and she’s crazy, the O’Connell clan will not follow you. They will ridicule you as a weak future king. As much as I loathe her, Meghan would make a better choice.”

  Ian frowned. James often spoke with a level head when it came to matters of the clan. Sometimes he thought that James should’ve been in line to be king, not he. But his father once told him that James was too serious and didn’t have enough heart.

  Regardless, James was smart and he knew what to say to make Ian listen. The opinion of his people would persuade him. Not because he felt the need to be liked personally, but because unrest in the clan would lead to trouble and disharmony. It was hard enough keeping men ruled by the wolf in line without giving them an excuse to fight.

  “James, enough, put us out of our misery already. It’s too early for sermons. I only said that to aggravate you,” Ian lied. “And to wake your asses up to help me.”

  “Are you sure? Your mark on her was strong,” James insisted.

  “I was drunk.” Ian stood and crossed to the fridge. Roark whistled holding up his can. Grabbing a beer, Ian tossed it behind him in his youngest brother’s direction. Roark caught it and popped the top in one fluid motion. “And horny.”

  “So you just fucked her?” James asked.

  Ian closed his eyes, not letting his brothers see his expression as he hid his face behind the refrigerator door. “Fucked her” seemed so crass, but that is what he’d done, wasn’t it? He’d taken her in shifted form and he’d taken her hard. As he thought of fucking her, a hard surge of desire came over him again. He’d already masturbated once in the shower to the thought of her. Taking a bottle of juice, he shut the door and pushed back his damp hair, feeling a little bit of the sand from the beach in the locks. He must have missed it when he’d been busy pleasuring himself in the shower.

  “Well?” James said.

  “Yeah,” Ian growled. “I told you as much, now quit looking for details like a gossiping woman. When the time comes to marry, I’ll make sure she’s a sweet little rosebud with no problems and the makings of a queen.”

  “Oh, that should take you only forever,” Roark mumbled.

  “Roark, this one believes in mermaids,” James said. “Mermaids! They just can’t exist. With as long as we’ve been here, you know we would’ve seen one by now.”

  “I thought I saw Bigfoot once,” Roark offered James. “Turned out just to be your hairy ass running in the forest.”

  Ian gave Roark a high five. James frowned.

  “This is serious,” James insisted.

  “Everything with you is,” Roark said. Ian kept his mouth shut. Roark was only saying what he, himself, was thinking. “You don’t believe in mermaids because you’ve never seen them. The humans don’t believe in us because they’ve never seen us. Are you saying that we aren’t real?”

  “For the love of dick! Did you just have a logical thought?” James exclaimed.

  Ian laughed. “For the love of dick?”

  “Is there something you’d like to tell us?” Roark asked.

  James grinned. “You like that? I read it in a book where the author coined the phrase. I think it’s going to catch on.”

  “With women, maybe,” Ian said. “I don’t know if you should be repeating it in front of the guys.”

  “What books are you reading?” Roark chuckled, raising his brows and giving his brother a strange look.

  “Pisces Phenomenon by Mandy M. Roth—wait, did you hear that?” James stood, his head tilted to the side.

  Instantly Ian was to his feet, running out of the kitchen only to sprint up the stairs to his bedroom. Sounds of a struggle became louder the closer he got to his door. Ceana screamed, a high-pitched, bloodcurdling sound of terror.

  “Ceana!” Ian yelled, kicking open his door. Claws grew from the tips of his fingers and his fangs lengthened. He was ready to fight. His eyes darted to the bed and he stopped cold. “Meghan? What are you doing here?”

  “I came to apologize for last night, but you didn’t answer your door when I knocked and then I heard a scream…” Meghan stood next to Ceana, who was still out of it, thrashing and moaning in her nightmarish sleep about being turned into a mermaid.

  Ian went to her and laid a hand on her head. Instantly, she stopped moving and settled once more.

  “Meghan?” James and Roark repeated at the same time from the door.

  “Shh, let’s get out of here,” Ian ordered. He stroked back Ceana’s hair gently only to stop as he felt Meghan’s eyes burning into him. Glancing at her, he watched her quickly hide her jealousy with a vacant smile. “She needs sleep.”

  Striding out of the room, he didn’t wait to see if Meghan followed.

  Wonderful! Just grand! Meghan’s anger and jealousy is the last thing I need to deal with right now. The woman will probably spread the news of Ceana’s ramblings to the whole clan by nightfall.

  And no doubt she’ll expand upon it as well, James’ voice invaded.

  Ian sighed. He’d forgotten to guard the thoughts from his brothers. Kicking James out of his head, he led the way down the stairs, making sure Meghan followed them. She did, but a pout was on her full lips and she didn’t look too pleased.

  “Now’s not a good time, Meghan,” Ian said, just wanting the woman gone.

  “But…” She glanced up the stairs. Then, frowning, she glared at Ian.

  “Ah, well, look at that. I left my beer in the kitchen,” Roark said, grabbing James and hauling him to the other room to give Ian privacy.

  Ian kept his eyes trained on Meghan. “I never promised you anything. In fact, I believe I remember telling you that nothing would come of us. I’ve only been brutally honest with you. If you didn’t listen, that is your own doing. Not mine.”

  “That was fifty years ago!” she exclaimed. “So, what? You’ve just been using me all these years? And now you think you can just toss me aside because you find some little bimbo piece of driftwood in the ocean? You dare to bring her here and fuck her?”

  “This is my house and I’ll fuck whoever I want in it. Don’t pretend to be the victim. You have used my position within the clan to your advantage. I know that you require some of the others to do you favors. I know that you’ve threatened to rip other women’s throats out of their necks if they talked to me again. I’ve tolerated your insolence and your highhandedness because you were my lover. But no more. It’s over, Meghan. I should have stopped you when I first heard the rumors decades ago. You will never be queen. And so help me, if you act in such a way again, I will have you brought up on charges and tried by the whole clan.”

  “How dare you!” she gasped. “You can’t discard me like a piece of trash!”

  “Meghan, please, don’t do this. We had some good times and you’ve enjoyed them as much as I have. Go, find a young lycan with virile blood and settle down.”

  Meghan screeched at the top of her lungs, screaming at him as she stormed for the front door. She flung it open behind her and ran out, cursing him the whole way. Ian took a deep breath.

  “That went well,” Roark said from the doorway.

  Ian turned, both brothers were standing there, obviously having listened.

  “She’s not done,” James warned.

  “Yes, she is,” Ian assured him.


  This time the scream was from Ceana upstairs. Ian growled, angry at Meghan for her tirade. It only woke Ceana up. He ran back up the stairs, motioning his brothers to stay back.

  * * * * *

  Ceana took several deep breaths as she sat on the bed. She ached all over, her chest was sore and her throat scratchy. She was alive and was very much human. Could it be the curse was over?

  Closing her eyes, she remembered with renewed clarity the witch’s curse. As with all curses, there was always a way to end them. Urbana had thought of that though, and put her own ending on it—a most impossible one. Or so Ceana thought.

  By the formidable power of the Cancerian Crab, I condemn you… The sea will be your home and the full moon your only respite.

  The first part was simple. The sea had been her home and she’d been forced to land for her “respite” each full moon for centuries. In fact, there were a few times when she had to hold on to boats when crossing too much territory in the ocean, or even hide out on their decks, huddled in a corner and praying the men didn’t see her. A naked woman in the middle of nowhere would have been a tempting treat for pirates.

  But the second part?

  Only one can break this curse. One so rare you should never find him. You must find the love from one of land, born under the sign of Cancer, born of the night, ruled by the moon. Only he can break this spell. Only his pure love can set you free.

  Was Ian the one? He was from the land. But that was idiotic really. Like she’d really find love with a fish. And as a wolf man, was he ruled by the moon? Born of the night? Was he born under the Cancer sign?

  Did he love her? Pure love?

  Ceana took a deep breath, the thoughts whirling in her head. They became overbearing. And then, calmness.

  Ian opened the door seconds after the feelings overwhelmed her.

  “When were you born?” she asked him.

  He closed the door and stepped toward the bed. His eyes darted down and Ceana realized she was naked. She was so used to being so that she didn’t really think about it. Pulling the covers up to get his hot gaze off her breasts, she repeated, “When were you born?”

  “It is you, isn’t it? But how?” He stepped closer. “Did you get pulled through some time portal? Are you reborn? I don’t understand. You should be dead.”

  “You know about me?” she gasped. “No, it’s the curse. I’ve been in the ocean, waiting for you. It is you, isn’t it? The one to break the curse? When were you born?”

  “You don’t really remember, do you?” he asked, looking sad. “I was drawn to the water and almost drowned, you saved my life.”

  “It happened yesterday,” she said, feeling like they were having two different conversations, neither of them getting the answers they sought.

  “No, yesterday was the second time. It happened long ago, centuries in fact. I looked for you but you disappeared.”

  Ceana frowned. If they’d crossed paths before then why was the curse ending now. Did he love her now and not then?

  “I nearly went mad looking for you,” Ian continued.

  She shook her head. “I rescued many over the centuries, almost every full moon. The call you felt to the ocean is the call they all feel. You cannot be him. You don’t love me, do you? But, I don’t understand. How is the curse broken? If you don’t truly love me then how did it end? Tell me, please, when were you born? What sign?”

  “Cancer,” he answered. “I was born a Cancer.”

  “And of the night?” she asked. “Being wolf, would you say you are of the night? Born of the moon?”

  “The full moon controls me—”

  “And the night?” Ceana rushed, excited.

  “Yes, you could say that.”

  “Then you are the one. You freed me from my curse. It has to be you. Otherwise how…?” She looked at her hands. “I was a mermaid. I was trapped in the water. The witch cursed me and she said only one could free me. You’re him, Ian. You freed me.”

  “I don’t know about that,” he said, looking uncomfortable by her words.

  “You do believe me, don’t you, Ian?” A loud rumbling gurgled in her stomach and she looked down, startled by the sound.

  He frowned. “You’re getting worked up. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and fed. You’ve had a rough morning.”

  Ceana smiled at him, remembering the night. “We had a wonderful night, though, didn’t we?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yes, it was fun.”

  Fun? Sex like that and all he could say was fun?

  Coming off the bed, she stood naked before him. His eyes drifted down over her naked body, to the thatch of curls guarding her pussy. A low sound came from the back of his throat as he tore his gaze away. Turning toward a tall piece of furniture, he pulled open a door. Grabbing a shirt from within, he handed it back to her without looking. Ceana frowned and took it. She held it on her upturned hand, keeping it neatly folded.

  “You need a shower,” he said. “Come on.”

  Ceana followed him, carrying the shirt as he led her from the room. Curious, she looked all around. She didn’t remember houses looking like this, with smooth walls and odd colors. His room had been light, but the hall had blue trim at the ceiling.

  “Do all houses look like this nowadays?” she asked.


  There was something in his flat tone that kept her from asking any more. The floors changed from wood to stone as he brought her to a smaller room. Sitting on a white chair, she stiffened and jumped up.

  “It’s cold!”

  He frowned, looking where she pointed. Sounding confused, he said, “It’s a toilet.”

  “The toilet is a cold chair,” she told him, nodding.

  “Ah, I’ll explain it to you later,” he said. Turning to an even smaller room with wavy clear walls, he reached in. Suddenly, water squirted out of the top of it. Ceana screamed, grabbing her arms and looking down at her legs. The shirt dropped to the floor.

  “Holy Balls! What?”

  “Ah.” Ceana looked helplessly at the shower.

  “It’s just water. Get in. Soap’s here,” he paused, lifting a green container before pointing. “There’s shampoo, conditioner and over here are fresh towels. Yell if you need anything, I’ll wait outside. And make sure you shut the door so it doesn’t leak through the ceiling downstairs.”

  Ian hurried and left. She tilted her head, staring after him. He was walking stiffly. Was he aroused? It was too hard to tell.

  Ceana slowly crept to the water. She stuck her shaking hand in to see if a fin would grow. When it didn’t, she braved the second hand.

  “Everything all right in there?” Ian called.

  “Ah, yes!” Stepping inside, she closed the door behind her. She stood tense for several moments. The warm water felt good but it took her a moment to relax. When the fresh water splashed into her mouth and she didn’t get gills, she finally moved to take the soap. Luckily, the whole speaking the local language thing was also applicable to reading and she was able to understand the directions on what to do with the stuff.

  Chapter Six

  After her shower, Ceana grabbed the towel Ian indicated she was to use and dried off. Placing the towel on the rack, she was startled to see movement out of the corner of her eye. It took a second to register, but the movement was her reflection. Staring at herself in fascination, she touched the image. Her skin was pale and she looked as young as the day the curse started. Tears glistened in her eyes—they were the same eyes her brother had. She wondered what had happened to him. Did he marry? Have kids? Lead a happy life?

  It was so long ago, there was surely no way of knowing. Touching her hair, she picked up a long piece. It was messy and smelled strange, almost herbal, from the rinses Ian gave her to use. Ceana dropped the lock and turned to go. Detecting a strange scar on her neck, she stopped and leaned forward. She touched it and realized it wasn’t a scar. It was the trace of a gill. Panicked, she looked at her arms. Two thin lines had
appeared where the fins would come out.

  Biting her lip, she shook her head and whispered, “No.”

  “No, what?” Ian called from the other side of the door.

  Frowning, she whispered really softly. “Can you hear me?”

  “Well, of course I can hear you.” He sounded irritated with her.

  “I’m done,” Ceana said. She opened the bathroom door and stepped out, completely naked.

  “I’ve got food downstairs ready for you if you’re…” Ian glanced up from where he sat on the floor. His back was against the wall and his voice stopped the moment his gaze landed on her breasts. “Ah.”

  “Mmm, thank you.” Ceana stepped over his legs and walked down the stairs.

  “Oh, a-ah,” Ian stuttered. She heard him standing up as she went down. “No, stop!”

  She paused, turning to him.

  “You’re…” he paused and motioned at her.

  Ceana glanced down. Oh, she was naked again. Giving him a sheepish smile, she shrugged, “I forget, it’s been awhile since I’ve had clothes. I don’t own any.”

  “Hey, Ian, is this hot sauce brand any good? I want to put it into James’ coffee before he comes bac—k me into a wall and call me big daddy! Helllo, darling.”

  Ceana smiled at the man at the bottom of the stairs as he let loose a low whistle. “Hello. Are you related to Ian? You look like him.”

  “Roark!” Ian bellowed, stomping down the stairs. He grabbed her arm and jerked her behind his back, blocking her from view. “Get out of this house now.”

  “I might look like him on the outside, but downstairs I’m much bigger,” Roark assured her, winking impudently.

  Ceana giggled.

  “Roark! Now!” Ian bellowed. Roark, whistling once more, sauntered out of sight. Only when a loud thud sounded did Ian turn around to look at her. His eyes were golden and his fangs had lengthened in his mouth. Growling, he took an aggressive step up, forcing her to walk back as he moved forward.

  “He seems friendly,” Ceana offered weakly. “Are you close?”

  “Not so close as to share,” Ian answered. The beast was even in his gravelly voice.


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